9 Secrets To Make a Married Man Crazy for You (And Maybe Leave His Wife?)

Making married man crazy for you
Man crazy for her

Married men are often seen as off-limits in the dating world. But what if you find yourself in a situation where you’re attracted to a married man and want to make him crazy for you? Is it possible to make him fall for you without disrupting his marital relationship? Let’s explore the possibilities and the challenges that come with this tricky situation.

Understanding the Situation

Before we dive into the steps, it’s essential to understand the context. When you’re attracted to a married man, you’re stepping into a complex situation with potential ramifications. Recognize that this path may lead to unwanted drama or heartache. However, if you’re determined to pursue this course, here are nine steps that can help make a married man crazy for you.

1. Becoming Irresistible

Firstly, you need to make yourself irresistible. This doesn’t mean transforming into a supermodel overnight, but rather highlighting your unique qualities. Show that you’re confident, independent, and full of life. Show him that you’re confident, independent, and full of life. Embrace your individuality and let your personality shine through. Engage in meaningful conversations that stimulate his mind, and be a source of positivity and inspiration in his married life. For example, you can share your passion for art by taking him to a local gallery and discussing the pieces that resonate with both of you. By being confident, independent, and vibrant, you’ll create a magnetic pull that will make him unable to resist your charm.

Tip: Focus on enhancing your physical appearance and showcasing your intellectual capacity. A combination of beauty and brains can be highly attractive to a man, married or not.

Learn about when a married man sends mixed signals and the 8 things he’s not telling you.

2. Avoid the Chase

Contrary to popular belief, chasing a married man can come off as desperate. Instead of pursuing him relentlessly, let him be the one to initiate the chase. This approach allows him to feel in control and gives you the opportunity to showcase your desirability without seeming too eager. By giving him the space to pursue you, you create an atmosphere of excitement and intrigue. For example, you could casually mention an interesting hobby or activity that you enjoy, sparking his curiosity and making him want to know more about you. Remember, the key is to be confident, engaging, and let him come to you naturally.

Tip: Maintain a casual and friendly demeanor. Don’t appear too eager or pushy.

3. Don’t Rush It

Patience is an essential virtue when it comes to captivating a married man’s attention. The last thing you want to do is push him away or make him feel overwhelmed with guilt by rushing into a romantic relationship. Instead, take your time to genuinely get to know him, build a strong emotional connection, and allow things to unfold naturally.

By giving the relationship time to develop organically, you’ll have a better chance of creating a strong bond that can withstand any challenges that may arise. For instance, Sarah met Michael at a work conference and felt an instant connection. Instead of pressuring him into a relationship, she took the time to befriend him, shared common interests, and allowed their connection to grow naturally. This patient approach eventually led to a deep and meaningful relationship.

Tip: Make him feel special by showing genuine interest in his personal life. This can help establish a strong emotional bond.

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4. Flirting Techniques

Flirting with a married man
Flirting with a married man

While it may be tempting to make a married man crazy for you, it’s important to consider the potential consequences of such actions. Keep in mind, flirting with a married man can be risky and complicated, as it can lead to emotional turmoil and harm to a marriage. However, if you still want to proceed, there are certain techniques you can use to make him chase you.

One effective way is to master the art of subtle flirting. Be playful and coy, but never too forward. You can also try using body language to convey your interest, such as making eye contact, smiling, and leaning in slightly when you talk to him. Remember, the key is to be confident and engaging, but also respectful of his marriage. By using these techniques, you may be able to catch his attention and make him feel desired without crossing any lines.

Tip: Use body language to your advantage. Make eye contact, touch his arm lightly during conversation, and use open body language to show your interest.

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5. Subtlety is Key

The art of capturing a married man’s attention lies in being subtle and a bit mysterious. While it may be tempting to express your intentions openly, doing so can potentially push him away. Instead, take a more intriguing approach that piques his interest and makes him want to know more about you. By dropping subtle hints, using a friendly and engaging tone, and leaving him wanting more, you create an air of mystery that can captivate his imagination. For instance, during a casual conversation, you can mention an interesting hobby or a captivating book you’ve been reading, leaving him curious and eager to discover more about this fascinating side of you. Remember, subtlety can be a powerful tool in making a married man crazy for you.

Tip: Engage in light-hearted banter, share interesting anecdotes, and maintain an air of mystery to keep him intrigued.

6. Be a Good Listener

When it comes to capturing a married man’s attention and making him crazy for you, being a good listener can work wonders. Good listeners are naturally attractive, as they show empathy and genuine interest in the other person’s life. Take the time to truly listen to him, allowing him to express himself without interruption. By doing so, you’ll build trust and create an environment where deeper conversations can thrive. For example, when he shares his dreams or concerns, respond with genuine understanding and support. This will make him feel valued and appreciated, and he’ll be drawn to your engaging and confident presence

Tip: Encourage him to share his thoughts and feelings. This can foster emotional intimacy and make him feel valued.

7. Avoiding the Ultimatum

Never force a married man to choose between you and his wife. This puts him in an uncomfortable position and can lead to resentment.

Building a strong connection with a married man does not involve issuing ultimatums. Instead, focus on creating a bond based on trust, understanding, and support. By avoiding the urge to force him into choosing between you and his wife, you allow him to navigate his emotions without feeling trapped or pressured. Remember, resentment can quickly establish itself when someone feels backed into a corner.

By maintaining a friendly and compassionate approach, you create an environment where he can freely express himself and explore his feelings. For instance, instead of demanding his undivided attention, you could suggest going on a weekend getaway together, providing an opportunity for him to enjoy your company without feeling torn between two worlds.

Tip: Instead of issuing ultimatums, strive to make your relationship with him so fulfilling that he naturally gravitates towards you.

8. Consider His Family

Remember, there’s a family involved, so it’s important to approach the situation with respect and sensitivity. While you may be attracted to a married man, it’s essential to recognize the commitment he has to his wife and children. Instead of trying to undermine his relationship, focus on building a genuine connection with him as a friend.

Show interest and support for his family by asking about their well-being or offering assistance when needed. By demonstrating your understanding and consideration towards his family, you not only show your maturity but also gain his respect and trust. For example, if he mentions his daughter’s upcoming soccer game, offer words of encouragement or ask how the game went. These small gestures can go a long way in making a married man feel appreciated and valued.

Tip: Avoid discussing his family in negative terms. Focus on building your connection with him instead.

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9. Let Him Be in Control

Embracing a balanced dynamic in your relationship can work wonders in making a married man crazy for you. Allowing him to feel a sense of control can boost his ego and make him even more attracted to you. It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean you should be submissive or lose your own voice. Instead, it’s about creating an environment where he feels valued and important. Show appreciation for his opinions and decisions, and let him take the lead in certain aspects of your relationship. By doing so, you’ll be nurturing his confidence and deepening his connection with you.

Example: Let’s say your partner suggests planning a weekend getaway. Instead of taking charge and making all the decisions, express your excitement and let him take the lead. Appreciate his efforts in finding the perfect destination and trust his choices. By doing this, you’re not only giving him the opportunity to showcase his decision-making skills but also making him feel valued and in control, thus intensifying his feelings for you.

Tip: Let him take the lead in planning dates and initiating conversations. Show appreciation for his efforts to make him feel good about himself.

10. Learn What Most Women Ignore

Here comes a powerful yet little-known principle. The Hero Instinct is an intriguing concept that taps into a man’s innate desires and triggers his “hero instinct”. It is based on a simple, science-based principle that many women are unaware of. By watching a brief instructional video, you can learn how to activate this instinct and strengthen your relationship. The video provides valuable insights on understanding what drives men emotionally and psychologically.

Click here to play the video


Q: Can a married man genuinely fall in love with another woman? A: While it’s possible, it’s important to recognize that such situations are complex and can lead to emotional turmoil. Click here to learn more.

Q: Is it wrong to make a married man fall for you? A: Ethically, it’s generally considered inappropriate to interfere in someone else’s marriage. However, every situation is unique, and it’s crucial to consider all factors before making a decision.

Q: How can I tell if a married man is falling for me? A: Look for signs of attraction such as increased attention, frequent communication, and flirtatious behavior. However, remember that these signs may not always indicate romantic interest.

Q: Can a married man leave his wife for another woman? A: Yes, a married man can leave his wife for another woman. However, this is a significant decision that can have far-reaching effects on all parties involved.

Q: What should I do if I’ve fallen for a married man? A: If you’ve fallen for a married man, it’s important to consider the potential consequences. Consult with a relationship expert or coach to gain perspective and make an informed decision.

Final Words:

In conclusion, if you are a married woman who wants to make a married man crazy for you, then you need to focus on spending time with him and creating physical contact. However, it’s important to remember that pursuing a married man is not advisable as it can lead to serious consequences. If you are in a committed relationship, it’s important to work on improving it rather than seeking attention elsewhere.

If you do decide to pursue a married man, make sure to look for obvious signs that he is interested in you too. From time to time, you can give him an ego boost by complimenting him or showing interest in his life. However, it’s important to be a clever woman and not come across as a boring woman who is only interested in his attention.

Remember that physical and sexual feelings are innate drivers of human behavior, but they should not be the only basis for a relationship. If you develop deeper feelings for a married man, it’s important to think about the consequences of your actions and whether they are worth the risk.

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