14 Signs You’re Giving Too Much of Yourself: How to Overcome It (in Relationships and Work)

When giving too much of yourself
When giving too much of yourself
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We’ve all been there – bending over backward to help a friend, relative, or colleague, only to realize we’re giving too much of ourselves.

In this article, we’ll explore 14 signs that you might be overextending yourself and offer tips on how to overcome this tendency in relationships and at work.

Plus, we’ll provide five example situations of people giving too much of themselves.

1. Constantly Putting Others’ Needs Before Your Own

One of the primary signs of giving too much of yourself is consistently prioritizing other people’s needs over your own.

This can lead to burnout and resentment, as you sacrifice your own well-being for the sake of others.

Overcoming Tip: Practice self-awareness and prioritize your own needs.

It’s important to strike a balance between helping others and taking care of yourself.

2. Feeling Guilty When You Say No

If you find yourself feeling guilty when you say no to someone, this is a sign that you might be giving too much of yourself.

This is especially true if you’re saying yes to things even when you know they’ll negatively impact your mental health or personal boundaries.

Overcoming Tip: Remind yourself that it’s okay to say no and set boundaries.

Saying no doesn’t make you a bad person – it makes you a healthy, balanced individual.

You can’t always be the giver in life; sometimes, you have to accept help from others.” – Adele Alligood

3. Overextending Yourself Physically and Emotionally

If you’re constantly exhausted and emotionally drained, it’s a sign that you’re giving too much of yourself.

Overextending yourself can lead to physical health issues and negatively impact your mental health.

Overcoming Tip: Be mindful of your limits and don’t be afraid to take breaks and step back when needed.

Remember, it’s not selfish to take care of yourself.

4. Struggling with Codependent Relationships

If you find yourself in codependent relationships where you’re constantly giving without receiving, this is a sign that you’re giving too much of yourself.

Overcoming Tip: Seek the help of a relationship expert or coach to help you establish healthy boundaries and foster balanced relationships.

5. Attracting Needy or Manipulative People

If you consistently attract needy or manipulative people, it might be because you’re giving too much of yourself and not setting proper boundaries.

Overcoming Tip: Recognize the patterns that attract the wrong people into your life and work on establishing healthy boundaries to protect yourself.

6. Neglecting Your Own Goals and Dreams

If you’re constantly putting other people’s goals and dreams ahead of your own, it’s a sign that you’re giving too much of yourself.

Overcoming Tip: Make your own goals and dreams a priority.

It’s important to find a balance between helping others and pursuing your own passions.

7. Feeling Resentful Towards Others

Resentment is a common sign that you’re giving too much of yourself.

If you’re feeling resentful towards others for not reciprocating your generosity, it’s time to reevaluate your boundaries.

Overcoming Tip: Be honest with yourself about your feelings and communicate your needs and boundaries with others.

8. Avoiding Difficult Conversations

If you find yourself avoiding difficult conversations to keep the peace, you might be giving too much of yourself and not standing up for your own needs.

Overcoming Tip: Practice having direct conversations with others, even if it’s uncomfortable.

It’s important to express your needs and boundaries openly.

The only way to truly love someone is by setting boundaries and allowing each other to grow at their own pace. – Anonymous

9. Losing Your Sense of Self

If you feel like you’re losing your sense of self because you’re constantly giving too much of yourself, it’s crucial to take a step back and reevaluate your boundaries.

Overcoming Tip: Spend time reconnecting with yourself and your values.

Reflect on what truly matters to you and prioritize those aspects of your life.

10. Ignoring Negative Feelings

If you’re ignoring negative feelings to maintain harmony in your relationships, it’s a sign that you might be giving too much of yourself.

Overcoming Tip: Acknowledge and address your negative feelings.

It’s crucial to prioritize your own emotional well-being.

11. Struggling with Low Self-Worth

Constantly giving too much of yourself can lead to low self-worth, as you may feel like you’re not deserving of the same care and attention you give to others.

Overcoming Tip: Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that you’re worthy of love and care, just like anyone else.

12. Overlooking Personal Power

If you find yourself constantly giving too much of yourself, you might be overlooking your own personal power and autonomy.

Overcoming Tip: Recognize your own strengths and take back control of your life.

Embrace your personal power and make choices that align with your values and needs.

13. Experiencing Physical Health Issues

Giving too much of yourself can lead to physical health issues, such as fatigue, stress, and even illness.

Overcoming Tip: Prioritize self-care and listen to your body’s needs. Make time for rest, exercise, and proper nutrition.

14. Engaging in Unhealthy Helping

If you’re constantly helping others at the expense of your own well-being, you might be engaging in unhealthy helping.

Overcoming Tip: Recognize the difference between healthy and unhealthy helping and strive to establish a balance between the two.

Some Examples of People Giving Too Much of Themselves

  • A parent who constantly sacrifices their own needs and hobbies to cater to their children’s every whim, leading to burnout and resentment.
  • A friend who provides endless emotional support without ever asking for help in return, resulting in feelings of being taken for granted.
  • An employee who works long hours and takes on extra tasks to please their boss, only to experience burnout and a lack of appreciation.
  • A partner who always compromises in a relationship to avoid conflict, ultimately feeling unheard and unappreciated.
  • A volunteer who dedicates all their free time to a cause, neglecting their own self-care and personal relationships.


Remember, giving too much of yourself can be detrimental to your mental and physical health.

By recognizing the signs and implementing the tips provided, you can create healthier relationships and a more balanced life.

So, practice prioritizing your own needs, setting healthy boundaries, and embracing your personal power.

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