Saving a Dying Relationship: Two Approaches I’ve Seen Working With Struggling Couples

When recovering a relationship
When recovering a relationship
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Over the last few weeks, I’ve been overwhelmed by the response I’ve received from you all.

You’ve shared your stories and your pain.

Hearing what you’re all going through breaks my heart.

I’ve noticed some common themes, like…

You feel neglected. Like he can hardly find the time to spend with you.

You feel taken for granted. Like he doesn’t appreciate all you do for him.

You feel frustrated that he won’t fully commit to you. You see him looking at other women and his friends barely know you exist.

All of this got me thinking…

What if it didn’t have to be this way?

What if there was a way to drastically improve how he treats you in just 48 hours without playing games or hiding your true self?

Let’s explore how to save a dying relationship.

If you’re curious about the nature of your relationship, check out our article about the different types of relationships and how to deal with them.

Let Me Tell You This

If you feel like getting some help taking the first step…

Let me suggest a couple of trusted resources I’ve seen used in hundreds of “highly damaged” relationships as well as challenging “situationships” where the male guy acted as the eternal Peter Pan.

In both cases, the results were way beyond expectations, even for the most skeptical.

1. For Lack of Commitment Issues: A Step-By-Step Guidance of a Proven Method

It’s a simple, yet powerful, “do-it-yourself” approach, where you will learn the proven relationship psychology method developed by James Bauer.

Dr. Bauer teaches this revolutionary idea about three main drivers that are hardwired into all men.

He goes…

“If a man is pulling away from you, then you need to make him feel that being with you is better than the alternative.

And the most effective way to do this is to trigger something deep inside him. Something he craves more than love or sex.”

What is it?

For a guy to really want to be in a committed relationship, he needs to feel like your provider and protector. Someone who is essential to you.

In other words, he needs to feel like your hero.

There’s a psychological term for what I’m talking about here. It’s called “the hero instinct”. I mentioned this concept earlier in my emails.

I know it sounds kind of silly…

In this day and age, women don’t need someone to rescue them. They don’t need a ‘hero’ in their lives.

And I couldn’t agree more.

But here’s the ironic truth. Men do still need to be a hero.

Because it’s built into their DNA to seek out relationships that allow them to feel like a protector.

Men have a thirst for your admiration. They want to step up to the plate for the woman in their lives and provide for and protect her.

This is deeply rooted in male biology.

If you can make your guy feel like a hero, it unleashes his protective instincts and the most noble aspect of his masculinity.

Most importantly, it will unleash his deepest feelings of attraction towards you.

If your guy is pulling away from you, perhaps you treat him more as an accessory, ‘best friend’, or ‘partner in crime’.

For a long time, my dear friend an colleague Claire made this mistake too. You can read her story here.

Now, you can’t trigger his hero instinct just giving him admiration next time you see him. Men don’t like receiving participation awards for showing up. Trust me.

A man wants to feel like he has earned your admiration and respect.

But there are phrases you can say, texts you can send, and little requests you can use to trigger his hero instinct.

To learn how to trigger the hero instinct in your guy, check out this inspiring video by James Bauer.

He’s the relationship psychologist who discovered this instinct in men.

Some ideas are life-changing. And when it comes to relationships, I think this is one of them.

Here’s a link to the video again.

Of Course, Many of You Keep Asking:

But hasn’t society moved on from the whole ‘primal instinct’ thing?

No we haven’t.

The central assertion of the hero instinct is that men have a primal instinct to be a hero. We are hardwired to provide for and protect women and to be respected for our efforts.

In 2023 it’s politically correct to argue that gender stereotypes are outdated and that the only differences between men and women are socially constructed.

However, just because something is politically correct doesn’t make it actually correct.

In this case, the view that there are no gender differences is completely wrong. There are still big differences between men and women because of our biology.

Men are still driven by the same instincts we’ve always had, even if we’re not always consciously aware of them.

For thousands of years we’ve wanted women to desire us and to need us. We want to make sure women are safe. We want to satisfy them.

For a man, stepping up to the plate for a woman is still a pretty big deal.

Yes, times have changed and women today are as capable of looking after themselves as any man.

But does this mean that you should just treat your man as an accessory? As someone who is ‘nice to have around’ but not essential in your everyday life?

No, because your man still wants to provide for you and protect you, as much as any man in the past always has.

Have a look a James Bauer’s video here

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2. For More “Complex Situations”: A Live Mentor You Can Trust

When dealing with a pretty complicated situation where pain, regret, frustration, neglect, or apathy mix together, this is the option I’d recommend the most when saving a dying relationship.

In such a situation, an expert relationship coach can make a huge difference by offering friendly and empathic support like you’d never expect from an online resource.

I first learned about Relationship Hero five years ago, when my relationship with my other half was on the verge of ending.

There was nothing left to share, no communication, different interests, and every excuse to argue and fight.

The two of us were basically living separate lives under the same roof.

My schedule was packed with work, and the thought of seeing a therapist made me feel like there was something seriously wrong with me.

In my head, I thought, “I’m just a normal guy with serious problems in my relationship!”

“My mental health is fine! I don’t need to see a psychologist! ...maybe it’s just my partner who needs it!”

(Yes, this is what many people feel in such situations).

A dear friend insisted

Yep, my dear friend Frances, insisted I try this trusted resource she’d used herself.

She was like:

Andy, you’re just fine as you are, you don’t need a traditional therapist. All you need is a relationship coach who knows how to trigger the unique aspect in your relationship”

The resource she recommended would give me access to a great team of certified relationship coaches that could help me facing exactly what I needed help with.

All I can say is, they unexpectedly did the “magic” happen.

With hand-in-hand, stress-free support, they guided me to rebalance things with my partner and bring sunshine back into our relationship.

They made it look like an easy process…

And when I felt them behind my shoulders, that’s how it felt (although it wasn’t easy at all when I look back at things!)

Honestly, I wouldn’t think this would work in my situation.

The rest, as they say, is history.

My partner and I are still together. The realignment of our souls began within a couple of weeks after my first session with Alana (I can’t thank her enough), and now we wake up every morning with renewed energy and serenity.

Since then, I’ve recommended Relationship Hero to all my friends and readers who needed some solid help turning things upside down and save their daying relationships.

Here’s the link again to access one of their coaches right now

P.S. You can get a $50 off bonus exclusively for Sons Of Universe readers if you’re serious about this path. It can be applied to your first relationship coaching session.

Wishing you the best with your relationship and I hope you find this information helpful,

With all my blessings,


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