Have you started asking yourself questions like: “Does my ex still love me? How do I know?”…
Whether you ended the relationship or your ex did, your gut instinct may be telling you that their affections for you haven’t vanished.
Perhaps you are still in love with your ex and are hunting for signs that your ex still loves you…
In today’s article, you’ll find some of the most obvious signs of an ex having feelings for you, as well as some subtle signs you might not have considered!
8 Clear Signs Your Ex Still Loves You
Trying to figure out if your ex wants you back isn’t easy, but it’s also not rocket science.
Even in the absence of “I love yous” and other affirmations, there will be signs and hints of lasting devotion that can be blatant or subtle.
And if you’re convinced your ex wants you back, it’s possible you’ve noticed some of these signs yourself.
If directly approaching your ex isn’t an option (you don’t want to appear arrogant or disgrace yourself, after all), pay attention to the information below.
These are possible signs that your ex-partner still has feelings for you:
1) Making Reasons to Talk
Unless you and your ex share responsibilities (job, children, possessions), you probably have little motivation to communicate.
Even still, your ex is still chatting you up about everything, and pretty frequently.
Whether it’s asking for things you’re quite sure you’ve given back or asking for random information that they could easily figure out for yourself, knowing the motive behind these unexpected conversations is one method to discern if your ex is still into you.
Do they chat to you only to talk to you? How often do they try to make excuses to talk to you?
If your ex is bothering you more than usual, take a step back and realize that they may be trying to reconnect with you.
You may like: The 5 Official Stages of a Breakup (Plus 5 Secrets to Getting Over It Fast)
2) What Would a Wise Counselor Say?
The signs listed above and below can help you determine whether your ex still loves you.
Even so, speaking with a gifted person and seeking direction from them can be quite beneficial.
They can answer all of your relationship queries and alleviate your concerns.
For example, does your ex still love you? Is this the person you’re destined to be with?
After going through a hard phase in my relationship, I just chatted with someone from the psychic resource, Kasamba. They provided me a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I was destined to be with, after being lost in my thoughts for so long.
I was astounded by how friendly, compassionate, and knowledgable they were.
To get your own love reading, click here.
A gifted advisor can tell you whether your ex still loves you in this love reading, and most importantly, empower you to make the proper love decisions.
3) Still Treating You Like They Care a Lot
Consider how your ex still treats you.
Do they still go out of their way to aid you and safeguard you from life’s minor and large surprises?
Most importantly, are they still attempting to win your respect by performing acts of kindness for you?
If you said yes, this is the strongest indication that they still adore you.
4) Extending Conversations
Conversations naturally come to an end. You’re both grownups with busy lives, and after two or three responses, there’s nothing else to say.
However, if you find yourself carrying on a discussion with your ex that should have stopped five or so exchanges ago, it’s possible that they’re just attempting to chat to you for the sake of talking to you.
Check to see whether your ex tries to extend the conversation the next time you talk. It’s easy to see when someone is attempting to spend more time talking to you, whether it’s texting them or casually chatting up.
Give short, concise answers to test it. They’re obviously trying to prolong the conversation if they try to get more information from you or shift the subject to engage you.
5) Maintaining Contact With Your Dear Ones
This may not be as deliberate as the first two, but it is still a telltale sign that your ex is interested in you.
Normally, ex-partners have moved on with their lives, which means they are no longer in contact with your friends or family.
After all, maintaining that connection is pointless if you’re already out of their life.
Staying in touch with relatives and friends just implies that they still feel linked to you on some level.
They may not want you back directly, but they are clearly attached to you on some level, which is why they are finding it difficult to break the bonds you’ve introduced them to.
6) Do You Need Help With Your Specific Situation?
While this article discusses the key signs your ex still loves you, speaking with a relationship coach about your circumstance can be beneficial.
Relationship Hero is a website where highly qualified relationship coaches help people navigate challenging and tough love issues, such as whether to reconcile with an ex or go on. They’re a popular resource for those facing similar challenges.
How do I know this?
I contacted them a few months back when I was going through a difficult time in my own relationship. They provided me with a unique insight into the mechanics of my relationship and how to get it back on track after I had been lost in my thoughts for so long.
My coach’s kindness, empathy, and genuine helpfulness astounded me.
In just a few minutes, you may connect with a qualified relationship counselor and receive guidance tailored to your specific circumstance.
7) Getting in touch on Special Occasions (Birthday, etc.)
Have you ever noticed how your ex always wishes you a happy birthday or a good holiday?
In most cases, they’re probably simply being polite, but in this case, it could be a hint that you’re still on their mind.
This is only significant if your ex goes out of their way to message you on holidays, celebrations, and special occasions.
If they’re doing it to almost everyone else, it could be because they’re feeling cheerful and want to spread the Christmas cheer.
To determine whether these greetings have meaning, compare the message you receive with the one your friends receive from your ex.
Is it special in any manner, or just a regular group message?
8) Fondly Recalling Old Memories
Is your ex always transporting you back in time?
One or two mentions of fun recollections from your time together are probably nothing – something may have triggered that memory, and they’re now simply sharing it with you.
On the other hand, if they’re often talking about “the good old days,” chances are they miss them.
Take note of what they say and how they say it. Do they discuss the feeling of being in a relationship in general, or precisely what it’s like to be in a relationship with you?
If these discussions end with the phrase “weren’t we excellent together?”, it’s an indication that your ex not only has feelings for you, but is also considering getting back together with you.
A couple more bonus indicators your ex still loves you:
Being Open To You
That is mostly accurate. We open up to the individual with whom we are in a relationship. However, it is uncommon to read about exes maintaining such a deep bond even after the relationship has ended.
It’s one thing for them to tell you about their day, but being their go-to person for advise, jokes, and laughs is quite another.
If they’re still giving personal and sensitive information to you or asking for your ideas and thoughts on things, it’s clear that your judgment still has some worth in their minds, which shows they still respect you and hold a particular place in their heart.
Texting or Calling You When Drunk
Drunk calls and messages aren’t always revelatory in a world dominated by hookup culture. A drunk phone call at 2 a.m. inquiring where you are isn’t always an indication they want to get back together – they could just be bored.
If, on the other hand, the call or text is out of character in that they’re genuinely discussing the relationship, being remorseful or nostalgic, and just plain vulnerable, it could be an indication that your ex still has feelings for you.
However, it’s unclear whether these feelings are powerful enough to help the two of you reconcile.
Sometimes we experience nostalgia because we desire to make amends with others.
Before you act, talk to them about drunk calls and messages without putting too much pressure on them or harboring any expectations.
Brad Browning taught me this. He’s without a doubt one of my favorite internet “get your ex back” coaches.
He has produced a new video in which he provides some amazing suggestions and tactics for getting your ex back. Several are incredibly creative ideas that I had not considered before.
You may watch the free video here.
4 Practical Tips for Determining Whether Your Ex Still Loves You
Even the most stoic and emotionally stable people can have an emotional crisis after a breakup. This means that you’re probably not in the best frame of mind to objectively figure out if your ex still loves you or not.
Why? Because your brain may be yearning to reconcile with your ex, you may wind up perceiving deceptive signs and patterns that do not exist.
But you can’t always rely on your friends to interpret all the signs for you, because certain situations are simply too personal for others to grasp, no matter how well you describe them.
So, how can you put yourself in a position to properly tell if your ex still loves you? Here are the four steps you must take:
1) Give Them Room
How soon would you agree and how delighted would you be if your ex contacted you right now and asked you for coffee?
If you can envision yourself running to pick up the phone, joyfully accepting, doing your best, and already fantasizing about the potential of being in a relationship with them again, then you are most likely still in love with your ex.
That’s great; it’s even anticipated. The issue is that your ex can sense your excitement and readiness, which puts them in an awkward position of having too much influence over you.
Even if your ex is the sweetest person with the best intentions, being in this position implies that you and they are no longer equals, which makes it more difficult for them to miss you properly because you aren’t acting like the person they fell in love with.
You’re still acting like someone who is completely obsessed.
So take a step back and stop being so needy and “there.” Be natural and act normally.
2) Dedicate Quality Time to Others
If you’re still having trouble getting your ex back, consider spending time with other people.
You are not required to date them. You can, however, spend time with them and show your ex.
This may cause your crush to feel envious, and he or she may end up desiring your attention back for themselves.
Jealousy is a powerful emotion; harness it for your benefit. However, use it with caution.
If you’re feeling very daring, try this “Jealousy” text.
“I think it was a terrific idea for us to start dating other people.” Right now, I just want to be buddies! ” —
By stating this, you’re notifying your ex that you’re now dating other people, which will make them envious.
This is a positive development.
You’re telling your ex that you’re sought by other people. We’re all drawn to those who are desired by others. By stating that you are currently dating, you are effectively saying, “It’s your loss! ”
Because of the “fear of loss” I indicated earlier, they will begin to experience desire for you again after sending this text.
This is a text I learned from Brad Browning, my favorite online “get your ex back” teacher. I mentioned him earlier.
Here’s a link to his free video. He provides a lot of excellent recommendations that you can use right away to get your ex back.
3) GetYour Inner Peace Back
Aside from taking a step back, it’s critical that you know what to do once you’ve detached yourself from your ex.
Even if you are no longer in contact with your ex and are looking forward to seeing them, it is critical that your ex understands – and, more importantly, that you understand – that there are other things going on in your life.
Pull yourself out of the emotional quagmire that has been your life since the split and attempt to rediscover your own inner calm.
By regaining your own positive dynamic and forgetting the agony and depression of no longer being with the person you love, you will be able to evaluate your ex’s behaviors and acts more objectively and judge whether or not they still love you.
This will not only make your ex desire you back more, but it will also make you a better and bigger person in general.
4) Stop Being Available
There is no better method to trigger your ex’s signs of wanting you back than to demonstrate that you are no longer romantically accessible.
So many broken relationships remain in limbo for lengthy periods of time simply because they still have feelings for each other but neither partner is willing to make the last push to do something about it.
If your ex is still on the fence about you, show him or her that you’ve moved on by dating someone else.
If they still have feelings for you, they’ll know how to convey it, whether they want to or not.
And if they don’t, at least you’re giving yourself the chance to attempt to find love again with someone fresh.
You may like: When You Get Back With An Ex After Years (3 Things You Should Know)
Why do you believe your ex still loves you?
Breaking up is never easy. Whatever two people disagree on, they may end up thinking about each other at the end of the day.
“I wish they’d just apologize and try again!” there’s always that sense.
“, and both parties may be feeling this way.
In reality, it’s quite natural for separated couples to rekindle their relationship.
According to one survey, more than a third of separated couples reconcile and stay together in the long run. Some of the most prevalent causes for couples getting back together are:
- The impression that their partners have improved
- A strong emotional commitment to the partnership
- The expectation that things will be different the second time.
- Uncertainty and worry of what might happen if they did not have each other.
- The determination to remain together for the sake of the family
- Reluctance to form a fresh strong emotional connection with a new partner
If you have the sensation that your ex still has strong feelings for you, you are probably correct.
After all, love is the most powerful emotion we can experience, and unless a couple goes through traumatic events that they can’t recover from – physical abuse or a long history of cheating – it’s very likely that two people who deeply care for each other will find their way back into each other’s arms.
Many of the reasons we split up are related to communication and commitment concerns, both of which may be resolved via personal development.
For most people, the love we feel for our partner does not simply vanish when we end the relationship; it remains as strong as it ever was, and the reason for the breakup isn’t because the love is gone, but because there is a greater sense of commitment to ourselves and our own personal growth rather than to a relationship that appears to be going nowhere.
If you believe your ex is still in love with you, you may be correct. But before you do anything, you must first answer some more questions.
- Are you truly in the correct frame of mind and position to determine whether or not your ex still loves you?
- Do you believe you’re witnessing the proper signs that your ex still loves you?
- What would you do if you discovered that your ex still loves you?
Are you certain it’s your ex? Perhaps it’s you.
We understand that losing the love of your life can be devastating, and there’s nothing you want more than a second chance at your former relationship. However, in our haste to reunite with our ex, we might sometimes force ourselves to find patterns that aren’t really there.
Here are some clear symptoms that you may still be too fascinated with your ex to tell whether or not they still love you:
1) You are continuously thinking about them.
There isn’t a single day when your ex isn’t the first idea that comes to mind.
You think of them when you wake up, before you go to bed, and even when you’re doing your other favorite things, you can’t get them out of your head.
It’s clear why you’re feeling this way, but if you want the shocking reality, I recommend connecting with a gifted advisor right now.
You could, for example, study the signs until you reach the desired conclusion. But nothing beats getting advice from a knowledgeable person who can help you really understand the situation.
I’ve seen firsthand how beneficial a gifted advisor can be. When I was dealing with an issue identical to yours, they provided me with the assistance I really needed (and more!)
2) You go after their ghost.
What does it mean to chase a ghost? It means you can’t get enough of your ex’s memories and try to relive them over and over.
Your favorite restaurants, date sites, and places where you may have had amusing or beloved recollections, such as the location of your first kiss. Even though your ex is long gone, you return to these locations on a regular basis.
3) You go to great lengths to capture their attention.
You despise the thought of your ex going a day without thinking about you since you can’t stop thinking about them and don’t want them to move on. So you go to any length to catch their attention. Perhaps you post more frequently on social media, or you take images with mutual acquaintances so your ex will see you.
4) You ignore the difficult questions.
Questions such as:
“Can you and your ex truly forgive each other?”
“Would the love be the same if you guys did it again?”
“Is it possible to rekindle a good and rewarding relationship with your ex?”…
You can’t take thinking about these questions and avoid them at all costs because you know you won’t like the honest answers you get.
Signs You’re Not Truly in Love
So your ex has feelings for you; the question now is if you feel the same way about them.
Exes’ feelings about the relationship can linger, and they aren’t always positive. As the other half of this equation, it is your obligation to determine whether what you are feeling is love or something else else. Sometimes we desire to reconcile with our ex-partners not because we want to be with them, but because we want to retaliate against them.
This may make you feel more in control this time, but all it really accomplishes is cause you and your ex additional suffering. The following are the most significant things to keep an eye out for:
- You want them to be fully accountable for the relationship. You don’t want a relationship; you just want them to share the blame and bear more of the pain this time.
- You want them to come to you but don’t want to put any effort into it. It doesn’t matter if it’s about pride or prior hurt. It’s not love if you’re unwilling to meet your ex halfway and try again.
- “Winning” is what you truly want. You’re not in it to make lovely memories or build a good relationship. Your motivation is to feel like you’ve won, like you have power, authority, or leverage over them this time.
- You don’t want them to become tired of you. You don’t mind moving on with other people, but the idea of them finding someone else disturbs you.
What Should You Do If You See the Signs Your Ex Still Loves You?
You’ve determined that your ex wants you back and is eager to give the relationship another shot after examining the signs and conducting your own inquiry. There are two approaches to this:
Case A: They want you back, and you want them to want you back.
Concentrate on developing a completely different type of relationship. The previous one plainly did not work, therefore it is critical to determine what went wrong and prevent the same mistakes this time. Do not enter into a relationship simply because you miss each other. Prioritize breaking negative behaviors to avoid falling back into the same trap.
Case B: They want you back, but you don’t want to be with them.
Communicate what you wish to alleviate their concerns.
Be explicit about your want to remain friends (or not) and your decision not to pursue the relationship further. That’s not to mean you should point out all of their defects; instead, gently remind them of your incompatibilities and differences. Explain to your ex why it didn’t work, and frame your new beginnings as an opportunity to learn more about other people and become better people.
What To Do Next?
At the end of the day, whether or not your ex still loves you should not be your primary concern. The relationship didn’t work out for a reason, and you both chose to end it in the first place.
Before you get too caught up in this, make sure you still put yourself first.
The relationship may not appear to be as horrible or as complicated as it once was, but there was a point when you considered breaking up.
Before being drawn back into the relationship, take a step back and assess your feelings: are you simply lonely, or do you honestly believe your ex will contribute value to your life?
Finally, you should not let your ex’s feelings influence your next steps.
It will come naturally if it is meant to be.
Make no special efforts to make things happen. Keep in mind that this is a new chapter in your life. It’s pointless to go back and rewrite worn stories when you could start from scratch.
I’ve Got a Question For You…
Do you truly want to reconcile with your ex?
If you responded ‘yes,’ you’ll need a strategy to get them back.
Forget the doubters who tell you not to reconcile with your ex. Or those who think the only thing you can do is move on with your life. If you still have feelings for your ex, getting them back may be the best option.
The plain truth is that reconciling with your ex can be successful.
There are three things you must do now that you are separated:
1. Determine why you split up in the first place.
2. Make yourself a better version of yourself so you don’t end up in another bad relationship.
3. Create an offensive strategy to reclaim them.
If you need help with number 3 (“the plan”), I always tell people to read The Ex Factor by Brad Browning. I’ve read the book cover to cover and believe it’s the most effective guide to getting your ex back on the market right now.
Check out this free video by Brad Browning to discover more about his program.
Making Your Ex Admit “I Made a Big Mistake”
The Ex Factor may not be for everyone.
In fact, it’s intended for a very specific person: a man or woman who has gone through a breakup and honestly believes the split was a mistake.
This is a book that outlines a sequence of psychological, flirtatious, and (some would argue) devious tactics that a person might take to win back their ex.
The Ex Factor has one goal: to assist you in reuniting with an ex.
If you’ve been dumped and want to take specific actions to make your ex think, “hey, that person is truly fantastic, and I made a mistake,” then read on.
You should read this book.
The crux of this program is getting your ex to admit, “I made a major mistake.”
As for numbers 1 and 2, you’ll have to conduct some introspection on your own.
What Else Should You Know?
Brad Browning’s curriculum is without a doubt the most complete and successful approach on reuniting with your ex that you will find online.
Brad understands what he’s talking about as a trained relationship counselor with decades of experience working with couples to rebuild broken relationships. He presents plenty of novel ideas that I’ve never seen before.
Brad argues that over 90% of all relationships can be saved, and while that may seem exaggerated, I believe he’s correct.
I’ve spoken with far too many Sons Of Universe readers who are happily reuniting with their ex to be skeptical.
Here’s another link to Brad’s free video. Brad will provide you with an almost surefire technique for getting your ex back.
Get Your FREE eBook: 4 Steps to Restarting Your Relationship With An Ex

Do you want to reconcile with your ex?
Then you should read The Ex Back Handbook, our FREE eBook.
With this book, we have one purpose in mind: to help you win back an ex (for good!).
You’re going to adore this guide if you want a foolproof approach to reverse your breakup.