Sometimes, reading a man’s emotions feels like trying to crack a safe without the combination. If you’re wondering about the signs he likes you but is hiding it, you’re not alone—I’ve been there.
Hi, I’m Claire Delli Santi, and I know how confusing it can be to tell the difference between “just friendly” and secretly smitten. In fact, I’ll share a story later about a guy who buried his feelings so deep it took me months to figure it out. (Hint: body language doesn’t lie.)
Let’s uncover those hidden signals together—and what to do about them.
And, if hidden feelings intrigue you, you’ll love exploring how to make a man chase you effortlessly—check it out here.
Key Nuggets
- Body language whispers truths: His subtle mirroring or leaning in reveals feelings he’s trying to hide.
- The accidental touch isn’t accidental: Frequent, gentle touches are his subconscious trying to connect with you.
- Nervous habits speak volumes: Fidgeting or stumbling on words signals he’s overwhelmed by feelings he won’t admit.
- Love’s unspoken choreography: Hidden feelings are like a dance—his moves mirror yours before he realizes it.
1. Body language reveals what he doesn’t want you to know.
Firstly, the easiest sign to tell if he likes you is by observing his body language around you, these will tell if he’s trying to hide his feelings. Moreover, he will not be able to hide how he feels because his body language will naturally and subconsciously reflect how he feels.
He probably won’t even think about hiding his body language from you since firstly, he won’t realize that body language communicates our feelings outwardly. In addition, even if he is aware that body language can show emotion, he won’t expect you to know that and won’t make an attempt to change it.
His mirroring of your body language is one of the most obvious signals that he is attracted to you. While you talk to him, he will sit the same way you do, stand the same way you do, or hold his hands in the same way you do when you talk to him. In addition, he will always face you so that you know that you are his only priority and that he is completely focused on you. No matter what, his feet will be facing toward you, even if his body isn’t.
You can also tell if he’s interested in you by watching how he makes eye contact with you. Is he holding eye contact with you for longer than normal? When you walk in front of him, does he marvel at your body with his eyes? He has larger pupils when he talks to you, have you noticed that? These are all signs that he is attracted to you, so pay attention to his eyes.
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2. He “accidentally” touches you.
He will want to touch you and feel the spark of your skin on his skin if he is attracted to you. No matter how hard he tries to hide his feelings for you, he will be unable to resist the urge to touch you. You’ll notice, therefore, that he touches you more than he does to anyone else. Maybe he will just blend in naturally or he will make excuses to touch you.

You should, however, pay attention to how and how often he touches you. When he speaks to you, for instance, you may notice that he touches your arm more. Perhaps he will hold you in a hug a few more seconds, and you will notice that he is really pushing his body against yours. He may also brush past you or touch the arch of your back as he moves past you. He doesn’t have to do any of these things, and he probably doesn’t get this touchy-feely with anyone else, but he likes you and can’t help but feel the connection between you two.
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3. He makes fun of you.
The words sound a little like school talk, but he might tease you if he’s attracted to you. First of all, people only tease those they feel comfortable around in the first place, otherwise, it could be viewed as insensitive. In other words, he feels comfortable around you enough to tease you. In a childish way, teasing someone is kind of cute, so he is not being mean, he is trying to make you laugh.
It’s a big sign that he is attracted to you when he teases you about things you aren’t so good at or the situations you are in. Furthermore, he may also playfully fight with you, in conjunction with the previous point. This is because he wants to make you happy, and he wants to touch you, although it’s not quite obvious that he likes you – people tease each other all the time.
4. Dressed in a way to impress you.
Here’s another strong sign he likes you but he’s trying to hide is feelings. Recently, have you noticed that he dresses up a lot smarter when he knows you are going to be around? When you bumped into him unexpectedly, did he look a lot scruffier than he usually looks? A guy who likes you will care a lot about how he looks, as he wants to impress you.
Dressing up and clothes are not the only things he might have changed, especially if you have told him what you like. He may also have joined the gym or changed his grooming habits.
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He can do this without you getting too suspicious that he is doing it for you. Perhaps you think he just decided to get fit, or maybe he went on a new clothes shopping spree. But now that you know this is a sign he likes you, you might notice that he only makes an effort around you, otherwise, he doesn’t bother.
5. He is always willing to help you.
Whenever he can, this man will try to make you happy if he likes you. Helping you is one of the easiest and friendliest ways for him to make you happy if he is trying to hide how he feels about you. It won’t appear as though he’s attracted to you, but rather he’s just trying to help a friend in need.
Does he always offer to carry your bag for you? Does he always offer solutions to your problems when you discuss them with him? Even if you need financial assistance, does he offer to help? The things he does are not just because he is a nice person. He does it because he wants you to live a better and easier life, and if he can provide this for you then he will.

6. If someone tries to tell you that you are good together, he shuts them down.
Those around you will probably be able to tell if he is attracted to you. If you like him too, then you will definitely have romantic chemistry. It may not be obvious to you, but it certainly is to everyone else.
They might even tease you for having such chemistry between you two that they think you should get together. If anyone says anything like this, he will immediately shut it down. He wouldn’t have wanted anyone to notice that he likes you in the first place, so he doesn’t want you to realize he likes you either. Then he will probably just laugh off the situation or get defensive. The people around you will know that whatever he says, there is no denying that he has feelings for you that go well beyond friendship.
7. He makes excuses in order to be near you.
He’ll find excuses to be close to you if he really likes you. My definition of closeness includes both physical and emotional closeness. You can always count on him to ask you how you’re doing. Although he will appear to be just a caring friend, his true intentions are romantic. He wants to be the person you can trust and tell everything to. It might be easier for him to confess how he feels about you once he is this person in your life.
A physical closeness will also be important to him. If he knows that you are going to a party, he will do his best to be there with you. He might also make excuses to be in the same place as you. You can count on him to stand by you even when you’re together, and he might try to stand closer to you so that your bodies are touching. If he makes excuses like he was pushed or there’s not enough room, you might think that he has no option but to get close to you. Despite having a choice, he chooses to stay close to you because he can’t get enough of his body on yours.
8. It seems he ignores you.
It’s a strange sign to say he likes you, but there’s high chances he’s trying to hide his feelings in this case as well. Remember those days when someone acted mean towards you at school simply because they liked you? It’s the same thing here. If he is attracted to you, he might distance himself from you and ignore you. Additionally, he might do this because he wants to hide his feelings from you and this is the quickest way, but he might also do it because he hopes you’ll come to him rather than him chasing you.
You shouldn’t base your interpretation of a man’s attraction on this point alone. Furthermore, do you really want to be put in the position of having to deal with someone who blatantly ignores you? Even though this could be one sign that he really likes you, all the other points in the article are much more mature and obvious signs that he’s interested in you. If he ignores you, there is always a chance that he doesn’t like you.
9. He becomes nervous around you.
Even if he tries to hide his attraction to you, he will not be able to hide the fact that you make him nervous. Nervousness is displayed differently by everyone, but it should still be obvious if he is nervous around you. Do you notice he sweats a little when he’s talking to you? Do his hands shake a little when he talks to you? Is he fidgeting with something while he is talking to you?
These are all abnormal behaviors, and he is showing these kind of behaviors because he is unable to control himself and his feelings when you are around. His attraction to you causes him to be nervous. Trying to hide his emotions from you will only make his nerves worse.
10. It seems he never likes your boyfriends.
Someone who likes you won’t be thrilled if you’re dating someone else. In particular, they aren’t going to become one of your boyfriend’s biggest fans. When you are dating or have a boyfriend, he will disapprove. “You deserve better,” he may say to you. There is a chance he may even unearth some outdated information about your partner that makes you uncomfortable. His behavior towards your boyfriend will certainly not be friendly. This will be evident to you, as he will avoid you when you are with him until he is somewhere else and he can spend some time alone with you.
Even though he may not be kind to your boyfriend, you might not notice that he likes you, because of course he could just not like him in the first place. In reality, it’s less about the fact that he doesn’t like the person you’re with and more about the fact that you’re with someone else. Even if it looks as if he is just being protective, he is showing jealousy.
Seeing the Signs He Likes You But He’s Hiding His Feelings? What should you do?
To begin with, you need to monitor his behavior to find out whether he is really showing these signs if you think that he likes you. If after a while you see that he is showing a few of these signs, then it is likely that he is attracted to you.
Depending on your feelings for him, you will decide what to do next. If you like him, I recommend flirting with him and seeing his reaction. In order to avoid feeling rejected, I wouldn’t tell him straight away how you feel. Instead, flirt with him and get to know him better. Watch his reaction. Ideally, he will realize you like him, so he won’t feel compelled to hide his feelings anymore.
If you don’t like him, then there’s no need to do anything. The only thing you can do is hope that his feelings for you start to fade after a while. To get over him, you might want to distance yourself from him. Alternatively, you could introduce him to someone you think would be perfect for him. In the event that his behavior becomes problematic for you or your future relationships, you need to talk to him.
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My Personal Take
There was this guy I used to work with—let’s call him “Alex” to protect his privacy. He was the kind of person who always had a witty remark ready but avoided anything too personal, like his feelings were locked behind an invisible door.
At first, I brushed off the little moments: the way he’d remember tiny details about me, like how I took my coffee, or the way his laugh lingered when I cracked a joke. But over time, his body language started to give him away—like how he’d lean in closer during conversations or mirror my gestures without even realizing it.
One day, it hit me when I caught him nervously fidgeting with his pen while I was talking to a colleague. His feelings weren’t as hidden as he thought. It’s like the universe whispers secrets through body language if you pay attention.
Honestly, what helped me understand his behavior—and men in general—was diving into James Bauer’s His Secret Obsession guide. His “12-word texting” technique is a game-changer, offering fast, actionable insights that don’t require expensive coaching. For anyone deciphering the subtle signs he likes you but is hiding it, this guide is pure gold.
How Can You Tell If A Guy Is Hiding His Feelings for You?
In most cases, people are able to control their emotions. You can always expect a few slip-ups, for example, he may show jealous behavior when talking to another guy. Furthermore, if he teases you a lot, then he probably has a thing for you. Body language always tells the truth.
What Are The Signs That A Guy Is Attracted To Me?
You always have a gut feeling at the beginning, but don’t just rely on it. The first thing you’ll notice is how much he looks at you. It’s equally likely that he’ll notice when other people look at you and bring it up. There’s also flirting that goes along with the teasing. That can’t be missed.
If He’s Confused About His Feelings For You, How Do You Tell?
One of the things he’ll do is act confused. One day he’ll be intense, the next he’ll blow you off. You will however notice that he actually tries to converse with you and remembers little details. Also, despite the fact that he gives you a hard time, he’s very aware of your opinion of him.
When a Guy Hides When He Sees You, What Does That Mean?
He might be hiding because he’s trying to understand what he feels for you. He probably feels awkward and wants to stay out of your way. The fact that he doesn’t know where he stands makes him vulnerable. Ultimately, he is hiding because things could get awkward if he didn’t.
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Is He Thinking About You Sexually? How Can You Tell?
Most of the time, their eyes speak for themselves. Eye contact will be abundant with a promise behind it. Additionally, you’ll notice that they look at you more and make an effort to make physical contact with you. In addition, their conversations tend to get muddled since, let’s face it, they’d rather not talk.