The High Priestess as feelings: 7 nuggets to decode true sentiments and hidden emotions

The High Priestess as feelings: 7 nuggets to decode true sentiments and hidden emotions
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Ever felt a tug in your gut, a whisper in your mind that you couldn’t quite put into words? That’s the realm of The High Priestess and feelings, a mysterious blend of psychic connection and deep secrets.

Tarot cards, like friends who tell it to you straight, help us decode these silent symphonies. The High Priestess, draped in her blue robe, is your go-to gal for unveiling the hidden depths of your heart.

I’m Laura Petit, an evolutionary astrologer, tarot enthusiast and palmist. Join me as we unravel the silent messages she’s dying to share.

And, if you’re curious about the art of decoding the unknown in the realm of feelings and emotions, be sure to check out our article about the secret meaning of tarot cards in love (the full deck unveiled).

Key Takeaways: The High Priestess and feelings

  • A beacon, illuminating the mysteries of life and our innermost sentiments.
  • The bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious whispers.
  • A warning sign for lack of transparency and trust in our daily life.
  • Sadly, she’s often misunderstood, leaving many to miss the deeper meanings she offers.

1. Hearing the Unspoken with The High Priestess

Picture this, you’re at a crossroads, your heart’s compass spinning wildly. Enter the High Priestess, your guide to the unspoken. She’s the embodiment of intuition, that inner voice we often shush in the hustle of daily life.

She doesn’t shout or demand attention; her power lies in the gentle nudge, the faint echo of spiritual insight that nudges you towards your truth. Her silent wisdom speaks volumes if you’re willing to listen. It’s like she’s got this divine feminine knack for knowing what’s up before it even happens. Trust her, and you’ll be decoding the cryptic language of your heart in no time.

Tip: Next time you’re unsure, channel your inner High Priestess. Sit quietly and ask yourself what you’re feeling. The answer might just surprise you.

2. What Lies Beyond the Conscious Mind

The High Priestess sits quietly, guarding the gateway to the subconscious mind, a place where hidden emotions and esoteric knowledge intertwine. She knows the delicate balance between the conscious and the unconscious realms.

When she appears in a tarot reading, consider it a sign to pay attention to your dreams and the feelings that bubble up from the depths of your being. She’s like the keeper of your personal ancient temple, where your deepest insights and hidden motives are sacred.

Acknowledge her presence, and you’ll begin to unlock the mysteries that lie beyond your everyday awareness, as The High Priestess intimately understands the tapestry of our feelings.

Tip: Jot down your dreams and gut feelings. They’re messages from your subconscious mind, and the High Priestess is nudging you to decode them.

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Upright or Reversed? 6 Hidden Gems

When it comes to the language of love, The High Priestess tarot card whispers secrets of the heart, revealing nuanced layers of feelings both when upright and reversed. Here are five hidden gem meanings about her positions that can shed light on the tides of our hearts:

Upright: The Silent Confidante

  • She’s the whisper in your heart when you meet someone who sparks a spiritual connection. It’s that knowing smile you share without a word.
  • In love readings, she suggests a deep connection that transcends words, where just being in each other’s presence feels like coming home.

Reversed: The Fog of Misunderstanding

  • Reversed, she’s the fog on your love’s horizon, signaling a time where feelings may be clouded or hidden motives may surface.
  • This position can hint at a need for clarity and openness in communication, nudging you to unravel the mysteries between you and your partner.

Both Positions: The Dance of Intimacy

  • Whether upright or reversed, the High Priestess invites you to explore the delicate balance between sharing your deepest secrets and maintaining your sacred individuality.
  • She encourages a harmony between the intuitive abilities of both partners, fostering a psychic connection that can deepen your bond.

3. The Tapestry of Trust

The High Priestess doesn’t just hold the keys to self-discovery; she’s also a symbol of the trust and spiritual connection that can exist between people, intricately weaving the tapestry of our feelings and relationships. When she shows up, it’s a hint that there’s a deep connection ready to be explored or that a stronger foundation of trust needs to be built.

Whether it’s with a partner, a friend, or a colleague, understanding the silent language of the High Priestess can help forge a bond that’s both psychic and profound. It’s about more than just sharing secrets; it’s about the emotional depth and intuitive abilities that come from truly knowing someone.

Tip: Embrace vulnerability with those close to you. Sharing your inner High Priestess can lead to a deeper, more meaningful connection.

Tarot card spread

4. The High Priestess’s Dual Dance

The High Priestess is a master of duality, embodying both the heavenly aspect of detachment and the earthly aspect of deep connection. It’s a bit like she’s got one foot in two different worlds, and she invites you to dance the same dance.

This can show up in your feelings as a strange mix of being totally in the moment while also feeling a million miles away. It’s not about being indecisive; it’s about recognizing that true feelings often come with layers, like an onion, and sometimes they contradict each other.

Tip: When you feel this tug-of-war inside, take it as a sign to explore your feelings more deeply.

5. Embracing the High Priestess’s Pause

In the rush of our credit card-swiping, career-chasing lives, The High Priestess asks us to hit the pause button. Why? Because in stillness, we find the clarity to understand our true feelings, the silent language The High Priestess speaks so fluently.

Think of it as the space between the notes in a song – it’s where the magic happens. When you’re still, you’re not just doing nothing; you’re opening up to the deep secret whispers of your heart. It’s in these quiet moments that The High Priestess reveals her most profound insights, transforming confusion into understanding.

Tip: Try meditating or just sitting quietly for a few minutes each day. You might be surprised by the emotional depth that surfaces.

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6. The Illuminated Path

In the tapestry of tarot, The High Priestess’s upright position is a profound beacon for uncovering inner truth and authenticity, especially within the realm of feelings. She invites a deep dive into the soul’s waters, encouraging an exploration of the true self that lies beneath the surface.

For instance, my dear friend faced with a difficult relationship decision found solace in the card’s appearance. It was The High Priestess who guided her to look past her immediate emotions and tap into her deeper intuition, ultimately leading her to a decision that aligned with her most authentic feelings and desires.

Tip: Reflect on times when The High Priestess has graced your readings. Consider how her presence might have offered a lantern in the dark, leading you toward a more genuine expression of your feelings and a truer path forward.

7. The Shadows Speak

When the High Priestess appears reversed, it’s like a cosmic heads-up that something’s off. Your feelings might feel muddled, like a credit card statement that doesn’t add up. This is her way of saying, “Hey, it’s time to look deeper.”

Maybe there’s a lack of trust brewing, or perhaps your intuition’s GPS is recalibrating. But don’t fret. This isn’t a dead end; it’s a detour sign pointing you towards the hidden truths. It’s about peeling back the layers of confusion and understanding the deeper meanings behind your feelings.

Tip: Reflect on areas where you feel stuck or uncertain. The reversed High Priestess is your ally in uncovering the truth beneath the surface.


We’ve journeyed through the silent corridors of the High Priestess, unearthing the treasures of our inner sentiments. From the whispers of intuition to the dance of duality, she’s been our guide to the unseen.

Embrace her lessons, and you’ll find yourself on a path to emotional clarity that’s both enlightening and liberating. I’ve walked this path many times, both in my own life and while guiding others. The High Priestess doesn’t just reveal feelings; she transforms them, offering a bridge to a more authentic you.

If you’ve enjoyed this exploration, consider chatting with a gifted advisor for personalized insights. And don’t be shy—share your experience or drop a comment. Let’s continue the conversation.

You may also like: When not to read Tarot cards: 10 wrong moments (and why they may mislead you)

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  1. I’ve always been fascinated by the High Priestess’s role in tarot. This article really delved deep into her symbolism and the dual nature of her message. It’s refreshing to see such a thoughtful exploration, especially the part about embracing her pause. It’s a reminder we all need to take a moment to listen and reflect.

  2. not sure what to make of this whole dance of intimacy thing with the high priestess. sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo to me. anyone actually find this stuff useful?

    1. kev_22, it might seem confusing at first, but the high priestess teaches us to listen to our intuition. it’s not mumbo jumbo if you’ve ever had a gut feeling that was right. this stuff is about tuning into that inner voice we often ignore.

  3. hey laura petit, just started learning bout tarot & came across the high priestess card. kinda confused how she’s both about silence & secrets but also insight? how does that work exactly, like how do we supposed to get the message if it’s all cryptic n stuff?

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