13 Little-Known Habits of People with High Levels of Intelligence (And How to Develop Them)

habits high level of intelligence
Smart woman

Do you ever wonder what sets intelligent people apart from the rest?

It’s not just about having high scores on intelligence tests or being able to solve complex problems.

It’s also about the habits they cultivate.

Let’s delve into the 13 little-known habits of smart people with high levels of intelligence and how you can develop these habits.

1. They Don’t Flaunt Their Intelligence

Highly intelligent people don’t feel the need to constantly prove their intelligence or flaunt their IQ scores.

They understand that true intelligence is about actions, not words.

They’re more interested in expanding their knowledge and understanding the world around them than in impressing others with their intellect.

How to Develop This Habit:

Focus on learning and growth rather than seeking approval or validation.

Let your actions speak for your intelligence.

2. They Learn Through Observation

Intelligent people learn best by observing and imitating successful models.

They study successful strategies and then tailor them to their own needs and circumstances.

This ability to learn through observation and imitation is a key component of intelligence.

How to Develop This Habit:

To develop your habits for a high level of intelligence, look for successful models in your field and study their strategies.

Try to understand why they’re successful and how you can apply their strategies to your own work.

3. They Are Self-Reliant Problem Solvers

Intelligent people are self-reliant problem solvers.

They don’t always look for help or step-by-step instructions.

Instead, they experiment, explore, and figure things out on their own.

This not only enhances their problem-solving skills but also boosts their confidence and self-efficacy.

How to Develop This Habit:

Cultivate a problem-solving mindset.

Instead of immediately seeking help when faced with a problem, try to figure it out on your own first.

Related: Why intelligent people struggle with love: 5 eye-opening truths

4. Their Thirst for Knowledge is Insatiable

Intelligent people are constantly seeking new knowledge.

They’re curious and open-minded, always eager to learn new things and broaden their horizons.

They focus more on what they don’t know than on what they already know.

How to Develop This Habit:

Adopt a lifelong learning mindset.

Be curious about the world and seek to learn new things every day.

5. They Apply What They Know

Instead of just accumulating knowledge, intelligent people put their knowledge into practice.

They use what they know to solve problems, make decisions, and improve their lives.

They understand that knowledge is power, but only when it’s applied.

How to Develop This Habit:

Practice applying what you learn to develop your habits for a high level of intelligence,

Try to use your knowledge in practical ways.

6. They Connect the Dots

Intelligent people have a knack for connecting the dots.

They can see patterns and relationships that others might miss.

This ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated things is a sign of creativity, a form of intelligence.

How to Develop This Habit:

Try to see the connections between things.

Look for patterns and relationships in the information you encounter.

7. They Embrace Cognitive Dissonance

Intelligent people are comfortable with cognitive dissonance.

They can hold two conflicting ideas in their minds at the same time and evaluate each one on its own merits.

This ability to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty is a sign of intellectual flexibility, a crucial component of intelligence.

How to Develop This Habit:

Practice tolerating ambiguity and uncertainty.

Try to see multiple sides of an issue and evaluate each one objectively.

8. They Are Curious Questioners

Intelligent people are naturally curious and inquisitive.

They ask lots of questions, not because they’re ignorant, but because they want to learn more and deepen their understanding.

They know that asking questions is a powerful way to stimulate thinking and learning.

How to Develop This Habit:

Cultivate a habit of asking questions.

Don’t be afraid to ask when you don’t know something.

9. They Seek Out Challenges

Intelligent people enjoy challenges.

They see them not as obstacles but as opportunities to grow and learn.

They thrive on solving puzzles, unraveling mysteries, and figuring out complex problems.

This willingness to tackle challenges is a sign of intellectual courage, a key aspect of intelligence.

How to Develop This Habit:

Embrace challenges.

View them as opportunities for growth and learning.

10. They Are Tolerant of Others

Intelligent people are tolerant of others’ quirks and eccentricities.

They understand that everyone is unique and that diversity enriches our world.

This ability to accept and appreciate others’ differences is a sign of social intelligence.

How to Develop This Habit:

To develop your habits for a high level of intelligence, practice tolerance and acceptance.

Appreciate the diversity of people around you.

11. They Think Before They Act

Intelligent people are thoughtful and reflective.

They take time to think things through before they act.

They understand that impulsive actions can lead to mistakes, so they prefer to consider all angles and possibilities first.

This ability to think before acting is a sign of emotional intelligence.

How to Develop This Habit:

Cultivate a habit of thoughtful reflection.

Think things through before you act.

12. They Are Comfortable with Failure

Intelligent people understand that failure is a part of life and learning.

They see failures as valuable feedback, not as personal defeats.

They’re not afraid to make mistakes because they know that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.

How to Develop This Habit:

Embrace failure as a part of learning.

See mistakes as feedback, not as personal failures.

13. They Practice Empathy

Last but not least, intelligent people are empathetic.

They can put themselves in others’ shoes and understand their feelings and perspectives.

This ability to empathize with others is a sign of emotional intelligence.

How to Develop This Habit:

Practice empathy.

Try to understand others’ feelings and perspectives.


These are some of the habits high level of intelligence that highly intelligent people cultivate.

If you recognize yourself in any of these smart people habits, congratulations!

You’re likely among the ranks of the highly intelligent.

But remember, intelligence isn’t just about IQ scores or your brain’s cognitive abilities.

It’s also about emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and other forms of intelligence.

So, don’t limit yourself to one definition or measurement of intelligence.

Keep learning, growing, and developing your intelligence in all its forms.

For more information, check out these resources on types Of Intelligence and Cognitive Intelligence.

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