Does your partner have a tendency to hide his feelings?
You may wonder whether he really loves you because rarely does he show you his love by making grand gestures?
Or maybe you would like to know if your best friend harbors a secret love for you?
This guide is here to help you if you’re feeling frustrated. There are 12 undeniable body language signs he secrely likes you.
We’ll reveal the answers to questions I often receive like:
“What body language shows that a guy likes you? …what are the signs that he secretly loves you? …how do I tell if he likes me?
…and many more.
But first, please read the following few sentences carefully before diving into this guide.
I wasted a lot of time dating guys who were never affectionate. It turned out they were just not that into me, even though I told myself they were afraid to show their true feelings to me.
I used to be the type of woman who was only fun, but nothing more.
Fortunately, I was able to solve this problem when I learned about the Hero’s Instinct.
That might sound corny, but it describes a powerful aspect of male psychology that few women are aware of.
Men commonly experience this psychological trigger, and it can dramatically affect the way they feel about the woman in their lives.
This made all the difference between being treated like a short-term fling and being adored like a princess (read my story to learn how I made it happen).
Activating this primal instinct is easy once you know how.
If you’re hoping that a man will say he loves you, learn how to trigger this part of his psychology.
Here is a body language guide that shows how close he is to declaring his love.
You can tell a lot about a man’s subconscious feelings just by looking at his body language. Having said that, let’s jump into the twelve signs you should look for when you think someone is falling for you.
And, if decoding his body language intrigues you, wait until you see how to make him chase you effortlessly.
Key Nuggets
- Proximity is everything. If he’s closing the physical gap, he’s emotionally closing in too.
- Unintentional mirroring means major interest. If he copies your gestures, he’s subconsciously syncing with your vibe.
- Eye contact says it all. Deep, lingering stares signal he’s captivated—and maybe a little nervous.
- Body language is an open book. Learning to read it is like discovering a love language without words.
1. He doesn’t give you as much personal space as he used to.
This is a really crucial body language sign that he likes you. He will try to get as close as possible to you if he is into you. You will literally see how much they are trying to get close to you. When somebody tries to get in close to you, it shows that he is willing to be intimate with you.
Inevitably, you are going to want to be close to someone you are only sexually attracted to. Then again, being close to someone also shows that they are allowbing themselves to be vulnerable by putting themselves out there.
This might be obvious if he tries to be really close to you during a conversation, or it might be less obvious. When you are with other people, for example, they may choose to sit next to you at a dinner table or simply choose to stand nearby you. It is a sign of their interest. They are interested in you.
2. He touches you more frequently.
When a man falls in love with you, he will use every excuse to touch you and feel your skin. It can be as small as touching your shoulder to touching the arch of your back as you walk together. Hand holding or placing his arm on your leg under the dinner table are other obvious ways he would touch you.
If he even touches you slightly, his body will go into overdrive and his heart will flutter for you. Some of these subtle touches might not be very noticeable, but if you look closely, you will see that they are more than just friendly. It will be more apparent if he isn’t typically ‘touchy-feely’ yet begins to put a lot of effort into feeling your skin on his.
Also, pay attention to his interactions with you when you greet each other. Generally, people hug or kiss one another when they meet. Some may even kiss on both cheeks. You can tell that he has feelings for you if he holds on to your hug a bit too long, or if he kisses you too close to the lips.

3. His body language might mirror yours.
If someone copies the actions of someone else, then this is a classic, old-school sign that they are into that person. You might notice that if a man falls for you is sitting next to you, he mirrors how you sit, or does the same things you do. It can range from copying the way you run your hands through your hair to taking a drink at the same time as you.
It’s likely he won’t even realize that he’s doing it. His subconscious will be forcing him to copy what you’re doing. If you suspect that he is doing this, but you aren’t sure, why not just pick up your glass and drink it or change your seating position? You will know for sure.
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4. He smiles and laughs more now.
It’s obvious he feels something for you when this happens. The expression on his face shows how happy he is to see you. The majority of people smile when they see someone, that’s normal. Nevertheless, observe whether he is still smiling after a while. If he keeps beaming throughout your conversation, he is probably so happy to be in your company that he can’t control himself.
Another sign that he is falling in love with you is that he laughs at your jokes more than he does with other people. It is clear that he is trying to make you feel comfortable and he is appreciating you more than anyone else.
He will want to see you more if you make him feel this happy.
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5. You get some serious eye contact from him.
If you want to know if someone loves you, you must look at their eye contact. The act of looking into each other’s eyes improves emotional chemistry and strengthens bonds already in place. It’s time to start considering it. Do you have a lot of eye contact with each other? Can you feel a deep emotional connection behind it, or is it simply of a sexual nature?
During a conversation, you might notice he doesn’t look away from you as long as he holds eye contact with you. The reason he is doing this is because he is captivated by what you are saying and how you look. All his attention is on you.
A lot of eye contact may also make you feel connected to him, or you might find yourself feeling turned on by him being so forward. He clearly intends this and it seems to work.
Not only should you pay attention to his eye contact with you, but you should also see if he stares at you when you aren’t facing him. You can tell if a man is into you if his eyes follow your body as you walk around the room. In addition, he might smile while looking at you distantly. If you want to check this discreetly, turn away from him, walk away, and then look back. If he’s looking at you then it’s because he is crazy about you and your body.
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6. He puts a lot of effort into his appearance.
It seems this has nothing to do with body language, but it does. His goal is to show off his body in a way that you will find appealing. In order to impress you and win your love, a man will go to great lengths to look good.
This can range from putting on a nice shirt if he knows you will be nearby to doing his hair nicely. You might not be able to tell if he is putting extra effort into his appearance if you have only ever seen him look good, but if you really think about it, you could tell.
If he starts to adjust his clothing or fix his hair as soon as he sees you, you will be able to tell that he is looking for you. He is getting ready to impress you. It’s a sure sign he is attracted to you.
7. He always faces you.
He will want to give you his full, undivided attention when he is falling in love with you. Thus, whenever you speak to each other, he will make sure that he is facing you, with his whole body pointing towards you. His whole body is pointing in your direction. He is letting you feel his entire being. Along with being close to you, as I mentioned in my first point, this is a sure sign that he is into you.
Additionally, he will probably turn his head sideways to listen to you while his body is positioned straight ahead. Falling in love is characterized by this type of body language: he secretly likes you, my dear. His head is bowed subconsciously to show you his vulnerable side, and probably consciously to get closer to you.
8. When you’re around him, he gets nervous.
Naturally, when a man falls in love with you, he is going to be nervous. There are a few different reasons why he might be nervous, but two of the most significant ones are that he might not want to blow his chance with you or that he might not feel reciprocated.
He might display many body language signs he secretly likes you. For instance, his palms and forehead might sweat. He might have a slight shake in his hands, or he might have a nervous tic. He might fidget as well.
Nervous fidgeting happens in many different ways. Everyone does it. When you were nervous, did you twiddle your hair or fiddle with your skirt hem? You can expect him to do the same.
During dinner or drinks, you might notice that he is constantly tapping his foot or playing with the straw in his drink. Another sign of nerves might be that he fumbles his words when talking to you.
All of these signs indicate that he is in love with you and can’t control himself around you.
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9. If you speak to other men, he doesn’t seem to be happy.
I just want to say before I continue that being protective is one thing, but being controlling and overprotective is quite another. When someone gets mad at you for trying to have a friendly conversation with another man, this is a red flag that they are jealous.
If a man is falling in love with you, he isn’t going to be overly pleased if other men approach you and talk to you. If he isn’t standing with you, you may notice that his facial expression changes into a more sad or angry tone.
He may stand taller, push his chest out and lower his voice when the other man walks over to you if he is standing with you. As a result of his animalistic behavior, he’s basically telling the other guy to leave you alone because you’re his. Additionally, he might take your hand into his to show that he likes you, and every other man should back off.

10. His pupils are larger than normal.
Someone’s pupils dilate when they feel feelings for or are attracted to someone else. People who are into you naturally release happy hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin when they see them, and these hormones affect their pupils.
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As a result, when a man (or woman) is attracted to someone romantically or sexually, the increase in these hormones causes your pupils to dilate.
This might be difficult to detect if you are in a dark place and his pupils could be dilated as a result. If you want, however, you can test this and do a little experiment of your own.
As you get to know him, you can check his eyes and see their size, then flirt with him or brush your hand against his crotch and see if his pupils dilate. If they do, it’s probably because he’s curious to know where that came from.
11. It could be that his lips are parted, or that he licks them without noticing.
There is more sexual attraction than an emotional connection in this point, but a little bit of pure sexual attraction is normal when falling in love. Even if he doesn’t notice, if he is licking his lips, he might be trying to get close to you.
Also, he might part his lips toward you when he is attracted to you.
Whenever he licks or parts his lips, he is either getting ready to kiss you, he wants you to notice his lips, or he is unable to control his natural sexual urges.
12. You just know.
A man’s subconscious is trying to relay his feelings to your subconscious through his body language. It is likely that you will be able to sense his energy as he sends it to you. We are always led to the truth by our subconscious thoughts or instincts, so if you feel that he is falling in love with you, you are probably right.
Those who surround the two of you will probably be able to tell if he has feelings for you, even if you can’t. The people around you will be able to tell if you reciprocate his feelings even more so. Chemistry is palpable in the air.
My Personal Take
Here’s the thing about body language signs he likes you—they can be subtle, like a whisper in a noisy room, but once you start noticing, it’s like unlocking a secret code.
I remember one particularly revealing moment years ago at a café with a guy I wasn’t sure about. He leaned in just a little too close every time I spoke, his hand brushing mine as he reached for his cup.
And when I laughed at something (admittedly, not that funny), his laugh was bigger, like he was feeding off my joy. It hit me: this wasn’t just casual interest—his body was speaking louder than his words.
But decoding these signals doesn’t always come naturally.
That’s why I recommend James Bauer’s guide to my friends and readers. His insights, especially the famous “12-word message,” are like having a cheat sheet for the emotional and psychological nuances of attraction. It’s perfect if you want results without investing in lengthy, costly coaching sessions.
Body language is only part of the story, but once you pair it with an understanding of his deeper instincts? You’ll see things you never noticed before. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.
Are There Any Body Language Signs That A Guy Is In Love?
When a guy is in love, his body language will change completely. He will want to be near you all of the time when he is in love with you, he may kiss and cuddle you every time you walk past just so that he can show you how much he cares, he may smile more and be extremely physical with you.
Is a Man Falling For You? How Can You Tell?
Be sure to pay attention to a man’s body language if you are trying to tell whether he is in love with you. If he brushes his hand against yours when you are in the middle of a conversation, if he hugs you a little longer than usual when he says goodbye, or if he smiles more around you than anyone else, he may be falling for you.
What Is The Best Way To Tell If A Man Likes You By His Body Language?
If you want to know if a man likes you, watch to see if his body language changes around you. There are signs that he likes you if he smiles at you more than he does with anyone else, brushes your leg when you are talking to him, or hugs you for a moment longer when he is saying goodbye to you.
Are You Able To Tell If A Guy Is Turned On While Kissing?
If you are kissing, you will know he likes it when he brushes your hair or kisses you back. He will probably pull away and make an excuse that he has to leave if he doesn’t like it. Guys don’t kiss unless they like it.
Is He Just Nice To Me Or Does He Like Me?
If you don’t know whether he likes you or not, then pay attention to his body language signs and how he acts around you. He may like you if he seems a bit shy and awkward around you or if he is more physically affectionate with you than usual. It might be a good idea to talk to him if you have any doubts.
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