Your August 2024 tarotscope: what the stars and tarot say about love, wealth and destiny

Your August tarotscope: what the stars and tarot say about love, wealth and destiny

By looking at our tarotscope, August 2024 is a month of cosmic intensity and transformative energies. How will the stars and cards align for you in this month?

A tarotscope blends astrology and cards to provide a monthly forecast for each zodiac sign.

It offers insights into love, relationships, finances, and life paths based on tarot cards and planetary movements.

August 2024’s unique planetary alignments promise significant changes and opportunities.

This month, we’ll explore how these cosmic forces and two tarot cards for each sign will shape your journey.

Get ready to discover your path and unlock your potential.


Planetary Influences in August 2024

According to our tarotscope, August 2024 unfolds under the influence of several pivotal planetary transits, setting the stage for a month of significant transformations.

Mars enters Virgo early in the month, honing our focus on precision and diligent work.

The new moon in Leo on the 11th ignites our drive for creativity and self-expression, marking an excellent time for initiating new ventures.

Mercury’s retrograde in Virgo from the 23rd urges careful communication, particularly in technical and practical matters.

Jupiter’s ongoing retrograde in Taurus calls for introspection about our paths to abundance and personal development, while Venus in Cancer deepens our emotional connections and nurtures our relationships.

These celestial movements profoundly impact our daily lives, enhancing our interactions with the tarotscope and offering us tools for success through deeper cosmic insights.

Aries sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Cards: The Emperor and The Lovers

Love Life and Relationships

The Emperor symbolizes stability and control, suggesting a time to take charge of your romantic life.

The Lovers card indicates significant romantic choices or deepening bonds with a partner.

This combination encourages you to establish a strong foundation in relationships, balancing authority with affection.

Whether single or attached, it’s a period for clear, decisive actions that foster lasting connections.


The Emperor also highlights leadership and structure in your financial matters.

This month, you’ll benefit from a strategic approach to your money.

Setting clear financial goals and sticking to a budget will yield positive results.

The Lovers card suggests that financial decisions may involve partnerships or joint ventures.

Collaboration can lead to prosperous outcomes, so seek trusted allies to support your financial endeavors.

Life Path

Balancing power and intimacy is key for you in August, tarotscope says.

The Emperor’s energy pushes you to assert your personal power and take control of your destiny.

Meanwhile, The Lovers remind you to maintain harmony in your relationships and personal life.

This month, strive to integrate your ambitions with your emotional needs.

By doing so, you’ll create a balanced and fulfilling path forward.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Tarot Cards: The Hierophant and Ten of Pentacles

Love Life and Relationships

The Hierophant represents tradition and stability, suggesting that this month you will be drawn to deepening your commitment within established relationships.

The Ten of Pentacles points to long-term commitments and family ties.

This combination indicates a period where traditional values and family bonds are highlighted.

You might consider formalizing relationships, such as engagements or marriages.

For singles, seeking a partner who shares your values and vision for the future will bring harmony and satisfaction in your love life.

Related: Astrology pro shares the 3 best zodiac signs to marry (and which to beware of)


Wealth and family legacy are prominent themes with The Hierophant and Ten of Pentacles.

This August tarotscope says, your financial focus should be on building and preserving wealth through traditional and reliable means.

Investments in family businesses, real estate, or long-term savings plans are favored.

The Ten of Pentacles also suggests that family support or inheritance might play a role in your financial stability.

This is a great time to focus on material progress and securing a prosperous future that benefits not only you but also your loved ones.

Life Path

Following conventional paths to success is emphasized by The Hierophant.

Embrace traditional methods and respect the wisdom that comes from established practices.

The Ten of Pentacles reinforces this, indicating that your long-term success is intertwined with stability and family values.

Use this period to reflect on your roots and build a solid foundation for the future.

Your journey this month is about creating a lasting legacy and finding hidden treasures in the traditions you hold dear.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Tarot Cards: The Magician and Three of Swords

Love Life and Relationships

Communication and healing heartbreak are central themes for you this month.

The Magician signifies your ability to use charm and intellect to navigate romantic relationships, while the Three of Swords points to emotional pain that needs addressing.

This combination suggests that open, honest communication is key to overcoming past hurts.

Use your natural versatility to mend relationships and foster deeper connections.

Whether single or attached, facing emotional wounds head-on will lead to personal development and stronger bonds.


Using skills to overcome setbacks is the lesson from The Magician and Three of Swords.

The Magician’s resourcefulness helps you find innovative solutions to financial challenges.

The Three of Swords, though indicative of difficulties, also offers a path to healing and growth.

Embrace resilience and adaptability to navigate any financial turbulence.

This period calls for strategic thinking and leveraging your diverse talents to turn setbacks into opportunities for material progress and success.

Life Path

Embracing versatility and resilience is crucial this August for our tarotscope.

The Magician encourages you to harness your multifaceted nature and adapt to changing circumstances.

The Three of Swords, while symbolizing heartbreak, teaches resilience and the ability to bounce back from adversity.

Your journey involves learning from past experiences and using them to build character and strength.

By staying adaptable and resilient, you can navigate life’s ups and downs with grace, turning challenges into stepping stones on your path to success.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Tarot Cards: The Chariot and Queen of Cups

Love Life and Relationships

Emotional control and nurturing are your guiding themes this month.

The Chariot represents determination and the drive to take charge of your love life, while the Queen of Cups brings a compassionate and nurturing energy.

This combination suggests a need to balance assertiveness with sensitivity.

Show your loved ones that you care through both actions and emotional support.

Whether single or in a relationship, creating a peaceful union by combining strength with empathy will lead to a harmonious and loving environment.


Determination and intuition guide your financial decisions.

The Chariot’s focused energy helps you achieve your financial goals through determination and clear planning.

The Queen of Cups adds a layer of intuition, encouraging you to trust your gut feelings in financial matters.

This combination suggests that blending strategic planning with emotional intelligence will lead to financial abundance.

Use your intuitive insights to make wise investments and manage your resources effectively.

Related: Who’s cashing in? 5 astrological signs most likely to strike it rich this year (Is yours the richest zodiac sign?)

Life Path

Combining drive with compassion is your key theme.

The Chariot pushes you to pursue your goals relentlessly, while the Queen of Cups reminds you to stay connected to your emotional core.

This balance ensures that you move forward with both strength and sensitivity.

Embrace your nurturing side while maintaining focus on your objectives.

This approach will lead to personal growth and a fulfilling path, aligning your actions with both your ambitions and your heart’s desires.

Leo sign

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Tarot Cards: Strength and Six of Wands

Love Life and Relationships

This August, Leo, your love life is all about courage and recognition, tarotscope. says.

The Strength card encourages you to face relationship challenges with bravery and compassion.

The Six of Wands indicates that your efforts will be recognized and celebrated.

Whether single or in a relationship, your personal development and emotional strength will attract admiration.

Show your partner or potential partners your true self.

Embrace vulnerability and let your inner light shine, leading to a stronger, more fulfilling connection.


Success through perseverance is your financial theme.

The Strength card highlights your resilience and determination to overcome financial obstacles.

The Six of Wands suggests that your hard work will pay off, bringing you public recognition and material progress.

Stay focused on your goals, and don’t let setbacks deter you.

Your perseverance will lead to significant achievements and a positive outlook on your financial future.

Use your creativity and leadership skills to navigate any financial challenges and seize opportunities for success.

Life Path

Harnessing inner power for victory is your path this month.

Strength encourages you to tap into your inner reserves of courage and compassion.

The Six of Wands celebrates your victories and encourages you to continue striving for excellence.

This month, focus on building character and overcoming limiting self-beliefs.

Your journey is about embracing your true potential and leading by example.

Use the powerful forces within you to achieve your goals and inspire others on their path to success.

Virgo sign

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Tarot Cards: The Hermit and Ace of Pentacles

Love Life and Relationships

Solitude and new beginnings define your love life this month.

The Hermit encourages you to take time for introspection and self-discovery.

Use this period to understand your emotional needs and desires.

The Ace of Pentacles suggests that this introspection will lead to new beginnings and opportunities for a wonderful life.

If you’re single, this is a time for self-love and preparing for future relationships.

For those in partnerships, taking time for individual growth will strengthen your bond and bring fresh energy to your connection.


Opportunities through introspection are highlighted for your finances.

The Hermit urges you to look within and evaluate your financial strategies.

The Ace of Pentacles indicates that this introspection will lead to new opportunities for material gain.

This is a productive month for setting new financial goals and starting ventures that align with your personal values.

Trust your insights and take deliberate steps towards financial abundance.

Your careful planning and reflection will pave

the way for significant progress and a successful path to financial security.

Life Path

Personal growth leading to material gain is your journey this August, tarotscope says..

The Hermit guides you to seek inner wisdom and self-understanding.

The Ace of Pentacles brings the promise of new beginnings and tangible rewards from your introspective efforts.

Focus on your personal development and use the lessons learned to create a stable and prosperous future.

This tandem period of introspection and new opportunities will help you uncover hidden treasures within yourself and build a foundation for lasting success.

Related: Top 5 luckiest horoscope signs in love, money and life (are you on the list?)

Libra sign

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Tarot Cards: Justice and Two of Cups

Love Life and Relationships

Balance and partnerships are your focus this month, Libra.

The Justice card emphasizes fairness, truth, and the need for balanced relationships.

The Two of Cups signifies deep connections and harmonious unions.

This month, strive for equality in your relationships, ensuring that both you and your partner’s needs are met.

For singles, seek partnerships that offer mutual respect and understanding.

Your path to a peaceful union involves clear communication and honest interactions, fostering a deeper, more meaningful connection.


Fair dealings and collaborations are key to your financial success.

Justice urges you to approach financial matters with integrity and fairness.

The Two of Cups indicates that collaborations and partnerships will bring positive results.

Work closely with trusted partners to achieve your financial goals.

This is a time for building alliances and seeking cooperative ventures that align with your values.

Your fair and balanced approach will attract opportunities for financial abundance and material progress, leading to a more secure and prosperous future.

Life Path

Seeking harmony and connection defines your journey.

Justice guides you to live in alignment with your principles, ensuring that your actions are fair and just.

The Two of Cups encourages you to build strong connections and seek partnerships that enhance your life.

This month, focus on creating balance in all areas of your life.

Embrace the energy of possibility and work towards harmonious relationships and equitable outcomes.

Your quest for balance and connection will lead to personal growth and a fulfilling, wonderful life.

Scorpio sign

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Tarot Cards: Death and Nine of Cups

Love Life and Relationships

This August tarotscope says transformation and emotional fulfillment are key themes for you, Scorpio.

The Death card signifies profound change and the end of old cycles, while the Nine of Cups represents emotional satisfaction and wishes coming true.

This combination suggests that letting go of past relationships or outdated patterns will lead to new emotional fulfillment.

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, embracing change will open doors to deeper connections and a wonderful life filled with genuine happiness and peace.


Letting go for new satisfaction is highlighted in your financial sphere.

The Death card indicates that you need to release old financial habits or investments that no longer serve you.

The Nine of Cups suggests that this will lead to a satisfying and abundant outcome.

Trust that by letting go of what’s not working, you will create space for new opportunities and financial success.

This period is about building character and finding hidden treasures in unexpected places, leading to material progress and financial abundance.

Life Path

Embracing change for personal joy is your journey this month.

The Death card encourages you to welcome transitions and the end of outdated phases in your life.

The Nine of Cups promises emotional fulfillment and joy once you embrace these changes.

Focus on your personal development and use this time to shed limiting self-beliefs.

By welcoming transformation and staying open to new possibilities, you’ll find a path to success and a more joyful, fulfilling life.

Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Tarot Cards: Temperance and Eight of Wands

Love Life and Relationships

Based on your tarotscope, patience and rapid developments characterize your love life this August, Sagittarius.

Temperance emphasizes balance, moderation, and the need for patience in your relationships.

The Eight of Wands, however, signals swift changes and progress.

This combination suggests that while you should maintain harmony and patience, be prepared for sudden, positive shifts in your romantic life.

This duality will bring a productive month where balance and quick developments lead to deeper connections and personal growth in your love life.


Balance and swift progress are your financial themes.

Temperance advises a balanced approach to your finances, promoting careful planning and steady growth.

The Eight of Wands indicates that swift progress and opportunities will present themselves.

This is a time to combine moderation with action, ensuring that your financial decisions are well-considered yet responsive to sudden opportunities.

Trust your instincts and stay adaptable, as this tandem period of balance and rapid progress will enhance your financial outlook and bring about material progress.

Life Path

Combining moderation with action is your path this month.

Temperance guides you to find balance in all aspects of your life, promoting harmony and self-control.

The Eight of Wands encourages you to act swiftly when opportunities arise.

This month, focus on maintaining a peaceful union between moderation and action.

By balancing these energies, you’ll navigate life’s chapters effectively and make significant strides towards your goals.

Embrace the energy of abundance and possibility to achieve a level of success that requires both patience and swift decision-making.

Capricorn sign

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Tarot Cards: The Devil and King of Pentacles

Love Life and Relationships

Your tarotscope says power dynamics and stability are your themes this August, Capricorn.

The Devil card highlights issues of control and power in your relationships, urging you to address any unhealthy dynamics.

The King of Pentacles brings stability, security, and a focus on long-term commitments.

This combination suggests that by addressing power imbalances and fostering stability, you can build stronger, more secure relationships.

Whether single or partnered, strive for a balanced approach that combines emotional depth with practical stability, enhancing your personal development and relationship satisfaction.


Ambition and financial security are prominent in your financial sphere.

The Devil card warns of potential pitfalls related to overambition or materialism, while the King of Pentacles signifies financial security and mastery over material concerns.

This combination encourages you to harness your ambition responsibly, focusing on sustainable financial growth and security.

Avoid hasty decisions driven by greed or fear.

Instead, build a solid foundation for long-term financial success, using your practical skills and strategic thinking to achieve material progress and a prosperous future.

Life Path

Mastery over material concerns is your journey this month.

The Devil card challenges you to overcome material obsessions and fears, while the King of Pentacles represents achieving mastery and stability in your material life.

Focus on balancing your ambitions with ethical considerations and long-term goals.

This period is about building character and achieving a level of authenticity that reflects true success.

By mastering your material concerns and maintaining a balanced approach, you’ll create a fulfilling and secure life path that aligns with your highest potential.

Aquarius sign

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Tarot Cards: The Star and Seven of Swords

Love Life and Relationships

Hope and strategic thinking are your guiding principles this month, Aquarius.

The Star card brings a sense of optimism and renewal, encouraging you to believe in your dreams and romantic aspirations.

The Seven of Swords, on the other hand, advises you to be strategic and cautious in your relationships.

Whether single or attached, balance your hopeful outlook with careful planning and awareness.

Trust in the energy of possibility and allow your positive outlook to guide you while staying mindful of potential pitfalls.


Inspiration and cleverness define your financial journey, says your August tarotscope.

The Star card offers inspiration and a renewed sense of direction, suggesting that your financial goals are within reach.

The Seven of Swords highlights the need for strategic thinking and clever maneuvering.

This is a time to innovate and think outside the box.

Use your intellectual and creative abilities to navigate financial challenges.

By combining inspiration with strategic planning, you can achieve financial abundance and build a secure future.

Life Path

Navigating dreams with caution is your focus this month.

The Star card encourages you to follow your dreams and remain hopeful about your future.

The Seven of Swords, however, reminds you to be cautious and strategic in your pursuits.

Balance your dreams with practical steps and thoughtful planning.

This tandem period is about aligning your aspirations with a clear, strategic approach.

Embrace the energy of abundance and remain vigilant, ensuring that your path to success is both inspired and well-planned.

Pisces sign

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Tarot Cards: The Moon and Page of Cups

Love Life and Relationships

Mysteries and new emotional experiences are your themes this month, Pisces.

The Moon card signifies hidden truths and the need to trust your intuition in matters of the heart.

The Page of Cups brings fresh, emotional experiences and a youthful, open-hearted approach to relationships.

This combination suggests that by embracing the mysteries and trusting your intuition, you will discover new depths in your romantic life.

Whether single or in a relationship, remain open to new emotional experiences and allow your intuition to guide you.


This August, intuition and creative ventures are highlighted in your financial realm, your tarotscope says.

The Moon card advises you to trust your gut feelings and look beyond the surface in financial matters.

The Page of Cups suggests that new, creative opportunities will arise, allowing you to explore innovative ways to achieve financial success.

This is a productive month for following your creative passions and using your intuition to make financial decisions.

Trust your inner voice and be open to new ventures that align with your creative energies.

Life Path

Following subconscious guides and fresh perspectives is your journey this month.

The Moon card encourages you to delve into your subconscious and trust your inner wisdom.

The Page of Cups brings a fresh, youthful perspective, urging you to approach life with curiosity and an open heart.

This period is about embracing new perspectives and allowing

your subconscious guides to lead you.

By combining intuition with a fresh outlook, you will navigate life’s chapters with a deeper understanding and a renewed sense of purpose.


Based on our tarotscope, August 2024 promises a month of cosmic intensity and transformative energies for all zodiac signs.

Each sign faces unique challenges and opportunities, influenced by planetary movements and tarot insights.

Reflect on your personal tarotscope and embrace the guidance offered.

Let the interplay between the stars and tarot guide your journey.

Share your experiences and insights in the comments.

Remember, the universe and tarot cards work together to illuminate your path, offering wisdom and clarity for your personal growth and success.


July tarotscope: what tarot say for each zodiac sign

What October Tarot Cards Say about Your Future: Love, Money, and Beyond

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  1. Not sure how The Devil and King of Pentacles is supposed to resonate with all Capricorns. Sounds rather stereotypical, don’t you think, Andy? Not every Capricorn is obsessed with material success or plagued by vices.

  2. pisces gang the moon and page of cups sounds so mystical like is this saying we gonna have a magical love life or what cause im here for it

  3. taurus here, i saw the hierophant and ten of pentacles for us, does that mean my financial situation is gonna get better, really need it to lol.

  4. oh great death and nine of cups for scorpio just what i needed to boost my confidence levels to the sky not. Andy Force, got any more uplifting news for us or is this it?

    1. Hey, I think the Death card means new beginnings and the Nine of Cups could signify wishes coming true! It’s not all doom and gloom.

  5. hey andy force I’m an Aries and just readin bout the tarot cards the Emperor and the Lovers for Aug 2024 what does it mean for my love life am i gonna meet someone special or what

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