12 Steps to Make a Leo Man Fall Deeply in Love With You (Here’s the Secret)

Make a Leo Man Fall in Love With You in 12 Steps (Here's How)
Attracting a Leo Man
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Most people think learning how to make a Leo man fall in love with you is about grand gestures or flawless romance. It’s not. I once watched a client—let’s call her “Mia” (privacy matters!)—unravel her Leo crush simply by being unapologetically herself. No game-playing, no extravagant stunts. She brought out his soft side by combining subtle mystery with genuine warmth.

I’m Laura Petit, an astrologer who’s seen the Leo love playbook in action. In this article, I’ll share secrets like Mia’s story and why it worked—plus 12 actionable steps to spark deep emotions in your Leo man. Ready to surprise him and yourself? Let’s begin.

If you’re curious about what makes Leo men tick beyond the surface, explore their fascinating personality traits in this article.

Key Nuggets

Getting A Leo Man To Fall In Love, Here’s How

Let this article show you how to make a Leo man fall in love! 

Getting a Leo to love you is tough. Men in the sign of Leo are known for being loud and following their own drums. 

Not only do these social butterflies enjoy being the center of attention, they also expect to be viewed as an expert in their field. It’s no secret that Leo men place their women on a pedestal too. However, how do you become his queen if the king of the jungle has not yet made a move?

In my ex-fiancé’s case, he was a Leo man, head over heels. (I broke up with him, and he still loves me.) He was a stereotypical Leo male, and most of what I read about Leos, and how to make a Leo fall in love, applied perfectly to him. 

Simply follow these tips to make this zodiac sign fall in love with you.

Find the answer you may be looking for: How does a Leo man test a woman’s love?

1. Have confidence in yourself

A woman with confidence appeals to every Leo guy. You won’t get along with him if you falsely accuse him of cheating or being insecure when another girl checks him out. Lions are known for having many friends and always catching someone’s attention, so he’ll need you to have a healthy sense of self-worth. 

2. Leos are attracted to positive energy

There’s never a dull moment with him. While Leos do have their bad days, they prefer to be positive and enjoy life whenever they can. 

By showing him that you are full of positive energy, you can make your Leo man fall in love quicker. Look for the silver lining in every grey cloud. Make sure he knows it isn’t just for show when you laugh and smile at parties. It’s important you show him your positive side. 

You may also like: Crushing on a Leo Man? 4 Steps to Attracting him (& Keep His Attention)

3. Love with passion

Leos bring fire to the bedroom, and they want a partner who can keep up with them. When you spend time together in bed, you should do everything you can to make sure that you make his memory last. This is just another way to make a Leo man fall in love since Leos love everything physical. 

4. Don’t be selfish

Don’t forget that Leo men love themselves. There is only room for one person in the spotlight, and he likes to be the center of attention. He will be cheering you on and showering you with love and affection, but do not focus on yourself only, or he will lose interest.

You’ll need to dig much deeper into his astrological love profile in order to make an informed decision. Here is a free Leo Men guide prepared by relationship astrologer Anna Kovach, designed to help you learn more about your partner’s zodiac sign.

Don’t be afraid to tell your Leo man how great he is. Tell him what a great job he does and congratulate him regularly. In order to make a Leo man fall in love, all you need to do is stroke his ego every now and then and don’t steal his shine. 

5. When around a Leo, dress to impress

Leos are very concerned with how the rest of the world perceives them. Even if he’s just driving through the drive-through for a soda, he’ll want to look his best. 

Remember that a Leo man will want the same from his partner if you want him to be obsessed with you. Be sure to always look your best no matter what. Take care of your nails, wear clothes that are in good condition, and keep your hygiene in check. His desire for you will increase the more attention you receive from other men. 

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6. Leos are passionate about physical contact

If you’re trying to figure out how to make a Leo man fall in love, keep in mind that he loves physical touch. It doesn’t matter whether you’re friends or dating. 

Keep physical contact platonic with a Leo man if you are just friends. Brush his face with something. When you leave, hug him. Walk past him and brush against him by accident. All of those small touches will stick with him. 

Once you start dating, try not to show too much affection in public. Simply remain in contact with him by holding his hand, kissing him occasionally. It will make him feel special. 

7. Know him for who he is

Whenever he walks out, he looks his best. It seems that every girl wants him and every guy wants to hang out with him. The last thing you want is to be just another girl at his side. It is important to make yourself stand out from the crowd of admirers. 

If you want to do this, you should avoid pursuing a Leo man. Instead, let him admire your good looks. If you don’t chase him, he will notice you. 

Don’t sleep with him then. Instead of hitting a home run on the first date, keep the physical flirting at second base. That will intrigue every Leo. 

Take the time to get to know him. Ask him about his favorite color instead of asking to see pictures of his six-pack. Ask him about his interests. Get to know him and he will slowly grow to love you. 

8. Take some time for yourself

Don’t always be available to a Leo to make them fall in love. Take up some new hobbies. Have fun with family and friends. Do your best at work. He does need his own space, since he likes to do his own thing. He needs an independent woman. 

9. Leo men are hopeless romantics

Among these zodiac signs, this is one of the most common traits. You should assume that a Leo is romantic if you have a crush on him. Think romantically about your ideal first date when he asks. Let him know that you love romantic gestures, etc. It will be exciting for him to meet another hopeless romantic. 

10. Have a Leo chase you

Maintain your emotional connection with him after you get rid of your negative energy. Explain that some days you might be busy. 

Make sure you send him a quick text so he doesn’t think you’re playing with him. Leo men love to chase after a woman, and you want to keep him chasing you for long enough that he remains interested after the chase is over. 

11. Smile often

You can make a Leo man love you by simply smiling at him. It will show him that you’re positive and happy, and it will catch his attention. 

Men like to see you smile when they like you. This is especially true for Leo men. Every time you look at each other, smile at him, and then go back to what you were doing. 

12. Make a Leo man feel special by complimenting him

If you want to catch his attention without chasing him, there are a few ways to do so. Leo men love compliments. Let him know that you noticed him if he’s showing off by complimenting him. Tell him how much you appreciate his outfit or his positive energy. 

Make sure your compliments to Leo men are sincere. More than any other sign, these men can detect when you’re being fake or playing a game. 

And don’t forget these fundamentals:

1. Be nice. Don’t be rude.

Some people enjoy playingfully teasing each other, but this is not the way to flirt with Leo. They are prone to getting hurt easily. It is possible that you will hurt his pride, which will not lead to the relationship you desire. Rather, it will push him away. 

You’ll need to dig much deeper into his astrological love profile in order to make an informed decision. Here is a free Leo Men guide prepared by relationship astrologer Anna Kovach, designed to help you learn more about your partner’s zodiac sign.

Being nice to Leo is the key to building a relationship. It will make him happy to receive attention and compliments. 

2. Refrain from competing

Playing a board game during a relationship is fine since it won’t hurt his pride. Nonetheless, if you want a relationship with him, it’s not the best way to catch his eye. 

Let a Leo shine when he wants to. You shouldn’t try to take over his spotlight or proclaim that you’re better than him in anything. 

3. Quality time is essential

Make him feel special when you are together. Avoid talking on the phone or sending texts the entire time. Talk to him instead. 

He has confidence, but he wants you to think he is amazing, too. Give him a thoughtful gift or a compliment as a thinking of you gesture. Make sure you have plenty of physical contact with each other if you are dating. 

4. Be open to talking about your relationships

Whenever he becomes interested in you, he will start asking about previous relationships or how you feel about certain things in a relationship. This is your time to shine, since he’s deciding what he wants with you. 

Give him a long list of things you’re attracted to instead of telling him you’re afraid of emotional attachment. Make sure those are qualities he also has. Let him know you are confident and you do not get jealous easily. A Leo is sure to be impressed by this. 

5. Have a great time

Leo isn’t the kind of person to just sit at home all day. These guys have a lot of energy. In general, they have more energy physically and socially than most people, and they’ll want to go out and have fun. It’s fine to go to the movies once in a while, but don’t make it a habit. 

Consider taking him to a go-karting track or laser tag arena instead. Consider going bowling or visiting an amusement park in your area. It would be fine for Leo to look at animals at the zoo, but he prefers to do something instead.

6. Honesty with tact

You don’t want to offend Leo’s pride by being blunt, but you don’t want to lie either. Try to be honest and sweet instead. You’ll be surprised at how much he appreciates honesty. 

He is surrounded by admirers as well as girls who tell him what he needs to hear. When everyone tells you you look amazing, it can be difficult to ask for someone’s opinion on an outfit. 

The key is to be nice. Say that his shirt does not go well with his pants instead of telling him it’s ugly. You’ll be appreciated for your opinion. At least a few times he might wear an outfit you don’t like to tease you. 

7. Avoid making him jealous

Making Leo jealous is an easy way to lose his interest. Leo considers himself to be king, much like a lion in the jungle. He does not like being compared to others. Do not give him pictures of you with any other guys. He will slowly push you away instead of trying harder to chase you. 

8. Explain past cheating

Lions hate disloyalty more than anything else. Even if they have previously cheated on people, lions despise cheating. 

You should explain why you aren’t the same person you used to be or why you cheated if he knows that you have in the past. He won’t stay interested in you if he believes you’re going to stray no matter what he does. 

9. Leos are dominant in nature

Usually, these guys are attracted to more submissive women. There isn’t anything inherently wrong with them or anything that is red flagging. The reason is that they are a leader, much like a lion in the jungle. 

Unless it is something they don’t like or are not good at, they prefer to be in charge of everything. If that’s the case, they will let you handle it. 

Therefore, Leo may take a traditional approach to maintaining a household. In some households, he prefers for you to cook and clean while he works like a madman in order to support the family. 

10. Can be lazy at times

Leo is just the way he is, and you must accept it. While he loves to have fun and will work at a steady job to earn a steady income, he can be lazy outside of work. If it does not benefit him, don’t expect a lot of hard work. 

11. Money is a leo’s best friend

You can instantly attract your Leo crush’s attention if you let him know you’re money-motivated. Neither are they greedy nor gold diggers. However, Leos enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. However, they must spend money to do so. If you’re the same as him, he’ll love it. 

12. Avoid being fake

I know how tempting it is to pretend to show an interest in something or tell him that you work 80 hours a week. The problem is that Leo is used to that as well as people who want to sleep with him. As a result, he can recognize fake behavior easily. As soon as he hears a lie, he knows it. Do not fool this zodiac sign with lies. 

13. Engage his curiosity

One of the main traits of this zodiac sign is that they like to learn things about you slowly. They are intrigued by mysteries. As they learn new things about you, it feels like they are chasing you. Rather than telling him everything he needs to know right away, tell him a little at a time. 

14. A bossy attitude should be dealt with carefully

Leos can be rather bossy due to their dominant nature. Even if they are not in a position of authority at work, they will give orders. Leo will tell you what they think you should do in the relationship or around the house. 

It is possible, however, to deal with a bossy Leo. Focus on communication and compromise rather than fighting. When Leo wants to, he is capable of compromising and being nicer. 

15. Do not force him to admit he is wrong

Leo takes pride in what he does. They don’t like admitting they’re wrong, as they are dogmatic by nature. You can hurt their pride if you have proof that they are wrong. Dealing with a wounded Leo isn’t fun. 

Avoid focusing on who is right and who is wrong. Do not hold out much hope that this will change. It is simply one of the characteristics of this sign. Focus instead on finding solutions or compromises together. 

16. Let your adventurous side shine through

Do not wait for him to notice you. Be the best you can be! Take a skydiving class. Explore ziplining. Leos are full of fiery energy that makes them find adventure irresistible. Your adventurous side will make him more curious about you as soon as he glimpses it. 

17. Please don’t embarrass him

Do not post negative things about him online, such as if you argued with him. Keep that off of social media. Ensure he likes the photos of himself before posting them. Don’t criticize him for things he isn’t good at. Be careful not to embarrass him. He will hate it. 

18. Make the Leo man miss you

Leo texting
Leo man texting

When a Leo man falls in love with you, you want him to keep chasing you. People born under the fire zodiac tend to lose interest easily. Male Leos tend to become bored easily. This is why you need to keep working hard. 

Spray a small amount of body spray on his pillow before you leave his house so he can smell you at night. Put a scrunchie in his bathroom and tell him you forgot it. Take a random selfie and send it to him. These small gestures will help remind him how amazing you are and make him miss you. 

Being busy is also a great way to make a Leo man miss you. Don’t reply right away. He won’t like this, but that’s just how Leo men are. Let him know that you were busy when you text him a few hours later. Making sure you are not always available is the best way to make a Leo man miss you.

19. Get to know his traits

All zodiac signs have their own personality traits, including Leo men. You can win a Leo man’s love by learning about zodiac signs. Besides being self-centered and lazy, he occasionally has serious attitude issues. 

Nevertheless, he is also very chivalrous and likes to pay for dates. Leos are fiercely protective of their families and loved ones. He is funny, intelligent, and an absolute joy to be around. 

They always enjoy a good joke and love to see everyone enjoying themselves. He will love being around you if he sees that he makes you happy or that you appreciate his extra effort. 

My “Make Him Fall” Take

A few years ago, one of my clients—let’s call her Mia—asked me how to make a Leo man fall in love with you. She’d met this captivating, spotlight-loving Leo at an art gallery, and sparks flew instantly. But a few weeks into their connection, she called me, panicked, saying, “Laura, he’s pulling back! What am I doing wrong?”

Here’s what I told her: Leos love deeply, but they love with intention. They’re drawn to someone who doesn’t just flatter them but inspires them. Mia was pouring all her energy into chasing him instead of letting her own light shine—something a Leo craves in their partner.

I reminded her that this isn’t about performing. A Leo man needs a partner who makes him feel like a king but also dazzles as their own queen. For Mia, Anna Kovach’s Leo Man Secrets guide was a total game-changer. It’s my top recommendation for clients I can’t meet in person because it unlocks that emotional connection Leos need. And Mia’s Leo? He’s now her husband.


Is it possible to make a Leo man obsessed with you?

In order to make a Leo man want a relationship with you or become obsessed with you, you should deny that you are obsessed with him. Allow him to chase you instead of rushing to get the relationship started. Be funny and adventurous. Give him compliments. Above all, be yourself. 

How do you get a Leo man to miss you?

Too much availability can be suffocating to Leo, causing him to lose interest. Instead, wait a while before texting him back. Make sure you explain why it took so long or he might think you’re playing mind games. For Leo, playing games is a huge turnoff. 

How do you get a Leo guy to love you over text?

You should wait a little bit to text Leo back sometimes if you want him to want a relationship or fall in love over text. Try not to embarrass him. Be attentive and compliment him. Express your admiration for what he has done. Touch his ego. 

Is the Leo man a mind gamer?

Leo men are known to play mind games. Usually, this is due to them not being interested and not having the courage to tell you. When they know something will hurt someone’s feelings, they quickly transform from brave lions into cowardly lions. When he plays games, you should just let him go. 

What is the weakness of a Leo man?

It is not uncommon for Leo men to be stubborn, lazy, and a bit self-centered. A fear of trust is their biggest weakness. Due to their generosity and big hearts, they get taken advantage of a lot. This can cause them to become jaded over time.