8 Ways to Make a Guy Laugh (While Being Attractive) + 6 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid

Making a guy laugh
Making a guy laugh

Is your heart set on a man you’re interested in and you’re wondering how to make him laugh? You’re in the right place! This comprehensive guide will equip you with all the tools needed to tickle his funny bone, and win his heart, without dumbing down or resorting to clichéd jokes.

The old saying goes “laughter is the best medicine,” but did you know it’s also an excellent strategy for winning hearts? Humor, in fact, is a powerful weapon in the arena of love. It’s not about telling knock-knock jokes or performing slapstick comedy, but about using your unique sense of humor as a tool of attraction.

If you’re curious about the art of attracting the right man into your life, be sure to also check out the article we dedicated to how to get a man to chase you.

The Power of Laughter

Laughter is a universal language. It can break the ice, lighten the mood, and foster a sense of camaraderie and connection. Research has shown that laughter can even increase attractiveness. A European study on speed dating found that participants who successfully made their partners laugh were seen as more attractive. So, if you’re wondering how to make a guy laugh on a first date, you’re definitely on the right track!

Laughter on a first date is a sign of a promising connection.

However, for many, being funny can seem like a daunting challenge. Perhaps you’ve told a joke only to be met with the sound of crickets. But here’s the good news – being funny is not an inherent trait, it’s a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned and mastered.

Confidence: The Foundation of Humor

Mastering the art of humor starts with building confidence. Be fearless in your delivery and own your jokes without worrying about their outcome. Practice your humor style with your friends, discover your unique brand of funny, and soon, you’ll find yourself effortlessly making a guy laugh.

Key Techniques to Make a Guy Laugh

Here are eight proven strategies that you can use to make a guy laugh and find you attractive.

1. The Power of Quirky Questions

Firstly, making a guy laugh isn’t always about telling a joke or delivering a punchline. Quite often, you can achieve this by asking ridiculous questions. This is particularly effective during a first date, especially when the conversation needs a little nudge to get going. Start with some icebreaker questions and let the laughter ensue.

If your life were an action movie, who would play you? I’m thinking Neil Patrick Harris. He does evil villains really well!

Remember to gauge the mood before you dive into your repertoire of zany questions. If he’s just shared something serious or sad, it’s not the right time for laughter.

2. The Art of Deadpan Humor

Deadpan humor is a powerful weapon in your comedic arsenal. To master the art of deadpan, you must exude seriousness while delivering a side-splitting punchline.

Take a page out of Bill Murray or Nick Offerman’s book for inspiration, as they excel in deadpan comedy. The secret lies in maintaining a poker face, ensuring the punchline catches everyone off guard.

Perfecting your timing is crucial, so practice until you can flawlessly deliver the punchline with confidence. With deadpan humor, you’ll have everyone in stitches without even cracking a smile.

3. The Charm of Self-deprecating Humor

Showcasing a lighthearted attitude is a surefire way to make a guy laugh. By incorporating self-deprecating humor into your conversations, you reveal your confidence and create an inviting atmosphere.

Embrace the art of poking fun at yourself, highlighting your quirks and imperfections. This approach not only demonstrates that you don’t take yourself too seriously but also allows others to feel at ease around you.

Funny people often employ this charming tactic to lighten the mood and have everyone chuckling throughout the entire time. So go ahead, sprinkle some self-deprecating humor into your interactions and watch as laughter brings people closer together.

A study published in the journal, Personality and Individual Differences, found that people who made fun of themselves had positive psychological well-being.

4. The Joy of Sharing a Silly Anecdote

Sharing a lighthearted story from your life can be a great way to break the ice and make a guy laugh. It could be a funny incident involving your pet, a hilarious exchange you overheard at the grocery store, or a comically misspelled sign you spotted on your way to work.

By sharing these silly anecdotes, you not only make him laugh, but you also give him a glimpse into your life and show him that you have a fun and playful side. Being the funniest person in his messages will make him enjoy your company and look forward to more silly texts and silly questions.

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5. The Magic of Funny Texts

Humor is a powerful tool that can create connections and bring people closer, even in the virtual world. Don’t limit your sense of humor to face-to-face interactions; you can also make a guy laugh through cute texts.

Keep your messages light, fun, and, if you’re comfortable, slightly flirty. Share a funny story or engage in a fun conversation that will keep him entertained and wanting more. Remember, a well-timed joke or a witty remark can brighten someone’s day and leave a lasting impression.

So, go ahead and unleash your funny side through the magic of text messages!

6. Learn How to Text Him Strategically

In today’s digital age, communication has taken on a whole new level of importance in relationships.

The right words can spark desire, create a deep emotional connection, and reignite the flames of love. That’s where relationship-coach Matthew Coast‘s science-proven Irresistible Texts come into play.

Downloading your copy of Irresistible Texts is not just a mere action; it’s a pivotal step towards transforming your relationship. With Matthew Coast’s guidance, you’ll learn the art of crafting flirty texts that will make him lust for you.

These texts have been carefully designed to captivate his attention, awaken his desire, and strengthen the bond between you.

Imagine sending a simple, yet powerful text that instantly sparks curiosity and leaves him yearning for more. The impact of these flirty texts goes beyond the surface level, reaching deep into the core of your relationship. They have the potential to reignite romance, increase passion, and create a lasting emotional connection.

Learn more here

7. The Beauty of Natural Humor

When it comes to humor, authenticity is key. Forced humor often falls flat. So, let your jokes flow naturally and organically. Don’t try too hard to be funny if you don’t feel like it. Instead, focus on developing your own sense of humor.

Observe others and learn from them, but never mimic them. Embrace your uniqueness and let it shine through your funny jokes. One way to make a guy laugh is by using dad jokes.

These timeless classics are guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Remember, the best laughs come from a genuine place.

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8. The Fun of Gently Teasing Him

Just like making fun of yourself can spark laughter, gently teasing him is another fun way to make a guy laugh. It’s important to remember that the teasing should always be good-natured and never offensive. The aim is to share a laugh together, not to mock or belittle him.

To ensure your intentions are clear, use your body language to convey that you’re joking and not being mean-spirited. By playfully poking fun at his quirks or teasing him in a light-hearted manner, you can create a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere. This can make the conversation more engaging and lead to laughter-filled moments that both of you can cherish.

In addition to light jokes and gentle teasing, incorporating fun questions and flirty texts into your conversations can also add an element of humor and playfulness. Asking witty and unexpected questions can catch him off guard and elicit genuine laughter.

Flirty texts with clever wordplay or funny anecdotes can also bring a smile to his face, making the interaction more enjoyable.

9. Learn About His Primal Instinct

Here comes a powerful yet little-known principle. Men’s primal instinct, known as the “hero instinct“, refers to a powerful innate drive within men to feel like “heroes” in their relationships (I’m not talking about superheroes here, of course). It is a deep-rooted desire to protect, provide, and be needed by their partners.

By understanding and triggering this instinct, you can create an intense emotional connection with your man and make him crave you on a deeper level. Relationship coach James Bauer has developed a simple, science-based principle that taps into this instinct, but many women are unaware of its existence.

Thankfully, James Bauer offers a brief instructional video that explains this principle in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. By watching this video, you can gain valuable insights into how to trigger your man’s hero instinct and make him truly desire you.

With James Bauer’s guidance, you can attract the man you always wanted, strengthen your relationship and create a lasting bond based on mutual love and admiration.

Click here to play the video

10. The Bonding Over a Funny Video

Finally, sharing a funny video creates a shared moment of laughter, breaking the ice and fostering a connection. You don’t have to be the comedian; simply appreciating fun and joy is enough.

Find a video that you know will tickle his funny bone and send it his way. Whether it’s a hilarious cat video or a blooper reel, the key is to choose something that aligns with his sense of humor.

By sharing a laugh together, you’ll be able to create a light-hearted atmosphere and strengthen your bond. So go ahead, hit that send button and get ready for some laughter-filled moments!

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Six Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Make a Guy Laugh

While humor is a powerful tool, it’s also important to avoid certain pitfalls when trying to make a guy laugh. Here are six common mistakes to steer clear of:

  1. Trying too hard: Humor should be effortless and natural. Trying too hard can make it seem forced and inauthentic.
  2. Offensive jokes: Avoid jokes that might be offensive or hurtful. Always consider his feelings and respect his boundaries.
  3. Overdoing it: Overdoing humor can be exhausting and annoying. It’s important to strike a balance.
  4. Copy-pasting jokes: Using someone else’s jokes without giving them credit can come off as unoriginal and dishonest. Always add your unique touch to any joke you tell.
  5. Inappropriate timing: The timing of a joke is critical. Telling a joke at the wrong time can make it fall flat or even be offensive.
  6. Disregarding his humor style: Everyone has a unique sense of humor. What one person finds funny, another might not. Make sure your humor aligns with his to create a genuine connection.

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Mastering the art of how to make a guy laugh can be a game-changer in your dating life. Remember, humor is not about telling jokes, but about creating a bond through shared laughter and joy.

So, embrace your unique sense of humor, be confident, and let the laughter flow. Don’t be afraid to share corny jokes or ask funny questions. A well-timed, silly remark can break the ice and lighten the mood.

Just remember, it’s okay to ask stupid questions too! The important thing is to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. So go ahead, unleash your wit, and watch the magic of laughter bring you closer together.

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