12 powerful signs your twin flame is thinking of you (during separation)

Twin flame thinking of you: clear signs
Twin flame thinking of you: clear signs
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We hear all the time that a soulmate is the one you’re meant to be with, but do you know what a twin flame is?

You will never experience anything like the connection you have with your twin flame – even greater than the connection you have with your soulmate. 

When you meet them, you’ll feel as if you’ve known them your entire life. You may have bodily symptoms as a result of this profound attachment when they think of you.

In this post, we’ve identified the top 12 signs that your twin flame is thinking of you during separation so that you can be more aware of what’s going on when it happens.

1) Feelings of warmth and comfort flood your mind

If you suddenly sense feelings of warmth and comfort, it’s one of the signs your twin flame is thinking of you.

It’s a feeling that will catch you off guard, especially because it appears when you least expect it.

When you’re unhappy or dejected, it’s as if someone is comforting you with pleasant sentiments. This is your twin flame connection at work.

The reason you are now reassured is the fact that your twin flame is definitely thinking about you.

Even if you’re thousands of miles apart, it’s as if they’re standing beside you, encouraging you to look for the light when you’re down.

This is a relationship you will only have with your twin flame and no one else.

Even when you’re alone in a room, it feels as though they’re there next you. You may sense their peaceful and powerful presence as if you were seeing them with your own eyes.

Twin flames missing each other during separation is more than just a sentimental feeling. It’s excruciatingly difficult to deal with. In the absence of your twins, you can truly feel a severe agony in your bones. Twin flames love dearly for a myriad of reasons

Says Jeng Anik on Quora.

2) You keep seeing your twin flame in your dreams.

If you’ve ever had a dream about your twin flame, it’s a sign that he or she is thinking of you.

A twin flame link is so strong that you will be dreaming about them even when you are sleeping.

What’s more, when you dream of your twin flame, they’re probably dreaming of you as well.

It’s well known that you dream of people thinking about you, but this is especially true for your twin flame.

Especially if you have frequent dreams about them, this is no longer a coincidence but a sign that they are thinking of you.

It’s also possible that your twin flame is dreaming about you at the same moment as you are, proving the twin flame connection you both possess.

3) You experience strong feelings coming from somewhere else.

One of the features of a twin flame relationship is that you can feel each other’s emotions, particularly the powerful ones.

Even though you’re thousands of miles apart, you may experience what they’re feeling as if it were your own.

When you sense a sudden rush of feelings that plainly aren’t your own, that’s one of the signs they’re thinking of you at that moment.

You could be doing nothing or hanging out with your buddies when this tremendous worry or panic strikes you at random.

Despite not being yours, these are your twin fires. It means they’re thinking of you a lot.

Twin flames have an energetic frequency in common, which explains why you may experience each other’s emotions more deeply than anybody else in your lives.

If your emotions fluctuate, this could be one of the signs that your twin flame is thinking about you.

Sharing powerful emotions is one of the most well-known aspects of the divinity of a twin flame relationship.

If you feel peaceful one minute and anxious the next, it could be an indication that your twin flame has suddenly thought of you.

4) Feeling a sudden burst of energy.

We’ve all had that odd burst of energy where we want to do something out of the usual. This feeling is amplified when it comes from your twin flame.

You’re more productive than normal, and you’re excited to attempt new things.

This is because your connection is so strong and out of this world that you can feel it in every fiber of your being when they are thinking about you – and it works both ways.

When one of you thinks of the other, you will both feel a surge of energy as a result of telepathic contact.

No one else, not even your soulmate, will feel this level of connection.

Again, the most intense and heavenly connection you may feel is a twin flame connection, which can be both beneficial and evil.

It’s because no one will ever understand you like your twin flame, but it’s also because the feelings that come with it can be tremendous and all-consuming.

5) It is confirmed by a gifted counselor.

The signs above and below can help you determine which physical signs indicate that a twin flame is thinking about you.

However, speaking with a gifted advisor is a certain method to know for sure.

They can provide answers to all of your questions about your sensations.

The issue is finding someone you can rely on.

That is why I suggest psychic experts at Kasamba. When I joined up for a reading, they gave me a unique perspective on where my life was heading, including who I was supposed to be with.

After experimenting with various online advisors, I believe they are the most loving, empathetic, and helpful network of skilled advisors available.

Access here to get your own personalized, one-of-a-kind reading.

A trustworthy counselor will not only tell you if your twin flame is thinking about you, but they will also expose all of your love possibilities.

6) You know it in your gut.

Your gut instinct is a powerful predictor of events, and it is almost always correct.

So, if your intuition tells you that your twin flame is thinking about and missing you, trust it.

Because a twin flame connection is divine, your relationship is truly out of this world. So, if your gut instinct tells you that your twin flame’s thoughts are only on you, you’re probably correct.

Our intuition can occasionally fail us, but when it comes to your twin flame, you must trust your gut instincts.

If your instincts are pointing you in the direction of your twin flame, your intuition is probably correct.

7) You’re super passionate about what you do

We all have important life passions that make life worthwhile and make us feel alive.

If you discover a new passion out of nowhere, it is because your twin flame is thinking of you.

A twin flame connection means you have the same soul as them. So, if they’re passionate about something, you’re likely to feel their fiery passion with tremendous intensity.

Even if you’re thousands of miles apart, you’ll experience their passions as if they were your own, and vice versa if you think about them.

Also, if they develop a new interest in something, it is probable that this will pique your attention as well.

You have the same soul, and it isn’t confined to the things and activities you both enjoy.

8) You feel loved and safe.

If you’ve ever felt an unexpected surge of love and protection, that’s your twin flame thinking of you.

Given the intensity of a twin flame connection, feeling love is simply one of the emotions that occur with that connection.

Every time your twin flame thinks of you, the love grows stronger, which is where the myth that twin flame connections are tough stems from.

When you’re not used to experiencing tremendous emotions, especially ones that aren’t your own, it can be difficult and overwhelming.

However, if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, your twin flame can make you feel loved even if they’re thousands of miles away.

It will appear as if they are shielding you from the intensity of your own feelings.

9) You feel your heart race randomly.

When we think about someone we love or care about, our hearts begin to flutter. This, however, will never compare to how you would feel if you had a twin flame.

A twin flame connection is the most intense relationship you can have, even more intense than a soulmate connection.

If you think your heart is racing enough for a soulmate, imagine it being doubled or even quadrupled with a twin flame.

If you notice your heart beating out of nowhere while doing mundane tasks, this is one of the signs your twin flame is thinking of you.

Whether you try to take deep breaths or do anything you can to calm your racing heart, nothing will work if it’s caused by your twin flame’s thoughts. 

Because your emotions are linked with your twin flame’s, you feel all they feel.

Your twin flame’s heart would most likely race when thinking of you, thus it’s only natural for your heart to do the same.

10) An inner smile is following you.

Have you ever found yourself grinning for no apparent reason? Despite the fact that there is nothing in particular to be joyful about at the time, you notice the muscles in your face creating a grin.

Your twin flame is thinking of you, as evidenced by this.

A twin flame union was predestined before this rebirth on Earth, and the complexity of your bond shows that you are mirror souls.

You can sense what the other person feels, and when they think of you, the connection intensifies.

This is why you may feel joyful and begin to smile for no apparent reason. Others may find it unusual, but you know deep down that something extraordinary is happening right now.

11) Observing a recurring pattern/angel number 222

When the cosmos sends us a message, angel numbers or recurring numbers appear.

While each number has its own meaning, it’s also vital to trust your instincts and remember what was going through your thoughts at the time the repeated number appeared.

The number 222, or any variant of it, is quite potent when it comes to twin flames. The number 2 represents unions, and no union is more powerful than twin flame unions.

In addition, when you mirror the number two and put them together, you obtain a heart-shaped structure.

This demonstrates that when we are with our twin flame, we are more powerful, and they bring out qualities of ourselves that make us feel entire.

12) Telepathy between twin flames

All twin flames naturally possess telepathy, which allows them to feel and read the thoughts and feelings of each other.

This characteristic is most common in identical or fraternal twins, but twin flames can also harness it.

Twin flame telepathy can only deepen if both individuals are on the same spiritual awakening path.

Once they’ve established a link, they can both feel what the other is feeling.

When one twin flame thinks of the other, he or she instinctively knows and feels a need to be with or soothe the other.

We may only have one twin flame in our lifetime, but we can have many soulmates. Twin flame telepathy is an excellent tool for determining whether your bond with your romantic interest is a twin flame connection or something else.

All of our relationships are vital and teach us important lessons, but a twin flame relationship will always shake you to your core and remind you of your soul’s purpose.

Final words

Finally, this is all you need to know about the signs your twin flame is thinking about you during separation.

It’s rather simple to know when they’re thinking about you, especially because your connection is the strongest.

Even if you try to reject it, you’ll get a feeling they’re thinking of you.

It’s tough to overlook the signs that your twin flame is thinking of you, especially when a specific emotion emerges out of nowhere or you have frequent dreams about them.

Remember that your relationship with your twin flame is divine, and as such, it transcends any domain inside this planet.

It’s precisely because they reflect your essence that your relationship may be so intense.

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