8 surprising ways the Chariot reveals hidden feelings & true emotions

8 surprising ways the Chariot reveals hidden feelings & true emotions
The Chariot as feelings
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The Chariot, in its majestic silence, often carries the weight of hidden feelings and true emotions that elude even the keenest of eyes.

It’s a journey I’ve navigated time and again, each card flip revealing layers of sentiment tucked away in the soul’s corners.

I’m Laura Petit, an astrologer and tarot enthusiast with years of experience decoding these silent messages. Join me, and let’s unveil the eight surprising ways the Chariot speaks to our hearts.

And, if you’re curious about the art of decoding the unknown, check out the meaning of all tarot cards in love.

Key Takeaways: What does the Chariot mean in feelings?

  • The Chariot is a beacon of determination, urging you to steer your emotional journey.
  • It can highlight a need for self-control or signal when emotions are running unchecked.
  • Beware the reversed Chariot’s warning of a lack of direction or control, a potential relationship roadblock.

1: The Charioteer’s Quest – Unearthing Your Inner Emotional Warrior

In the realm of feelings, the Chariot represents your inner warrior, ready to conquer any emotional challenge that comes your way. It’s about harnessing that determination to navigate through the ups and downs of romantic relationships or any personal connections.

This card doesn’t whisper; it shouts of the drive needed to achieve personal growth and maintain a positive direction. When the Chariot appears, it’s a sign to take the reins, to find balance between the conscious mind and the subconscious desires that fuel our actions.

Tip: Channel the Chariot’s energy to maintain a sense of direction in your emotional world, keeping those powerful feelings in check.

2: When the Chariot Reverses – Navigating the Emotional Quicksand

When the Chariot as feelings flips into the reversed position, it’s like driving without a map. You might feel a lack of direction or control, as if your emotional chariot’s wheels are spinning in the mud of self-doubt and indecision.

This is the card’s way of highlighting internal struggles, where the usual clarity of purpose is clouded by a scattered energy. It’s a signal to pause and reflect. Because these challenges often mirror a heart divided—torn. It’s between two paths or caught in the grip of hesitation, which can send ripples through your relationships.

Tip: If you find the Chariot reversed in your spread, take a moment to align your internal compass and seek clarity before moving forward.

3: The Chariot Unbridled – Embracing the Wildness Within

Imagine the Chariot’s horses breaking free, a metaphor for when feelings become a force untamed. The Chariot unbridled represents a surge of uncontrolled passion or, at times, aggression.

This raw, unfiltered emotional energy can be both invigorating and intimidating, often dividing opinions about how feelings should be expressed. The loss of control depicted by the wild horses can reflect the current situation. A place where common goals are overshadowed by overwhelming emotions. Acknowledging these intense emotions is crucial.

They’re a part of who we are and can drive us toward profound change if we channel them wisely. They remind us that sometimes, to move forward, we must embrace the wildness within.

Tip: Let the Chariot inspire you to express your passion boldly, but remember to guide that energy with purpose.

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4: The Chariot’s Companions – Trio of Tarot Synergy

The Chariot’s journey through the tarot is never solitary; its companions add layers of complexity and insight to our emotional narrative. Consider these powerful pairings:

The Chariot and the Lovers: This coupling is a testament to the harmony of shared visions. It’s about the synergy that blossoms when individual passions align with mutual aspirations. It drives a relationship forward with a shared sense of purpose.

  • Alignment: A shared journey towards a unified goal.
  • Synergy: Individual passions fueling a collective drive.

The Chariot and the Tower: When these two meet, expect a revolution. The Tower’s disruptive force may upend the Chariot’s steady course, signifying moments when life’s inevitable shake-ups invite us to reassess our path and rebuild with greater wisdom.

  • Upheaval: Disruption that challenges emotional stability.
  • Reconstruction: Building anew from the rubble of the old.

The Chariot and the Star: This duo offers a beacon of hope. After the Tower’s tumult, the Star’s gentle glow promises renewal and inspiration, guiding the Chariot’s steadfast advance towards a future bright with potential and dreams.

  • Hope: Light after darkness, guiding the way forward.
  • Inspiration: Dreams fueling the drive for emotional progress.

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5: The Chariot’s Secret Pathways – Hidden Routes to the Heart

The Chariot as feelings has secret pathways. It has less trodden roads that reveal a capacity to harbor deep feelings for seemingly opposing forces. It’s this card’s way of showing that the heart is vast and can house a multitude of sentiments, even those in contradiction.

In the complex emotional landscapes we traverse, the Chariot’s energy can guide us through the shadow aspects of our feelings. They can help us to acknowledge and balance these inner conflicts. It’s about steering through these hidden routes with the grace of a charioteer, acknowledging every twist and turn as part of the journey.

Tip: Embrace the Chariot’s capacity to feel deeply for dualities within your heart—it’s a testament to the multifaceted nature of your emotional wellbeing.

6: The Chariot’s Silent Whispers – Decoding Subtlety in Sentiments

If it’s about feelings, the Chariot doesn’t always roar; sometimes, it whispers. Its silent presence in a spread might be easy to overlook. But it’s there. It’s suggesting a person’s determination, their desire for control, or their quest for a clear direction.

These are the subtle undertones of someone’s emotional state, not shouted from the rooftops but present in their actions. The Chariot’s silence is a powerful reminder that the most profound feelings are often those left unspoken, yet they drive us forward with an unseen force.

This tough card can also hint at a lack of control when it appears. It challenges us to find balance and direction in our personal life.

Tip: Listen to the silent whispers of the Chariot; they often speak volumes about someone’s inner emotional landscape.

7: The Chariot’s Duality – A Reflection of Love’s Battlefield

The Chariot as feelings embodies duality, much like the yin and yang of love’s battlefield. It holds the space where emotional opposites clash or harmonize, echoing the dynamic push-pull of romantic relationships.

This card can represent the struggle between two lovers striving for individuality and togetherness, or the internal tug-of-war between what the heart wants and what the mind thinks is best.

The Chariot’s duality is a mirror reflecting the complex dance of emotions. It can either divide or unite us, both within ourselves and in our perception of others’ feelings.

Tip: Embrace the Chariot’s duality as a natural part of your emotional journey, leading to deeper understanding and unity.

8: The Chariot’s Reins – Taking Control of Emotional Destiny

Grasping the Chariot’s reins in the tarot is akin to taking command of your emotional destiny. Whether the card presents itself upright, heralding a period of control and victory, or reversed, signaling a time to reassess your lack of direction, the message is clear. You have the power to guide your feelings.

The Chariot teaches that regardless of the position, there’s an opportunity for growth. It’s a chance to align your emotional forces into balance and move forward with purpose and intent.

Tip: Use the Chariot’s energy to steer your emotional wellbeing towards the direction you desire, whether in calm or turbulent times.


The journey with the Chariot tarot card and feelings reveals a landscape rich with emotional conquest and complexity. It’s a powerful card that calls on us to channel our inner charioteer.

It’s asking us to navigate the highs and lows of our emotional world with courage and determination. As we’ve explored, the Chariot can signal a time of emotional mastery or a warning of the need to regain control.

Embrace the guidance of the Chariot in your quest for emotional clarity and connection. Let it lead you to the truths of your heart. It speaks to the type of people who are driven to achieve their personal goals while also navigating their emotional realities.

My final tip: Remember, the Chariot’s legacy is to empower you in the pursuit of your emotional truths—take the reins and ride with confidence.

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