Is my twin flame aware of the connection? 8 revealing signs they don’t know yet

how do I know if my twin flame knows
how do I know if my twin flame knows
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The answer is yes if you’re wondering if both twin flames truly feel the same way about one another. Yet there are several facets to that.

The way one twin is aware of their sensations varies depending on whether they are unconscious, conscious, separated, or united.

Even as an unawakened twin flame, you know that you have found your twin flame if one twin is in a state of unconscious awareness, is aware but in denial about the relationship, or if their ascension process is still in progress.

Here are 8 indicators that your twin flame may not be aware of the connection, at least not right now.

1) They didn’t trust you when you told them about the connection.

If you have explained the connection to your twin but they don’t seem to believe you, they may not yet fully understand it.

Before they can fully comprehend what you are feeling, your twin may need more time to digest it.

They may still feel the connection, but they may not fully comprehend it at this time.

Be patient with them. Even if it takes a while, give them the room they require to work through their emotions.

You could feel like you’re always pushing the subject, but this is bad for your twin and your relationship.

You see, while they might not have been ready when the idea of twin flames finally materialized, you might have known about it for a long time.

They could become quite stressed out and start to question their feelings if you keep pressuring them to make the connection.

This indicates that they might not be able to accept their emotions fully, which could lead to issues in your relationship.

They could not feel the same way about you as you do about them, which is another possibility.

You see, it’s preferable to wait until they have a firm understanding of their beliefs before proceeding.

“Every twin flame pair and every twin has their own timing when they become aware of the connection. They never got distracted by their daily lives and forgot about the connection.

The Divine will handle this duty admirably, and while leading a typical life, both twin flames WILL become aware of this connection as a result of particular life circumstances.

Pradnya Pandit posts on Quora

2) They feel uncomfortable with you.

If your twin isn’t aware of the connection, they will be quite wary of you.

They could not be confident in their feelings for you or they might be concerned that a connection with you will have more negative effects than positive ones.

Twin flames frequently have the power to make a person’s life alter for the better.

They can assist people in discovering their actual passions, changing careers, or even discovering the road to self-love.

Regrettably, some people find this shift to be too much. People may experience a brief period of happiness before becoming completely overwhelmed by their emotions.

They can believe that their lives are getting out of hand and that they don’t know how to stop it.

Your twin may be reluctant to approach you for a variety of reasons, including this one.

Now: they might be reluctant to give into their sentiments, especially if they don’t yet know they are your twin flame.

It makes sense that people could be afraid of what they feel and not fully trust it because twin flame feelings are so intense.

Try to elicit an honest response from your twin flame if you truly want to know if you are a fit for them.

There are numerous methods for accomplishing this. You can simply let them talk about how they are feeling or you might ask them how they are feeling.

Attempting a little flirtation is another option, but be careful not to overdo it and turn this into something it is not.

You may also like: What’s Your Twin Flame Zodiac Sign? Astrology’s Little-Known Secrets About Your Cosmic Connection

3) They appear to be looking for something.

Magnets and twin flames have many similarities.

They are drawn to one another and cannot be kept apart.

Yet, if your twin isn’t yet aware of the connection, they will be perpetually looking for something they are unable to identify.

They can feel as though something is missing from their lives, but they won’t know what it is.

They’ll be aware in their heart and head that there is something waiting for them, but they won’t know what it is.

Both of you and them may find this annoying.

When you continuously feel like you’re missing something but don’t know what it is, it can be a bit of a drag.

When it comes to relationships, this sensation can be particularly taxing. Your twin may be drawn to you, but they won’t be able to pinpoint the exact reason.

Your twin flame may be seeking the certainty that you are their twin flame, but since they are not yet aware of the connection, they are unsure of what they are hoping for in terms of your relationship.

For those who don’t know anything about twin flames, this is typically the case.

Perhaps your spouse has little interest in reading about or talking about twin flames.

They might not even be aware that they are a twin flame until much later in life.

Because of this, they are also unable to make sense of their feelings; despite having intense feelings, they are unable to identify what is happening or why.

4) What would a wise counselor say?

You’ll have a fair notion of whether or not your twin flame is aware of your connection based on the points we discuss in this article.

But, since your circumstance is particular to you, getting individualized guidance is the best course of action.

To truly address the problems you’re having, we advise receiving a tailored psychic reading.

Finding a reliable person to communicate with is the secret, though.

After going through an extremely difficult period in my love life, I discovered that talking to a psychic advisor at Kasamba provided me the courage and inspiration to get my life back on track.

The advisor I spoke with was kind, considerate of my circumstances, and genuinely helpful.

I was finally able to calm down and repair my heart after my love reading helped to shine light on my circumstance in a manner that I wasn’t able to perceive on my own.

To receive a personalized love reading, click here.

A gifted counselor can reveal all of your future romantic prospects in addition to letting you know whether your twin flame knows about your connection.

5) They experience anxiety or trepidation around you

There are a few things that could be going on if your twin is aware of the connection but senses scared or apprehensive energy around you.

This could indicate that they are not interested in you, but it could also indicate that they are not prepared for a committed relationship.

They might be drawn to you, but they might not be prepared to fully expose themselves to the risk of harm.

These emotions are entirely natural, but if they persist over time, they can indicate that your twin is not yet aware of the connection.

You see, overall, your twin flame can be uneasy around you since they are so in love with you.

They can be worried about disappointing you or losing control of their affections for you.

If this is the case, make an effort to allow them the space they require to process their emotions before attempting again.

It’s better to give twin flame relationships some time than to rush into one since they are so intense.

5) It scares them to have feelings for you

If your twin is aware of the connection, they will be immensely drawn to you.

But, as a result of those feelings, they could also experience pressure.

The connection will elicit an emotional response from them in either case.

While some might feel a little panicky, some people will experience thrill and enthusiasm.

The feelings may be too strong and overwhelming for those who are afraid of the connection.

They might think that your feelings for them are too strong to handle or that they aren’t ready for a committed relationship.

If this sounds like your twin, they may be trying to avoid you out of fear of the connection they have for you.

Because twin flame emotions are so potent, it is understandable that your twin flame could be frightened of them.

Realizing how much you can love someone might be frightening, but it can also be quite thrilling.

If your twin is aware of the connection, they may find it challenging to suppress their feelings for you.

If they are aware of the connection, there is a potential that they can get past their anxieties. They will want to be close to you and may even feel like they don’t deserve you.

6) They are solely interested in short-term affairs.

Your twin may not be aware of the connection yet if they are only interested in casual connections.

Some twin flames may immediately sense the connection and wish to be involved in a serious relationship.

Others, though, will take it extremely casually. This does not imply that they don’t feel the connection, but rather that they either don’t fully comprehend it or aren’t ready to act on it.

If your twin is only interested in casual connections despite being in a significant or even long-term relationship with you, it either means they don’t feel the connection or they don’t know what to do with it.

Twin flames, you see, typically give their all to one another.

If your twin flame doesn’t want to do that, they most likely aren’t yet ready to commit.

This is annoying, but keep in mind that they won’t be prepared for a committed relationship until they discover that you are their twin flame.

You might just need to give them a little more time to figure things out.

This implies that they must exercise patience with you and let you resolve issues on your own.

You can also allow them some time to adjust to their emotions and decide what they want to do with them.

7) They claim they don’t know what they want from the connection.

This is a fairly typical indication that your twin is not yet aware of the connection.

They may find you attractive, but they don’t know how to handle their feelings.

They might also be interested in a committed relationship, but they don’t know how to make things work.

This may explain why you think your twin is taking their time or just isn’t ready.

All in all, they are attracted to you, but they are confused and overwhelmed by the feelings since they are not yet aware that you are their twin flame.

The outcome? They don’t know what they desire.

I therefore advise obtaining a customized reading from one of the talented counselors at Psychic Source. I discussed them earlier.

When I’ve had problems in my love life, they’ve been a terrific source of support and advice, and their specialized advisers are knowledgeable about twin flames.

What are you still holding out for?

These experts will allow you to make decisions about your love life with confidence by providing clarity on the situation and supporting you as you make life-changing decisions.

To receive a customized love reading, click here.

8) They’re not into spirituality

It may be a hint that they are not yet aware of the connection if your twin has no interest in spirituality.

Regardless of their religious affiliation, the majority of twin flames have a profound interest in spirituality.

People are typically drawn to spirituality because it is a way of life that enables them to communicate with their higher selves.

Your twin may not be aware of the connection just yet if they have no interest in having a spiritual connection.

They might still be interested, though, so this is not a guarantee. You might just have to be patient with them.

Perhaps your practices will encourage them to explore their own spirituality a little bit more.

One piece of advice: don’t exert any pressure on them! People must pursue spirituality on their own terms!


Your twin flame doesn’t seem to feel the same bond as you

Some twin flames will be apprehensive and not sense a strong connection with you, but they won’t know why.

This implies that they won’t immediately feel as though they’ve known you their entire lives.

You may feel as though you’ve found your soul mate in this person, but they may not share that sentiment.

This is a challenging circumstance.

Sometimes it signifies that the person you believe to be your twin flame isn’t.

Sometimes, though, one of the twin flames simply needs some time to give in to their feelings and establish that close connection with you.

Your twin flame might open up in a few distinct ways.

You can start by giving them the affection they merit.

You can let them know that they are unique and that you have a deep connection with them. This will empower them to trust their sensations and open up their hearts to the prospect of love.

Second, you just need to give them some time. You see, it’s not always easy for twin flames to reach the point where they feel as though they have known each other for years.

You must give them time to explore and become accustomed to their feelings since they might not trust them. They might not feel a strong connection to you straight first, but it will develop.

You can also examine your own soul to determine why you are connecting with your twin flame in this way.

It’s likely that something in your lives is leading you to sense a deep connection with one of your twin flames.

Your similarity freaks him/her out

If your twin is aware of the connection, they will probably notice a few things about you two that are similar.

This is totally typical because twin flames frequently have similar hobbies, occupations, and even physical characteristics.

If your twin is not yet aware of the connection, they might be a little alarmed by your similarities.

Because it could look like a bad omen, this can be challenging for you.

That can also be a good indicator that your twin is getting ready to recognize the connection.

You know, while they are alarmed by your similarities, it also means that they are aware of them, which is advantageous.

Do both twin flames know, in the end?

Now that you know what to look for, you may keep a watch on your twin flame to see if they are aware of the connection.

Don’t give up if they are carrying out any of these actions!

The connection is only now beginning to be realized by your twin.

Now that you know more about twin flames, you should be able to determine whether they are aware of your connection.

But, consulting with a competent advisor is the greatest method to gain more understanding on the matter.

I introduced Kasamba before. I know they’re the real deal because of my own experience with them. Their consultants are friendly and truly helpful.

Get in touch with an advisor and take control of your destiny if you genuinely want to know if your twin flame knows about your connection. I did, and it altered the course of my life.

Get your own love reading by clicking here.

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