8 Smart Tips to Make Your Husband Jealous (And Obsessed With You)

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Are you trying to find a strategy to make your husband jealous? (Without losing him and no need to cheat)

Maybe you’ve found that a little bit of jealousy keeps the flame burning in your relationship.

So, in this post, we’ll examine numerous strategies that feed the green-eyed monster in order to learn how to make a guy jealous.

Making your husband jealous would hopefully reignite your desire and encourage your partner to make the most of his time with you.

But first, I want you to read this story very attentively before we move on to the list.

I squandered a lot of time in relationships with men who weren’t genuinely interested in me.

I had a tremendously hard time leaving a lasting impression on the guys I liked.

I thought I would never find a man who truly loved me for who I am!

Before I discovered a significant part of male psychology that influences how men feel about the love interests in their lives.

It’s known as the “Hero’s Instinct,” a primitive way of thinking that seems to have a significant influence on most males.

When I figured out how to induce this psychological response, my luck with guys completely changed. I was able to give them a sense of belonging that no other lady could (read my personal story to learn more).

Once you know how, it’s simple to learn this talent. But so few people appear to be aware of it.

I strongly advise you to read more about how I came to understand the power of the “Hero’s Instinct” if you’re wanting to win over a special guy.

Let’s now dive down to see my 8 jealous tactics to enrage him.

PS: If you’re curious about the nature of your relationship, check out our article about the different types of relationships and how to deal with them.

Making Your Husband jealous

Here are a few techniques to make your boyfriend jealous of you and make him want to pay closer attention to you. You don’t have to use each of these strategies at once to make him feel irrational and jealous. Just one or two should be sufficient, and you should pick what is the ideal approach since you are the one who knows your spouse the best.

Don’t quit up, though, if the strategies you select don’t provide the desired outcomes. Simply return to this list and attempt a different strategy. Once you’ve chosen the ideal approach to make your husband jealous, you’ll soon be back on track with him.

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1) Be difficult to get.

Playing hard to get is one of the most popular techniques to make a guy jealous.

Since you will be living together, it can be difficult to play the hard to get card with a husband, but you can still try to limit your availability to him. This calls for you to project a distant demeanor and avoid consistently engaging in his preferred activities.

Start separating yourself from him a little at home and venture out more by yourself to do the activities you enjoy. Play hard to get by saying no or maybe if he asks you to do something with him or accompany him to an event. Try to do this frequently enough to cause a change in your relationship’s dynamic.

One of the issues with marriage is the potential for habit formation and a tendency to start taking each other for granted. The end consequence can be that your husband is accustomed to you handling situations in a certain way, which is why the romance in your marriage has somewhat faded.

You may correct those negative habits and make him feel like he needs to put a little more effort into the relationship by ceasing to be so readily available to him all the time.

Learn why these deep questions to ask your partner are so important.

2) Mention other guys

Talking about other guys or your guy friends in front of your husband is another method to make him feel jealous, along with playing the hard to get.

If you have lots of male acquaintances, you can easily pull this off; if not, you can talk about your coworkers or friends’ husbands. It’s not necessary to make overt remarks about having a crush on another guy; in fact, such musings are probably not the healthiest.

However, sometimes all it takes is for a guy to hear about another guy and realize that his spouse is perfectly capable of beginning a relationship with someone else. Again, it’s easy to forget that your partner is attractive to others if your relationship has developed poor patterns and you are taking each other for granted.

A excellent technique to let your husband know that you are still desirable to other people for a romantic or sexual connection is to bring up other males or someone else in conversation.

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3) Maximize your appearance

Making the most of your appearance is unquestionably a terrific strategy to make your husband jealous. Additionally, it’s simple to accomplish right immediately. As long as he is present to witness your departure, always dress to impress when you are around him and, more importantly, make the most of your appearance before leaving the house without him.

If you and your partner have been dating for a while, making the most of your appearance can help you rekindle a sexual drive that may have been dormant for a while. It is simple to do and really typical in a relationship.

If you’re unsure of how to present yourself in the best light, go online for simple beauty and fashion tips that can be small changes to your appearance yet have a significant impact. Try to play up your partner’s likeable features as well, since this can assist reignite lust between the two of you.

But what can make him jealous is if you then go out and mingle with people or act seductively while looking wonderful.

4) Develop new interests and pastimes

If you don’t believe that the aforementioned strategies are the best ones for you to use to make a guy jealous, you could want to consider picking up a new talent or taking up a new pastime. This can be anything you like, but try to pick something you know you’ll appreciate and naturally have a connection to.

This is crucial because you are more likely to follow through and, as a result, spend an increasing amount of time apart from your partner. As a result, you become less accessible to him, which is one method you can start to make him jealous.

Additionally, use this as a chance to focus more time on yourself. You will ultimately benefit your relationship by doing this as well. You are more likely to be a happier person who does not give all of their time to their relationship if you are engaged in something you enjoy or adore.

As a result, you will develop confidence that you may use to address the balance in your partnership.

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5) Don’t constantly let him know where you are.

Being evasive about where you are or have been is a fairly simple way to make him envious. Even if you are just having a fun girls’ night out, your spouse or husband will find you much more enticing if you give your motions a sense of mystery.

Since your husband is probably accustomed to being aware of your every action, it’s an extension of playing the hard to get. He will start to worry and work harder to see you if all of a sudden he is unaware of what you have been doing without him.

This emotion will only intensify in him if you continue to be difficult to get after that or if you don’t always let him know where you are. He can even believe that you are dating someone else, which is the underlying cause of jealous sentiments.

If your relationship hasn’t been balanced in terms of who loves whom the most, this could be beneficial.

6) Make out with his pals

Flirting with one’s male pals is a significant strategy for making one feel jealous. Although some people might find this offensive or unpleasant, keep in mind that harmless flirting has no real meaning. However, your partner can start to show greater interest in you once more as a result of jealous sentiments brought on by witnessing your flirting behavior with others.

If he was previously taking you for granted, this can be very beneficial to the durability of your relationship because he will hopefully realize that he still needs to make an effort with you.

Even if you two are still in love, it’s still necessary to maintain the flame. If this means flirting with his male friends to let him know what he occasionally lacks, so be it.

Use every chance you get to truly flirt with his friends in order to make him jealous. Even though it might not come naturally to everyone, if things are beginning to feel a little stale in your relationship, it might boost your long-term satisfaction.

Is it a struggle to convince him to spend time with you?

Understanding males on a much deeper emotional level is the key to finding a solution.

With a few subtle comments you might make to him, you can actually modify the main reason why men react in this way.

Learn how to become his top priority in this free video by Relationship Psychologist James Bauer.

7) Avoid discussing the future.

If you want to make your lover jealous, you might like to try this technique. He will quit assuming that you will always be there if you are evasive about the future and any future plans you have with him. Even while marriage and committed relationships are about having your partner’s support always, it’s also crucial to feel desired by your spouse.

This is why having a little envy occasionally is so beneficial. Your partner may think differently and approach his attitude toward your relationship in a more proactive manner if you are ambiguous about your future together.

People frequently attempt to arouse their partner’s jealous feelings when, in reality, what they truly want to know is that they are still very much desired on a sexual and emotional level.

Simply attempt to be as elusive as you can when it comes to setting arrangements with your significant other in order to be ambiguous about the future. Remember to tell him you’re unsure and that you could be doing anything that day if he approaches you about something directly. This works well with the strategy of never telling him where you are.

8) React when someone draws your attention

If you don’t feel entirely at ease making flirtatious comments to your partner’s friends, the simplest approach to make your lover jealous is to just return the favor. In order to let your spouse know that you are still desirable to others, remember to take advantage of each opportunity that arises when someone approaches you in a bar, at a party, or in any other setting.

He won’t appreciate seeing his partner flirt with other people, even if they didn’t start it, therefore he will probably feel jealous.

It’s a good idea to remind your spouse that he still needs to work hard to keep you, and his envy at seeing how appealing you are to others will be a terrific motivator for him to keep making an effort with you.

He might decide to alter his behavior, tell you how he feels about you more frequently, and exert a bit more effort to maintain the flame between the two of you.

This might take some time, especially if you’ve been dating for a while, but if you’re patient, the results will come in due time.

One last important tip to keep in mind:

Discuss a previous relationship.

To make a guy jealous at any time, bring up a previous relationship is a wonderful strategy. If you have been dating a man for some time or you are married, you may feel like you know him too well and things have started to get a little routine.

It can be effective to bring up a previous relationship to make your spouse sit up and realize that he still needs to put some effort into the connection.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that he needs to be reminded that you are attractive to other people. You don’t have to mention specific things or even certain emotions; you can be as vague as you like to ensure that you are comfortable with what you are saying at all times. You’ll probably make him jealous of how another guy was able to make you happy in the past if you do that.

If you keep doing this, you’ll probably be able to remind him that if he doesn’t put forth enough effort to maintain the magic between you two, he might lose you.


What can I do to make my husband jealous?

You can make your husband envious in a variety of ways, many of which we already mentioned. It’s up to you to determine the approach that will work the best to enrage his jealousy. Make sure you employ the approach that best suits the kind of guy he is.

How can I make my husband jealous of me and love me more?

To increase your husband’s love for you, you might use a variety of strategies to make him jealous. However, if you want to strengthen your love connection, hold off before resorting to jealousy-based strategies. Speaking with him might also be beneficial.

How can I make him fear that he will lose me?

You can use a number of techniques to make a guy fear losing you; it’s up to you to decide which one will be most effective. Different approaches will elicit stronger reactions in different guys. Look over all of our recommendations listed above and select the one that works best for your relationship.

How can you make a guy want you and jealous of you?

Making the most of your beauty will help you make a guy jealous with the goal of making him want you physically. In order to make him follow after you and desire your company as much as possible, you must also make sure that you are not too accessible to him.

How do I captivate my husband’s attention?

Making your husband fall head over heels for you might be challenging since it can be challenging to make someone feel a specific way. You may, however, make the most of your physical attributes and ensure that you intrigue him. Look for shared interests and activities.

In Conclusion

Over the course of several years or during a marriage, relationships invariably experience ups and downs. The relationships that survive the difficult times are the happiest. It is up to each couple to figure out how to achieve that, but some do manage to survive by maintaining their romantic chemistry.

Jealousy can be a potent emotion that keeps the flame burning and serves to remind a pair of what first made them fall in love. Being jealous can be a strategy to make sure that you and your spouse continue to put forth all of your effort to keep one other around. It can feel like you are playing tricks when you try to arouse envy in a relationship.

In light of this, it would be beneficial to try out a few of the strategies we have given above if you feel that you and your partner are not appreciating each other as much as you once did.

You think about him all the time, but he thinks only about himself?

It doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you.

He needs to be understood in his own way.

You’ll find there’s a subtle thing you can say to him that will dramatically change how he shows his emotions towards you once you do that.

Learn how to become his top priority in this free video by Relationship Psychologist James Bauer.

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