Relationship coach shares: men will crave you if you follow these 8 practical nuggets

Man craving a woman
Man craving a woman

Keeping a man’s attention can be tricky. But it seems like Nath Christensen, a top relationship coach at RelationshipHero, has it all figured out. With her years of experience and countless success stories, she knows exactly what makes men tick.

In today’s article, I’ll share eight practical tips from Nath that will make any man crave you. These tips are not your usual advice; actually, some of them are totally unique and offer a pretty fresh perspectives. Let’s dive in!

And, if you’re curious about the art of attracting the right man into your life, be sure to also check out the article we dedicated to how to get a man to chase you.

1. The Admiration Hack

Nath insists that showing genuine admiration is essential in a romantic relationship. Men, like everyone else, want to feel appreciated for their efforts. Whether he fixes a leaky faucet or surprises you with your favorite snack, let him know you notice. Compliments go a long way in reinforcing his value and making him feel special. If you’re wondering how to make a man crave you, genuine admiration is a great starting point.

As William James said,

“The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.”

Nath echoes this sentiment, saying, “When you genuinely appreciate a man, it reinforces his value and encourages him to invest more emotionally in the relationship.”

Picture this: your partner fixes something at home. Instead of just saying thanks, tell him how impressed you are with his handy skills. It’s not just about saying thank you but about being specific and heartfelt.

For instance, I remember once my partner took the time to plan a small surprise picnic after a long week. I made sure to tell him not just that I appreciated it, but how thoughtful and caring I found his effort. It made him beam with pride and definitely brought us closer.

Sometimes, in long-term relationships, we forget how much these small gestures mean. When you acknowledge his efforts, it eases any nervous wrecks and shows that he is a priority in your life. Remember, the woman head of the relationship often sets the tone for appreciation and gratitude.

Tip: Make your appreciation specific. Instead of a simple thank you, say, “I love how you always know how to fix things around the house. It makes me feel secure.”

2. Keep Him Guessing

Keeping the mystery alive isn’t about playing hard to get; it’s about being intriguing. Share your passions and interests gradually. Plan unexpected dates or spontaneous activities to keep things exciting. If you’re looking to make a man crave you, this element of surprise is crucial.

Nath explains, “Men are drawn to mystery because it creates excitement and keeps the relationship dynamic.” Instead of planning a typical dinner date, surprise him with a spontaneous trip to a local art exhibit or a new hiking trail. This keeps the relationship fresh and engaging.

I can totally relate to this. Once, instead of our usual dinner plans, I took my partner on a surprise night hike. The unexpected twist not only excited him but also gave us a memorable experience to look back on.

These spontaneous adventures become part of your shared life story, making both of you happy and keeping the relationship dynamic even during challenging times. Being a happy woman who can inject excitement into everyday life strengthens the bond and keeps the romance alive.

Tip: Occasionally, plan something unconventional like a surprise picnic with all his favorite foods.

3. Adventure Awaits

Creating shared experiences strengthens your bond. Activities that both enjoy build lasting memories and foster teamwork. Whether it’s hiking, cooking, or attending a concert, find common ground and enjoy these moments together.

Nath advises, “Shared experiences foster deeper connections by building a treasure trove of mutual memories.” If you want to make a man crave you, planning a weekend getaway where you both can explore new places and try new activities together can be incredibly bonding.

For instance, during our “dating season,” my partner and I once decided to take a cooking class together. Not only did we learn something new, but we also had a blast and created lasting memories. These shared adventures not only bring joy in the moment but also give you both something to reminisce about, further solidifying your connection.

Tip: Plan at least one shared activity every month to keep the bond fresh and exciting.

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4. How to Truly Hear Him

Practicing active listening is essential in any relationship. Show genuine interest in his life by asking meaningful questions. Instead of just asking how his day was, delve deeper with questions like, “What was the highlight of your day?” This kind of engagement encourages men to share their dreams and fears, not just daily routines.

Nath explains, “Being a good listener creates a safe space for emotional intimacy.” When you listen actively, you build a deeper connection. For example, when my partner shares his day, I ask about his challenges and successes, making him feel valued and understood.

One evening, I remember asking my partner about his aspirations for the next five years. His eyes lit up as he shared his dreams and plans, which not only deepened our conversation but also our connection. This approach fosters a sense of being truly heard and appreciated, which is vital for emotional intimacy.

Tip: Respond to his stories with empathy and follow-up questions to show you’re truly engaged.

5. Why Your Own Life Matters

follow your hobby to make him crave you

Having your own interests and hobbies shows confidence and makes you more attractive. Men find independent women appealing because it demonstrates self-assuredness. Nath notes, “Independence is attractive because it shows confidence and self-assuredness, making you more appealing.”

Continue to enjoy activities you loved before the relationship, such as a book club or fitness classes. Pursuing your own interests not only makes you happier but also gives you interesting stories to share.

For instance, I remember when I joined a painting class and started sharing my new hobby with my partner. It sparked new conversations and brought a fresh dynamic to our relationship. Independence helps maintain your identity and ensures you do not become overly reliant on your partner for happiness. This balance is crucial for a healthy relationship.

Tip: Spend time pursuing personal hobbies that make you happy, which also gives you interesting stories to share.

6. Vulnerability Wins

Opening up about your true feelings fosters intimacy. Sharing fears and aspirations helps build trust and emotional closeness. Nath says, “Vulnerability builds trust and intimacy. It allows both partners to connect on a deeper level.” If you want to make a man crave you, be honest about your emotions and experiences.

One evening, I opened up to my partner about a personal fear. It was scary, but it brought us closer. He appreciated my honesty and reciprocated by sharing his own fears. This deepened our bond and made us feel more connected.

By being vulnerable, you show your partner that you trust them with your innermost thoughts and feelings. This mutual exchange of vulnerability strengthens the relationship and builds a foundation of trust and empathy.

Tip: Find moments where you can genuinely share your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.

7. How Absence Makes Him Miss You

Balancing quality time together with periods of personal space is crucial in any relationship. Spending too much time together can lead to feelings of suffocation, while too little can cause a sense of neglect.

She emphasizes, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Giving space ensures you both appreciate the time spent together.” This balance helps maintain a healthy relationship dynamic, allowing both partners to grow individually while also cherishing their time as a couple.

Consider spending weekends apart to engage in personal hobbies. This doesn’t mean you are avoiding each other; instead, it’s about nurturing your interests and coming back with fresh experiences to share.

For instance, I remember a time when my partner and I decided to pursue our own interests on alternate weekends. I took up painting, and he went hiking. When we reunited, we had so much more to talk about and appreciated our time together even more. This approach kept our relationship exciting and allowed us to maintain our individual identities.

Maintaining a balance between togetherness and personal space helps prevent the relationship from becoming stagnant. It fosters mutual respect and understanding, and it allows each person to grow independently.

Tip: Encourage personal space by supporting his hobbies and interests outside the relationship.

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8. Transform Yourself, Transform Your Relationship

Cultivating self-confidence is key to making a man crave your presence. Confidence is a magnetic quality that naturally attracts others. Nath explains, “Confidence is magnetic. When you believe in your worth, others are naturally drawn to you.”

Working on personal growth and self-improvement not only enhances your self-esteem but also makes you more appealing to your partner.

Set personal goals like learning a new skill or achieving a fitness milestone. These goals not only make you feel accomplished but also add an exciting dimension to your personality. I remember setting a goal to run a half marathon. The training was tough, but the sense of achievement was incredible.

My partner admired my dedication and felt inspired by my commitment to personal growth. This not only boosted my confidence but also brought us closer as he supported me through my journey.

Confidence and self-assuredness are attractive traits that draw people in. When you invest in yourself, you project a positive outlook and a sense of self-worth that is irresistible.

Tip: Celebrate your achievements and share your progress with your partner to keep the relationship vibrant and inspiring.


Let’s recap: by showing genuine admiration, keeping the mystery alive, creating shared adventures, mastering active listening, maintaining independence, embracing vulnerability, balancing attention with space, and adopting an empowered mindset, you can transform your relationship.

These tips are key on how to make a man crave you. They will enhance emotional intimacy, trust, and mutual respect, making your partner crave your presence.

Give these strategies a try and see the positive changes in your relationship. I’d love to hear your stories, so share your experiences and don’t hesitate to reach out to Nath and her team at RelationshipHero for personalized coaching. Your love story is just getting started!

I’d love to hear your stories, so share your experiences and don’t hesitate to reach out to Nath and her team for personalized coaching. Your love story is just getting started!

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  1. The notion of cultivating self-confidence as a beacon of attraction is profoundly true. It’s fascinating how our inner belief systems can radiate outwardly, attracting akin spirits. It’s not just about romantic relationships but also how we engage with the world at large. Confidence indeed is the light that draws moths, a constant beacon in the ceaseless night.

  2. this whole ‘transform yourself’ thing doesnt sit right with me, like why change for someone else? shouldn’t they like you for you, not some pumped up version of yourself?

    1. I get where you’re coming from Mark, but I think it’s more about growing as a person for yourself, not changing for anyone else. That growth can actually make relationships better.

  3. im kinda on the fence about that part where you gotta keep doing new things to keep him interested like whats wrong with just chilling and watching netflix does everything have to be an adventure

  4. Absolutely adore the part on vulnerability, Claire! It’s so true that being open and honest brings you closer. Tried it and it’s like magic. 🙂 Helps so much.

  5. lol, keep him guessing sounds like my ex. thought she was a spy or something, always disappearing. guess it works if ur into that mystery vibe.

  6. hey Claire Delli Santi, i was wonderin about that part where u said adventures together, do you think something like a cooking class would count? my guy’s not much into hiking or outdoor stuff lol.

    1. Cooking classes sound cool. Anything that gets you guys bonding and trying new things together, I’d say.

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