The Weekly Horoscope for each Zodiac sign: March 6-12, 2023

your weekly horoscope
weekly horoscope

Written down weekly by expert astrologer Laura Petit for Sons Of Universe, find out what the planets have predicted for your sign from 6th to 12th March, 2023.



Venus, Jupiter and Chiron are meeting in your sign this week, and it’s likely to bring up a lot. If you catch yourself struggling with your self-confidence or have a hard time locating your place in relationships, make sure to consider the whole picture. Don’t lose yourself down a self-esteem wormhole! Any relationship issues that emerge this week were already there; they’re just coming up so that you deal with them, Aries.

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This week can mark an important shift in your emotional life, a time in which you embody greater emotional maturity and self-awareness. The key is to be able to stay present with your feelings, whether they’re easy or not. Your relationships are in a state of flux, or at the very least, your attitude toward your relationships is shifting. Don’t resist or fear instability—it’s fertile ground, Taurus.

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The things that frustrate and stress you are not to be avoided, Twin Star. Instead, they are an invitation for your consideration. Don’t inspect the surface of your thoughts and feelings this week; go deep into them, so that you can understand what’s really going on for you. It may be tempting to avoid your sources of stress, but it’s not wise. Work through your limiting attitudes so that you can lay foundations for something new and improved.

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If you can get out of your own way, you can get a lot achieved this week. We all have habits that get in the way of our own best interests. Every once in a while, you may find yourself in a situation where fighting your own instincts actually enables you to evolve past self-imposed limitations and habits. This is one of those times! Honour your wisest drives instead of your strongest ones. Try exploring your motivations to make sure that they’re not primarily composed of fear, Moonchild.

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When things go your way, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going in the right direction. That all depends on what it is that you want for yourself and why. This week, it’s important to investigate your own motivations—your fears and desires—so that you can know whether the easy things or those that are more challenging are good for you. Be willing to change your approach or your goals, even if it’s a burden, Leo.

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The Full Moon in your sign is an opportunity for you to flush out your emotions and clarify your boundaries, Virgo. This may need to happen on the fly as things may get exciting or dramatic (thanks to a Sun and Moon square to Mars)! Don’t waste your energy by getting caught up in petty power struggles. If you’re going to fight, fight for what matters. If you’re going to prioritize your passions, make sure that you don’t do it in opposition to your discretion.

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When you get caught up in anxiety and fear-based thinking, it’s very hard to pull yourself back and gain perspective, but that’s exactly what you need to do. Strive to get away from the idea that things are “good“ or “bad”; they are what they are. If you can accept where you’re at, how you feel and what you have to work with, you can then determine your next best steps. You don’t have to be perfect in order to be right on time, Libra.

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The decisions you make now are important. Make sure you’re taking the time to consider your needs in the context of your life as it is, Scorpio. You need more autonomy and authenticity in your life, and achieving that will require learning from your past and tapping into your wisdom in the present. Even if it’s uncomfortable, do what it takes to investigate what makes you happy, what you need and the fears or real-life obstacles that are in your way.

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You may find yourself stressing out over things that you don’t like, but with the Full Moon, it is especially important that you accept what you cannot change. Acceptance is foundational to being present in the here and now so that you can support yourself and the things and people that you love. Take the time to clarify what’s most important to you, and let the other stuff go while you attend to your emotional wellness this week, Sagittarius.

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If you don’t know what you want and why you want it, you’re likely to be filled with confusion, even if you’re on the right path. This week, you may be confronted with some big emotions and the anxieties to match. Instead of trying to fix things that you don’t fully understand, do the uncomfortable work of sitting with your emotions in efforts to get a broader understanding of what’s happening within you. Let go of perfectionism, and embrace whatever is true in this moment, Capricorn.

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The overall planetary action is creating a lot of dynamic energy for you this week. If you can stay connected to your own emotional intelligence and respect the interplay of your needs with those of the people around you, this is an excellent time for putting yourself out there, trying something new and generally getting things done. You have great potential if you think independently and act collaboratively, Aquarius.

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The Full Moon in your relationship house is an invitation to get real about what you feel in your most intimate connections with others. You may find yourself obsessing over things you don’t understand or generally fixating on stuff that hurts your feelings, and while that’s understandable, it’s not going to help you much. Embrace this as a time to be open to your vulnerabilities, and actively engage with what is and isn’t working for you so that you can collaborate on needed changes.

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