Do you ever feel like your life is on autopilot? That every day is just a repeat of the same mundane tasks and nothing really changes from one day to the next?
If so, you’re not alone; many people find themselves stuck in an endless loop of mediocrity, feeling exhausted and frustrated with their lives.
But it doesn’t have to be this way — there are signs that can help identify when life has become too routine, as well as strategies for how to break out of the cycle.
In this article, we’ll explore seven warning signs that you may be living on autopilot, plus more red flags to watch out for and how to stop it.
So if you want to take back control of your life and live with purpose again, let’s dive in!
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Key Nuggets
- Routines can turn into ruts—introduce small changes daily to rediscover excitement and purpose.
- Saying ‘yes’ too often leads to burnout—learn to prioritize yourself without guilt.
- Mindless scrolling fuels autopilot mode—set screen-time limits to stay present and intentional.
- Autopilot is like watching life on mute—intentional choices bring the magic back.
1) Your daily routine is unchanged.
If you feel like your life is stuck in a rut and that nothing ever changes from one day to the next, it’s time to take action.
Having a routine can be beneficial – it helps us stay organized and can make us more productive. But when that routine never changes, it can become dull and boring.
Not only that, but it makes us complacent and prevents us from reaching our full potential.
To break out of this cycle, try introducing something new into your daily life; maybe start exercising or going for walks on your lunch break or learning something new every day.
This will help you gain perspective and keep you energized throughout the day.
And if you want to go even further, try changing up your routine completely by taking a weekend trip or taking on a side project – anything to help bring about some excitement in your life!
Just because you’re good at something, doesn’t mean you’re supposed to be doing it. Antonio Neves
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2) You often experience feelings of fatigue and frustration.
If you always feel like you’re running on empty, it could be a sign that you’re living life on autopilot.
Autopilot mode can cause us to become overwhelmed and fatigued, as we go about our daily activities without really paying attention.
To break this cycle, take some time every day to look inward and reflect on what’s really important to you in life.
Ask yourself questions like: What makes me happy? What brings me joy? What do I want out of life?
Then make conscious decisions about how to spend your time – focus on activities that spark joy rather than just going through the motions.
When you start making conscious choices, you’ll find that your energy levels will increase and your mood will improve!
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3) You end up working all the time
Are you always working and never taking time to relax? If so, it could be a sign that you’re living life on autopilot.
When we get into this habit of constantly working, our lives become unbalanced and unhealthy.
We forget to take time for ourselves and become overwhelmed with all the tasks that need to be done.
To break out of this cycle, you need to start making conscious decisions about how to spend your time.
Make sure you’re setting aside enough time each day just for yourself – whether it’s going for a walk, reading a book, or simply taking a few moments of silence.
This will help you find greater clarity and focus so that when it comes time to work, you’ll be able to do so with more energy and enthusiasm.
Making conscious choices about how to spend your time can help bring balance back into your life – and ultimately make both your work and leisure activities more enjoyable!
4) Your day starts with a sense of apprehension.
We all know that feeling of dread when you wake up in the morning, knowing what lies ahead.
This feeling could be a sign that you’re living on autopilot, and it’s time to make a change.
To break out of this cycle, it’s important to start focusing on the things that bring you joy.
Each morning, take a few moments to reflect on what it is that makes you feel alive and excited.
That could be anything from painting or reading a novel to taking a long walk or spending time with friends and family.
Whatever it is, make sure you set aside some time each day for these activities – no matter how busy your schedule gets.
It’s also important to be mindful of your thoughts throughout the day and practice positive self-talk.
This will help keep your attitude in check so that each morning starts with an optimistic outlook and not dread!
5) It’s always hard to say “no”
Are you the type of person who always says ‘yes’ to every request that comes your way? If so, you may be living life on autopilot.
Constantly saying “yes” to tasks and requests can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed and exhausted, as well as a lack of time for yourself or your hobbies.
This is why it’s important to recognize when you’re in autopilot mode and start actively making conscious choices.
Before committing to something, take a moment to think about how it will benefit you in the long run.
Not only will this help avoid taking on too much at once, but it will also give you an opportunity to prioritize the things that are most important to you.
And if saying “no” still feels uncomfortable, try responding with “I’ll have to think about it” instead – this allows for some breathing room before making a decision!
6) You keep forgetting things
Do you find yourself struggling to remember even the simplest of tasks? If so, it’s possible that you’ve been living life on autopilot.
When we move through our days on autopilot, it can be difficult to focus and keep track of important details.
To combat this problem, try taking a few minutes each day to actively reflect on your day.
Ask yourself what went well and what could have gone better – this will help you stay mindful of your actions and create new habits that are sustainable in the long run.
Additionally, it’s important to take time for yourself and practice self-care.
Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help clear your mind and give you the energy you need to stay present in each moment.
By making these small changes you can start to break out of autopilot mode – freeing up more mental space for the things that matter most!
7) You tend to prioritize people pleasing
Do you find yourself constantly trying to please everyone around you at the expense of your own happiness? Chances are, you’re living life on autopilot.
People pleasers tend to be more prone to living on autopilot because they’re so focused on pleasing others that their own needs and desires fall by the wayside.
By taking a step back and recognizing your own wants and needs, it will be easier for you to break out of autopilot mode and make conscious choices in your life.
Additionally, it’s important to recognize that not everyone will be happy with your decisions – but being honest with yourself is a courageous shift towards transformation.
Rather than just responding to whatever stimuli is presented in front of you or following logical reasoning without considering the human stories behind them, take time each day to pause and reflect on what matters most to you.
This could involve building habits such as meditating or journaling or even something as simple as spending some quality time with friends or family.
Taking a break from our mundane activities can help us reset our minds and create more meaningful experiences in our lives rather than simply “going through the motions” all day long.
More Red Flags to Watch Out for
If you’ve noticed any of the warning signs of living life on autopilot that we’ve outlined above, there are a few other red flags to watch out for.
You don’t think about what you’re doing
Living life on autopilot is a way of operating that many of us are guilty of – especially in these modern times when so much of our lives are already predetermined for us.
We get up, go to work, come home and repeat it all the next day without really thinking about what we’re doing or why.
However, this lack of conscious thought can have serious repercussions on our lives, leading to feelings of apathy and disconnection from ourselves and the world around us.
To break out of this habit, it’s important to take time each day to slow down and be mindful.
This could mean setting aside a few minutes each day for meditation or just taking a leisurely walk outside instead of rushing off to the next activity on your list.
It’s also important to regularly check in with yourself and ask yourself questions about what you want out of life and how you can make positive changes going forward.
By making an effort to pause for a moment each day and reflect on where you are in life, you can start breaking free from autopilot mode and start living life more consciously.
You’re looking at your phone too often
We all have moments when we mindlessly scroll through our phones, not really looking for anything in particular or processing what we’re seeing.
The problem is that this habit of scrolling can become a way of life, with us spending more and more time glued to our screens while we miss out on the world around us.
If you find yourself constantly checking your phone during meals, family time, or other activities, it’s important to take steps to make sure you don’t fall into the trap of living your life on autopilot.
Set limits for yourself and try to take regular breaks from technology throughout the day.
Make an effort to be present in the moment – whether that means going for a walk outside or just taking a few extra minutes to enjoy your morning coffee.
Use those moments away from your phone as an opportunity to check in with yourself and reflect on how you are feeling and how you want to move forward in life.
Living consciously can seem like a daunting task but by making small changes like setting limits on screen time, you can start breaking free from autopilot mode and live your life more intentionally.
Time flies with little achievements
It’s easy to let time slip away without realizing it.
Before you know it, days and weeks have gone by and you feel like you haven’t accomplished anything. If this sounds familiar, you may be living life on autopilot.
Living in autopilot mode can cause us to miss out on opportunities that could help us grow and flourish.
It can lead us to make decisions based on habit rather than conscious choice and take us away from pursuing our goals.
To break free from autopilot mode, start by taking the time to evaluate your life regularly.
Make a list of things that need to be done and prioritize them according to the importance or urgency.
This will help you focus your energy on what needs to be done now instead of letting it drift away without purpose.
Make sure you are also taking some time each day for yourself; whether that is reading a book, going for a walk, or just sitting quietly with your thoughts.
Taking even just a few minutes each day can make all the difference in breaking free from autopilot mode and starting to really make progress in life again.
You often get lost in deep thinking
If you’re someone who often finds yourself lost in thought, it’s likely that your mind is wandering and you’re living life on autopilot.
This is a common problem for busy minds, as mundane activities like commuting to work or running errands can easily send us into a state of autopilot.
Autopilot mode can impair our ability to make conscious choices, leading us down paths we wouldn’t normally take.
According to Renata Salecl, bestselling author and professor of sociology at the University of Ljubljana, many of us are now living lives on autopilot without even realizing it.
She believes this has been exacerbated by the pandemic and the resulting period of isolation that many of us have experienced.
The good news is that it’s possible to break free from autopilot mode and start living life with intention.
Start by building habits that will help you stay present and focused on each task at hand.
This could involve taking regular breaks throughout the day or finding ways to inject joy into mundane activities – anything that helps keep your mind engaged in the moment.
It may also be beneficial to focus on stories from real people who have shifted their approach to transformation drives rather than logical reasoning alone.
By hearing about how others have made courageous shifts in their lives, we can gain insight into how we can do the same in ours.
Especially for Gen Xers who may feel stuck in their current mode of operating, taking inspiration from success stories can be invaluable for helping them break free from autopilot mode and start living life with intention again.
You feel this is not what life is all about
Do you ever feel like there should be more to life than what you’re currently experiencing? Are your everyday activities and mental activities feeling a bit too mundane and routine?
If so, it may be time to make some conscious changes.
It can be easy to slip into autopilot mode without even realizing it.
So many of us go through the motions every day, not realizing that we’re missing out on opportunities for growth and meaningful experiences.
We may make decisions on autopilot, fly through our daily tasks, and ignore our own inner wisdom.
But living life on autopilot isn’t sustainable in the long run.
It can take its toll on your mental health, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being.
That’s why it’s important to stop occasionally and check in with yourself about how you’re spending your time and energy.
Ask yourself if there are any areas of your life where you could use some intentional focus or changes in order to live a more fulfilling life.
To get started, try carving out some quiet time each day for reflection or meditation.
This will help you become reacquainted with yourself and tune into your true desires instead of just going through the motions of life on autopilot.
My Take
Living on autopilot is like watching your favorite movie on mute—you miss the magic, the emotions, and the meaning. I’ve been there.
A few years ago, I found myself stuck in the same routine: wake up, work, sleep, repeat. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t inspiring either.
One day, while brushing my teeth (of all things), I realized I couldn’t remember a single decision I’d made that week. My life felt like a playlist stuck on shuffle.
That’s when I decided to shake things up. I started small—switching my morning coffee spot or taking a different route to work.
Soon, those tiny shifts snowballed into bigger changes, like exploring a new hobby and even tackling long-standing goals.
Here’s the manifesting twist: intention breaks the cycle. When you make conscious choices, you align with what you truly want—and that’s when life gets exciting.
How to stop living on autopilot
Living life on autopilot can lead to feeling stuck, burned out, and unfulfilled.
But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can take back control of your life by becoming more mindful of the decisions you make and how you spend your time.
Renata Salecl suggests that in order to stop living on autopilot, we need to become aware of our “normal people” mode of operating.
This means recognizing when we are making decisions based on habit or convenience rather than conscious choice.
Once we become aware of our normal people mode, we can begin to make changes.
Start by deliberately slowing down and taking some time for yourself each day.
Take a few moments for reflection or meditation and listen to your inner wisdom.
Ask yourself what matters most and what kind of life you want to create for yourself.
You can also start building new habits that align with your true desires and values.
For example, if you value spending more time outdoors, set a goal to get outside every day for 30 minutes or more.
If developing relationships is important to you, schedule specific times throughout the week where you can connect with friends or family members over coffee or a phone call.
Making these kinds of intentional shifts takes courage but it will ultimately help bring clarity and purpose into your life—which will put an end to living on autopilot!
Ok but… where do I start from?
Now, I’m sure you may be wondering, “Where do I start?” Have a look at this 100% free video from my personal mentor and world-renowned master coach, Dr. Joe Vitale.
In this simple tutorial, he explains how “mental time travel” (a 100% science-proven method) can radically start changing your life outcomes in health, wealth, and romance in a matter of hours.