Dreaming About An Old Crush (While In A Relationship): What Does It Mean?

Dreaming of an old crush
Dreaming of an old crush

You wake up in the morning. There’s something strange about you: you’re sweating and confused, but also a little excited.

You just had a dream about someone you used to have feelings for.

Yet why? Why did you suddenly have dreams about this old crush? What does this mean?

It can be simple to draw judgments about situations like these, but there are actually a lot of reasons why this could have happened to you.

There are ten basic explanations for why you might continue to have crush-related dreams.

Find out which ones apply to you by reading on!

The top 8 reasons you’ve been having dreams about an ex-crush

1) Your solitude

Dreaming of an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend can just be a sign of loneliness.

All of us do, am I correct?

Therefore, even if you have no affections for your former flame, it’s possible that your subconscious uses them as a stand-in for social contact in your dreams.

This is a good indication that you lack social contact, even if you haven’t yet realized it or find it difficult to confess.

Consider the past…

Have you had enough time to spend with friends and family? You may have been concentrating too much on your work or isolating yourself too much.

Go out and spend time with your loved ones if that’s the case!

Because we are social animals, humans require regular reassurance that our peers accept and esteem us.

2) You long for closeness with someone.

Another possibility is that you prefer romantic and sexual engagement above social interaction.

That’s very natural, too!

Dreams about an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend can be a clear sign that you’re yearning for closeness.

This does not imply that you desire to engage in sexual activity with them. It’s more likely a sign that you miss having a sexual or personal relationship with someone.

This basically suggests that you need to revitalize your present love and sexual life!

3) It’s a sign of anxiety

Negative emotions or disordered psychological states might also occur in dreams about someone you formerly adored.

Let me state it another way…

More specifically, such dreams may be the expression of insecurities, doubts, and anxieties.

Take a look at who you are and your current situation:

  • Have you recently been struggling with low self-esteem?
  • Have insecurities been a challenge for you lately?
  • Have you recently had trouble standing up for yourself?
  • Are you experiencing anxiety about a forthcoming event, such as a significant job interview, a crucial exam, or a challenging chat with a close friend or relative?

This ex-boyfriend of yours may have been chosen by your mind to represent these feelings.

After all, we frequently experience anxiety about our crushes because we worry about being rejected or feel unworthy of them.

I am aware that dealing with the anxiousness may be challenging.

However, things don’t have to be this way.

During one of my darkest periods of life, I was introduced to an unusual free masterclass created by Celebrity Hypnotherapist Paul McKenna, designed to eliminate stress and boost inner peace.

The relationship I was in was failing. I always felt tense. It was at this point that my self-esteem and confidence reached rock bottom. Your heart and soul don’t benefit much from heartbreak, I’m sure you can relate.

Since I had nothing to lose, I signed up for this free online masterclass, and I couldn’t be happier.

I wanted to tell you about this, but first let me explain why?

Sharing is something I truly believe in – I want others to feel empowered as much as I do. I believe it could help you as well if it helped me.

In his exercise to master emotions, Paul has combined his many years of hypnotherapy practice, NLP, and psychosensory techniques to create a flow that is both powerful and free of charge.

If you feel a disconnect with yourself due to having disturbing dreams, I’d recommend checking out Paul’s free life-changing masterclass.

Click here to reserve your spot

4) You’re compensating too much for something.

Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend may also indicate that you’re attempting to soothe emotional anguish.

On the outside, you might look fine, but on the inside, things are most likely not going so well.

Does this describe who you are?

These dreams may be your mind’s way of diverting your attention from the difficulties you are now facing in life, just as individuals stress-eat or drink to deal with stress and unpleasant feelings.

However, keep in mind that these are ultimately only deterrents or defense mechanisms, not actual answers.

If you require support, don’t be reluctant to ask for it.

5) You’re not achieving your goals

Dreams involving former relationships, despite they may appear unrelated, can be a sign of your career path.

Crazy, huh? But allow me to elaborate more…

More precisely, having dreams about a former flame is probably an indication that you’re not happy with your current position.

Currently, it’s possible that you do your job rather well and that your supervisor is also competent. It is more than tolerable and comfortable, and it seems safe—but nothing more.

You can’t get rid of the conviction that you are capable of greater accomplishments.

And what about that? You most likely can!

Respond to these inquiries:

  • Do you believe that your career is stagnating and that you aren’t progressing any further at work?
  • Do you believe that the path you want to take to achieve your goals and aspirations is not supported by your job?
  • Do you find the mere thought of going to work boring?

Dreams involving ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends could just be a sign that you want major life changes. If your response to the aforementioned questions was affirmative, you are aware of what to do.

6) You believe that you two would have been a great team.

Whether they rejected you or you never confessed, the fact that you two never got together is something you still regret.

This is true even if your emotional desire for them has faded. Perhaps you genuinely believed that you two would form a terrific couple.

So occasionally, you just can’t help but daydream about how wonderful dating this person would have been.

In either case, dwelling on it excessively won’t be helpful.

You could even make yourself blind to romantic prospects that come your way!

Simply take a deep breath, and then continue.

7) With a new partner, you’re doing the same old things

Maybe you notice repetitive patterns in your current relationship if you frequently dream about your former flame or ex.

What you can do is…

Try to play back your dreams if you can remember them.

Comparing them to your existing relationship’s traits and patterns

  • Are there any standout parallels?
  • Do the two people have traits in common?
  • Do you show them the same signs of your affection?
  • Perhaps most crucial, do you have the same issues?

If the response is affirmative, you should work on erasing these tendencies from your life.

What if you had the power to alter this, and as a result, your life?

You see, a lot of what we take for granted as reality is only a fabrication. In fact, we can change that to produce happy lives that are consistent with what is most important to us.

The reality is

The possibilities are infinite if we get rid of the societal conditioning and exaggerated standards that our families, education system, and even our religion have placed on us.

8) Your current relationship is giving you trouble.

Are the dreams you have about your ex or past love lovely, joyful, and romantic?

If so, it’s likely that you’re not satisfied at all in your current relationship. As a result, you daydream about your past romance with this old flame.

I’m sorry to break it to you, but there probably is an issue.

This not only indicates that there are unsolved problems in your relationship, but also that you’re either avoiding them or not dealing with them appropriately and effectively.

Avoid the temptation of falling in love with your ex-lover again because of your dreams. It’s a certain way to ruin your relationship to constantly compare them to your present one.

Despite how lovely these dreams and memories of your ex are, keep in mind that they were still human.

Make careful to draw lessons from your previous relationships for the benefit of your current one because your previous relationship was not without its shortcomings.

What you should not ignore when dreaming about your old crush (a couple more possible reasons)

You’ve changed.

Good news if, following the dream about your ex-crush, you awake peaceful and at ease!

Whether you kissed them, fought with them, or were rejected again in the dream, if you awoke unfazed, it indicates that you’ve completely let them go.

Finally, you’ve let go of any sentimental attachment or sense of regret. You have no regrets about the past and are eagerly anticipating the future.

Well done!

You are unable to let go.

This might have been your initial reaction to these dreams; I saved the finest for last. And although it’s difficult to admit, it’s possible that…

You still adore this individual!

Yes, you heard me correctly.

But it’s not just about how you feel about this person. You could find it difficult to let go of the circumstances that surrounding your relationship with them.

Perhaps you still feel bad about prior errors. Perhaps you long for the way things were when they were still in your life. Maybe then you liked yourself more.

If this is the case, you’re probably stuck. You are unable to face the present because you are mired in the past.

You must eventually learn to gradually let go of this baggage. Otherwise, you run the risk of stifling your own development, impeding your success, and keeping yourself from experiencing life.

So how can you get out of this “rut” that you feel like you’re in?

You definitely need more than simply willpower, that much is clear.

The incredibly successful life coaches and educators, Jon and Missy Butcher, who founded Lifebook, are where I first learnt about this.

You see, willpower can only get us so far; the secret to changing your life into something you’re passionate about requires persistence, a change in perspective, and good goal planning.

This may seem like a hard task, but with Jon and Missy’s help, it’s been much easier than I could have imagined.

To find out more about Lifebook, go here.

You might be wondering what distinguishes Lifebook from the other personal development courses available.

Everything boils down to this:

Your life coach is not something Jon and Missy are considering doing.

They prefer that YOU take the initiative to build the life you’ve always wanted.

Don’t hesitate to check out Lifebook if you’re prepared to quit dreaming and begin living your greatest life, one that was built on your terms and that satisfies and fulfills you.

Here is the link once more.

What are some ways you can dream about an ex-crush?

Your ex-crush may appear in a variety of ways in your dreams.

Typical scenes involving them in dreams include:

  • Making out with them or having sex with them;
  • Yelling at them and debating with them;
  • Terminating the relationship;
  • Then desiring your return;
  • Observing them interacting with a second individual;
  • Witnessing their marriage and childbirth;
  • Asking them to reconcile and offering an apology.
  • Making an effort to find them;

Here are some of these typical dream interpretations:

  • Your loved ones, especially your partner, should show their adoration more openly if you were being courted and enticed by an ex-lover or crush. It could also imply that you believe they don’t understand you.
  • If you were having sex with them, this just proves that your sexual life is not fulfilling. You need to be more assertive about your sexual desires because they are not being addressed.
  • There isn’t closure if you were shouting at each other and fighting. You may still carry sorrow or animosity toward this former partner, which is probably having an impact on your present partnership.
  • If your ex was pursuing you, it indicates that you still harbor unmet expectations from your previous relationship. Even though it’s annoying, this could be your mind’s attempt to help you make sense of what happened so you can finally go on.
  • If you had a dream about them starting a family, it indicates that you are moving on or have already moved on. They are beginning a new chapter in life, and you will probably follow suit. In fact, the cosmos might be letting you know in advance that you’re going to start a family!
  • It might be a reflection of your actual desires if your ex-crush expressed regret and a desire to reunite with you. It’s possible that you’re tired of being let down by others and just want them to behave the way you want or need them to.
  • If you were bidding each other farewell, get ready for a new chapter in your life because it’s about to begin. This may signify that you have finally moved past your ex-lover, but it might also allude to other aspects of your life.

All of these instances, though, can signify several things. So be sure to take into account the context, the details of these dreams, and your own personal situation.

What do dreams about a former boyfriend or crush symbolize spiritually?

Numerous books on dreams claim that these dreams frequently signify the start of something new.
Looks good, doesn’t it?

Something is undoubtedly going to happen in the future, whether it’s getting new possibilities, the beginning of new adventures, or getting some new luck.

The dream may have instead served as a reminder of past failures or tragedies if you found it to be particularly unpleasant or uncomfortable.

Or, to put it more bluntly, it could merely signify that old problems are still there.

Even if there is no possibility of ever being with this person, you might still adore them. Perhaps you believed that you had moved on, yet certain emotions still linger inside and are now coming to the surface.

It might also be brought on by problems in your existing partnership. It’s simple to daydream about the good days of a previous relationship if you’re not happy with how things are with your current partner.

Some individuals consider these dreams to be divine messages.

It’s trying to let you know that it can feel your uncertainty and lack of confidence. In order to improve your self-esteem, it is therefore encouraging you to put yourself first.

Another thing it might be trying to tell you is that it’s time to find fresh love because you’ve been single for too long.

Why did I dream that I was in love with a friend?

Having romantic feelings for a buddy in your waking life yet having dreams about loving or being in a relationship with them can be exciting.

Yes, even if you don’t want to accept it, it may be a sign that you’ve liked them subconciously all along.

However, it could also suggest that you simply want to feel happy because it’s been a while since you’ve felt that way.

After all, spending time with close friends is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Friends are frequently linked to happiness in our culture.

It could be time to catch up with your buddies because you haven’t seen them in a while.

What if I was the dream’s object of desire?

Your mind may be dreaming to cheer you up by having a dream that they have a crush on you!

It is likely attempting to motivate you to become an even better person by serving as a reminder of your best qualities.

Your favorite aspects of yourself will undoubtedly be reflected in whatever compliments you receive in your dream.

Really lovely, huh?

Dreams can, however, also be very literal at times. Especially if they didn’t like you in real life, you might just be dreaming that an old crush will genuinely like you back.

Your gut may also be speaking to you. Do you suspect that a known acquaintance is crushing on you?

You’re most likely correct.

Or, if you were overjoyed when they expressed interest in you in your dream, you might end up liking them in reality.

You might have also had a dream about someone you are not drawn to like you. If so, you might shortly experience a negative situation.

What if I have dreams about famous people?

Look, we don’t blame you if Henry Cavill or Ana de Armas are in your dreams (many of us do too).

Naturally, the most straightforward reason is that you just have a minor crush on that celebrity. That is very likely a possibility, but there might be something else as well.

Dreaming about well-known people doesn’t necessarily indicate that you merely find them attractive. It can also be because you identify with them or that they possess qualities you like and aspire to achieve for yourself.

Perhaps you desire their charisma, eloquence, humor, wit, or confidence.

Again, I wouldn’t blame you. You might also simply wish to wed them.

What does it mean if I had a crush on a total stranger in my dream?

Awkward, if not downright annoying, can undoubtedly result from having romantic or sexual dreams about a complete stranger.

These dreams are actually assisting you in recognizing aspects of yourself that you are still learning about.

The gender of the stranger in these dreams is a crucial factor to take into account.

Dreaming of a man is a representation of your manly traits.

If they were a woman, on the other hand, the dream would be highlighting your more feminine side.

Overall, these dreams are there to help you develop into a more complete person.

What do dreams about teachers’ crushes mean?

Students, especially those in high school or college, may find themselves dreaming romantically about their professors.

Anyone can experience this, okay?

Regardless of whether they are attracted to their teachers or not, it may still be a perplexing experience.

In spite of this, common belief regarding dreams holds that these dreams genuinely represent personal growth and development.

What a smart move, huh?

Teachers are there to aid us in learning and improving as humans. It makes no difference if the teacher in your dream was a present-day or former instructor.

You should therefore take this dream literally, so don’t worry. Simply said, it’s the universe’s means of fostering your spiritual development.

It draws your attention to the need for growth and prods you in the proper path.

More specifically, it’s probably assisting you in improving your self-awareness so you may reach your full potential.
In certain legends, dreams about adoring elders, mentors, or professors were really interpreted as lucky omens!

What if I have a crush in a dream on a gender that I don’t actually find attractive?

Not to worry.

We reassure you that your sexuality is unaltered.

Dreams like these are simply like dreams involving strangers; being straight does not make one gay, or vice versa. They exhibit characteristics that you are drawn to, admire, or wish you had.

If you dream about males, you’re probably drawn to traits that men possess, such as:

  • Power
  • Being assertive;
  • Confidence and composure.

Dreams concerning women, however, indicate that you respect feminine qualities like:

  • Mildness;
  • Receptivity
  • Instinct, too.

It might also imply that you take pride in having these qualities. For instance, having a dream about another woman if you’re a straight woman indicates that you value your feminine qualities.

In a dream, what if I was hugged by my crush?

It indicates that you are conscious of your own aspirations if you have a dream in which you are hugging your crush.

You are aware of how much you want to feel safe, loved, and comforted. Maybe you don’t get enough of these things in real life to satisfy your requirements.

Again, you are aware of it.

Perhaps you find it difficult to act on it or just don’t want to admit it.

If you’re currently dating someone, you probably already know the answer, which is to chat to them.

What does it mean when I dream of kissing my crush?

Because you don’t get enough kissing while you’re awake, you do it in your dreams.
Very likely…

You want greater passion and closeness in your relationships because they aren’t affectionate enough right now.

Another possibility is that you’re just daydreaming about prior desires. Maybe you never got together with this former love, and now you’re wondering what it would have been like to be in love with them.

A very romantic and private act is kissing. Therefore, if you imagine doing this with your crush, it could not simply be a regular crush.

Most likely, you have considerably stronger and more severe sentiments for them. You probably genuinely desire a relationship with them.

Basically, you’re head over heels for them.

The easiest and safest course of action in dreams like this is to take things literally. You desire the events in your dream to occur in reality.

You want them to approach you if they kissed you in your dream. If you kissed them, on the other hand, you might now want to initiate contact but have been too terrified of rejection.

What if I dreamed that my crush passed away?

This is a true nightmare, not a dream. After all, the majority of people wouldn’t wish their ex-death spouse’s regardless of how things turned out!

However, having dreams about your ex’s demise does not guarantee that they will actually pass away. Instead, it’s supposed to represent the fact that you’re ultimately losing interest in them as well.

That’s great news, right?

The end of any journey is frequently the most difficult portion, which is precisely what these dreams entail, even though this will eventually allow you to move on.

Thus, you must endure the turbulence before you can completely let go.

You can sense that your subconscious is finally letting go of your feelings for them. Be relieved by it too, despite how terrible it is. New beginnings are about to happen.

A major life shift, such as the end of one thing and the beginning of another, is typically represented by death in dreams.

The meaning of this dream is very obvious: You must move on permanently because their position in your life is over.

What if I had a dream that my crush and I were reuniting?

Such dreams might indicate a wide range of things, including

  • You could wish to rekindle your romance with your ex. This is particularly true if you were close friends or ex-spouses with them.
  • Even if you don’t necessarily wish to rekindle your love relationship, you just generally miss them.
  • An important event is about to take place. In fact, you might soon learn something wonderful.

Even personal transformation may be part of this impending event.

Certain forces are reshaping your inner spiritual being, and you’re on the verge of becoming a better version of yourself.

What if I keep having dreams about this ex-crush?

Something significant is going on if you keep dreaming about your crush to the point that it bothers you so much.

Consider these standards:

  • If you frequently have pleasant, uplifting dreams about them, you probably still care for them deeply. You may have been holding back these feelings, but you really want to be with in real life.
  • Your dreams probably have nothing to do with your ex-crush at all if they are gloomy and upsetting. You likely currently have significant issues that you’re working to overcome.

These problems most likely relate to how you now feel about your current partner if you do.

Not only are you finding it tough to solve issues, but you also find it difficult to even approach them and discuss them.

But have you ever thought to yourself, “Why is love so difficult?”

Why can’t it turn out the way you pictured growing up? Or at least be logical…

Dealing with relationship problems can make you easily frustrated and even helpless. You might even feel the urge to give up on love and throw in the towel.

What if a relationship coach could help you?

Talking to a relationship coach can be very helpful if you are looking for specific advice regarding your situation.

This is something I have personally experienced…

When I was going through a tough patch in my relationship, I reached out to Relationship Hero. The insights they gave me into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track were invaluable for me after being lost in my thoughts for so long.

If you haven’t heard of Relationship Hero before, it’s a website where highly trained relationship coaches guide people through difficult times in their love lives.

You can receive tailor-made advice for your specific situation within minutes by connecting with a certified relationship coach.

Despite being new to coaching, I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and helpful my coach was.

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