The 11 kinds of psychic abilities: do you possess these hidden powers? (find out if you’re gifted)

The 7 kinds of psychic abilities: do you possess these hidden powers? (find out if you're gifted)

Feeling a strange, unexplainable connection to a place or experiencing a déjà vu about events that later actually unfold?

You might just have tapped into your own psychic abilities without even realizing it.

Hi, I’m Laura Petit, an astrologer and palmist with a knack for the mystical arts.

Today, let’s explore the fascinating world of psychic senses, uncovering 11 types that could be lying dormant within you.

From clairvoyance to remote viewing, prepare to be amazed by the subtle energies and intuitive abilities that make up the psychic experiences many of us encounter, often dismissing them as mere coincidences.

And, if you’re curious about the art of decoding the unknown, check out the meaning of all tarot cards in love.


1. Clairvoyance: The Gift of Clear Seeing

Have you ever “seen” something that wasn’t physically there?

That’s clairvoyance, a psychic ability allowing you to perceive future events, get glimpses of the past, or receive messages through visions.

It’s not all about crystal balls or dramatic movie scenes; sometimes, it’s subtle, like knowing who’s calling before you even check your phone.

A client once told me they saw a specific flower in their dream, which later led them to meet someone special at a park named after that very flower.

Critics often question the legitimacy of clairvoyant ability, but as someone who’s navigated the psychic realm, I can assure you, there’s more to this world than meets the eye, literally.

Tip: Keep a dream journal to track visions or symbols that appear in your sleep; they could be clairvoyant insights into your life’s next big events!

2. Clairaudience: Hearing the Unheard

Ever thought you heard your name whispered in an empty room?

That might have been clairaudience at play.

This psychic ability isn’t just about hearing voices from the beyond—it’s about picking up on auditory experiences that others miss.

Imagine hearing a faint melody that reminds you of someone you’ve lost, or catching a whisper that offers guidance during a tough decision.

For instance, a friend of mine, also a musician, once heard a few notes of a melody in a dream that he later turned into a song that became quite popular.

He believes it was a spiritual nudge towards his path in music.

Clairaudience often gets dismissed as imagination, but for those attuned to it, these sounds carry powerful, personal meanings that resonate deeply.

Tip: If you ever hear something unusual, note it down. It might be a clairaudient message meant just for you!

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3. Clairsentience: Feeling the Invisible

Clairsentience is like having an emotional radar; it lets you feel the emotions and energies swirling around you.

This psychic sense can manifest as a gut feeling about someone’s mood or the vibe of a room as soon as you step in.

A client once told me how they walked into an antique shop and were overwhelmed with a sense of sadness, only to find out later that the shop was once the site of a historic tragedy.

People often mistake these sensations as mere empathy, but clairsentience goes deeper, sometimes even manifesting as physical sensations that mirror another’s pain or joy.

This psychic ability connects us in unseen, yet profoundly impactful ways.

Tip: Trust your gut—it’s often your psychic sense of clairsentience speaking.

4. Claircognizance: Knowing Without Knowing

Imagine just knowing something, no clues or logic needed—that’s claircognizance.

This psychic ability allows individuals to receive spontaneous insights, often manifesting as sudden ‘aha’ moments that seem to come from nowhere.

For instance, I once felt compelled to call an old friend I hadn’t spoken to in ages, only to discover they needed advice on a problem I had just solved.

Claircognizance can feel like tapping into a universal energy, accessing information that transcends the human body’s typical sensory perceptions.

Researchers suggest this may link to what’s known as quantum consciousness, a realm where our sixth sense interacts with the vast network of information beyond our physical realm.

This psychic skill often involves filtering out the negative energies and focusing on the subtle, often overlooked signals in our environment, sometimes aided by divinatory tools that help clarify and guide the insights received.

Tip: When a sudden insight strikes, don’t ignore it—it could be your claircognizant ability at work, tuning into the universal energy field.

5. Mediumship: Communicating with the Beyond

Unveiling your psychic abilities

Mediumship is a profound psychic ability where individuals, known as mediums, serve as conduits to spirits who have passed on.

This isn’t just about spooky séances; it involves deep, meaningful exchanges that can provide closure and comfort to those left behind.

For instance, I’ve witnessed firsthand how a message from a departed loved one, echoing their personality traits and past sentiments, brought peace to a grieving client.

However, engaging with the spirit world requires boundaries. Without them, mediums might find themselves overwhelmed by constant spiritual interactions.

Setting specific times for communication, under controlled conditions, helps maintain a balanced, healthy psychic practice, fostering a spiritual awakening for both the medium and the recipients of the psychic messages.

Tip: If you’re delving into mediumship, remember to establish clear boundaries to protect your energy and well-being.

6. Telepathy: Mind-to-Mind Communication

Telepathy, or mind-to-mind communication, is often viewed as the stuff of science fiction, but it’s a genuine aspect of psychic phenomena.

It involves transmitting thoughts or feelings directly from one mind to another without words or physical cues.

Intriguingly, this isn’t limited to human interactions. Research into animal telepathy suggests that pets, like dogs or horses, might intuitively pick up on their owners’ thoughts or emotions, reacting in ways that seem inexplicably attuned to human feelings.

These findings challenge our understanding of how communication extends beyond spoken language, hinting at a deeper, psychic connection across species.

This ability for people and animals to connect on a psychic level underscores the universal energy that telepathy taps into, emphasizing its potential as a powerful tool for enhancing interpersonal and interspecies understanding.

Tip: Pay attention to how pets respond to your mood changes—it could be a form of telepathic communication!

7. Precognition: Seeing the Future

Precognition involves the psychic ability to see future events before they happen, often manifesting through dreams or sudden flashes of insight.

It’s a topic that both fascinates and puzzles many. How can someone know about future happenings that have no apparent link to the present?

Recent theories in quantum physics suggest that time might not be as linear as we think, and precognitive experiences could be insights into potential future scenarios.

This blend of psychic phenomena with quantum mechanics offers a tantalizing glimpse into the complexities of time and consciousness, pushing the boundaries of what we understand about the human mind.

Tip: Keep a record of any precognitive visions or dreams. Over time, you might start to see patterns that could help make sense of these glimpses into the future.

8. Psychometry: Reading Objects

Have you ever touched an old watch and felt a rush of emotions or images?

That’s psychometry. It’s a fascinating psychic ability where touching an object can unlock its history.

Imagine being able to sense the joys and tragedies an heirloom ring has witnessed, just by holding it.

I once met someone who helped solve a missing person’s case by touching a personal belonging and describing vivid scenes connected to it.

Skeptics often dismiss psychometry as mere guesswork, but when used correctly, it can reveal layers of stories embedded within everyday objects, reflecting the universal energy and personality traits imprinted over time.

This practice often brings to light memories of past events, sometimes even traumatic events, offering a deeper understanding of the human mind’s connection to the physical world through spiritual practices.

Tip: Next time you pick up a vintage item, pause and focus; you might just pick up more than you bargained for!

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9. Remote Viewing: Seeing Distant Places

Remote viewing allows people to describe or see places they’ve never physically visited.

It’s like having a psychic GPS that can zoom in on far-off locations.

This ability isn’t just for fun; it’s been used in government espionage to gather intelligence from inaccessible areas.

However, the ethics of using such a skill are hotly debated. Is it an invasion of privacy?

As a practitioner, I always stress the importance of ethical guidelines in psychic practices to avoid misusing such powerful tools.

Remote viewing taps into the universal energy, enabling a unique form of divination that transcends the limits imposed by physical interaction and geographical boundaries.

Tip: Explore remote viewing with respect and responsibility, always considering the privacy and autonomy of others.

10. Astral Projection: Out-of-Body Experiences

Astral projection is an out-of-body experience where the astral body leaves the physical shell to travel in the astral plane.

It’s like being a ghost in your own life, witnessing events from a spectator’s perspective.

From personal experience, the practice requires relaxation and a bit of meditation.

While it’s thrilling to explore the astral realm, it’s also crucial to stay grounded and secure.

Remember, astral travel is not an escape from reality, but a way to explore it from a different angle.

Tip: Begin with short sessions and always return to your physical body if you feel any discomfort or fear.

11. Aura Reading: Perceiving Energy Fields

Ever walked into a room and felt the mood without anyone saying a word?

That’s a bit like aura reading, where you perceive the electromagnetic fields around people.

These energy fields, often seen as colorful auras, offer insights into a person’s emotions, spiritual state, and overall vitality.

It’s not just about seeing pretty colors; aura reading can deeply enhance interpersonal relationships and personal growth.

By understanding these subtle energies, you can better navigate social dynamics and even help others by sensing shifts in their auras.

Tip: Pay attention to how you feel around others. Your own reactions can be a gateway to recognizing the aura colors and energy fields of those around you.


Each psychic ability offers a unique perspective on the unseen forces at play in our lives, blending intuitive skills with extrasensory perception.

While opinions on psychic powers vary widely, the potential they hold for understanding both our inner and outer worlds

is undeniable.

Whether you’re a seasoned psychic explorer or just curious, I encourage you to keep an open mind and explore these phenomena further.

Who knows what hidden powers you might discover within yourself?


If you’re eager to unlock the secrets of your psychic potential, “The Intuitive Way” by Penney Peirce and “Psychic Development for Beginners” by William W. Hewitt are fantastic starting points.

Each book offers practical guidance and engaging exercises.


What are the psychic powers?

Psychic powers encompass a range of extrasensory abilities that extend beyond the normal physical senses.

These include clairvoyance, telepathy, and psychometry, enabling individuals to perceive, communicate, or know things hidden from the physical senses.

What is a paranormal ability?

A paranormal ability is a skill that defies conventional scientific understanding, involving capabilities like remote viewing, mediumship, and astral projection.

These abilities allow individuals to access information or experiences that are not bound by physical laws.

What can a psychic do?

A psychic can tap into the subconscious mind to gather insights about past, present, or future events, often using tools like tarot cards or crystal balls.

They might also sense the energy fields of others, providing guidance and clarity on personal or spiritual matters.

What kind of person is a clairvoyant?

A clairvoyant is someone who possesses the intuitive ability to see beyond the physical realm, often visualizing events or symbols that predict future happenings or reveal hidden truths.

This psychic sense allows them to offer unique perspectives and guidance.

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  1. none of this makes any sense, how come we dont see all these psychics winning lotteries or solving crimes? seems like a bunch of hogwash to me.

  2. Interesting read, Andy Force. However, numerous studies have shown that psychic powers cannot be reliably tested under controlled conditions. How do you reconcile these abilities with the lack of empirical support?

  3. While the article presents interesting concepts, where’s the scientific evidence behind any of these claims? Psychic powers and telepathy sound fascinating but without hard evidence, it’s hard to take seriously.

  4. hey ppl, does precognition mean u can win the lottery or its not that simple? sounds cool tho, wish i knew what my boss gonna say tmr lol

  5. Omg, this article is everything I love! Always felt like I had a bit of clairsentience cause I can totally feel vibes. Anyone else here can feel them too?

  6. lol, clairvoyance and talking to ghosts? Next, you’ll tell me my cat’s been giving me the silent treatment because he’s actually a reincarnated pharaoh. Sure, Andy Force.

  7. hey, so like, i read the bit about astral projection, and im kinda curious, does it mean u can really leave ur body and go anywhere? like for real for real? andy force, how does that even work? sounds spooky to me lol

    1. Yeah, essentially astral projection is about your consciousness traveling outside of your physical body. It can seem pretty wild, but many say they’ve experienced it!

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