9 Clear Signs Someone Is Dreaming About You (& How to Recognize Them)

Dreaming couple
Dreaming couple
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Do you wonder if someone you know might be dreaming about you?

Maybe you’re curious to find out because they’re taking over your dreams, and you want to know if it’s a shared experience.

The strange thing is that the universe is constantly sending us cues that can guide us in understanding these nudges.


Continue reading to learn about 9 telltale indicators that someone is having dreams about you.

1) They appear to be on your dreams.

I’m sure you’re thinking, “Well, that’s obvious!” It’s likely that you are dreaming about a particular person for a reason.

It’s not a coincidence, and you shouldn’t brush it off as a “silly” dream either. Instead, it’s a very clear indication that you are connected to them in some way.

You may be having dreams about this person because they have been on your mind a lot and your subconscious is telling you what it really thinks of them. Or maybe the dream is just a reflection of how you feel about them in general.

Your mind is telling you that this person has something you need or want, regardless of whether they are someone you look up to, want to date, or any other reason.

Typically, if you dream about someone, they will also dream about you!

2) They get in touch with you unexpectedly.

Although you have been dating for some time, have you ever considered calling them? Maybe you’re wondering why.

Give it to me. There’s a strong possibility that if someone contacts you out of the blue, they have been thinking of you. And not only in the way of “I wonder what they’re up to.”

You may be questioning why they bothered to get in touch with you in the first place. Their subconscious mind contains the solution.

They’re intrigued because the universe has projected your energy into their psyches!
You must be, too.

3) A talented advisor attests to it

You can tell if someone is dreaming about you by looking at the indicators in this article above and below.

However, talking to a gifted person and getting advice from them can be very beneficial. Your anxieties and worries will be allayed and all your relationship issues will be answered.

Are they actually your soulmate, for example? Are you really supposed to be with them? Why are they appearing in your dreams?

I just had a conversation with a psychic from leading psychic site Kasamba after experiencing a difficult time in my relationship.

After spending so much time alone with my thoughts, they offered me a special perspective on where my life was heading and who I was supposed to be with.

I was truly astounded by how considerate, understanding, and knowledgable they were.

To get your own love reading, click here.

A talented advisor can reveal whether someone is dreaming about you during a love reading and, more importantly, can help you make the appropriate choices in terms of romance.

4) You continue to hear or see their name.

This is another another clear indication that someone is thinking of you in a dream.

Sometimes all it takes to feel warm and comforted is to hear or see their name. Maybe you’re just relieved that you thought of them.

The purpose?

Well, when you’re out and about and all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, you keep hearing or seeing someone’s name, it’s a sign from the universe that they are likely thinking about you and possibly having nightmares about you.

Maybe the cosmos is trying to tell you that you two belong together.

5) You sneeze at irregular intervals.

Have you ever been going down the street when all of a sudden you started to sneeze violently?

This is yet another unmistakable indication that someone is daydreaming about you. It can take a few days or it might take a few weeks.

The problem is that sneezing requires a lot of physical energy, and this kind of energy can alter your DNA as well as other parts of your body.

The body then reacts by turning to more archaic ways to regain balance, including the sneeze.

It is therefore an usual indication that someone is dreaming about you if you have ruled out any colds or the flu and are not allergic to anything.

6) A sudden feeling of deja vu strikes you.

an impression that you’ve been here before. The cosmos is attempting to communicate. Take notice and get up!

Another indication that someone is dreaming about you is if you suddenly get the feeling of déjà vu.

The sole explanation for this kind of experience is frequently the possibility that someone else is having dreams about you.

It can be someone who has been a part of your life for some time. Or perhaps it’s someone who has recently started showing up in your dreams as well.

If you’re feeling this way, there might be a good reason for it, and it might even be true.

7) You seem to vibrate more intensely all of a sudden.

This is yet another indication that you are on someone else’s mind.

Uncertain of why this is.

You may need to wake up, therefore that could be the cause of this.

You must pay attention and conduct a more thorough investigation of your surroundings. There’s a significant possibility that someone’s energy is rising if they start approaching you or show greater interest in you.

It can be as a result of their beginning to dream about you. Or maybe it’s because they are being told by their subconscious that they are intended for you.

8) You find yourself considering them frequently.

Do you ever find yourself having someone on your mind?

You don’t know why, but you can’t help but think about them.

This may be the case since they are a part of your personality and your subconscious mind is trying to solve the problem.

They might have been lingering there in the back of your mind for a while, and now it’s attempting to figure out what’s going on.

Be aware that there is a strong possibility that they are also dreaming about you when this occurs.

9) You unexpectedly come across them in locations they don’t typically frequent.

This is another another clear indication that you are on someone else’s mind.

There’s a significant probability that the universe has something else in mind for you two if they’re showing up in locations where they don’t typically hang out.

It can indicate that this person has finally gotten in touch, or it might indicate something quite different. Maybe you need to establish a deeper connection with someone you’ve recently been noticing out and about.

The universe, as we are all aware, is full of tricks. Your responsibility is to connect with
let them know that their hearts are going to burst with passion and love for them.

More Clearly Recognizable Signs (You Can’t Ignore) Someone is Dreaming About You

1) You gain an unexpected admiration for something.

This is just another indication that you are the subject of someone else’s dream. They might have offered you some advice or helped you in some other way. Anything might happen!

When this occurs, your subconscious mind begins to experience warm fuzzy feelings and then begins to instruct the conscious mind to value these feelings more.

When you consider that you’re attempting to pay attention to this person and show them more love and respect, this makes perfect sense.

The truth is that sometimes the universe can be pretty perplexing! It uses a variety of techniques to try to get your attention. Make a move on your dream partner if you want them to dream about you. You must move forward!

As you can see, there are several indications that someone else may be having dreams about you. The secret is to first pay attention to these aforementioned indicators, which you should then attempt to interpret as best you can.

Keep in mind that listening is essential if you want to find your soul mate. The universe is attempting to establish the link for you.

2) You’ve been getting strange dreams.

Have you recently had any unusual dreams? You can’t exactly recall how you got there when you wake up in the middle of the night.

This is one another indication that someone else is daydreaming about you. If you begin having bizarre dreams, pay carefully to see if they resemble memories more than dreams.

It’s possible that you’re getting messages from the cosmos specifically for you!

I already explained how a skilled advisor can assist you discover the truth about whether or not someone is dreaming about you.

You could interpret the indications till you arrive at the desired conclusion, but seeking advice from someone with enhanced intuition will help you understand the problem clearly.

I have firsthand knowledge of its potential benefits. They provided me with the advice I desperately needed while I was dealing with a situation identical to yours.

To get your own love reading, click here.

3) Red gradually starts to appear everywhere.

It may be a sign that someone is dreaming about you if you start to notice the color red everywhere.

Red is the color of desire and passion.

It may indicate that someone is approaching you if you find yourself surrounded by or seeing this color.

Anything red could be it—from red sneakers and roses to a red automobile and even a red ball.

4) You begin to have an odd tug towards their direction.

Ever had a strong attraction to someone?

Even though you are aware that they are not your soul mate, do you feel an odd attraction to them? By urging you to act, your subconscious mind is attempting to grab your attention.

If so, there is a strong likelihood that the person is truly dreaming about you. You have a peculiar draw toward them, and that tug is not accidental.

When it comes to the cosmos, everything happens as it should!

5) You have a sense of familiarity with them.

Have you ever gone through something like this?

When you first meet someone, it seems as though you’ve known them forever.
On the other hand, maybe you’ve known them for a while and you’ve always felt at home in their company.

It may be time for the universe to let this individual know that you are meant for them because they are a part of your personality.

Do me a tremendous favor and inquire with such a person if they have ever dreamed about you.
You’re sure to be astonished by their response!

6) You are told by your friends that you have been mentioned by “they”.

Pay alert if your pals start informing you that someone is talking about you.

They might be daydreaming about you, or the world might be attempting to catch your attention.

7) A significant lighting moment occurs to you.

Have you ever had a dream while awake?

Have you ever experienced a quick flash in the middle of the night where you simply knew what to do? The only thing needed is pure understanding—no words!

Another indication that someone is having dreams about you is when they try to grab your attention. Never be embarrassed to seek direction and understanding in your life. You have support from the universe around the clock. You’ll be astounded by what you see if you ask for what you want to know!

Once you understand it, the universe is a pretty magnificent place. Keep an eye out—there are plenty of messages and warnings here!

Do not be scared to pay close attention to your dreams because they are quite significant and contain a lot of information.

We all know that the universe has a significant impact on our lives and that learning and development never stop.

8) The scorching in your ears.

You refer to it as an urban legend, but I like to think to it as a sign from the cosmos.

Have you ever experienced the sensation of having your ears on fire? They suddenly feel heated and start to turn red like a tomato, seemingly out of the blue!

I know the solution if you are not in menopause and there is no other logical explanation for what is taking place.

This tiny sensation is another another indication that someone is daydreaming about you.

9) While taking a shower, it feels like someone is watching you.

Yes, this brings to mind the image of Norman Bates brandishing a kitchen knife and poised to attack through the shower curtain, but that isn’t what I’m referring to.

You see, you are quite exposed when you are in the shower. When your subconscious mind is working overtime, you are vulnerable. You are receiving messages from it!

If someone enters the bathroom while you are in the shower, it may be a sign from the universe that you need to pay attention.

You should start attempting to identify the person who is dreaming about you since that is what it is telling you.

10) Your gut tells you as much.

You sense it so strongly and think it’s true, but you still aren’t entirely sure what it is.

The mind is a very potent tool and is responsible for shaping who we are.

You see, your intuition, despite how odd it can be occasionally, can be relied upon to alert you when something crucial is happening. Dreams are attempting to gain your attention because they are so potent!

This can indicate that someone is dreaming about you or it might be your intuition trying to communicate with you.

11) A butterfly “kisses” you.

You’re going about your daily routine when a butterfly appears out of nowhere and lands on you!

This is a very strong indication that someone else is daydreaming about you!

The cosmos wants you to know that they are thinking of you and that the time has arrived for them to speak out. What to do next will be determined by your intuition!

12) The ground trembles under your feet.

Not to be mistaken with a volcanic eruption or a genuine earthquake.

Have you ever been unjustly jolted without any apparent reason?

This can indicate that someone else is daydreaming about you! Pay carefully to any abrupt explosions or rumbles since these can be signals that someone is around.

13) You are aware of them.

Even though you haven’t had many interactions with them, it feels like you’ve known them your entire life when you see their face.

Do you want to be sure if you’ve found your soulmate?

Let’s be honest:

We can spend a lot of time and effort on people with whom we are ultimately incompatible. It’s not exactly simple to discover your soul match.

But what if there was a way to eliminate all uncertainty?

I’ve now discovered a technique to do this—hire a gifted psychic artist who can create a portrait of your soulmate.

I was a little hesitant at first, but a friend recently persuaded me to give it a shot.

I now have a clear picture of his appearance. The odd thing is that I instantly recognized him.

Get your own sketch made here if you’re prepared to discover what your soulmate looks like.

14) Tarot cards indicate it.

If you love tarot as much as I do, you know that the cards that are revealed can tell you a lot about life and love.

They are there to support, advise, and provide you with crucial information so that you can live your best life.

The universe will place something directly in front of your eyes so that you may notice it when it wants to draw your attention to it.

Consequently, if you want to know if someone is thinking about you, drawing cards like the Star or the Lovers could be an absolute guarantee!

Keep in mind that cards are always true!

You may also be interested in: 4 Things you should know when consulting a psychic

15) Occasional attacks of the hiccups.

I don’t know about you, but occasionally, this occurs to me.

You’re somewhere in line when all of a sudden you start to hiccup.
Right, embarrassing!

Usually, eating or drinking too quickly will result in hiccups. When your diaphragm contracts uncontrollably, your voice cords emit a squeaky-like sound.

That is the technical information involved. Random episodes of hiccups, however, are frequently an indication that someone is thinking about or even dreaming about you when seeking spiritual reasons.

So you’ll understand why the next time you hiccup without cause!

16) Your sight begin to deceive you.

Here, I’m referring to eye tricks literally.

You know that strange, unexplainable eye twitch that appears out of nowhere?

Your eye begins to leap up and down as you are going about your daily activities, seemingly on its own.

Relax! There is no urgent medical need for you. Another spiritual indication that someone is probably dreaming about you.

17) You discover an arbitrary item in your bag, purse, or pocket.

Did you know that, despite the fact that you could be wondering how the hell that got in there, it might actually be an indication that someone is dreaming about you?

Finding this seemingly random item is a clear sign from the cosmos that the person you care about is indeed thinking about you in dreams.

As I previously stated, when the universe has a powerful and significant message to convey, it has a peculiar way of throwing things in our path.

Therefore, be on the lookout and pay attention!

18) Unexpectedly, your heart begins to beat quickly.

Has your heart suddenly begun to beat faster?

Well, the cosmos might be trying to attract your attention in this case! The heart is a very potent sign of how you’re feeling and it’s always going to be there.

You can find someone who is fantasizing about you by paying great attention to the emotions that flow from your heart!

19) They are interacting and commenting your old social media postings

As you go through your alerts, an oddity catches your eye.

A comment has been made on a picture you submitted a good few years ago. When you look into it more, you discover that someone has been looking closely at your old Instagram postings.

Yet why?

Well, it’s a very good sign that they’ve been thinking about you, and if that’s the case, you could be shocked to find out that they’ve been dreaming about you as well!

20) You begin to have mental fog.

Brain fog. That will undoubtedly begin to seep into your life when you are extremely stressed or exhausted, but what if it exists without those two conditions?

Yes, the world is attempting to get your attention by having someone else dream about you!

21) A song you hear makes you think of them.

The most unexpected tune starts playing as you’re in the midst of a tense moment.

How is that even possible? Well, you’ll soon discover that it’s the one that makes you think of your crush.

The cosmos is telling you that they are fantasizing about you and that you will soon cross paths!

22) You become aware of coincidences.

It’s strange how frequently certain numbers, symbols, and objects appear in front of you.

This is not a coincidence; rather, it’s one of the most important signals the cosmos can give to let you know that someone is daydreaming about you.


In essence, the energies of the two of you are aligned, so pay attention!

23) You begin to sense their energies.

You can be around your crush or you might be about to meet them for the first time. You sense a creeping unease in your body just before any of this occurs.

One of the clearest indications that someone is fantasizing about you might be this!

Your stomach is screaming at you because it’s attempting to alert you to the possibility that someone is really daydreaming about you.

24) They appear more conscious of your presence.

I’m not sure if it’s real or if you’re just dreaming. Maybe you’re just having a trick from your head.

Well, don’t jump to conclusions just yet. It’s generally a good idea for you to take a step back and assess the situation if someone starts acting more conscious of you and your presence.

You can bet your bottom dollar that the universe is using the dream world to connect them to you if someone who normally wouldn’t give you the time of day starts to notice you, strikes up discussions, and wants to know more about you.

The two of you simply need to establish contact for a purpose.


You now know whether or not someone is dreaming about you, and if they are, you also have a better idea of who it could be, hopefully thanks to the assistance these indications have given you.

Keep in mind that the universe constantly sends us signs, but it is our responsibility to interpret what is happening. Pay attention, stay alert, and soon you’ll live the life of your dreams!

Beyond the ones I’ve listed for you, there are a ton more indications.

Don’t leave it to chance, though, if you really want to know if a certain person is dreaming about you.

Instead, consult a talented counselor who can provide you with the solutions you need.

Earlier, I mentioned Kasamba.

They gave me a reading, and I was astonished by how precise and genuinely beneficial it was. They came through for me when I needed them the most, thus I often suggest them to anybody in a similar situation.

To receive a personalized, expert love reading, click here.

Considering a One-To-One Relationship Coaching Session?

Consider chatting with a relationship coach if you want particular counsel for your circumstance.

This is something I can personally attest to.

I contacted Relationship Hero a few months ago when my relationship was going through a bad stretch. They provided me with a new perspective on the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track after I had been so mired in my own thoughts.

If you’ve never heard of Relationship Hero, it’s a website where highly qualified relationship counselors assist people in navigating complex and challenging romantic circumstances.

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My coach’s generosity, compassion, and sincere helpfulness astounded me.

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