I suspect you’re reading this because you think… Omg, I’m still here… I should have everything figured out by now…
In reality, you still struggle immensely with your love life.
It doesn’t matter whether he’s intentionally unfaithful to you or whether he’s simply not putting as much effort into the relationship as you do.
Perhaps you’re reading this because you’re in love with someone, but you don’t know if they feel the same about you?
Or maybe you’re not sure if he feels the same way about you?
These factors make us feel utterly helpless as women.
Ok… Maybe you are just here because you want to have more control over your love life?
There is some good news for you: I may have a solution.
I experienced exactly the same difficulties before, and I’ll tell you exactly how I was able to resolve them.
There was a little concept called the ‘Hero Instinct’ that was behind all of this.
Please promise me that you will read my entire story from beginning to end before we proceed.
To have a great relationship, you must understand every step of the process.
Since we are on the same page, let me tell you about my relationship with Michael.
Note: If you’re curious about the art of attracting the right man into your life, be sure to also check out the article we dedicated to the 10 surefire steps to getting a man to chase you.
I was in Heaven
I was literally in Haven with Michael.
It seemed like we were meant to be together.
It was like he was made for me. It had been a long time since I felt this way.
Until he slowly distanced himself from me.
OMG, again?…
I knew what was happening because I’d seen the signs enough times.
Once again, I witnessed another man drift away from me, and did not understand why.
Life seems like a cruel joke being played on you.
It seems like you’ve finally found your happily ever after with a wonderful man, and then he disappears for no apparent reason.
Even more painful is the gradual process of losing him.
There is no clear indication that he has lost interest.
I cannot see any obvious reason for him to be upset.
Therefore, you cannot ask him why. You can’t do that unless you want to be called insecure and paranoid.
Rather, you cross your fingers and strive to be a great partner.
But I never had success with that.
Texts are slowing down.
They are becoming shorter. His schedule is getting busier.
The time we spend together is getting shorter.
Each. Single. Time.
I always found this process to be so painful.
Whenever I attempted something, the same thing happened – and I questioned myself for weeks afterwards.
Did I not look pretty enough?
Am I too needy or am I not affectionate enough?
Was he looking for a younger skinnier version of me?
So, ultimately…was I doomed to be alone forever?
It’s a horrible vision that was becoming more and more likely.
Possibly I would only ever make a good ‘short-term girlfriend’.
Someone to have fun with until someone better comes along.
These thoughts would nag at me constantly.
Whenever I broke up, I had a hard time getting back up again.
Once again, the same scenario unfolded.
This time I could not sit back and let it happen to me.
Not this time. It wouldn’t happen with Michael.
To find out what was happening, I had to dig deeper…
This is what I did.
My mission to save my relationship
While I was searching the web for expert assistance, my heart was racing.
There was a sense of taking ‘extreme measures’.
I’ve never heard of anyone tracing down a dating expert to fix their relationship problems.
There was, however, a problem.
It had happened too often for it to be a coincidence.
My only hope was that it wouldn’t come between me and Michael.
There was one happy ending I wasn’t ready to trash.
You never know how many opportunities I may have.
There was just one thing I needed to find, a real dating ‘expert’.
Someone who understands the dynamics between men and women.
There had to be someone who could understand why I was pushing all these great men away. Somebody who could explain what men truly wanted.
As it turns out, there are quite a few ‘love doctors’ out there.
Most of them offer the same generic garbage that my friends have told me for years.
However, after an hour or two of searching, I came across an author who truly impressed me.
The man’s name was James Bauer.
He had studied love, attraction, and relationships for more than a decade.
He offered advice that I had never heard before, but it made perfect sense.
The guy certainly knew how to walk the walk as well as talk the talk.
Suddenly, everything was changing for me.
Is it a struggle to convince him to spend time with you?
Understanding males on a much deeper emotional level is the key to finding a solution.
With a few subtle comments you might make to him, you can actually modify the main reason why men react in this way.
Learn how to become his top priority in this free video by Relationship Psychologist James Bauer.
The #1 mistake women make that scares men away
I explored James’ free online content in more detail. I felt as if I were looking into The Matrix.
My mistakes from prior relationships were being unraveled before my very eyes.
As I read more, I learned more. I soon realized why some of my friends had sabotaged their chances at true love.
I wish they had discovered James’ blog as well.
In the process of my education, I stumbled across one of the most important pieces of advice I’ve ever read.
In his words:
“A man’s defenses naturally increase when he feels as if you have an agenda, as if you are trying to trap him in a relationship. In many cases, it is unconscious, but it is ridiculously common.”
And he continues..
“His instincts indicate that you may not be ‘The One.’ He points out your flaws.
You become this selfish woman attempting to steal his freedom.
This is where he shuts down his emotions.
He puts up an emotional wall and will do anything to avoid a deeper connection.”
James was right! It made perfect sense!
Michael was pulling away because of this, as were all the guys before him.
As I put in more effort to lock down my lovers, the more their emotions would close off.
And then…
“A man will put up blockers whenever he feels that a woman is trying to get something.
It’s as if he’s being attacked! It’s almost impossible to communicate with him at this point.
It’s the death of your relationship.”
“Ironically, you unconsciously sabotage yourself when you most want him.
You chase his affection more and more he closes himself off.
As you continue to stress about his lack of investment, he will eventually give up and leave.”
I felt like he was reading my autobiography.
Nevertheless, the question remained:
how can a woman keep a relationship with a great man?
James had the answers, thankfully.
As he explained, once a man sees you as “The One”, everything changes.
Suddenly, you are not that evil woman trying to take his freedom away. Instead, you are the perfect partner he has been searching for.
It won’t bother him at this point that he’ll lose his freedom.
To him, the security of a relationship with you far outweighs the freedom he could gain from romantic freedom.
It made complete sense to me.
Next, I needed to figure out how to make Michael see me as the high-quality woman I was.
What could I do to make him see me as “the one”?
You think about him all the time, but he thinks only about himself?
It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you.
He needs to be understood in his own way.
You’ll find there’s a subtle thing you can say to him that will dramatically change how he shows his emotions towards you once you do that.
Learn how to become his top priority in this free video by Relationship Psychologist James Bauer.
Here’s how to make a man lust after you
A few weeks ago, I noticed James had created an online course.
The course was designed to teach you how to get a man to obsess over you.
It focused on unleashing his ‘Hero Instinct’, a biological drive that generates far more power than romantic feelings in men.
I consider myself to be well-read, but I had never heard of the Hero Instinct.
I could not find any online information about this either.
James, who studied male-female relations for over a decade, allegedly discovered this during that time.
Normaly, I’d dismiss this as marketing guff, but this guy had already revealed so many of my blind spots.
Now, all I needed was more information.
Although I was worried that the course would be disappointing, everything else had made sense up until this point.
With that, I put it on my credit card.
I made one of the best decisions of my life.
The course was packed with information that was broken down into simple chunks.
This course taught me the secrets of male psychology.
I learned the following lessons, among others:
- Men fall in love with certain behaviors.
- How to get him to chase you for a long-term relationship.
- How to become his priority in his life.
- The best way to reignite his desire when he seems to be losing interest.
- Connect with him, even if he builds a wall.
- How to counteract men’s reluctance to commit.
- How to become “The One” he can’t live without.
No matter what the situation is between you and your man, the course explains how to activate the Hero Instinct.
Taking the course was easy, but it was surprisingly effective and powerful…
Here’s What You Need To Do To Find A True Love And Have A Happy Ever After

After I truly understood Michael’s feelings, it was easier to bring him back than I anticipated.
James’ course instructions rekindled his interest like a light switch.
Nevertheless, without this step-by-step guide, I would not have worked him out.
I have been living a fairytale ever since…
- My relationship is now the most loving and passionate of my life. The fire still burns brightly after years of being together.
- Michael makes romantic gestures all the time, without any reason. He wants to show that he cares.
- This relationship meets all of my needs. I’m sure he feels the same way.
- Probably most importantly, I feel completely secure in my relationship (for the first time ever!)
James changed my fortunes completely and I am very grateful.
The reason why I wrote this article is that it felt selfish to keep this story a secret.
James has made a very unusual video that I believe every woman ought to see.
This is a takeaway from the course that contains a lot of the same information.
If you are a woman who is struggling with relationships, you have to watch it.
Make sure your speakers are on and click the play button to watch:
Before you watch it, please follow these 3 simple guidelines:
- You might want to share this with other women who struggle with finding and keeping a good man
- You should never use this method to play with the emotions of a man, but only to build a steadfast and committed relationship with him
- Be sure to watch the entire video – if you don’t intend to watch the whole thing, there is no point in clicking.
I know how frustrating it is to keep losing good men, especially when you don’t know why. This was my worst nightmare.
I would never wish it on anyone, and I am so happy that I was able to fix it.
That is why I urge you to watch James’ video by clicking here.
Rather than letting great men pass you by, this could be the beginning of your happy ending.
Wish you all the best,
5 Steps to Make Him Chase You (Free Guide)
How to turn the tables to a man pulling away, based on little-known Astrology gems.
Get your 100% free access (limited copies available):
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