The twin flame “crisis stage”: how to cope with it in 8 steps (+ what I did)

Overcoming the twin flame crisis stage
Overcoming the twin flame crisis stage
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‍Journeying with a twin flame can be painful. Throughout the process, you will face ups and downs, twists and turns, highs and lows.

The “crisis stage” is a major impediment in many twin flame relationships. This stage is a consequence of the so called “honeymoon stage“.

Twin flames begin to reflect each other and glimpse the “secret” side of their twin at this phase. This is when things start to get tricky and a crisis develops.

At this stage, twins refuse to admit that they display the same conduct as their partner.

Here are some pointers to help you get through the twin flame crisis stage:

1) Share your feelings with your twin flame.

If you’re going through a hard patch, one of the first things you should do is talk to your twin flame about it.

Not only can communicating with your partner help you understand what you’re going through, but it will also assist your twin flame understand.

You don’t have to keep your sentiments bottled up because doing so would only lead to irritation, bitterness, and resentment.

Your relationship may suffer as a result of this. Talk to your twin flame while you’re both relaxed and not stressed out.

Try not to blame them and instead accept responsibility for your feelings and state.

Inquire about how they are feeling and what is going on in their lives.

Find out what they are going through; perhaps they are dealing with resurfacing concerns from the past.

Maybe you’re going through something and they’re reacting, or vice versa. The main thing is to communicate and explore your emotions.

During a crisis stage, each twin flames battle their own demons.

You see, although you’re going through a difficult time, your twin flame is also struggling with troubles and emotional baggage from their past.

You are not alone in experiencing difficulties, so be patient and try to understand that this is simply a phase.

If you’re feeling upset, furious, or unhappy, don’t let your twin flame know because it will just make them feel more wounded and confused.

Instead, talk about what you’re both going through so that you can connect even in a crisis!

2) Recognize that you are going through a difficult time.

This is a really crucial phase.

Yes, you are in a ‘crisis,’ but it is merely a phase for you and your twin flame.

Recognizing that this is a difficult time for you and that it will pass will help minimize your worry and anxiety.

It’s not easy, but try to put yourself in the shoes of your twin flame and see things from their perspective.

What are they thinking? Is something wrong with them? What is their current condition?

Remember that it is not personal; it is simply a period in which you are both going through something.

Now, many twin flames make an effort to act as if everything is fine and that they are fine.

But that is not the case. It is ineffective. You and your twin flame are going through a difficult situation.

You can’t make someone happy or pretend that everything is OK when something isn’t right for them.

So try to be understanding and kind, but also recognize that this will not last forever.

The good news about the crisis stage is that it is merely a stage in your twin flame journey.

It will not endure forever and will pass. Accept that your twin flame is going through a difficult period.

And you must be patient. It may take weeks or months to get through this stage, but it will pass.

3) What would a gifted mentor say?

The information in this post will give you a decent understanding of what you can do in the event of a twin flame crisis.

However, because every case is unique, the best thing you can do is seek personalized guidance.

That is why we advocate receiving a customised psychic reading to truly address your difficulties.

The trick, however, is to chat with someone you can trust.

After a particularly difficult period in my love life, I discovered that speaking with a Kasamba advisor which gave me the courage and motivation I needed to get my life back on track.

The advisor I dealt with was courteous, sympathetic to my position, and genuinely helpful.

My love reading illuminated my circumstances in ways I couldn’t perceive on my own, and I was finally able to cleanse my mind and mend my heart.

To access your own unique love reading, click here.

A great advisor can not only tell you whether you can get through this crisis, but they can also reveal all of your future love options.

4) Try to figure out what is creating these feelings.

Sometimes you don’t understand why you’re going through a difficult moment.

You try to discuss it with your twin flame, but they don’t seem to grasp what you’re going through.

Perhaps they just think you’re a whiny brat.

It can be really difficult to be unsure of what is creating these feelings.

However, this does not imply that there is something wrong with you or that you are misbehaving.

It simply indicates that your twin flame is not in a position to grasp what you’re going through.

This is why it’s critical to be gentle with yourself and your twin flame.

Past lifetimes resurfacing, childhood difficulties being reactivated, changes on the astral realm, and so on can all generate these experiences.

Your twin flame is not going through what you are, and vice versa. It’s critical to figure out what’s creating these feelings.

If you can’t figure out what your twin flame is feeling, you can try to figure out why you’re feeling the way you do.

This is not always easy, but it can be really beneficial.


If you’re experiencing a lot of pain, it could be because you’re recalling something from your prior existence.

You may have gone through a difficult experience, and your twin flame may be going through the same thing.

This can result in a great deal of irritation and resentment on both sides.

It’s critical to try to understand why these emotions are occurring so that you can begin to move through them together.

You’ll be able to help each other heal faster and get to the bottom of what’s producing these sensations this way.

What’s more, the best part?

You will get through the crisis stage swiftly and easily!

5) Get together and do something you like

When you’re going through a hard patch, one of the simplest things to do is to do something you enjoy doing as a couple.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to visit a certain location; now is the time to go.

If you’ve always wanted to learn a new skill with your friends, now is the chance.

It may be anything as long as you are having fun as a couple.

This will assist you in getting through the difficult period as a relationship.

It will bring you closer together and allow you to have fun and enjoy each other’s company while going through a difficult time.

When you have fun together, it generates great energy into your relationship and helps you get through difficult times.

It will also help you get over the difficult period more quickly because you will be having fun and enjoying your time together.

Doing pleasant things together, you see, reminds you of why you’re in this relationship in the first place.

It serves as a reminder of your love for each other and the reason you are together, which can help you get over a hard phase more faster and more positively than if you did nothing.

6) Maintain your sanity.

When you’re going through a hard patch, it’s easy to lose yourself.

You become so preoccupied with your emotions and your situation that you forget about yourself and your needs.

This is the time to be grounded and take care of oneself.

It is critical to look after yourself throughout this period so that you do not lose yourself.

Many elements of yourself will be engaged during your twin flame journey, and many concerns and facets of yourself will be pushed to the surface.

It is critical to work through and process these issues so that you do not lose yourself.

You will be dealing with old wounds, emotions, and difficulties that have been with you for lifetimes during these difficult moments.

Some of these difficulties may be quite old and deeply ingrained in your mind.

They may have been with you since childhood, or they may be more recent concerns.

It is critical to work through and repair these difficulties so that you do not lose yourself.

Working with a skilled therapist and/or a spiritual teacher who can lead you through the process is the best method to get through these concerns.

It is difficult to perform this alone, but it is quite achievable with assistance.

You see, the most essential thing is not to lose oneself.

You can become so preoccupied with determining what you want, what you require, and how your relationship is progressing that you lose sight of yourself.

This is the time to be grounded and take care of oneself.

It is critical to look after yourself throughout this period so that you do not lose yourself.

If that means taking some time for yourself, so be it!

A little amount of space might sometimes be beneficial to you and your twin flame.

It is critical to look after yourself during these times so that you do not lose yourself.

You don’t have to go insane or be a bad person; just make sure you take care of yourself.

Even if your relationship with your twin flame is going through a hard patch, you must make time for yourself.

That’s why I recommend obtaining a customized reading from one of Kasamba‘s outstanding counselors I mentioned earlier.

Their professional counselors are well trained in the field of twin flames, and they have been a fantastic source of comfort and help when I’ve had challenges in my love relationship.

So, what are you holding out for?

These experts will empower you to make confident judgments regarding your love life by providing clarity on the problem and supporting you as you make life-changing decisions.

Get your unique love reading by clicking here.

7) There’s nothing personal here, it’s not about you.

One of the most important things to remember is that it is not about you while you are going through a difficult time.

It’s about your twin flame and what they’re going through, but their actions aren’t always directed against you as a person, and vice versa.

You can easily think your twin flame doesn’t love you or doesn’t want you around.

It’s easy to believe that your twin flame no longer wants to be with you. But this is not the case.

Remember that it is not about you. It has to do with your twin flame.

They are going through something, they are going through a difficult time.

Don’t take things personally; your relationship will be stronger as a result of this.

Your twin flame adores you and wishes to be with you. They are simply going through a difficult time and require space and time to recover.

You see, it’s the same way with your twin flame. They may believe you no longer love them when, in fact, you are merely going through a difficult period.

Your twin flame adores you and wishes to be with you. They are simply going through a difficult time and require space and time to recover.

8) Avoid the blame game. Just communicate.

When you’re going through a hard patch, it’s tempting to blame your twin flame for everything.

You want to blame them for not being there for you, for not understanding your situation, and for being unable to assist you.

However, blaming your twin flame for your problems is a foolish notion that will only make matters worse. It will increase the distance between you and develop animosity.

Nobody is to blame, really, at the twin flame crisis stage.

I mean, both couples have flaws and problems, but it’s critical that they work through them together.

It is critical that you work through both of your problems so that you do not lose yourself.

But it’s equally crucial not to blame your twin flame for your problems.

You see, blaming your twin flame for your problems will only increase your bitterness and alienation between the two of you.

It will exacerbate the situation rather than improve it. That is not what you are looking for right now!

Instead of blaming your twin flame for what is going on in your relationship at this crisis stage, strive to communicate as much as possible.

Communicating with each other is a wonderful thing that will help both of you get through this difficult time.

Try to communicate as much as possible so that you may work through your problems together.

When it comes to your twin flame, don’t play the blame game.

It’s fine to be disappointed or angry about what’s going on in your relationship during this crisis stage, but don’t let it build a schism between you two.

Pro Hints:

Just live the moment – it’s only for a short time.

Being in the moment and enjoying the ride is one of the finest ways to deal with a hard patch.

This means that you remain totally engaged and connected to what is happening in the current moment.

You are entirely present, not in the past or the future.

Enjoying the current moment implies that you are completely immersed in your actions.

Being engaged does not imply that you are constantly thinking about your twin flame – live in the moment and enjoy your hobbies.

This will not only help you get through the hard patch you’re in, but it will also assist your twin flame relax and become more engaged with you.

You are authentic and real when you are in the current moment.

When you are in the now, there is no room for drama, tension, or anxiety.

You’re being yourself and fully interested in what’s going on right now.

This will bring you and your twin flame closer together and allow you to appreciate each other’s presence.

What’s more, the best part?

If everything seems to be evoking old scars, remaining in the moment can actually help you work through these triggers and heal.

The fact is, there are so many great moments with your twin flame right now.

You’re really connecting and having fun with one other.

That is how you may work together to get through the crisis stage.

Be kind to yourself when things are tough

When circumstances in your relationship with your twin flame go truly terrible, it’s critical to first take care of yourself.

When things go bad in your twin flame relationship, no one will take care of you as they would if they were the one going through the crisis stage with you!

Nobody understands what you’re going through like your twin flame will while you’re in a twin flame crisis stage.

You must be able to lean on your partner through this difficult time, but they must equally be able to lean on you and care for themselves.

When things are extremely bad in the relationship, it’s critical that the two of you put each other first.

During this moment, focus on your spirituality to keep your mind clear of unpleasant thoughts and feelings.

You see, when you’re going through a twin flame crisis, it’s critical that you can connect with your spirituality and inner self.

You must be able to listen to your instincts and determine what is best for you at this moment.

It’s also critical that the two of you don’t lose yourselves in the course of going through the twin flame crisis stage.

My own experience with the “twin flame crisis”

We all have different stories, with different levels of intensity. People will go through crises for different reasons, depending on their inner issues they need to resolve.

When my twin flame and I met (me 17, he 19 at the time), we entered the crisis stage. There was no greeting, introduction, or anything in between.

We lived in the same neighborhood and had friends in common. Even before we ever met, he had a misunderstanding of me, and we fought for a long time. We were standing on the street, blaming each other and screaming at each other. 

There was so much negative energy after that that everything changed. In the following four years, we did not communicate with each other. As a result, he hated me, bullied me in public, and behaved in a very insulting manner towards me.

Despite all the negative things about him, I couldn’t hate him. I couldn’t figure out why. My attempts to hate him only made me feel worse, not better. It was a really bad period in my life when the person I loved hated me the most, dated someone else, and bullied me.

You don’t just go through the crisis stage once. Sometimes it comes back after going through certain connection and separation cycles, to resolve some other things.

We reconnected after 11 years, after I moved on and got married to someone else. There were a lot of confrontations, but we got along just fine. 

Because my husband was upset, my twin flame got upset and blocked all contact so he wouldn’t be a disturbance in my marriage. I was in a major crisis.

We worked on inner issues and got together again when he didn’t have those feelings of disturbing me anymore.

A crisis lasts for a short time, but then it becomes a separation. The length of the separation depends on how soon the twin flames fix their inner issues. The divine will hook you up again once you’re done

Finally, this crisis stage will pass.

Remember that you will get through this no matter what.

It will be difficult, but if you persevere and cling on to your love, you will get over this twin flame crisis stage with ease.

Hopefully, you now have a solid notion of what to do in the event of a twin flame crisis.

However, chatting with a competent advisor is the greatest method to acquire more clarity on the matter.

I have discussed Kasamba. I know they’re the real deal based on my personal experience with them. Their consultants are friendly and honest in their assistance.

So, if you really want to figure out how to go through this, contact an expert and take control of your own destiny. I did, and it transformed my life.

To get your personalized love reading, click here.

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