11 Expert Tips to Make an Aquarius Man Chase You (And Pitfalls to Watch Out For)

11 Expert Tips to Make an Aquarius Man Chase You (And Pitfalls to Watch Out For)
how to make an Aquarius man chase you

Understanding how to make an Aquarius man chase you can be as enigmatic as the star sign itself. Known for their love of freedom and individuality,

Aquarius men are drawn to those who exude confidence and intellect.

In my years of experience as an expert astrologer, I’ve seen countless individuals seek the affection of an Aquarius man, often feeling like they’re trying to solve a complex puzzle.

If you’re curious about the true nature of this intriguing zodiac sign, check out our article about the Aquarius man’s personality traits.

Key Takeaways: How do you make an Aquarius man chase you?

To get an Aquarius man to chase, maintain a strong sense of self, engage in deep intellectual discussions, and respect his need for space. Beware, though, as being too clingy or disregarding his wide circle of friends can quickly turn him away. The secret lies in balancing connection with independence, but how can you achieve this without pushing him away?

1. Flaunt Your Freedom

Aquarius men are magnetically pulled toward those who exude self-sufficiency. By flaunting your independence, you communicate that you’re a whole individual, not seeking a savior but an equal.

Dive into personal passions, be they rock climbing or coding, and let him see your dedication. Moreover, your ability to navigate life solo reassures him that you’re with him for the right reasons, not out of necessity.

In doing so, you become an enigma he’s eager to understand and a challenge he’s excited to take on.

Tip: Balance sharing your adventures with asking about his, creating a dynamic exchange of experiences.

You may like: Getting an Aquarian guy obsessed with you (7 expert tips)

2. Engage His Mind

Aquarius men are cerebral creatures, with a penchant for those who can match their mental gymnastics. Charm him with amazing conversations that span the spectrum of human thought.

Whether discussing the latest book you’ve read or debating societal reforms, show him that your mind is a labyrinth of ideas waiting to be explored.

This intellectual rapport is not just about making small talk; it’s about connecting on a level that transcends the mundane, a level where true mental connection flourishes.

Also, learn about when an Aquarius man is testing the waters with you.

Tip: Keep abreast of current affairs and intriguing scientific discoveries to spark stimulating dialogue.

3. Cultivate Your Quirks

Aquarius is indeed a sign that celebrates the quirky and the creative. Unleashing your creativity is more than a mere suggestion—it’s a call to action.

Whether you express yourself through painting, writing, or any form of artistic endeavor, let these passions be visible.

By inviting him to witness your creative process or the fruits thereof, you offer a glimpse into your inner world.

This vulnerability is both alluring and courageous, showcasing a depth that an Aquarius man cannot help but be drawn to.

Tip: Creativity isn’t limited to the arts; innovative thinking in any aspect of life can captivate an Aquarius man.

You may like: Unveiling the Aquarius man red flags in love.

4. Use The “Magic Phrases” Aquarian Men Crave For

If you’re looking for a powerful way to understand your Aquarius man and get him to chase you, then Anna Kovach’s “Love Language Secrets” is the guide for you.

With her expertise in relationship-astrology, Anna has cracked the code to decoding every man’s little-known yet powerful love language based on his zodiac sign.

In her guide, you’ll discover the secrets of his sign, as well as golden tips and advice on how to communicate effectively with him and understand his needs and desires.

Above all, you’ll learn the #1 magic phrase he craves to secure a deep and meaningful relationship.

For instance, Aries men need words of affirmation, while Taurus loves the touch-related feeling of love.

Anna is famous for saving “failed” relationships, helping women find their “One,” and showing seemingly incompatible couples how to speak the same language.

Here’s the link to download your copy

5. Space is the Place

When aiming to get an Aquarius man to chase you, it’s crucial to honor his space. These men are like comets, they blaze brightly, but they also need the vastness of space to thrive.

Encourage his solo journeys, support his solo projects, and cheer on his solo victories. In doing so, you become a rare gem who understands the value of personal freedom.

And when he’s off on his adventures, use the no contact rule to your advantage. The time apart will only make your connection stronger when he gravitates back to your orbit.

Tip: Show interest in his solo pursuits to let him know you support his need for autonomy.

You may like: 10 Subtle Signs an Aquarius Man Likes You (And 5 Fake Signals to Ignore)

6. Champion His Causes

Aquarius men are often the champions of change, the warriors for the underdog, the advocates for a better tomorrow.

If you want to catch the attention of an Aquarius man, align with his humanitarian side. Take part in his campaigns, discuss humanitarian issues, and contribute your energy to the causes close to his heart.

This alignment is not just about shared interests; it’s about sharing a vision for the future, a vision that includes both of you making a difference, side by side.

Tip: Offer to collaborate on a project that addresses a cause he’s passionate about, showing your shared values.

Learn about the Aquarian man’s major turn-offs.

7. Text Like a Siren

The digital dance of love requires rhythm and grace, especially when texting an Aquarius man. Your texts should be a blend of wit, spontaneity, and intellect, arriving like unexpected gifts rather than obligations.

Learn the secrets of digital flirtation and text an Aquarius man with precision—craft messages that spark curiosity and showcase your multifaceted personality.

But remember, the key is not just in what you say but also in the timing of your messages. Keep him enchanted by being present yet pleasantly unpredictable.

Click here to learn the potent texts Aquarius men need like oxygen in their lives (and get him to start chasing today).

Tip: Send texts that invite him to share his thoughts, making him feel valued and engaged.

8. Unpredictability: The Aquarius Man’s Elixir

To keep an Aquarius man intrigued, you must infuse your interactions with elements of surprise and novelty. Instead of settling into a routine, suggest an impromptu trip to a local art installation or a midnight stargazing excursion.

These unexpected twists will not only keep him guessing but also demonstrate that life with you is far from ordinary.

Furthermore, by incorporating activities that align with his interests, such as a visit to a tech exhibit or a board game night featuring his favorite games, you solidify your role as a partner who’s both exciting and considerate.

Tip: Surprise him with tickets to a lecture on a topic he’s passionate about, blending spontaneity with intellectual stimulation.

9. A Splash of Blue: Dressing for Aquarius Eyes

In the realm of attraction, your wardrobe choices can be a silent conversation with the Aquarius man you’re aiming to captivate.

Aquarius men have an eye for detail and a subconscious affinity for the color blue, which resonates with their air sign nature.

Integrating shades of blue into your attire isn’t just about catching his eye—it’s about speaking his visual language and creating a subtle, subconscious connection.

Additionally, the way you dress can reflect your personality, so let your outfits tell a story that intrigues and invites him to learn more.

Tip: Accessorize with blue accents, like a scarf or jewelry, to subtly capture his attention without saying a word.

10. The Alluring Aroma

The olfactory sense is a direct pathway to memory and emotion, making scent a powerful tool in the art of attraction.

Choosing a fragrance that complements your natural scent can become a signature that an Aquarius man associates with you.

Whether it’s a fresh, airy perfume that evokes thoughts of a serene day by the sea or a bold, unconventional scent that sets you apart from the crowd, the right fragrance can linger in his mind long after you’ve parted ways.

It’s about creating an aromatic allure that’s as compelling and distinctive as your personality.

Tip: Experiment with essential oils to craft a unique scent blend that resonates with both your essence and his senses. 

11. Digital Sparks

Captivating an Aquarius man’s attention through social media requires a blend of humor, intellect, and timing. Light-hearted banter is your secret weapon; it demonstrates your quick wit and ability to engage on his level.

A clever quip on his photo or a playful exchange in the comments can intrigue him, hinting at your compatibility without being overbearing.

This digital seduction is subtle yet impactful, allowing you to connect in a space where he’s comfortable and receptive. Moreover, it keeps you in his thoughts, building anticipation for your next real-world interaction.

Tip: Keep your social media interactions light and fun, setting the stage for deeper connections face-to-face. 

The Five Deadly Mistakes to Avoid

Navigating the waters of attraction can be smooth sailing, but it’s also easy to capsize if you’re not careful. When it comes to getting an Aquarius man to chase, certain missteps can send him swimming in the opposite direction.

Here are five fatal mistakes to avoid if you want to keep the chase going strong.

Cling Too Close for Comfort

Remember, an Aquarius values freedom above all else. If you cling too tightly, you risk suffocating the relationship before it even begins. For instance, constantly checking in on him or demanding all his time will only push him away.

Tip: Trust is the glue in any relationship; give him space and he’ll come back to you.

Learn more about the Aquarian men’s weaknesses.

Dismiss His Social Sphere

An Aquarius man’s friends are his lifeline. Neglecting or disrespecting his social circle is a surefire way to fall out of favor. Instead, show interest in getting to know his friends and understand their role in his life.

Tip: Embracing his social world can show him you’re the type of person he wants in his life.

Stagnate Intellectually

Aquarius men are drawn to growth and learning. If you stop pursuing your own intellectual interests, you might seem less appealing. Keep up with your reading, take classes, and share your knowledge with him.

Tip: A mind that’s always expanding is incredibly attractive to an Aquarius.

Fake Your Feelings

Authenticity is key. Pretending to be someone you’re not or feigning interest in his hobbies will backfire. An Aquarius man can spot insincerity a mile away, and once trust is broken, it’s hard to rebuild.

Tip: Be real, be you; it’s what will truly capture his heart.

Miscommunicate Your Mind

Clear communication is the cornerstone of any potential relationship with an Aquarius. If you’re not open about your feelings or thoughts, misunderstandings can occur, leading to a breakdown in the connection.

Tip: Honesty is your best policy; it fosters a strong emotional connection.


In the dance of attraction with an Aquarius man, it’s all about balance. Balancing your independence with your interest in him, your intellectual pursuits with your emotional connection, and your respect for his space with your desire for closeness.

By following these simple secrets and avoiding the cardinal mistakes, you can make an Aquarius man not just chase you but potentially sprint towards a meaningful and exciting relationship with you.

Remember, the chase is just the beginning. It’s about building a foundation that can withstand the test of time and the quirks of an Aquarius’s soul.

So, take these tips, apply them with care, and enjoy the journey of discovering an awesome life with your favorite air sign.

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