When you have an unexplainable connection with someone (8 sure signs to look for)

Living and unexplainable connection
Living and unexplainable connection
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Does an unexplainable connection with someone have a cause? Is it possible to describe it?

It’s that gut feeling that you’re connected to someone on a deeper level that I’m talking about. Having the feeling that all of your souls are linked to one another forever.

I have some excellent news for you: you are not hallucinating.

This type of connection is entirely feasible, and here are some clues that you are experiencing it!

Do you think that could be you? Here are 8 signs that you have an unexplainable bond with someone!

1) Your connection is immediate.

When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, you will notice that the link forms virtually instantaneously.

You knew they were special the moment you met them, even if you couldn’t exactly put your finger on why.

The early dates or meetings had a particular vibe to them, and you thoroughly appreciated their presence.

Once you got to know them better, you realized that your intuitive knowledge was right, and the connection you have only grew stronger over time.

You see, it takes some time for feelings to grow or a connection to form with some people. But not with this individual.

2) There’s no need to pretend to be someone else.

Do you know what constitutes a solid relationship foundation? It’s being able to be oneself without apology.

That is what the connection with this special someone provides for you as well.

You never have the impression that you should pretend to be someone other than yourself.

You simply click.

They not only accept you for who you are, but they also adore you for it.

Your eccentricities and uniqueness are what drew them to you in the first place, and vice versa.

Feeling thus welcomed is not only stunning, but it also makes you feel seen for who you are.

Believe me when I say that this type of experience is regrettably quite rare.

3) It’s OK to be without them.

Don’t get me wrong: if you have an unexplainable connection with someone, you certainly like spending time with them.

What makes this connection unique is that you are also comfortable spending time apart from them.

There is a level of trust and understanding that adds to the beauty of their time apart.

While saying “I can’t be without you” or “I’m not happy without you” may sound romantic, this type of behavior is actually highly codependent and can rapidly become toxic.

The thing is, you are still an individual, and while you may prefer spending time with others, you should be able to spend time alone and have fun.

This is not a difficult chore with the proper person; you may both go your separate ways, just to have much more to talk about when you meet again.

That, in turn, takes me to my next point:

4) There is always something to discuss.

There is always something to talk about when you have an unexplainable connection with someone; you never seem to run out of discussion material.

The sheer number of related interests and compatible humor makes conversation easy.

But that doesn’t imply you’re constantly chatting. You are both more than capable of sharing moments of stillness.

Unlike in other partnerships, though, your silence is voluntary.

You know you have things to say, so the quiet is far from awkward.

5) It feels secure to be around them.

You know how people talk about having butterflies in their belly when they’re in love?

While that is a lovely feeling, the unexplainable connection you have with this person has felt a little different from the beginning.

Sure, you were still happy to meet them, but you weren’t filled with concern about whether or not they liked you, whether or not things would work out, and so on.

Instead, they were always a safe haven.

When a connection is this strong, the other person begins to feel at ease.

You understand that there is no need to be concerned because they are there to help you.

6) They teach you a lot.

When you can learn a lot from someone, this is another evidence that you have an unexplainable connection with them.

They teach you a variety of things without you realizing it.

It could be:

  • How to put together a table
  • How to use a dishwasher

But, perhaps more crucially, it is things like:

  • How to deal with emotions productively
  • How to fight healthily
  • How to express your emotions

These tools are extremely valuable, and they will ultimately assist you on your journey of self-transformation.

That brings us to the next point:

7) They profoundly transform you.

When you connect with that particular someone, you will sense an immediate shift in yourself.

Your intuition tells you that such a tremendous transformation does not occur frequently.

The person with whom you connect may be unaware of their impact on you, and that’s fine.

Sometimes you can’t pinpoint what changed or why it happened, but you just know that something significant has altered within yourself.

8) They assist you in getting to know yourself better.

Do you know the key to a successful relationship?

It’s when being together forces you to get to know yourself better.

When you’re alone, it can be difficult to observe yourself from multiple perspectives, in my experience.

Sure, friends and family can offer advice, but nobody knows you as well as a love partner, and hence no one can open your eyes better than them.

When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, you may learn the following:

  • Your triggers
  • Your requirements
  • Your fears
  • Your desires
  • Your values
  • Your ambitions and dreams

Do you understand why?

It’s because they’re truly interested in you, which causes you to think about things you’ve never thought about before.

What’s the best part?

Whether or not this relationship is destined to stay forever, you will always have that self-awareness with you.

More sure signs of an unexplainable connection

The connection is energizing.

When there is an unexplainable connection, it is usually not only physical. It goes far deeper, hitting on energetic dimensions.

You may realize that you are thinking about them even when they are not present; you just can’t seem to get your mind off of them.

Furthermore, you will frequently notice strange coincidences, like as them contacting you right after you thought of them.

Some call it coincidence, some telepathy, and I simply refer to it as a deep energetic connection.

Whatever you believe in, don’t overthink it and simply enjoy the fact that it exists.

You are aware that you will never forget them.

Unexplainable connections have one thing in common: they will always have a place in your heart and mind, no matter what occurs.

That doesn’t mean you can’t go on or fall in love again if you break up; it just means you won’t forget about your connection because it was so exceptional.

In some ways, it’s a pretty reassuring concept.

They, too, will not forget you, and you know that even if both of you have moved on with someone else, your connection will live on in your hearts forever.

You want to know everything there is to know about them.

Yes, I understand that when you first start dating someone, it’s natural to want to learn everything you can about them.

It’s a little different with this type of connection, though.

Instead of gathering information to decide whether you like them or not, that “issue” has already been resolved.

You simply want to know everything there is to know about them because you sincerely care about everything they do.

Their intellect is engaging, and you enjoy hearing their ideas.

What’s more, the best part? It’s returned, resulting in hours and hours of conversation.

You complete each other.

I don’t believe in being only half a person if you don’t have a significant other. Everyone, in my honest opinion, is complete precisely as they are.

When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, though, you will find that they complete you and vice versa.

Again, you’re fine on your own, but you’ll note that the places where you might be lacking in competence are just where they fit in.

For example, when I felt this unexplainable connection with someone, I became extremely structured, to the point where it was no longer healthy. I didn’t know how to relax.

In that regard, my person was the polar opposite.

We managed to balance each other out beautifully as we spent time together, him helping me relax more and me helping him be a little more on top of things.

Simply put, we balanced each other out.

You never provoke or blame one another.

Even in the best of partnerships, provocation or accusations can creep in at some point.

That won’t be an issue if you have an unexplainable connection with someone.

I’m not saying there will never be conflict, but when there is, it will be in a healthy, helpful way.

That is to say:

  • No yelling
  • No name-calling
  • No spontaneous break-ups only to re-join an hour later
  • No toxicity
  • No blaming the other
  • Using “I” words when discussing feelings

With these considerations in mind, the partnership has reached unparalleled levels of respect.

There is no competitiveness or jealousy.

Too many “loving” relationships are based on jealousy and rivalry.

While a partner appears to be delighted, some people secretly detest it because they are envious.

That is not the case when you have an unexplainable connection with someone.

Because you’re both rooting for each other, there’s no room for competition.

You recognize that the other person’s achievement is not your failure, on the contrary!

As a result, this connection tends to help you develop and realize your full potential.

Your partner wants the best for you, and you strive together to create a future that you are both proud of.

You are similar but distinct.

When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, you see how similar you are in many aspects while being so dissimilar in others.

The truly critical specifics are usually something you can agree on, and I’ll get to that later, but there are certain things you just can’t agree on.

That’s not by chance!

Because you have such a healthy relationship, you learn to listen and perceive certain things from a whole different perspective, which aids in the development of a more open mind.

What’s the best part?

You don’t start arguments over little differences of opinion. Instead, you agree to disagree and leave the debate with a new point of view to think about.

There’s mutual respect

As confirmed by Psychology Today, mutual respect is one of the most important aspects of any relationship.

When you have an unexplainable connection with someone, this is not even a problem to consider.

Regard is a given, and whether you’re happy, sad, fighting, angry, petty, envious, or injured, one thing will never change: the way you respect each other.

You can afford to be open and honest.

Unexplainable connections will be very different from any other relationship you’ve ever experienced.

When you can be completely honest with each other about anything, you’ve discovered someone truly precious.

Knowing that you will not face humiliation or disapproval no matter what can be extremely liberating.

To do this, both individuals must recognize that nothing their partner says has any bearing on their innate worth.

You see, once that is accomplished, you are free to discuss anything.

  • Jealousy
  • Kinks
  • Desire to expand the connection
  • Anything else that could be considered “embarrassing”

And the relationship is based on the truth.

There’s unconditional love

What exactly does unconditional love imply?

When you love someone unconditionally, you want what’s best for them, even if it’s not for you.

Many people believe they love their partner unconditionally, but when things go wrong and they break up, for example, they become petty and despise them forever for abandoning them.

That does not constitute unconditional love.

Unconditional love entails being able to discuss and respect each other’s needs.

Recognize that if you are unable to meet their demands, you are better off parting ways so that they can find someone who can and you can as well.

Carrying them in your heart with love for the rest of your life, knowing that even if things didn’t work out, you’d never wish harm on them.

Your values are in sync.

When your values align, this is a vital indicator of an unexplainable connection.

When it comes to being in a relationship with someone, it’s critical to have the same basic values and aspirations.

You can’t have one person who values fame and money above all else, while their partner couldn’t care less and prefers a simple life with children.

It just doesn’t add up and will leave both parties unhappy in the long run.

You go on a new life path with them.

Last but not least, when you meet someone with whom you have an unexplainable connection, you will discover a new life path.

Perhaps they inspire you to publish your art, assist you in changing your career, or give you the confidence to abandon everything and tour the world.

Whatever it was, meeting them opened the door to the new life you had always desired.

Conclusion: Enjoy the connection.

There is no guarantee in life that any connection, especially one as deep and meaningful as the one you have right now, will last.

That doesn’t mean you have to live in constant fear of losing everything.

In fact, you should do the inverse.

This connection will be with you for as long as it is meant to be.

Enjoy it while you can, knowing that even if you ever part ways, they will be in your heart forever.

These kinds of unexplainable relationships never expire, and you’re blessed if you’ve had the opportunity to experience love this deep in your life.

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