The 18 qualities of happy people: positive character factors

Happy woman
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The word “character” was one of the most important words in 19th-century English vocabulary. Developing these characteristics that would make you a good person has become outdated ideas. Here are 18+ traits that will lead you to improving your character and helping you find true happiness.

At the time, it was critical for society to promote the idea of having excellent character—it was the one thing that could withstand the test of time and identify who you were as an individual.

However, as society moved from one that valued character and good virtue to one that emphasized material and amusement, this emphasis altered.

Developing these qualities that would make you a decent person become outmoded ideals; even today’s role models rarely display the “character” that we previously admired and appreciated.

We frequently discuss the significance of accepting responsibility for your life and living with integrity at Sons Of Universe.

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t emphasize your own character development, which is intrinsically linked to your happiness.

Here are 18+ character traits that will help you improve your character and discover true happiness:

1) Self-Control

What you do or say is not dictated by your raw emotions and base desires.
You have the fortitude and resolve to resist your first impulses and do what is right, relying on self-control to attain long-term goals.

2) Dependability

You have a trustworthy reputation. When you commit to anything, your community knows they can count on you to show up.
You’ve spent your entire life demonstrating that you will always be available when required.

3) Love & Compassion

You don’t carry grudges and instead choose to spread love and positivity. This entails more than simply saying “I love you” and exchanging Valentine’s cards.

You express your love by positive, proactive actions and expressions, with the goal of making the world a better place.

4) Courtesy

You understand the significance of courtesies and decent manners, even though they appear archaic in this day and age.

You don’t let what other people say about you stop you from doing the correct and polite thing, and you’re continuously working to improve your behavior.

5) Generosity

You’re not the type to hold back when others need you.

You value other people’s pleasure and well-being so much that you are always willing to give part of your time and energy to others in need.

6) Genuineness

You are always your true self.

While others may pretend to be someone they are not in order to advance in society, you will always be true to yourself and show others the one and only you.

7) Justice

You understand the necessity of following the law, even if it does not suit you.

You feel that the greatest approach to maintain your integrity is to always be fair, regardless of the repercussions.

8) Humbleness

While you are a self-assured and strong person, you recognize that there are times when it is best to minimize your own sense of self-importance.

You don’t think you’re too good for anything or that you’re better than other people.

9) Consideration

Kindness, decency, and unwavering honesty You value everyone in your community, no matter how big or tiny.

You feel that all people, regardless of their flaws or imperfections, deserve to be respected.

10) Sincerity

Lies are difficult for you to tell because honesty is one of your most valuable qualities.

And being honest is more than just not uttering a falsehood; it entails living an honest life. You are direct and honest in all of your interactions.

11) Responsibility

You are always conscious of any activity in which you participate because you believe that every task and job deserves equal respect and attention.

Even when no one is looking, you remain watchful and upright.

12) Positivity

This isn’t simply about being overly optimistic; no one can be that way and live an honest life.

Optimism is about being positive and looking forward to a better future through your activities today.

13) Kindness

Kindness comes naturally to you and serves as the foundation for the majority of your other personality qualities.

When you are requested to be considerate or helpful to another person, you don’t give it a second thought.

Your drive stems from a desire to assist others rather than from a desire to benefit oneself.

14) Persistence

You are willing to give it your all through thick and thin.

You are determined to see even the most difficult circumstances through, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.

15) Bravery

While some things may frighten you, that does not mean you would back out of a promise or responsibility because of that fear.

True courage does not imply being fearless, because we all have our own anxieties. True bravery is about persevering in the face of adversity.

16) Reconciliation

You know how to let go of the past. Grudges are no longer held, and old angers and negativity fade away with time.

You don’t mind being the greater person and forgiving people who have wronged or hurt you.

17) Kindness

When you witness people in anguish, there is a voice within you that shouts out in agony.

You have a strong desire to ease others’ suffering and to save the world from pain and unhappiness.

18) Accountability

You accept responsibilities with a clear head and always keep your promises.

You understand that there are individuals who rely on you, and you always make an effort to work on those for whom you are accountable.

Last but not least:


You’re always on the side of those you care about, rain or shine. You are a devoted friend, companion, and partner who will never abandon those who have earned your trust.


Finally, there is integrity. A complex term with a straightforward definition. Integrity entails having unshakeable moral values.

You conduct your life according to these standards, making every decision with your basic ideals in mind.

These are outstanding instances of strong personalities. If you work on enhancing these qualities in yourself, you will be happier, healthier, and feel better.

Now that you know 18+ character types, new research has discovered 10 personality traits that are necessary for a “healthy personality.”

So, let’s talk about the personality features discovered in the research study for a happy and healthy personality.

According to research, these 10 personality qualities are necessary for a “healthy personality.”

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to know which personality features contribute to pleasant and stable mental health? So we’re in luck.

According to new study, the answer has been discovered.

Researchers claim to have uncovered the ten personality traits essential for mental well-being in a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

How did they discover the solution?

Researchers asked 137 psychology professionals to define their view of a mentally fit person using the NEO Psychological Inventory, Revised’s 30 personality traits.

The same patterns were found across all groups.

So, in this essay, we’ll go through each trait found by the research study and discuss how we might enhance it in ourselves.

Remember that you don’t have to possess ALL of these personality traits to live a healthy life.

“The essential determination [for psychological health] is the extent to which poor scores on this profile prevent you from accomplishing your personal goals,” says Dr. Kaufman.

1) Emotional Openness

This relates to how attentive you are to your inner feelings.

Emotional avoidance has been connected to a variety of mental health problems, including sadness and anxiety.

I don’t blame someone for disregarding their negative emotions. I do it. The majority of us do. After all, some emotions can be uncomfortable and difficult to manage.

However, when we reject our emotions, we are rejecting a part of ourselves.

Now, I’m not suggesting that we dwell in our unpleasant emotions.

It is more beneficial to acknowledge and accept them.

This entails allowing your emotions to be without adversely evaluating or attempting to modify them.

It’s realizing that you don’t have to change your emotions. They will not harm you.

Indeed, studies suggest that learning to accept emotions leads to long-term emotional resilience.

It also leads to a greater understanding of yourself and why your emotions react the way they do.

This does not imply causing yourself pain. It just means that you are aware of how you are feeling.

After that, you can go on and concentrate on your actions.

Accepting and letting go of negative emotions is central to Buddhist thought, and numerous ways for doing so have been created over time.

Check out these powerful self-hypnosis audio files (free for you to download) to help nurture a mindful, happy and peaceful life. You can find them here.

2) Directness (and being “honest, sincere, and inventive”)

People frequently misunderstand the concepts of directness and assertiveness. It does not imply that you are aggressive, pushy, or mean. It entails being truthful and standing up for oneself while also respecting others.

There’s no point in skirting the issue. You’ll probably feel even more cluttered.

So, how can you train yourself to be more direct and honest with yourself?

According to Psychology Today, there is a formula for creating an assertiveness statement. It is divided into three sections:

  1. What you would like them to change:

When you fail to summon me during a meeting

  1. The impact of this conduct on you:

I’m never given the opportunity to talk.

  1. Your feelings as a result:

I am feeling marginalized.

“When you don’t call on me during a meeting, I never get an opportunity to speak, and I feel excluded,” she says.

3) Expertise

Feeling good at something inspires thoughts of optimism and hope.

When you believe that you are capable of accomplishing and doing things, you naturally become more confident and resilient.

Consider JK Rowling, who spends her days typing. She worked alone and needed to be confident in her abilities.

Her writing improved as she practiced over and over again. She continued to acquire confidence, which helped her push through.

Being good at something takes practice, and being good at something improves resilience by instilling confidence.

Consider this: Choose a skill that you have that is essential to you. Perhaps anything related to one of your objectives. Make time for it every week, no matter how busy you are.

4) Temperature (being affectionate and friendly)

Mother Teresa once stated, “On this world, we cannot achieve great things, only modest things with tremendous love.”

Kindness improves our life in several ways.

According to research, when we do things for others, we are rewarded. Not only because of reciprocation, but also because of the psychological rewards that acts of generosity elicit in the giver.

This one is quite straightforward. Be kind and considerate to others.

5) Positive feelings (feelings of “joy, happiness, love, and enthusiasm”)

We all wish to feel love and joy more frequently. Love is a tremendous force that gives us meaning and connects us in ways that nothing else can.

This emotion can be heightened by loving yourself. Concentrating on your family and close friends might also assist. It enables your soul to exist as a free spirit.

Do things that make you happy if you want to feel happier more often. Hiking, swimming, organizing a party, and so on.

6) A lack of angry antagonism

We’re all irritated. And it can often feel like an uncontrollable force that takes hold of us.

However, holding on to anger can have negative physical and emotional consequences.

So, how can you train yourself to let go of anger when it arises? Learning breathing methods was beneficial to me. Simple breathing exercises can also aid in stress reduction and relaxation.

Stress is frequently associated with rapid, irregular breathing. Slow, deep, regular breathing, on the other hand, is an indication of relaxation.

The result of learning to modulate your breathing to resemble relaxation will be relaxing.

Deep breathing is done as follows:

  • 1) Inhale gently and deeply while focusing on your stomach rising and falling.
  • 2) Take a deep breath and hold it for 4 seconds.
  • 3) Exhale for 6 seconds, thinking on how soothing it is.
  • 4) Repeat this sequence 5 to 10 times, focusing on calm, deep breathing.

7) A low level of anxiety (not being “shy, afraid, worried, tensed, or restless”).

Anxiety is a common problem for many people.

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. However, “concern is a way of life” for some people.

Learning the 5 step paradigm of acceptance and commitment therapy was beneficial to me.

  • 1) Write down your worries.
  • 2) Give up control.
  • 3) Acknowledge and observe your thoughts and feelings.
  • 4) Pay attention to the present time.
  • 5) Keep going in the right direction.

Meditation is another great method for reducing stress and anxiety.

Check out this free training from meditation expert Emily Fletcher to learn how to meditate properly.

Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s foremost meditation experts. She has taught at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, A-Fest, and The Omega Center.

Emily developed Ziva Meditation, a mental approach that combines the stress-relieving advantages of meditation with the mental clarity of mindfulness, after years of researching ancient practices in India and educating thousands of high performers.

She takes the woo-woo out of meditation and makes it appealing and simple to practice. Look it up here.

8) Low levels of depression

Depression can drain you physically and mentally. Overcoming depression is not quick or easy, but it is certainly doable.

Here’s a nice list of things to do to improve your mood:

  • 1) Reach out to others and maintain contact.
  • 2) Do things that make you happy.
  • 3) Get up and move around.
  • 4) Maintain a healthy diet
  • 5) Get enough sunlight every day.
  • 6) Confront your negative thinking.

9) Relatively low susceptibility to stress

When you’re stressed, the last thing you’d think to do is exercise. Exercise, after all, is a sort of physical stress.

However, studies show that physical stress can alleviate mental stress.

According to, aerobic exercise is important for your mind as well as your heart:

“Regular aerobic exercise will bring about astonishing changes in your physique, metabolism, heart, and spirits.” It has an unrivaled ability to exhilarate and relax, to stimulate and quiet, to combat depression and dispel tension. It’s a frequent feeling among endurance athletes, and it’s been validated in clinical trials that employed exercise to successfully treat anxiety disorders and clinical depression. If athletes and patients may benefit from exercise on a psychological level, so can you.”

Exercise works because it lowers levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, according to HelpGuide.

It also increases the production of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers and mood boosters.

(For more more on developing mental toughness, see our article on the power of resilience here.)

10) Lack of impulsivity (being able to control cravings and urges)

The good news is that science has discovered that the brain can be trained to be less impulsive.

Determine how you want to prioritize your time is an efficient method. Then, before behaving rashly, make sure your actions are consistent with the ideals you’ve established for yourself.

Prioritizing oneself

Hey there, Andy here from Sons of Universe.

What is your current top priority?

Is it so you can purchase the automobile you have been saving for?

to finally begin that side business that will maybe one day enable you to quit your 9-to-5 job?

Or to eventually ask your lover to move in and accept the risk?

Whatever it is, if you don’t have a strategy, you won’t get there.

Even then, plans fall through.

But I didn’t write this to you to seem pessimistic…

No, I’m writing this to support you in achieving the objectives you’ve set.

I’ve been participating in a program recently called Lifebook “How To Craft Your Extraordinary Life” which was developed by career consultants and teachers Jon & Missy Butcher.

Jon and Missy cover all the fundamentals and more of what’s required to achieve your objectives, covering everything from developing new habits and behavioral patterns to putting your ideas into action.

This course will demand work from you, but that’s part of its appeal since Jon and Missy painstakingly built it to put YOU in control of your life.

To learn more about Lifebook’s Masterclass, click here.

So, consider the significant objective I posed as a question at the outset of this communication.

How desperately do you want it?

Are you prepared to make the necessary efforts to get there?

If so, have a look at this workshop.

If you decide to participate, please let me know how your Life Journey goes!

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