Am I in a karmic relationship? 11 signs to look for (& what it means)

Signs of a karmic relationship
Signs of a karmic relationship
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The truth is that most people have been in karmic relationships at least once in their lives.

Relationships like this are nothing more than life lessons you have to learn the hard way because partners don’t have equal status.

What is a karmic relationship and what does it mean to be in one?

A karmic relationship is a turbulent and passionate type of relationship.

Karmic connections are similar to karma in the sense that they are relationships that we require in our life in order to grow.

These partnerships put us to the test in terms of our notion of love and relationships. According to popular belief, karmic relationships develop as a result of unsolved concerns from a previous life.

These connections teach you valuable lessons and point you in the proper direction.

Karmic connections can be all-consuming and seductive, yet they are frequently marked by high highs and terrible lows.

People frequently confuse karmic connections with soulmate relationships due to the tremendous sentiments that both partners experience at the start of the relationship.

However, unlike soulmate partnerships, karmic relationships are not meant to be and are frequently brief.

These partnerships frequently begin in a flurry and can terminate just as fast.

While karmic relationships might be seductive in the beginning, they are rarely healthy in the long run, and they rarely last long in the first place.

Karmic relationships are doomed to collapse until they undergo profound change. Karmic couples have a habit of breaking up and reuniting.

Patterns might easily overlook each other’s imperfections in the early days and assume that they are destined to be with their new spouse.

Couples in karmic relationships frequently are unaware that they are in one, which can lead to frustration when things do not work out because they feel quite connected with their partner despite being clearly unsuited.

Because karmic connections can be emotionally draining, it’s critical to know the signs of a karmic relationship so you can break out.

What are the signs of karmic relationships?

Connection established immediately

When you’re in a karmic relationship, you may sense an instant connection with your new companion.

Whether it’s love at first sight, some immediate chemistry, or a more low-key sense at the relationship of the relationship, you’ll likely feel strongly drawn to your spouse from the start.

This is because you two may have met in a previous life and are being brought together by karma and energy. This explains why you instantly bond or share interests.

There’s a lot of drama.

Karmic relationships are distinguished by a high level of drama and emotion, in addition to an early bond.

The initial connection that drew you and your partner together will bring a slew of other emotions to the relationship, which could lead to a lot of conflict.

This turmoil is frequently what triggers the break-up/make-up cycle that is common in karmic relationships.

While it is nearly impossible to eliminate all drama in a relationship, most healthy partnerships have a low level of drama.

If you and your partner are frequently arguing, this is an unmistakable sign of a karmic relationship.

You have an addiction.

The quick connection you feel in a karmic relationship (and occasionally the conflict) can make the relationship addictive.

You and your spouse were drawn to each other for a reason, and that reason is what keeps you in the relationship, even if you know it’s bad.

There are many highs and lows.

The highs and lows of karmic relationships can be extreme. On the surface, you and your partner may be a fantastic match, which can lead to high highs and a lot of fun and passion.

However, because you are not actually compatible, these highs will peak and become very low times, which are frequently defined by drama, fighting, and breaking things off.

These highs and lows in a relationship can teach you a lot about yourself and your desires in a relationship in the future.

Remember that karmic relationships are frequently about learning, so even if the highs and lows are stressful, they are teaching you a lot about your tolerance, wants, and needs in a relationship.


Karmic unions frequently inspire a great deal of codependency in couples. You may feel so attached to each other in the early phases that you develop codependency and lose sight of your personality outside of the relationship.

Codependency manifests itself as spending every minute of the day with your relationship, relying on your partner to make decisions, and ignoring your natural instincts (or wants/needs) to placate your partner.

Codependency is harmful and can lead to other harmful behaviors in a relationship.

If you and your partner are codependent, you may be in a karmic relationship.

Communication, honesty, and respect all take time to develop – and we might get lost along the way!

Brings out your worst traits

Karmic partnerships, as previously said, are not healthy relationships. Partners in a healthy relationship encourage and improve one another.

People’s worst traits frequently emerge in karmic relationships.

This is because partners are afraid of losing what they have or of a relationship high falling into a low.

This can result in sentiments of jealousy and possessiveness, as well as other poisonous emotions and characteristics.

Never feel at ease.

People seldom feel truly settled down in karmic relationships because they are such a maelstrom of highs and lows.

In a good relationship, as you grow to know your spouse better and better, you gradually begin to relax your guard around one another.

This does not occur in karmic relationships, which can leave partners feeling on edge and as if they are constantly on the defensive, waiting for anything to go wrong in the relationship.

Concerned about the outcome

The feeling of never feeling comfortable in a relationship can also lead to couples continually worrying about how the relationship will end.

Karmic relationships are turbulent and unpredictable, which means that what begins as a little quarrel can quickly escalate into a relationship-ending conflict.

If you are constantly “waiting for the shoe to drop” in your relationship, this is a sign that you are in a karmic relationship.

Repetitive conduct

Repetitive conduct is also a feature of karmic ties. This type of repetitious conduct frequently results in the same fights occurring again and again.

Remember that karmic couples are not always compatible, which can lead to a lot of arguments and mismatched actions and expectations.

Even when you are incredibly compatible with your spouse, being in a relationship is difficult, so the incompatibility connected with karmic relationships leads to hundreds of conflicts (sometimes over the same thing again and over), which leads to the make-up break-up cycles that we have discussed.

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It makes you feel exhausted

Karmic relationships are emotionally, psychologically, and even physically draining. We frequently underestimate how tough it is to be in a constant state of drama, conflicts, and anxiety that the relationships may end.

The anxiety and volatility associated with karmic relationships can have a negative impact on people’s emotional, mental, and physical health as they struggle to cope with the stress of the terrible relationship.

If your relationship is leaving you exhausted, this is a sign that you are in a karmic relationship.

It is not sustainable.

When a karmic relationship comes to an end, it is one of the most obvious signs. Karmic relationships are not genuine and will not survive the test of time.

Even if parties try their hardest to keep the relationship alive, the volatility, drama, and general surface level compatibility will eventually end it. The relationship will naturally end after a couple of break-ups and make-ups.

Karmic partnerships are meant to terminate since they function as a teaching relationship in your life.

If you recognize these signs and believe you are in a karmic relationship, it is critical that you establish a strategy to quit the relationship.

Though karmic relationships are not always harmful, many of the characteristics of karmic relationships (codependency, frequent bickering, feelings of unease in the relationship) can turn abusive if left uncontrolled.

Karmic interactions are intended to teach you about your relationship with others and with yourself. They are not meant to last indefinitely unless they can evolve into a more healthy and balanced relationship.

Relationships should be meaningful and provide you delight; anything less is simply not worth your time. If you believe you are in a karmic relationship, you should consider using Relish, a relationship coaching app.

Relish’s relationship counselors can help you recognize whether or not you are in a karmic relationship and provide methods to either rescue the relationship (which IS possible) or get out of the relationship entirely.

It might be difficult to judge your relationship from the inside, which is why using Relish can provide valuable perspective.


It is beneficial to understand patterns in every relationship, especially poisonous ones.

Knowing if you’re in a karmic relationship can help you move forward and work through whatever lesson is being presented to you through that person, so that when you do move forward, you’ll be ready for a lasting love.

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