More people than ever are interested in self-improvement and personal achievement.
Based on my own experience with Mindvalley, one of the field’s leaders, I’m going to assess the platform today.
I’ll explain what Mindvalley is all about, who it’s a good fit for (and who it’s not), and what to expect from a normal class.
I’ll also discuss how participating in five of its popular classes — Lifebook, Wildfit, Superbrain, Be Extraordinary, and The M Word — has benefited my life.
Mindvalley is it worth your time and money?
Find out in my honest Mindvalley review.
And, if you’re fascinated by self-development and personal growth, check out these facts about self-improvement many people ignore.
What exactly is Mindvalley?
Mindvalley is a corporation that creates online self-development courses.
These courses are taught by self-development professionals in a variety of disciplines.
Vishen Lakhiani, the platform’s founder, says he wanted to provide a venue for people to acquire all the important life lessons that aren’t taught in school.
MindValley, in my opinion, is quite unusual for two reasons:
1) Their courses are taught by actual specialists such as:
- Marisa Peer, a well-known UK psychologist, teaches hypnotherapy
- Jim Kwik instructing on brain performance
- Roman Oliveira instructing about intermittent fasting.
- Emily Fletcher teaching meditation
- Michael Beckwith teaching life visioning
- And much, much more…
2) It’s a sleek website with some of the finest quality information for online self-development courses if you want to better yourself and your life. In terms of self-improvement classes, I haven’t found anything that compares.
The programs at Mindvalley are all about “transformative learning.” But what exactly does that mean?
It’s all about trying to be the best version of yourself in every aspect of your life.
There are classes on a wide range of themes, including health (both mental and physical), relationships, business, and spirituality.
Click here for MindValley’s All Access Pass
Who are the teachers?
One of my favorite aspects of Mindvalley is that it truly brings together some of the largest and brightest names in the self-improvement and spirituality sectors.
However, chances are you haven’t heard of any of them.
This is because these aren’t A-list celebrities who are primarily marketing their course on their name.
Instead, these are researchers, motivational speakers, and other specialists whose primary claim to fame is their teaching.
I believe Mindvalley excels in bringing together the best self-help teachers in one platform.
Here are some of their “big name” professors:
- Jim Kwik — a “mind hacking” and “brain training” expert.
- Ken Honda, best-selling author of Making Peace with Your Money in Japan.
- Robin Sharma, self-help author of ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.’
- Spiritualist and author of Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch
To be honest, I had no idea who these people were the first time I checked out Mindvalley’s courses… but some of the book titles they’ve published did ring a bell.
But after looking them over, I discovered they’re no slouches. These professors are the real deal.
What classes are available on Mindvalley?

Mindvalley offers approximately 50 classes (referred to as “quests”) and is constantly introducing new ones.
These classes are organized into seven distinct categories, however some quests appear in numerous categories.
Here are some of Mindvalley Quest’s most popular courses and categories:
• Mind
Vishen Lakhiani’s Be Extraordinary course is arguably the most popular in this area. It’s an all-purpose, motivational self-help program intended at assisting you in “raising your awareness” — with the ultimate goal of becoming more successful and fulfilled in life.
• Efficiency
Jim Kwik’s Super Reading and Superbrain are both standouts in these categories. These classes will provide you with solid performance hacks. (I’ll go through what it’s like to use Superbrain later in this article.)
• Body
If you’re anything like me and want to extend your lifespan by years or even decades, and live to the fullest at any age, then do yourself a favor and check out The Longevity Blueprint. I think we could all probably use these incredible teachings.
• Soul
I think Energy Medicine had me as soon as I read ‘How to reclaim ownership over your health and wellness’. This course wants you to embrace a higher stage of physical, emotional and spiritual healing, so that you can ‘access the Fastest, Easiest Path To Awakening Your Body’s Natural Healing Systems’
• Business ownership
Although Business Freedom Blueprint falls under the genre of entrepreneurship; after taking this course, I’d say it’s a great good all-rounder that you can use to your entire life. It’s all about developing healthier habits in order to achieve more in life. It may appear simple, but applying what you learn makes a significant difference.
• Parenting and Relationships
This category’s highlight is Conscious Parenting Mastery. A course that will assist you in realigning your parenting skills in order to effectively raise a family.
What I find most intriguing about Mindvalley is that the classes all fall somewhere on a spectrum between practical life skills and something more esoteric.
Money EQ and Super Reading, for example, provide practical tools and exercises.
Awaken the Species and Energy Medicine deal with philosophical topics that some people may find more “out there” than traditional teachings.
It’s worth mentioning that certain esoteric seminars stray beyond acknowledged scientific fact and delve into quasi-religious, quasi-sixth sense territory (there are classes which say we all have ESP). It is up to you whether or not those themes resonate with you.
Click here for MindValley’s All Access Pass
My Mindvalley experience

I’ve always been interested in development, which is why I founded Sons Of Universe in the first place.
I also have a psychology degree and consume pretty much anything that can assist me tap into mindset techniques.
The Covid 19 pandemic, like many others, made me feel that I should be making better use of my time. I believe huge events like that usually shake up your reality and force you to reconsider.
I want to be more productive and live a better life, but I’m also a little lazy at times.
Because of overwhelm and procrastination, it feels much easier to binge watch Netflix than to get down to real work.
A library of personal development seminars to choose from seemed like the ideal motivator — and, to be honest, it has been.
Using Mindvalley has provided me with a wealth of new information, ideas, and practical self-help skills.
I’m not sure if I believe in instant miracle cures, but I would say that the programs I’ve participated in have improved my general quality of life. So I’m hoping that trend continues.
Mindvalley programs I’ve completed and my honest opinion
I’ve completed a number of Mindvalley programs, so I’m confident in providing a general summary of the Mindvalley platform.
To give you a better sense of my own personal experience, I’d want to go over 5 of the courses I’ve completed in further depth.
Rather than going over the curriculum, I’ll focus on my real results from completing the programs.

Before taking Jim Kwik’s Mindvalley course, I’d heard of his best-selling book ‘Limitless,’ which grabbed my interest.
I really enjoy being able to see tangible progress and results.
This program’s practical skills, such as the proper morning routine for best brain efficiency and memorization strategies, sounded exactly up my alley.
My outcomes following Superbrain
I left Superbrain with science-backed ways for learning stuff faster.
As I previously stated, I enjoy a good hack and found them to be both interesting and useful.
Anecdotally, the approach appeared to increase my focus and lessen those moments of brain fog that I believe most of us suffer from time to time.
Lifebook Online:

After conducting my study on Mindvalley, I quickly discovered that Lifebook Online was one of the programs that many people were discussing.
I was even more fascinated when I saw that this course could end up being free (if you sign up, complete all of the required work, and then apply for your refund).
It also appeared to be a fantastic program for dealing with all aspects of your life, such as health, finances, spiritual life, love connections, parenting, career, and so on.
My outcomes from using Lifebook Online
Lifebook Online was a really useful goal-setting application for me.
It provided me a much clearer picture of what I wanted in many aspects of my life and made me consider the changes I’d need to make to get there.
It was pretty inspiring, and doing the course gave me an instant motivated boost.
To be completely honest, while I haven’t followed through on all of my plans, I have continued to work on many of them.
If, like me, you are concerned about your ability to stick to the goals you set during the program, there is a graduate membership called Lifebook Mastery that can help you with that.
Click here to access Lifebook Online

I wasn’t out of shape when I opted to undertake Wildfit with Eric Edmeades. I exercise, but my nutrition isn’t always the healthiest, and it grew much worse during lockdown.
I had also begun to detect a connection between some low energy levels and when I wasn’t eating as well.
I’d heard a lot about this Paleo-inspired health program and was curious about what an ideal diet could accomplish for my general quality of life.
My outcomes from using Wildfit
This was the most time-consuming Mindvalley course I’d taken, lasting three months in total.
Overall, I believe it was worthwhile. It made me much more aware of what I was putting into my body and gave me the discipline to choose the correct foods for.
There are many aspects of the program that I have continued to follow, but as a low-carb diet, there are some aspects that I have avoided.
I knew I’d have trouble keeping up.
They were never going to get me to stop drinking coffee.
Click here to learn more about WildFit
Be Extraordinary:

Vishen Lakhaini, the platform’s inventor, created this Mindvalley curriculum.
I’d read his book The Code of the Extraordinary Mind (a New York Times bestseller) and found it inspiring, so I decided to take his course as well.
Furthermore, it is all about changing your life in order to reach your full potential, be more successful, and happier, and who doesn’t want that?
My outcomes from participating in Be Extraordinary
This training provided me with a number of simple yet strong takeaways.
It finally dawned on me that while objectives are important, enjoying the journey is more important than the eventual destination.
I also discovered how much power I had over my emotions and reactions to circumstances.
The M Word:

Meditation wasn’t a new concept to me, but like many people, I struggled to stick with it.
You know how it is to go through phases of being extremely disciplined for a while, only to fall out of the habit and find yourself back at square one?
I was also unsure if I was doing it correctly. Most of the time, I felt like I was thinking with my eyes closed rather than reaching any kind of zen state.
But I am convinced by scientific evidence that demonstrates the benefits of regular meditation practice.
My outcomes from taking The M Word
This course provided me the much-needed kick in the pants.
I’m not saying I never skip a day, but the simple structure I learned has made it easier for me to develop a meditation practice that works for me.
I definitely feel calmer, more patient, and I believe I have more focus when it comes to concentrating at work now that I’ve established that.
But the biggest victory for me was getting better sleep. It truly helped me relax before going to bed as an insomniac.
What is the cost of Mindvalley?
There are two ways to gain access to Mindvalley courses.
You can either purchase digital access to each individual course or sign up for a yearly Mindvalley Membership (which can end up saving you quite a lot of money if you plan on taking more than one course at some point).
Mindvalley Online Access
Mindvalley seminars aren’t always the same price, although they’re usually between $300 and $400.
Let us look into Conscious Uncoupling.
This class costs $399 for digital access. That’s a fairly typical Mindvalley class fee.
When you buy digital access, you get the following:
- Access to the course for life across all digital platforms
- Computer, smartphone, or tablet
- Access to Mindvalley discussion boards and groups is restricted to this class alone.
The class lasts 35 days, but you get to keep the materials and access indefinitely, so you can do it again.
To be honest, that’s a fairly high price for a single course for most of us.
However, if you only want to take one Mindvalley class and aren’t put off by the price, this is a great option.
If you’re serious about personal growth or want to work on yourself more this year, the membership is certainly a better alternative.
What exactly is the Mindvalley Membership?
What Mindvalley has done is not only ingenious in terms of marketing, but it also appears to be a win-win situation for the customer.
They also offer a yearlong membership to entice you to participate in more than one program with them.
The Mindvalley Membership is $499 per year (which can actually be cheaper than some of the individual programs brought alone).
You get one year of unlimited access to the great majority of their courses — over 50 “quests” — in exchange.
There are a few exceptions to this rule that you should be aware of. Be aware that the Mindvalley Membership excludes Lifebook Online and Wildfit.
This is due to the fact that these are so-called “partner programs.”
It’s a bummer if these were the courses you were most eager to take.
However, there are so many lessons included with a Mindvalley Membership that this may not be an issue for you.
If you’re interested in a few Mindvalley classes, a membership will already save you a lot of money.
I also enjoy that you can enroll in as many classes as you like at the same time. I’ve done a couple at a time in the past to keep things fresh and diverse.
Click here for MindValley’s All Access Pass
What is it like to take a Mindvalley class?
Before you part with any money, I want you to get a good idea of what it’s like to attend a Mindvalley course.
I’ve already mentioned Superbrain, so let’s take a quick personal tour of a normal Mindvalley program so you know precisely what to expect.
Before the class begins:
There are five warm-up films to watch before diving into the Superbrain lessons.
Every Mindvalley course I’ve done has had some sort of quick intro video content, however this course featured more than usual.
These teach you exactly what to expect during the program and how to make the most of it.
You also get to know your teacher a little more, in this case Jim Kwik, and learn about his background and why he’s an expert in this subject.
They’re lovely little motivators that help you get started. It certainly piqued my interest in diving in.
According to the Superbrain introduction, success consists on two parts: 1) simply showing up and 2) playing fully.
This serves as a reminder that, while we are promised that the program would be enjoyable, we must still put forth the effort to get the most out of it.
Another aspect common to all Mindvalley programs is “The Tribe,” which you are always urged to join prior to the start of the course.
This is a global online community of students who are pursuing the same course as you.
The idea is that it will provide you with more accountability and assistance.
Jim Kwik supports this by stating that “learning is social, not solo,” and that we all learn best when we study with others.
Finally, at the beginning of the program, there is usually some form of “growth survey” to complete.
This is just a brief and basic quiz to help you track your progress from the beginning to the end of the course.
What you will discover in Superbrain
The primary idea behind Superbrain is to improve your memory, focus, and learning new abilities faster.
Jim Kwik refers to the fleeting thoughts that I believe most of us have as “senior moments.”
Forgetting where you put items or stepping into a room and not knowing what you were going to do.
Memory does not appear to be the most exciting subject to strive to better. However, Jim Kwik makes a compelling case for why it is so critical: there is no learning without memory.
Surprisingly, we were told that we lose approximately 80% of information just two days after being told.
“There is no magic pill, but there is a magic process,” says Superbrain, and the “magic process” is to teach you new practical tools every day.
The promise is that this will have an impact on four important areas of your life:
- Your intellect levels
- Your levels of power
- Your level of influence
- Your income levels
How do Mindvalley programs work?
Superbrain is a thirty-day program. Mindvalley courses typically range in length from a few weeks to several months.
Mindvalley programs, like Superbrain, often contain brief daily video content ranging from 5 to 20 minutes.
Although not all courses are arranged in this manner (for example, Energy Medicine includes one large 60-90 minute video each week, as well as a few of shorter ones), the vast majority are, and for good reason.
This “micro learning” is specifically designed to help you acquire and retain information more effectively.
As a result, you can’t normally skip ahead very far in the course, and you’re urged to stay up with the rest of the class.
After watching your daily video, you are frequently assigned a practical job, similar to homework.
Superbrain was assigned 2-4 tasks every day. But don’t worry, they’re only a few minutes long and will easily fit into your schedule.
Mindvalley programs are divided into several “parts.” These sections normally consist of one week’s worth of daily lessons and can cover a variety of topics.
The program Superbrain included eight distinct sections (how many parts each program has will largely depend on how long it runs)
Superbrain component illustration:
Part 1: The Foundations
Part 2: Way of Life
Part 3: Keeping Long Lists in Mind
Part 4: Recalling Names
Part 5: Vocabulary and Languages
Part 6: Memorizing Texts and Speeches
Part 7: Numbers
Part 8: Integrating Your Lifestyle
Mindvalley is intended for whom?
- It is primarily intended for anyone who is interested in self-improvement and wants to make positive changes in any aspect of their life.
- If you are a curious person who enjoys acquiring new facts and abilities. This platform will appeal to eternal students.
- Procrastinators and those experiencing overwhelm: this could be the mild nudge you need to finally take action.
Mindvalley is not for anybody.
- Anyone in search of quick and easy “miracle solutions.” Learning always necessitates motivation, effort, and a degree of dedication. Positive transformation is rarely easy or quick.
- Skeptics of self-help. A healthy dose of skepticism is acceptable, but if you believe the self-improvement industry is rubbish, it probably goes without saying that Mindvalley isn’t for you.
Click here for MindValley’s All Access Pass
Mindvalley’s advantages and disadvantages

- The majority of the programs are designed in bite-sized portions of microlearning. It was intentionally created in this manner as the best way to learn.
- Enrolling in a Mindvalley course is highly addictive. The video lectures are informative, practical, and of excellent quality.
- There is truly something for everyone; regardless of your views, lifestyle, or hobbies, you will find courses that are tailored to you.
- You’re learning from the best in the business. Course instructors are credible and knowledgeable in their disciplines.
- There aren’t many other sites in the personal development area that offer what Mindvalley does. They are the market leaders.
- Both individual courses and the Mindvalley membership come with a 15-day money-back guarantee, so you can check it out risk-free.
- The price. The programs are fairly expensive when purchased separately. Several hundred bucks is hardly small change (although the membership is much better value for money).
- The time and effort commitment vary depending on the course, but in general, you should set aside 30-60 minutes every day. But this is true of learning anything, so it’s not inherently a disadvantage, just something to be aware of.
- The program’s marketing can be tacky and over-the-top at times, but that’s marketing for you in general. Don’t be turned off by this; the classes themselves are far more practical.
Click here for MindValley’s All Access Pass
Finally, is Mindvalley worth the investment?
Not every course will be to your liking, but with over 50 to pick from, there will be plenty.
Mindvalley is the undisputed leader in this industry, producing high-quality information.
Many of the programs have the ability to alter your life if you put in the effort and complete the work.
For me, that means it’s well worth the money, especially if you choose the Mindvalley Membership.
Since utilizing Mindvalley, I’ve discovered useful hacks and tools that have greatly enhanced my life in a variety of tiny but substantial ways.
Click here for MindValley’s All Access Pass
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