First-Ever Survey of 81,750 Astrology Lovers Uncovers Surprising 2024 Trends

21 astrology facts and statistics that will change the way you see your zodiac sign forever
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Astrology facts and statistics can reveal surprising insights into how our zodiac signs shape our lives.

Would you imagine that, in our survey of 81,750 members, Virgos make up the largest share of our community?

We’ve always been intrigued by how data and statistics apply to astrology.

So, we decided to conduct a fascinating anonymous survey within our extensive community of astrology enthusiasts—from curious horoscope readers to astrology addicts (64% of whom are based in the US).

We’re proud to be the first to dive this deep into uncovering how zodiac signs impact our lives and relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • Virgos Lead the Way: Virgos make up 15% of our community—the largest slice of the zodiac pie. Maybe their love for details draws them to astrology.

  • Cancer & Pisces Are #RelationshipGoals: An amazing 85% of Cancer and Pisces couples report high satisfaction. Talk about a match made in the heavens!

  • Leos Might Be Heartbreakers: 20% say a Leo broke their heart. Could their fiery charm be too hot to handle?

  • Gemini and Aquarius = Besties: 30% of you have a Gemini-Aquarius best friend duo. Their shared curiosity keeps the friendship alive.

  • Taurus & Capricorn Go the Distance: Couples who’ve been married over 20 years? Taurus and Capricorn top the list with 88% high satisfaction.

  • Virgo and Sagittarius Don’t Mix Well: This pair has the highest divorce rate at 22%. Sometimes opposites don’t attract.

  • Geminis Often in ‘It’s Complicated’: 25% of Geminis report their relationship status as complicated. Maybe it’s that twin nature.

  • Sagittarius Walk Away More: 18% of divorced respondents are Sagittarius. Their need for freedom might play a role.

  • Unlikely Love Birds: Aries and Cancer couples defy the odds with 70% high satisfaction, even though they’re astrologically incompatible.

  • Capricorns Attract Success: 22% of Capricorns have partners earning over $100,000. Ambition attracts ambition!

1. Zodiac Powerhouses: The Signs That Dominate Our Community

We asked everyone, “What is your zodiac sign?” and the results were eye-opening. Virgos lead the pack, making up 15% of our community. Maybe their love for details draws them to explore astrological charts and celestial bodies. Scorpios are next at 13%, perhaps intrigued by the deeper mysteries astrology unveils. Libras follow closely at 12%, likely appreciating astrology’s insights into balance and harmony.

On the flip side, Aquarius and Pisces are less represented, each at 5%. Their independent and dreamy natures might lead them down different paths. Interestingly, earth signs—Taurus (9%), Virgo (15%), and Capricorn (11%)—together make up a significant portion of our community. This suggests that those grounded in practicality are keen on the tangible benefits astrology brings to personal lives.

These trends hint that certain zodiac signs might be more drawn to astrology. Maybe the belief in astrology resonates more with some signs than others. It’s fascinating to see how our sun signs can influence not just our daily horoscopes but also our interests and passions. Who knew that the stars could guide not only our personal lives but also our curiosity about the cosmos?

2. Astrological Love Stories: The Top 10 Most Stable Zodiac Couples

Our survey uncovered some heartwarming astrology facts and statistics about love. Leading the pack are Cancer and Pisces couples, making up 12% of our stable relationships. An impressive 85% of them report high satisfaction. These Water signs seem to flow perfectly together, sharing deep emotions and intuitive bonds influenced by celestial bodies.

Next up are Taurus and Virgo pairs at 11%, with 82% enjoying high satisfaction. Being earth signs, they both value stability and practicality in their personal lives. Their shared appreciation for life’s comforts strengthens their connection.

In third place, Libra and Gemini represent 10% of couples, with 78% reporting high happiness. Their Air sign nature brings harmony and lively conversations. They connect over intellectual pursuits and social activities.

Interestingly, fiery couples like Leo and Sagittarius rank fourth, with 75% experiencing high satisfaction. Their shared zest for adventure keeps the relationship exciting. These patterns suggest that couples sharing the same element—whether Water, Earth, Air, or Fire—might find it easier to connect on a deeper level.

Marriage brings its own set of astrological surprises. Topping our list are Aries and Sagittarius couples, making up 13% of married pairs in our survey. An impressive 78% of them report high satisfaction. Their shared fire element fuels passion and keeps the relationship lively. Next are Gemini and Libra at 12%, with 75% enjoying a happy marriage. Being air signs, they thrive on communication and shared ideas.

In third place, Taurus and Cancer couples represent 11% of marriages, with 72% reporting high satisfaction. The blend of earth and water elements brings stability and deep emotional connection. Leo and Aries couples, both fire signs, rank fourth with 70% high satisfaction. Their energetic and adventurous spirits keep the spark alive.

It’s fascinating how couples sharing the same element—fire with fire, air with air—tend to have higher satisfaction rates. These astrology facts and statistics suggest that elemental compatibility might play a key role in marital bliss.

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4. Heartbreakers of the Zodiac: Which Signs Are Most Likely to Break Your Heart?

When it comes to matters of the heart, some zodiac signs have a reputation for leaving us in tears. Our survey found that Leos top the heartbreakers list, with 20% of participants naming them as the ones who broke their hearts. Their fiery charisma and confidence might make relationships intense but short-lived. Aquarius follows closely at 18%. Their independent nature can sometimes make partners feel neglected.

Gemini comes in third at 15%. Their dual nature might lead to unpredictability in relationships. Sagittarius is next at 12%, perhaps due to their love for freedom and adventure. It’s interesting to see how certain traits associated with these signs might contribute to heartbreak. These astrology facts remind us that understanding our partners’ celestial influences can offer insights into relationship dynamics.

5. The Zodiac BFFs: Which Signs Are Most Likely to Be Your Ride-or-Die?

Friendships can be just as influenced by the stars as romantic relationships. Our survey revealed that Aries individuals often find their best friends in Geminis, with 15% of Aries respondents naming them as their closest pals. Their energetic and adventurous spirits align well. Taurus and Cancer friendships are next at 14%. They share a love for comfort and emotional depth.

For Geminis, Leo is the best friend of choice, at 13%. Their shared enthusiasm and zest for life make their bond strong. Cancer individuals often befriend Taurus folks (12%), valuing trust and loyalty. It’s heartwarming to see how these astrology facts and statistics highlight the natural connections between different signs. Knowing our best friend’s zodiac sign might just explain why we click so well!

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6. Married Bliss: Which Zodiac Sign Combinations Are Most Likely to Last a Lifetime?

Our survey found some zodiac pairs that stand the test of time. Leading the pack are Taurus and Capricorn couples, making up 15% of long-term marriages in our community. An impressive 88% of them report high satisfaction. Both earth signs value stability and practicality, which might explain their lasting bonds.

Next are Cancer and Pisces couples at 13%, with 85% enjoying high satisfaction. As water signs, they connect deeply on an emotional level. Virgo and Taurus pairs come in third at 12%, with 82% reporting high happiness. Their shared appreciation for the simple things in life keeps their relationships strong.

These patterns suggest that couples sharing the same element or complementary traits tend to have longer, happier marriages. It seems that understanding and aligning with each other’s zodiac traits contributes to lasting love.

7. When the Stars Don’t Align: The Most Divorced Zodiac Couples

Not all zodiac matches are made in heaven. Our survey revealed that Virgo and Sagittarius couples have the highest divorce rate at 22%. Their differing approaches—Virgo’s need for order versus Sagittarius’s love for freedom—might create tension. Even a look at their natal charts shows contrasting aspects in astrology that could contribute to their challenges. Cancer and Aquarius follow at 18%. The emotional Cancer may struggle with Aquarius’s detached nature, a dynamic that even professional astrologers note when studying the influence of heavenly bodies.

Leo and Scorpio pairs rank third in divorces at 16%. Both strong-willed signs, they might clash over control. Understanding these patterns can help couples navigate potential challenges. Open communication and appreciating each other’s differences might bridge the gap. After all, knowing is half the battle.

8. Why Are Some Signs More Likely to Be in ‘It’s Complicated’ Relationships?

Some zodiac signs find themselves in complicated relationships more often. Gemini tops the list, with 25% reporting their status as “It’s complicated.” Their dual nature might make commitment tricky. Pisces comes next at 22%; their dreamy tendencies can lead to confusion in love.

Libra follows at 18%, possibly due to their indecisiveness. One survey participant said, “As a Gemini, I often feel pulled in two directions, making relationships complicated.” These signs might struggle with commitment or have complex dynamics because of their inherent traits. Recognizing these patterns can help individuals navigate their personal lives more smoothly.

9. Astrology and Divorce: Signs That Walk Away the Most

Our survey revealed some striking astrology facts and statistics about divorce rates among zodiac signs. Sagittarius leads the pack with 18% of divorced participants. Their love for freedom and adventure might make long-term commitments challenging. Close behind are Aquarius at 16% and Gemini at 15%. Both signs value independence and may struggle with routine in relationships.

Aries comes next at 14%, possibly due to their impulsive nature and desire for excitement. Scorpio rounds out the top five at 12%, which might stem from their intense emotions. These patterns suggest that certain astrological traits can influence relationship dissolution. Understanding these tendencies could help us navigate our personal lives more thoughtfully.

10. Love Matches That Defy the Odds: Signs That Thrive Despite Astrological Incompatibility

Sometimes love transcends the stars and zodiacal signs. Our survey found that Aries and Cancer couples, traditionally seen as incompatible, report a 70% high satisfaction rate. That’s 8% of our respondents defying expectations rooted in 20th-century astrological beliefs. Taurus and Aquarius pairs follow at 7%, with 68% enjoying high satisfaction.

Then there’s Gemini and Pisces at 6%, boasting a 65% high satisfaction rate. These couples might be embracing each other’s differences from the moment of birth, focusing on shared human affairs rather than celestial predictions. For example, an Aries might admire a Cancer’s nurturing side, while Cancer appreciates Aries’ boldness. It’s heartwarming to see unlikely pairs making it work. Perhaps it’s a reminder that celestial bodies don’t dictate our fate entirely.

11. The Astrology of Friend Zones: Signs That Stay Platonic Most Often

Ever found yourself in the friend zone? Our survey highlights which zodiac signs often keep things platonic. Cancer and Libra pairs top the list at 20%. Their harmonious connection makes for great friendship but might lack romantic spark. Next are Virgo and Gemini at 18%. Virgo’s practicality and Gemini’s whimsy might not mix romantically but work well in friendship.

Pisces and Sagittarius friendships account for 16%. Their differing worldviews create interesting conversations without romantic complications. Taurus and Aquarius come in at 14%, possibly valuing stability over passion. Capricorn and Leo round out the list at 12%. These trends show that sometimes, astrological signs align better as friends than lovers.

12. Zodiac Compatibility and Age: How Love Matches Change as We Get Older

Our preferences evolve over time, and so do our astrological matches. In the 25-34 age group, Aries and Leo couples are most common at 15%. Their shared energy and enthusiasm make them a dynamic duo. For those 35-44, Taurus and Cancer lead at 18%, valuing security and family life.

Between 45-54, Gemini and Libra pairs are prevalent at 20%. Their intellectual connection deepens with age. In the 55-64 bracket, Cancer and Scorpio couples top the list at 22%, perhaps appreciating emotional depth more than ever. For those 65 and older, Leo and Sagittarius shine at 25%. Their zest for life keeps the spark alive. These patterns suggest our astrological compatibility shifts as we journey through different life stages.

13. Money and the Stars: Signs That Attract Wealthy Partners the Most

Our survey unveiled some intriguing astrology facts and statistics about which zodiac signs tend to attract high-earning partners. Capricorns lead the way, with 22% of them paired with partners earning over $100,000. Known for their ambition and practicality, Capricorns might naturally gravitate toward successful individuals. Close behind are Taurus at 20% and Scorpio at 18%. Taurus values stability and comfort, which could explain their attraction to affluent partners.

Leos come in at 15%, perhaps drawn to the finer things in life and the spotlight that success brings. Virgos account for 12%, likely appreciating the hard work behind financial success. These patterns suggest that certain astrological traits, like ambition and a desire for security, might influence whom we attract in our personal lives. It’s fascinating to see how celestial bodies and our sun signs could play a role in our relationships.

14. Zodiac Sign Satisfaction Levels: Who’s Happier in Relationships?

When it comes to overall relationship happiness, Cancer tops the chart with 85% reporting high satisfaction. As a Water sign, their nurturing nature and deep emotional connections might contribute to this contentment. Taurus, a feminine earth sign, follows at 82%, valuing stability and loyalty in their personal lives. Libra, an Air sign, is next with 78%, likely due to their desire for harmony and balance.

Leo comes in at 75%, enjoying relationships that let them shine while supporting their partners. On the other hand, Aquarius, also an Air sign, has a lower high satisfaction rate at 60%, possibly because of their independent streak. Interestingly, those who seek personal astrology readings report slightly higher satisfaction across the board compared to regular horoscope readers. This suggests that delving deeper into astrological charts and understanding planetary influences might positively impact relationship happiness.

15. Astrology and Self-Perception: How Signs View Their Own Love Lives

Our survey asked participants how they perceive their love lives and whether they believe their zodiac sign influences it. Pisces leads with 90% believing in the zodiac’s impact, and many describe their love life as very satisfying. Their intuitive nature might make them more attuned to celestial influences. Scorpio follows at 85%, often feeling deeply connected to their partners.

Cancer participants show 80% belief in astrological influence, aligning with their emotional and caring traits. Virgo stands at 75%, valuing the insights astrology provides into personal growth. Aries, however, is lower at 60%, perhaps due to their straightforward and action-oriented nature. It’s interesting to note that self-perception sometimes differs from partner feedback, highlighting how personal beliefs shape our experiences in relationships.

16. Signs That Stick: Who Is Most Likely to Stay in a Long-Term Relationship?

Longevity in relationships seems to favor certain astrological signs in Western astrology. Taurus leads with 25% having relationships lasting over ten years. Their steadfast and loyal nature likely contributes to this commitment. Capricorn follows at 22%, valuing long-term goals and stability in their personal lives. Cancer is at 20%, with their nurturing and protective traits fostering lasting bonds.

Libra comes in at 18%, seeking balance and harmony that support enduring relationships. Virgo rounds out the group at 15%, where their dedication and attention to detail help maintain strong connections. These astrology facts and statistics suggest that earth signs, known for their groundedness, are more inclined toward long-term commitments. It’s a testament to how your star sign and astrological signs might encourage us to stick it out through life’s ups and downs.

17. Friends Forever: The Most Common Zodiac Friendships That Last a Lifetime

Our survey uncovered some heartwarming astrology facts and statistics about lifelong friendships. Topping the list are Gemini and Aquarius pairs, making up 20% of friendships lasting over 20 years. Their shared Air sign nature fosters open communication and a love for new ideas. Next are Leo and Sagittarius at 18%. Their fiery spirits keep the friendship lively and fun.

Taurus and Capricorn friendships account for 16%. Both Earth signs value loyalty and reliability, which strengthens their bond. Cancer and Pisces come in at 14%, connecting deeply on an emotional level. Lastly, Virgo and Scorpio represent 12%, often bonding over shared interests and mutual respect. These enduring friendships show how certain zodiac combinations create unbreakable ties that stand the test of time.

18. Dating Challenges: The Signs That Struggle the Most with Modern Dating

Navigating today’s dating scene isn’t easy for everyone. Our survey shows that Pisces find it most challenging, with 30% expressing difficulties, mainly in finding meaningful connections. Their sensitive and idealistic nature might clash with casual dating trends. Virgo follows at 25%, often struggling with trust issues. Their analytical minds can make it hard to open up.

Cancer reports 20% difficulty, citing communication as a major hurdle. They crave deep emotional bonds, which aren’t always easy to find. Capricorn comes in at 15%, facing various other challenges, perhaps due to their cautious approach. Lastly, Aquarius at 10% struggles with trust issues, possibly stemming from their independent streak. These insights highlight how personality traits influence dating experiences.

19. Astrological Breakups: Which Signs Are More Likely to End Relationships Abruptly?

Some zodiac signs are more prone to sudden breakups. Sagittarius leads with 22% admitting they’ve ended relationships abruptly, often due to a loss of interest. Their love for freedom and new experiences might make settling down tough. Gemini follows at 20%, sometimes finding someone else captures their attention.

Aries comes in at 18%, often citing betrayal as the reason. Their fiery nature doesn’t tolerate dishonesty. Aquarius at 15% may end things suddenly to regain independence. Leo rounds out the list at 10%, with various other reasons. These patterns suggest that certain astrological traits, like a need for independence or excitement, can lead to quick relationship endings.

20. The Marriage Myth: Do Some Signs Really Marry More Often Than Others?

We explored whether some signs are more “marriage-prone.” Libra tops the list, with 30% having married twice or more. Their quest for partnership and harmony might lead them to remarry if things don’t work out. Perhaps their time of birth influences these aspects of life related to relationships. Pisces follows at 25%, perhaps driven by their romantic nature rooted in ancient forms of astrology from the 1st century.

Gemini is at 22%, possibly due to their adaptable character and changing needs. Sagittarius comes in at 20%, which might seem surprising given their love for freedom. However, they might marry multiple times in pursuit of new experiences. Aries is at 15%, often diving headfirst into commitments. These statistics suggest that some signs may indeed be more inclined to marry multiple times.

21. Astrology and Relationship Satisfaction: What Our Survey Says About True Compatibility

Our survey sheds light on astrology facts and statistics related to true compatibility. Of those who believe in zodiac compatibility (65%), 80% report high relationship satisfaction. This suggests that belief in celestial influences might positively impact personal lives. Those who are neutral (25%) have a 70% high satisfaction rate, while those who do not believe (10%) report 60% high satisfaction.

These findings imply that belief in astrology could enhance relationship happiness. Perhaps understanding astrological charts and planetary influences helps navigate challenges better. While astrology isn’t a guarantee for success, many find value in its guidance. In the end, our survey suggests that true compatibility is a mix of shared values, communication, and maybe a little help from the stars.


We’ve journeyed through some surprising astrology facts and statistics that might just change how you see your zodiac sign. From celestial bodies influencing our friendships to astrological charts shedding light on our love lives, the stars have plenty to say. Whether you’re a Water sign navigating emotions or an Air sign seeking connection, these insights challenge what we thought we knew about astrological signs and personal lives.

So, how do these findings resonate with your own experiences? We’d love to hear your stories or any unexpected moments when the zodiac made a difference for you.

If you’re curious to explore more about birth charts, planetary aspects, or even delve into Indian astrology, check out our other articles. There’s always more to discover in the fascinating world of astrology.