Twin flame journey stages: the untold part (what you should know)

Twin flame journey: the stages
Twin flame journey: the stages
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Twin flames are extremely powerful connections. Each one is distinct in its own way and cannot be reduced. However, there is a common pattern that emerges in these unions.

As someone who has experienced twin flame fusion, I understand how overwhelming (and even terrifying) such an event can be.

When I was going through such a disorienting situation, I would have delighted to read an article on common tell-tale twin flame signs.

But I didn’t understand the significance of twin flames back then. So I’d want to provide you what I didn’t have: a broad map to help guide you and pinpoint where you are right now.

1) “The one”

There is no doubt that the first twin flame stage is the longest one: the stage of yearning for your other half. You have this strange sensation that someone who is perfectly molded to you is “out there” but you don’t quite know where or when they will appear in your life. Although you ache, you have a feeling your twin flame will appear to you at some point.

The primary goal of the first stage

You might be thinking, this sounds like a chore – do I simply have to sit around and hope? But it is not the point of this twin flame stage.

In truth, this stage serves a vital purpose: it prepares you for the advent of your twin flame.

On an unconscious level, this occurs all the time. Every life lesson you learn and every step you take on your spiritual journey helps you become the version of yourself who is ready to meet your twin flame.

However, you may make this procedure much easier and faster if you use your conscious mind as well.

How do you know whether you’re in this stage?

This is when you get the weird impression that a large part of yourself is missing and waiting for you to find it. But you don’t know when or where they’ll emerge in your life.

You just know you want to be together. This could simply be an inward feeling of intense longing. It may also appear in vivid dreams, angel numbers, or other twin flame signs from the cosmos.

Some people may not even recognize they are at the initial twin flame stage and may go years without realizing it. Unfortunately, this merely makes the stage longer and more difficult to complete. So, recognizing that you’re in it is a significant step forward.

2) Meeting up

The second twin flame stage lasts only a few moments, yet it leaves an indelible memory. It is the moment you encounter your twin flame.

The reason for meeting your twin flame

This stage is all about bringing your two halves together to form a single whole.

Some consider it the most essential stage of all since it sets everything else in motion.

It represents a new beginning for you and indicates that you are ready to continue on your spiritual journey. You’re entering a new reality, one in which your soul is beginning to unite with its other half.

This establishes the groundwork for all subsequent twin flame levels.

What does it feel like to meet your twin flame?

Meeting your twin flame is unlike any other meeting.

The precise emotion will be determined by your own unique experience with love.

But it’s always an intense experience: you can sense a spark, a buzzing energy, or a connection so strong that it makes you tremble on the inside.

You may feel pushed in two directions at the same time: toward your twin flame, who is now a part of your life, and away from everything you knew before.

These emotions may overwhelm you all at once, or they may emerge gradually as you get to know the person better. They will, to some extent, be in the background throughout the relationship.

How to Tell If You’ve Met Your Twin Flame for Sure

We frequently have romantic illusions of meeting our twin flame and everything falling into place. Reality, however, is messier and more difficult.

In truth, you can have karmic ties, soulmates, false twin flames, or even twin flame catalysts that feel remarkably similar to twin flames.

Jumping to the wrong conclusion can lead you down the wrong path. You could waste years in the wrong relationship, only to end in heartache while blocking off your true twin flame.

So, how can you avoid all of this misery while also knowing you’ve met your true twin flame?

Speaking with a competent advisor is a surefire way.

They can answer queries like, Have I actually met my twin flame? What kind of relationship should I have with my twin flame? How do I continue on my twin flame journey?

The issue is finding someone you can rely on.

That is why I suggest Kasamba. They gave me a unique insight into where my life was going, including what stage I was at with my twin flame, when I signed up for a reading.

After experimenting with various online advisors, I believe they are the most loving, empathetic, and helpful network of skilled advisors available.

To get your own individualized reading, click here.

A true counselor will not only inform you if you’ve met your twin flame, but they will also guide you through your complete life path.

3) Falling in love.

It is now time for one of the most beautiful phases of the twin flame relationship: the stage of falling in love.

Why do we develop feelings for our twin flames?

This stage is intended to lay the groundwork for your relationship and begin exploring it to its greatest potential. It’s an exhilarating time, and it’s easy to get caught up in the feelings.

But make sure to also stop and consider, “what does this bond imply for me?”

Working on addressing this question early on will help you get through the rest of your journey.

You’re getting to know pieces of yourself as you grow to know your twin flame — they are, after all, your other half! As a result, you may recognize yourself in many of their experiences, hopes, and anxieties.

Falling in love with your twin flame should help you fall in love with yourself if your connection is genuine.

What are the signs that you’re in love with your twin flame?

For some, this comes gradually, while for others, it is like falling in love at first sight.

But one thing is certain: falling in love with your twin flame is an emotional roller coaster.

You may be pleased and worried at the same time – thrilled to be with someone who makes you feel alive, but yet concerned that this relationship will affect everything in your life.

These emotions can even take on a whole different tone than love in some twin flame situations. After all, twin flame relationships aren’t always romantic.

If this is the case, this stage will be marked by an intense, deepening connection that is devoid of any intimate wants or passion.

At this twin flame stage, what you should do

You still have a long way to go on your twin flame journey. Taking the first few steps in the right way, on the other hand, can make all the difference later on.

Allow yourself to open up and get things started right. You’re laying the groundwork for the following stages of your twin flame journey. The bond you form now will influence how you navigate the separation phase.

Make sure you and your twin flame agree on what you want out of this relationship. Make it a habit to communicate openly, even when it is tough or uncomfortable.

4) The honeymoon stage.

Your twin flame relationship has entered a new stage: the honeymoon stage.

The goal of the honeymoon stage

The goal of this phase is to provide you with the time, space, and opportunity to get to know your twin flame better.

You are now better understanding the other person, and you will begin to notice similarities between you.

It is critical that you do not enter this phase with any preconceived preconceptions about who your twin flame is. Be willing to get to know someone for who they truly are, even if there are certain things you don’t like about them.

What it’s like to be in this twin flame stage

This stage is distinguished by feelings of pleasure and optimism. As you get to know your twin flame better, you begin to realize that this person is so incredible that you can not believe it.

Your connection will get stronger with each passing day, and it will feel more intense than any other relationship you’ve ever had. You will bond on numerous levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

The love hormones of the early stages of a new relationship will amplify this.

How to deal with this stage?

This stage can be wonderfully lovely, but it can also be a period when things start to get a little untidy. In fact, if you’re not careful, you might rush into something you’re not prepared for.

Keep your feet on the ground and continue to question yourself and your twin flame where you want things to go.

Take the time to consider what your connection means for you and your future together, as well as how this relationship will be different for you than any other.

As with any relationship, challenges will always arise, and open communication is critical to properly resolving them. You should lay the groundwork for that now, before the more difficult challenges arise.

5) Twin flame turmoil (the crisis)

Unfortunately, the honeymoon phase does not last forever… and the next twin flame stage is unquestionably more challenging.

This is the stage of paradise in which trouble is brewing.

This is when the twin flame journey becomes turbulent. Though this may appear to be a bad thing, it is actually an important aspect of the twin flame journey.

Twin Flame Turmoil Explanation

After the ecstasy of the initial part of the relationship fades, you begin to delve into the true depths of both your souls.

Differences in your thinking, attitudes, and personalities will emerge. They will rekindle some old scars and reflect your own anxieties and insecurities back to you.

This is due to the fact that twin flames are the other half of your soul. They have experienced many of the same traumas that you have, and these are intensified when you combine them both.

What is the purpose of twin flame turmoil?

This may sound like a stage you’d want to skip entirely.

However, that would be the biggest mistake of all.

Twin flame interactions, you see, are fundamentally about spiritual development. This link is intended to serve a higher cause than either of you as individuals. It is intended to assist you in ascending to the spiritual level and determining your life path.

And this type of development is impossible to do without obstacles that pull you out of your comfort zone and force you to recover.

How do you deal with twin flame conflict?

There is no easy way to deal with conflict in a twin flame relationship, or any relationship for that matter. But one thing is certain: everybody who achieves success has made a significant investment in effective communication.

You and your twin flame will need to retain a cool head and be able to speak things through with each other because your prior traumas and anxieties will be triggered subconsciously.

Essentially, you should strive to think beyond your current ideas and feelings and consider what could assist both of you heal together. And, of course, you must demonstrate to each other that you are still there for each other and willing to work through the good and difficult times.

Of course, this is easier said than done — and it’s impossible to provide broad counsel when your circumstance is so unique.

So, if you want specific, hands-on guidance, I recommend meeting with a gifted counselor at Kasamba.

They were mentioned earlier. They’ve helped me in the past, and I’ve always found their readings to be honest and caring.

Instead of attempting to resolve all of your twin flame conflict on your own, consult with a counselor who will assist you in navigating this difficult stage with as little pain as possible.

To get your own individualized reading, click here.

6) The runner and chaser.

After you’ve entered upheaval, you’ll see that you and your twin flame have split into two distinct roles: the runner and the chaser.

This is another unpleasant stage of the twin flame journey, but, like the previous one, it is critical to both of your spiritual development.

What is the twin flame runner/chaser stage?

When tensions rise, either you or your twin flame will try to leave the relationship.

This could signify one of several things:

You may experience emotional withdrawal or disregard your spiritual connection.

Or, you might try to establish physical distance between the two of you, creating less time to see one other or asking for “time off”.

The runner/chaser twin flame stage can even result in a separation for several twin flames. This could span a few days, years, or even numerous lifetimes.

If you find yourself in this situation, know that you are not alone; there are numerous other twin flames experiencing the same thing. This stage, too, serves a divine purpose in your individual journey.

What is the point of the runner/chaser relationship between twin flames?

The runner/chaser dynamic occurs organically when the universe understands that you and your twin flame require distance to continue your journey together.

Some difficulties cannot be addressed concurrently. You may require the freedom to act autonomously, without relying on others or worrying about what your twin flame would think.

As a result, this is the stage in which the most healing will occur.

Because they are usually the more awakened twin flame, the “chaser” has a better time going through this phase. This will cause them enormous grief, but the “runner” may be unaware of the concept of twin flames or attempt to deny it.

Runner/Chaser Twin Flame Stage: How to Get Through It

The runner/chaser stage assists you in being more conscious of yourself and your twin flame. It all boils down to taking the time to find out what you want and need in a relationship and how to attain it.

This is critical because if you don’t take the time to think about it, you can find yourself in the same situation again. Unfortunately, many twin flame relationships suffer as a result of this.

So here’s what you need to remember:

To genuinely go forward, whether you’re the runner or the chaser, you must work through all of the challenges and prior traumas that stand in your way.

7) Surrendering

Things begin to quiet down again during the second to last twin flame stage. This occurs through a process known as surrender.

What it’s like to surrender to a twin flame

Once you’ve successfully healed and grown from your past traumas, you’ll be able to let go of all the anguish that was keeping you from moving on.

If you’ve been in turmoil for a long time, this will seem like a huge relief as the weight you’ve been carrying begins to lift. Things will begin to make sense in ways they never have before, and you will be able to see the route ahead of you with more clarity.

You’ll have embraced and understood your twin flame’s differences. You are no longer at odds with your nature or your relationship.

The surrender twin flame stage’s purpose

Several fantastic things occur when you reach the twin flame surrender stage.

Your ego melts away, your vibrations align, and your soul expands to include both half of the twin flames. This allows for the most profound healing to occur, allowing for incredible growth and spiritual development.

This is your opportunity to recast your roles in each other’s life as healing rather than conflictive or contentious.

Twin Flame Surrender: How to Do It

You must go through a letting go process during the twin flame surrender stage.

This means you should begin to let go of your twin flame’s expectations and opinions. Stop attempting to control the situation or telling your twin flame what to do or how to feel.

Instead, take a step back and allow both of you to be immersed in your own soul’s journey.

When you give yourselves this freedom, your spirits will naturally align.

8) Reunion and unity.

It is at the end of the twin flame stage that everything comes together. The twin souls merge into one, creating an inseparable bond. The ego relaxes and virtues such as forgiveness, understanding, empathy, and patience are learned, leading to a sense of “Oneness,” or ego death.

How soon will the twin flames reunite?

The twin flame reunion happens when your traumas are healed, your souls are in vibrational alignment, and your relationship’s issues dissolve away.

The two twin flames will merge into one as you enter the soul reunion.

In some ways, it’s like coming home — both to each other and to yourself.

You’ll discover that your connection is stronger than ever. You’ll feel as though you’re living out a dream.

Your twin flame journey has reached its last stage. It’s finally time to start living the life your spirit has been longing for.

Reunion of twin flames: its purpose

This stage encapsulates the essence of the twin flame journey. There will be some walls to break down and difficulties to conquer along the way, but twin flame relationships are not supposed to be conflictive and traumatic.

In the end, why would twin flames exist if they were not destined to be together?

You’ll be able to fully open your soul to both yourself and your mirror soul, with self-love and understanding, once you reach this stage.

You’ll completely understand that your twin flame is here for a reason – to assist you in continuing to grow and expand.

What follows your twin flame reunion?

So, what comes next? That is absolutely up to you and your twin flame. The way is clear for you to realize your divine destiny. With no ego in the way, you’ll be able to channel your combined strength and accomplish your ultimate mission as twin flames.

However, this can be difficult to figure out on your own – I know I battled more than I could have expected!

That is, until I spoke with a Kasamba specialist advisor.

My greatest regret is that I did not do this sooner. I could have saved myself years of trial and error, as well as horrible blunders that nearly cost me my relationship!

But, happily, with the assistance of Kasamba, I was able to figure it out in time. They were not only precise in their reading, but they were also polite and sensitive of my circumstances.

If you’re wondering what your purpose is in the twin flame relationship, contact them as well and take control of your destiny. I did it, and I’ve never looked back.

To receive your own professional reading, click here.

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