Twin flame separation: how long does it last? (8 revealing factors + signs to look for)

Twin flame separation: how long does it last?
Twin flame separation: how long does it last?
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If you’ve ever wondered, “How often do twin flames separate?” then this article is for you!

A twin flame relationship is an intense, profound soul connection with another person in which the souls mirror one other.

It is predicated on the concept that a single soul matures to the point when it splits into two independent entire selves.

A twin flame connection can reflect your greatest strengths, insecurities, and shadows, leading you on a journey of profound growth and transformation of your life’s purpose.

Twin flame separation often lasts from a few weeks to several years. Yet it might be much more than that. Or maybe even less. There are no guidelines.

Continue reading to learn how long twin flame separation lasts, 8 things you should know, and what you can do to speed up the process.

1) The twin flame separation lasts until the runner stops running.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the twin flame runner and chaser dynamic as a twin flame.

The runner is the one who leaves first in this dynamic. And, while you may blame yourself for this and wonder why he/she went, realize that it is not your fault.

Nothing you did caused the runner to depart. In fact, nothing needs to happen for them to depart.

Of course, if you are the runner in this relationship dynamic, you must understand why you are running.

Once you’ve determined the cause, you can begin working on a solution. You’ll stop running as soon as you do that.

And the best part? No matter how far you flee, you will always be able to return to your cherished twin flame.

Therefore never assume that the runner and chaser relationship is permanent. You will be able to get back together with your twin flame as soon as possible if you work on your concerns.

2) The duration of twin flame separation depends on how long it takes both twins to address their concerns.

Although mirror souls are designed to be together, they must periodically separate to cope with their individual concerns.

These concerns are usually personal, but they are so intense that their union is no longer conceivable.

Your twin flame runner, for example, may be unable to cope with the idea that he or she is a twin flame.

Alternatively, you may have personal issues that make it difficult for you to remain in union with your counterpart.

As you may be aware, simply meeting your twin flame does not solve all of your personal problems.

As a result, your journey may take some time before you can be one with him/her again.

In this situation, doing some shadow work is very advised. And, if you are prepared to work through those challenges, the separation phase will benefit you and your twin.

Nonetheless, you’ll have to wait for your counterpart to heal from their own problems before you can be together again.

3) A gifted counselor can predict how long your twin flame separation will last.

The points we discuss in this post will give you a decent sense of how long twin flame separation lasts.

Even with our experienced assistance, we understand how unique each scenario is.

That is why we advocate obtaining a tailored reading to truly address your difficulties.

The trick, however, is to chat with someone you can trust.

At a particularly difficult period in my love life, I discovered that speaking with a Kasamba advisor gave me the courage and motivation I needed to get my life back on track.

The advisor I dealt with was courteous, sympathetic to my position, and genuinely helpful.

My love reading illuminated my circumstances in ways I couldn’t perceive on my own, and I was finally able to cleanse my mind and mend my heart.

Get your own unique love reading by clicking here.

A smart advisor can not only predict how long the separation phase will endure, but they can also reveal all of your future love prospects.

4) It lasts as long as it takes for you and your twin flame to grow spiritually apart.

Twin flames are typically imbalanced. Although they completely mirror each other, one is usually more woke than the other.

What does that imply?

When a soul awakens, its vibration rises. And, because the twin flame relationship is founded on a high degree of vibration, this union can’t last unless both twins are on the same spiritual level.

Hence, if you aren’t spiritually mature now and are asking how long your twin flame separation will persist, the solution lies in spiritual growth.

How can you develop spiritually?

There are numerous methods for doing so.

For example, you can raise your frequency through meditation or prayer. Or, you might ponder on specific themes to learn more about them and grow spiritually as a result.

It’s also a good idea to let rid of your ego. Regrettably, many of us have a tendency to rely on our egos as a crutch. And, since we believe our egos define us, we prefer to cling to them.

But let me tell you something: your ego is not who you are. You are who you think you are, or who your twin flame thinks you are.

5) It lasts as long as you and your twin flame are able to understand why you separated.

Do you know why you and your counterpart decided to separate?

For example, you may believe that your twin is self-centered. Or perhaps you believe he or she is overly self-absorbed. Could that actually be the case, though?

Or are you the one who walked away?

If so, consider this: you should prioritize knowing your own reasons for leaving before attempting to figure out his/hers.

Why? Because you are the one in charge.

The reunification process will proceed as smoothly as possible if you have not only accepted your personal reason for separation, but also found a solution to it.

And if you are the twin flame who was abandoned, attempt to figure out why you were abandoned. Maybe it had nothing to do with you. Maybe it was all because of your twin!

6) Both twins need time to heal their wounds before they are reunited.

So you’ve found your twin flame. You had a beautiful experience, but it is now over.

Just because you got the opportunity to unite with your counterpart does not mean that your baggage or theirs vanished. You must cope with it, let go of the past, and heal your wounds.

But how?

Finding a soulmate is one way to do so during twin flame separation. Soulmates are reported to have extraordinary healing abilities.

Good news: Discovering your soul partner is not as difficult as you believe!

I’ve just discovered a technique to achieve this… a professional psychic artist who can draw a sketch of your soulmate.

I wasn’t sure at first, but when a friend recommended it, I gave it a shot.

Now I know exactly what my soul partner looks like. Even stranger, I’ve known them for years.

So, if you’re ready to discover what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch created here.

Try to accomplish this as quickly as possible because you’ll be much more ready to rejoin with your twin flame once you’ve healed your wounds.

And believe me, the sooner you do this, the sooner the separation will stop!

Soulmates are not always romantic partners.

7) When both of you realize unconditional love, your twin flame separation ends.

The merger of mirror souls is undeniably marked by unconditional love.

What exactly is unconditional love?

Simply expressed, it is love that is unaffected by everything. Outside influences cannot alter or change it.

In other words, it is a strong, consistent, and self-sustaining sort of love.

Whether you’re a twin flame chaser or a twin flame runner, you should try to comprehend this form of love.

Why? Because that is what will keep you together for the rest of your life!

Acceptance is a trait of unconditional love.

You accept your twin flame for who he or she is. In fact, you’re willing to adore him/her even if you have no idea where they are or what they’re up to. It’s like falling in love with somebody for their spirit rather than their ego.

There is also unconditional self-love, which involves accepting who you are and accepting your shortcomings as part of your existence.

Furthermore, a reunion of twin souls who fully comprehend unconditional love is considerably more likely to last.

8) The separation between you and your twin flame lasts until you discover your genuine purpose.

The bond between twin souls is significant. It’s not only a love story. There is much more to it than that.

And this is why your genuine purpose in life counts, as does the purpose of your twin flame. Finding it is therefore a vital aspect of the twin flame reunion procedure.

Don’t know where to begin?

It is possible to start finding your purpose by reading more spiritual material. You might read books aimed at helping you understand yourself and the universe, for instance. 

Alternatively, you could focus on your dreams to find out what you want to do.

As you can see, discovering your inner purpose is not only vital to you, but it can also bring you closer to your twin flame.

Pro Advice:

Angel numbers might reveal when your twin flame separation will stop.

Angel numbers are unique numbers given by spiritual energy. They are the language of the divine.

Let me clarify.

You can discover more about what you need for your twin flame reunion and when it will happen if you pay attention to the angel number sequences in your life and the messages they provide you.

The numerals 1111 and 222 are significant in twin flame reunions. When these figures appear practically everywhere you look, you know you’re on the correct course.

1111 indicates that you are more in tune with your twin soul than ever before. In other words, reunification is more likely than ever.

The number 222 indicates that you have both worked out how to be in a twin flame relationship without sacrificing your independent identity and self-trust. And as a result, there will be a reunion.

Other sequences that could indicate an impending reunion include angel numbers 444, 1212, 1010, and 2222.

Some synchronicities to be aware of include seeing your twin flame’s name somewhere or hearing a music that sparks a sensation or memory about them.

All of this could be overwhelming. That’s why I recommend obtaining a customized reading from one of Kasamba‘s outstanding counselors.

I discussed them earlier.

When I’ve had problems with my love life, they’ve been a fantastic source of comfort and counsel, and their professional consultants are well-versed in the subject of twin souls.

So, what are you holding out for?

These experts will allow you to make decisions about your love life with confidence by providing clarity on the situation and supporting you as you make life-changing decisions.

Get your unique love reading by clicking here.

It takes time for twin flames to regain trust.

Twin flame couples face the same challenges as other couples, plus a few more. Trust is one of them.

Trust is a difficult issue in all relationships, but especially in a twin flame relationship.

Why? Because each side will attempt to sway the other.

The twin flame connection, however, is built on trust. And you should embrace this foundation if you want your reunion to happen soon.

Make an effort to let go of the past and move forward without fear or anger. Your trust concerns do not have to persist. You can solve them if you try hard enough.

I understand that this is easier said than done, which is why I want to remind you that trust is essential in every relationship.

Even if you can’t resolve all of your trust difficulties, you should aim to eliminate the most serious ones.

How frequently do twin flames separate?

To be clear, do twin flames separate only once?

Or do they separate and re-unite several times?

Actually, the truth is that it depends on each twin flame relationship.

Twin flames frequently have to work separately on something, which is one of the key reasons why they separate then reconnect. As a result, taking at least one break is normal.

There are no rules here because each relationship is unique.

But here’s the essential point: you should be aware of the separation period and prepare for it.

Next, learn as much as you can from it to prevent another separation.

Even still, realize that no matter how intelligent and spiritually enlightened you become, you will never be able to influence the growth of your twin flame.

There isn’t much you can do if they refuse to tackle their problems and grow spiritually.

Hopefully, your adversary is willing to work on their own spiritual growth. Yet, if they are trapped in their old ways, you must respect this and wait for them to change their ways.

Is there a time limit to waiting for your twin flame? 

Personally, I believe you should wait for your counterpart for as long as it feels appropriate. When there are no rules to follow, you might as well heed to your instincts, right?

Wait if you believe it is appropriate. If you think it’s best to move on and find someone else, go ahead and do it.

Your gut instinct is crucial and should never be disregarded, especially when it comes to your twin soul.

Who knows, maybe it’s tied to the energy of your twin flame and is telling you to wait no longer?

The truth is, no one knows for sure. So you can only rely on yourself.

If you are unhappy with the way things are going, there is no need to wait for your twin indefinitely.

You just have to make sure you’re doing it with good intentions and not with the negative energy of resentment.

This manner, you may be certain that your selection will be beneficial.

How can you concentrate on yourself during twin flame separation?

You should know by now that the objective of the separation period is to help you grow as a person.

Yet, if you’re having trouble focusing on yourself, consider the following:

  • Spend some time figuring out why you’re having trouble and what you can do about it. You can even try to meditate on it if you want to.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself; realize that separation is unavoidable and natural, and that it is now up to you to perform your part.
  • While examining your feelings, be honest with yourself to ensure that they are not the result of your ego’s negative manipulation.
  • Remind yourself that being in a twin flame relationship isn’t all about your twin, and that you must enjoy your life while they aren’t present.
  • Motivate yourself by thinking about all the amazing things that will occur if you begin to focus on yourself.
  • Remember that the separation phase is only temporary and will end when both of you are on the same page again.

Even if it seems difficult right now, doing these things will help you stay positive and work on your personal progress.

You may also like: Unlocking Your Love Path with Free Twin Flame Readings: 3 Secrets to Your Mirror Soul Connections

Separation of twin flames: a personal story

Voicing the experience of one of our readers, Anna:

As long as it takes for you to fall in love with yourself… and even that is a journey.

There is no rule book for overcoming obstacles or learning life lessons.

If my twin and I had been joined in a stable relationship after multiple separations 22 years ago, we would never have known what we know now, and we might not have cleared family karma.

In December 2018, we started communicating again, and that continued until March 2019. 

It has been 18 months since we last spoke in 3D! Both of us are working toward union individually. 

When I remove a brick, my twin does the same. As my twin reaches out, I do the same. We give each other space in between and sometimes stillness, complete silence, no social media dynamic designs.

There is much ado about ‘nothing’ if you stop and listen.

Then you’ll hear your inner voice, your twin, and feel their sufferings, misery, heartache, exhilaration, laughing, and delight.

Whatever you feel and think is transmuted or mirrored back and forth. The transmutation becomes more intense as the waves of synchrony intensify.

Smile… because smiling clears blockages, allowing your twin to pass through. Daily sixth chakra 3rd eye visualizations and meditations aid enormously in cleaning your chakras of everyday buildup of negative energies.

It’s as long as you’re willing to put in the effort…

I can only speak from my own experience, but I’m sure many spiritual guides are better aware of the dynamic.

Conclusion: The journey of twin flame separation lasts…

To recap, a twin flame separation ends when your consciousness switches from waiting to be fulfilled to living your best life.

It’s vital to remember that it lasts differently for each twin and that it’s supposed to bring you to your own journey.

My personal experience has proven that it can take a long time, and it also depends on how long your ascension process takes.

The separation time is heavily influenced by you and your personal progress.

I have discussed Kasamba. Based on my personal experience with them, I know they’re the real deal. Their consultants are friendly and truly helpful.

Thus, if you really want to get to the bottom of this, contact an advisor and take control of your destiny. I did, and it altered my life.

Click here to get your own love reading.

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