Soulmates are probably a concept you’ve heard about numerous times.
Perhaps you’ve even had the good fortune to meet yours.
You may also have been caught in the wrong moment.
Is there anything worse than meeting your soulmate at the wrong time? What happens? Will you meet each other again? Let’s take a look at that today:
1) You’re both at a crossroads in your lives.
There is no way to meet your soulmate if you are not ready to commit to a relationship at this time in your life.
They will enter your life and it will be wonderful, but if you are not prepared to offer them what they require, the relationship will end.
You see, even if you meet your soulmate, you may not be at the perfect place in your life at the time.
The problem is that you must both be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually prepared for each other. If you aren’t, this is when the bad timing kicks in.
Trust me when I say that if you meet your soulmate at the incorrect period in your life, you will not be ready for them.
In that scenario, you’ll have to wait and be patient, because attempting a relationship right now would only lead to conflict and heartbreak.
2) You have opposing views on what a relationship should be like.
If you are used to having a certain style of relationship with one person and then meet someone else who has a completely different view of what a relationship should be like, it can be difficult to make it work.

Different expectations can lead to conflicts and arguments over time, making things heated between the two of you.
It may take some time for both sides to comprehend the other’s point of view and why they conduct things differently than their prior partner.
You may need to make concessions or simply learn to embrace their differences as part of who they are as individuals.
The main point is that both parties must be willing to try new things and adjust if the relationship is to endure.
Without that willingness, one or both partners may quit the partnership in the future because they feel their needs aren’t being addressed by their partner.
You see, if you and your soulmate have extremely different beliefs and expectations of a relationship, you may have met at the wrong time.
Unless one of you changes your mind or you reach an agreement, you will need to spend some time apart to figure out what you both want and can live with.

What would a wise counsellor say?
The warning flags listed above and below will give you a solid idea if you’re meeting your soulmate at the incorrect time.
However, speaking with a gifted advisor is a certain method to know for sure.
They can address queries like, “What happens when the time isn’t right?”
The issue is finding someone you can rely on.
That is why I suggest Kasamba. When I joined up for a reading, they gave me a unique perspective on where my life was heading, including who I was supposed to be with.
After experimenting with various online advisors, I believe they are the most loving, empathetic, and helpful network of skilled advisors available.
To get your own individualized reading, click here.
A genuine advisor will not only tell you what happens in that instance, but they will also reveal all of your romantic possibilities.
3) You are not prepared to commit.
This happens more frequently than you might think: people meet their soulmates, but then abandon the relationship because they aren’t ready.
Committing to someone and falling in love with them is a significant deal.
It means you’re putting your heart on the line and entrusting them with your feelings.

If you want anything to succeed over time, you must be emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually prepared.
If you are not prepared for this level of commitment, the relationship will fail.
By attempting to force something that isn’t meant to be, you will wind up hurting both of you.
Don’t try to force it; trust me on this!
Take some time apart to figure out why you aren’t ready for a long-term relationship.
It’s pointless to try to force something that isn’t intended to be!
Soulmate relationships are more frightening because you know deep down that this person is the one.
That means your feelings for them will be far stronger than the normal person’s.
You will want to see them all of the time, to share your life with them, and to stay with them for the rest of your life.
If you are not prepared for that level of commitment, do not force it.
Take some time apart to figure out why you aren’t ready for a long-term relationship.
Sometimes one or both spouses are simply not prepared for this level of commitment.
In such scenario, you’ll need to find out what you want and need in order to maintain a positive relationship with them in the future.
Related: What I Learned On Men (The Hard Way) When In A Relationship
4) You are concerned about being hurt again.
If you have been injured by someone in a previous relationship, you are likely to be terrified of being hurt again by your soulmate.
When you are terrified of getting harmed, you will begin to distance yourself from your soulmate.
You won’t allow them get close to you and will eventually push them away.
It’s a natural reaction when you’re terrified of getting wounded, but it’s also a self-fulfilling prophecy that will eventually cause you to be harmed by your soulmate.
If this is occurring to you, get away from your partner and figure out why you are terrified of being harmed again.
Now, unless you heal from your past hurts, it will be extremely difficult for you to trust another person and be dedicated to them again.
If such is the case, you will need to take some time to heal on your own.
I realize it’s not ideal, but it’s the only way for you to move on from the past and trust someone again.
When you’re ready, contact your soulmate to check if they’re still interested in being with you.
Recommended reading: Relationships & Incompatibility: 10 Clear Signs Your Partner Is Not The One
5) You’re at a stage where you need to improve yourself.
When you find yourself unable to commit to your soulmate, it is often because you need to work on yourself.
As I have stated, soulmates are really intense connections.
You will feel a great connection with them, which will compel you to confront some of your own troubles and wounds.
If you aren’t ready to confront those difficulties, it will be quite difficult for you to commit to a relationship with your soulmate.
If this is the case for you, take some time away from your partner to figure out what you need to work on in order to be ready for a serious relationship.
People frequently require time away from their relationships in order to determine what they want and don’t want in their life.
That’s good; don’t let the fact that you’re not committing scare you into believing there’s something wrong with your relationship or your partner.
It’s possible that things aren’t quite right for either of you right now, but they will be soon!
Making time to work on yourself is really healthy and beneficial.
When you are ready to commit, it will help you become a better person and a more solid partner.
6) You may be unaware that they are your soulmate.
If you meet at the incorrect time in your life, you may not even recognize the person you’ve just met is your soulmate.
Don’t be concerned! If they are, you will eventually find your way back to each other.
However, there’s a chance you met them and didn’t feel anything for them since it was the incorrect time for you.
You don’t have to worry about never meeting your soulmate again since there are plenty of individuals out there who you will eventually find your way back to.
That’s the funny thing: if you don’t feel like you’ve met your soulmate yet, there’s a chance you have; you simply haven’t matured enough to be on the same level.
Don’t worry if you haven’t met the proper person yet! You will ultimately meet them, and it will be the ideal time for you.
When the timing is right, you will have no doubt that they are your soulmate.
So, how can you know if you’ve found “the one,” your actual soulmate?
Let’s be honest:
We frequently squander time and energy on people who are not a good fit for us. Recognizing your soulmate isn’t always simple.
But what if there was a way to eliminate all uncertainty?
I’ve just discovered a technique to achieve this… a professional psychic artist who can draw a sketch of your soulmate.
Even though I was hesitant at first, a friend persuaded me to give it a shot a few weeks ago.
I finally know what my soulmate looks like. The bizarre thing is that I’ve known them for years.
Get your personal sketch done here if you’re ready to find out what your soulmate looks like.

7) There is another person in the meantime.
When the timing isn’t ideal for soulmates to meet, it’s usually because there’s someone else in the picture.
This could be sexual or platonic, but it will always result in heartbreak.
You should probably quit worrying if they are your soulmate because they are seeing someone else.
Because of their relationship state, they may not even realize they have a soulmate yet, but you must proceed from there.
Trying to chase someone who doesn’t want you is a waste of time and will only lead to heartbreak for both of you.
You see, when they are in a relationship, you should just leave them alone and be patient.
If they are your soulmate, they will ultimately find their way back to you.
However, you should move on and find someone fresh.
Even if they are your soulmate, you do not want to end a relationship only to be with them.
It is best to just be patient and wait for the proper time because they will ultimately find their way back to you.
And if they don’t, they weren’t your soulmate to begin with, it’s as simple as that!
Perhaps there is a lesson in their current relationship that they must learn before they can be with you.
If they are still with their present partner when they discover you again, you will have to deal with both of them.
What would a relationship coach say in this situation?
While the principles in this article can help you deal with finding your soulmate, it may be beneficial to discuss your problem with a relationship coach.
With the help of a professional relationship coach, you can get counsel suited to the unique challenges in your love life.
Relationship Hero is a website where highly qualified relationship counselors assist people in navigating complex and challenging love circumstances, such as meeting at an inappropriate moment.
They are well-liked since they truly assist people in solving challenges.
Why do I suggest them?
Well, after experiencing issues in my own love life, I contacted them a few months ago.
After feeling helpless for so long, they provided me with a unique perspective on the dynamics of my relationship, as well as practical advice on how to overcome the issues I was experiencing.
I was astounded by their sincerity, understanding, and professionalism.
In just a few minutes, you may connect with a qualified relationship coach and receive tailored counsel tailored to your exact circumstance.
8) You have no chemistry with them.
Okay, this one is intriguing, but meeting your soulmate at the wrong time could indicate that you don’t have chemistry with them.
This is the most difficult obstacle to overcome, yet it is not impossible.
They may be your soulmate, and you may believe that you have no chemistry with them, but if you are patient and truly attempt to get to know them, you will soon discover that this isn’t the case.
So don’t be concerned if your soulmate doesn’t have chemistry with you!
You’re probably not in the right place in your life right now.
Once you are, the chemistry you share with your soulmate will be out of this world, and it will be incredible, believe me!
Now, if you don’t have any connection with someone, it can be difficult to identify if they are your soulmate, but you will know sooner or later.
Recommended reading: Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Compatible For A Relationship? (Calculate Your Matching)
9) Your baggage weighs heavily on you..
One of the main reasons why you might be meeting your soulmate at the wrong time is that you have a lot of baggage from the past.
If this is the case, it will be more difficult for you to find someone new in the future because they will have to deal with this baggage as well, making it even more difficult for them.
You see, if you have a lot of baggage from the past with someone who isn’t your soulmate, they may decide they don’t want anything to do with you right now.

You might not be able to be in a relationship right now, either!
Consider this: as long as you have all of this baggage to cope with, a new relationship is likely to be the least of your worries.
You will most likely have to deal with this baggage for a long time, which is not something you should be concerned about right now.
10) You’re still fixated on someone else.
Yes, as unfortunate as it may sound, if you meet your soulmate at the wrong time, you may still be hooked up on someone else.
If you are still attached to someone else, it can be extremely difficult to let them go, and it is possible that you do not recognize your soulmate.
If you are still focused on someone else and decide to look for your soulmate later, you may lose sight of what is right in front of you right now.
I realize this seems insane, but it is doable.
Now is not the time to meet your soulmate if you are preoccupied with someone else.
You must first do some internal work to figure out how to get over that other person.
Once you’ve gotten over them, you can start looking for your soulmate.
Trying to meet your soulmate in this state is not a good idea.
You want to be completely available for your soulmate, believe me.
11) You actually met your true soulmate (just at wrong time): will you meet them again?
Jessica Cook provided an excellent answer on Quora:
I believe if you’re truly soulmates and meant to be together yes you will meet again.I think destiny has a way of bringing people together if they are truly meant for each other.
Sometimes we can love a person so much and it doesn’t work out for some reason or another and this just means there’s someone out there better suited for us we just haven’t met that person yet.
We have lots of relationships in our life and they all teach us something if we think about what went wrong, and why we broke up, or couldn’t make it work.
I feel if we learn something from those relationships we find they weren’t so perfect and we truly weren’t meant for each other or we would be together today.
I feel if this person is the person your meant to be with some where,some way you will run into each other again just keep living life and see what happens next.
12) The timing will eventually be right.
The best thing about soulmates is that you will meet them at the perfect time if it is meant to be.
I realize this sounds like a cliche, but it’s true.
I’m not going to promise you that it will always be perfect timing, but I will promise you that it will be right eventually.
You will meet your soulmate when the timing is right.
You may have met them previously and things did not work out, but if someone is actually your soulmate, you can trust that the timing will be right at some point.
Conclusion: don’t give up hope.
As you can see, meeting your soulmate at an inconvenient time can be aggravating, but it will all be worth it in the end.
The thing is, you have to hope that one day, the timing will be ideal for you two!
Hopefully, the points above will throw some light on what happens when you meet your soulmate at the wrong time.
However, if you still have questions, I recommend speaking with a genuine advisor.
Kasamba is one resource that I always end up recommending. They were not only precise in their reading, but they were also polite and sensitive of my circumstances.
So if you’re tired of wondering about your soulmate, get in touch with a gifted advisor and take your future into your own hands. I did it, and I’ve never looked back.