The Weekly Horoscope for each Zodiac sign: December 26-January 1, 2023

Your weekly horoscope predictions
Your weekly horoscope predictions

Written down weekly by expert astrologer Laura Petit for Sons Of Universe, find out what the planets have predicted for your sign from 26th December, 2022 to 1st January, 2023



You’re in for some personal growth! Thanks to magnanimous Jupiter entering your sign on Tuesday, you’re ready to experience life and love to their fullest. Once you take charge of your love life, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. When you pay attention to the new people in your life, you may just find someone who can transform your romantic situation into a grand love story. You and your sweetheart will expand your horizons if you’re already together. Oh, the places you’ll visit!

Aries, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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You might be the most excitable and adventurous sign at the moment—because of that, you’re capable of truly maximizing the benefits of any romantic opportunities. Seizing the moment is easier than usual when Uranus is in your sign! Plus, thanks to Venus and Uranus’s gorgeous trine on Thursday, you’re able to indulge in a moment of love potential that might have otherwise passed you by. It should be the best kind of surprise. You may not know exactly what to expect in matters of the heart, but you can count on two things: whatever happens will most likely be positive and will surely make your heart beat faster!

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Almost certainly, this week will be a happy one for you in terms of your social life. The planet Jupiter, which is associated with luck and expansion, will enter your social 11th house on Tuesday. Therefore, you should be very proactive in initiating new connections with people who are very similar to you. You might end up meeting more people than usual with this ability to make the most of any social opportunity. As a result, there is plenty of potential for love, thanks to the sheer number of friends and acquaintances who cross your path. Look for a passionate, romantic interest on the part of at least one of them. You’ve got options, Gemini!

Gemini, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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There’s nothing but thrilling potential for you in the love department! This week, you’re the beneficiary of two stunning astrological events that are sure to bring you romantic happiness and excitement. It all starts with Venus, now in your partnership sector, making a gorgeous trine to Uranus, the planet of sudden developments. Their alignment creates the best possible chances for you to have a chance meeting with someone that feels like love at first sight. Then, on Friday, a New Moon in your partnership sector will bring a stable fresh start to an existing love connection. If you’re dating someone, you might even become engaged—regardless of the details, you’ll probably have good reasons to celebrate.

Cancer, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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You’re surrounded by a strong creative force, Leo! One that is assisting you in contacting a steady and protected relationship. The difficulty is that your mind has a habit of inventing issues and convincing us that something you have constructed will fall apart like a stack of dominoes when things look wonderful—fantastic. The Leo weekly love horoscope wants you to watch out for this propensity. Try to distinguish between what is genuine in a relationship and what is only a product of your thoughts by entering a region of calm. For some of you, traveling distance might become a key topic in the relationship. Have faith in the foundation you have created together. You are emotionally mature enough to handle any difficulties that might arise at this time.

Leo, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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Your love situation is practically glowing with spectacular possibilities at the moment. Venus is currently moving through your true love sector and will make a brilliant link to Uranus on Thursday. This is the quintessential “love at first sight” aspect, so you just might fall fast and hard for someone special. Then, a beautiful New Moon lands in the same part of your chart on Friday. Single Virgos can look forward to potentially meeting someone new. If you’re already paired up, you and your sweetheart might be ready to take your connection to a new—and very passionate—level.

Virgo, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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Luck is on your side when it comes to love! Jupiter, the planet of blessings, enters your partnership sector on Tuesday and remains in this area of your chart until the middle of May next year. With Jupiter here, anything is possible in your love life—don’t shy away from thinking big thoughts. If you’re already dating someone, keep your eyes open for signs of deeper commitments in the near future. The two of you could move in together, become engaged, or even get married. Completely single Libras should get ready for romance, because your relationship status could change at any moment.

Libra, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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The element of surprise will be a major factor this week for you in matters of the heart. This Thursday, Venus will make a gorgeous link to unexpected Uranus, presently in your relationship sector. A chance conversation with someone else, whether you already know them or not, could lead to a brand-new beginning in love. You might be innocently talking to one of your neighbors when they insist on setting you up with someone they know. Feel free to say yes! On the other hand, you may meet someone while you’re going about your normal day, such as on your way to work or while stopping for your morning coffee. Anything is possible!

Scorpio, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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Love is in the air! Jupiter, your ruling planet, will move into your romance sector on Tuesday and remain there through mid-May 2023. This happens only once every twelve years, so it’s both a rare and powerful support for true love. If you’re single, it’s on! Even if you’re already in a relationship, there are tons of amazing possibilities. You and your sweetheart might decide to try for a baby—or simply prioritize spending more time having fun and enjoying life through hobbies you share. It’s your time to take a risk in love and know you will be rewarded in amazing ways.

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You’re ready to clean the slate in your life and start something new. Although the New Moon in your sign suggests this could be about any of your personal endeavors, it will also almost certainly include romantic happenings. If you’re happily dating someone or in a commitment already, then this fresh start is more about infusing your connection with something a little more exciting—and even experimental. Thanks to the Moon’s inspiration, it should be quite successful. Single? There is every indication you’ll make a love connection out of nowhere as Venus in your sign links up with Uranus, now in your romance sector. It’ll be a groovy kind of love!

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Domestic environments encourage love this week. Coupled Aquarians could encounter the sudden opportunity to move in with a sweetheart. This might not even be anything either of you talked about before. It could be due to an unpredictable change in either your or your partner’s living situation. One of you might have to find a new place, and the two of you may decide to give living together a try. With Venus and Uranus on your side, it should work out well. If you’re single, it’s possible that someone in your family knows exactly who you’re crushing on. Let them help you figure out if it’s a hopeless fantasy or if there’s actual potential.

Aquarius, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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Advice from a friend might just be what you need to restart your love life. In your friendship sector, Venus makes a beautiful trine to Uranus, currently in your communication sector, on Thursday. There may be a perspective your friend can bring to a current romantic situation you couldn’t have imagined. It may actually surprise you to realize that you have been getting in your own way all along once you begin to look at things through this lens. Getting what you want in matters of the heart should be liberating!

Pisces, read your impressive full horoscope for 2023: access here

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