Why twin flame runners deny their feelings? 8 hidden reasons (what to do)

The twin flame runner denial stage
The twin flame runner denial stage
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It can be extremely painful when your twin flame runner denies his/her feelings. Being rejected by a twin flame can have a profound impact on you and elicit a wide range of negative emotions.

A twin flame relationship is never easy. Even if you are already aware of this, the experience can be extremely difficult to navigate.

Your twin flame runner is completely in charge of some things. It can be difficult to accept that fact and give them space. You have no control over your partner’s path.

However, there are a few things you can do to make this experience more bearable for you. While you can’t change the steps themselves, you can control the intensity with which they affect you.

As I’m here to help you out, here are the top 8 reasons your twin flame denies their feelings for you and what this stage denies means in your mirror soul journey:

1) Your twin flame is fears hurting you.

Your twin flame may deny their feelings for you because they are afraid of hurting you.

Twin flames frequently deny their feelings for one another for this reason.

They know what it’s like to be with you. Being close to you, kissing you, and holding you are all familiar feelings to them.

There is no one or anything they would like to take away these feelings from you. They are addicted to them.

Your twin flame may have been hurt in the past as a result of a relationship, and they do not want to go through it again.

They may be afraid that if they give in to their feelings for you, they will lose control and ruin your relationship forever.

If your twin flame denies their feelings for this reason, let them know that it is OK – very OK – if they are afraid of hurting you or losing control of themselves due to the intensity of their feelings for you.

Let your twin flame know that this does not have to be frightening; in fact, the opposite is true: by allowing yourself to feel these emotions without fear of losing control or hurting others around you, you will gain more control over yourself and become happier in the process!

2) Your twin flame is currently in love with someone else.

This is another partner with whom your twin flame may be in love but is not currently in a relationship.

Your twin flame may be in love with a soul mate or another person with whom they are or are not in a relationship.

They may deny their feelings for you out of fear of hurting you. They may be in love with someone else and are unwilling to end their current relationship.

The thing is, twin flames frequently cross paths under the most unlikely of circumstances.

If your twin flame is still in love with someone else when you meet them, it is time for you to take a step back and give them space and time to get over that person.

Your twin flame will eventually come to the same conclusion as you: they are in love with you, not with the person they are currently in a relationship with or the person they are in love with.

If your twin flame denies their feelings for you for this reason, it’s important to understand that there’s no need to be jealous or angry.

Even if your twin flame is currently in a relationship, this does not mean that they are completely devoted to their partner and have no desire to see you.

It simply means that another person has captured their heart before you, but there is now room in their hearts for two people instead of one.

They will eventually come around once they realize how much they enjoy being around you and how wonderful it feels to be in love with you.

My twin flame and I experienced this.

To be honest, I was devastated.

My friend suggested I see a psychic because I was so depressed.

I honestly didn’t want to; it seemed like a waste of my time, but I decided to give it a shot anyway.

What happened next was quite unexpected.

You see, I went to Kasamba for my reading, a website that connects you with a gifted advisor.

They knew every detail of our relationship, and what they had to say about my twin flame was incredible!

And the best part? They told me what was going on inside my twin flame’s head and how long it would take for them to change their mind.

Needless to say, this reading gave me hope and understanding into why my twin flame chose to deny their feelings for me!

If you’re still wondering, I can only recommend speaking with a gifted advisor about it. My life was transformed by it!

Get your own love reading by clicking here.

3) They’re not ready for a relationship yet.

That’s correct. Even if your twin flame feels an incredible, fiery connection with you, they may not be ready for a relationship.

When we first meet our twin flame, it may be difficult to control our impulsive feelings.

In fact, we might feel compelled to enter into a relationship right away. Our twin flame might be scared away if we do this.

Hitting on someone you don’t know well can be frightening, and your twin flame may not be ready for a serious relationship just yet.

Your twin flame might want to get to know you better first.

If so, be patient and allow them to take their time. They will notify you when they are finished.

If your twin flame is not ready for a relationship, they may deny their feelings to protect you.

Because, if they are unfamiliar with the concept of twin flames, this will all seem a little crazy to them. They will feel overwhelmed and may not want a relationship at this time.

If your twin flame is not ready for a relationship, they may deny their feelings in order to keep you out of that situation.

The best thing you can do in this situation is give them time and space.

Tell them you want to be friends and that when they are ready for something more serious, they can let you know.

I understand how difficult this is, especially if you have strong feelings for your twin flame.

But believe me when I say that if your twin flame is not ready for a relationship, they will tell you, and you will be better off giving them some time and space.

4) Your twin flame thinks it’s too early to commit to just one person.

Your twin flame might not be ready to commit to just one person just yet.

They might want to go out and meet new people. If this is the case, they may deny their feelings for you in an effort to give you and themselves more freedom.

They may want to date other people and may not be ready to commit to just one person.

You will know when you are ready to commit. Your twin flame will feel the same way. Don’t force it.

The problem is that your twin may need a little more time to figure things out before they can fully commit to you.

5) They’re still “digesting” their past.

Your twin flame may be trying to make sense of their past and childhood.

They may have been subjected to trauma or abuse and are now stuck in this traumatic experience. Because they are not yet prepared to face it, your twin flame may not be ready to leave this experience.

As a result, they may deny their feelings for you.

If your twin flame is still dealing with their traumas from the past, they may not want to be in a relationship because it will bring up memories of their traumatic experiences.

They may not be ready to fully commit to you because they are unwilling to confront their issues.

You see, it’s difficult to be in a relationship when someone is still working through their past. When you’re stuck in your past, it’s difficult to be fully present with someone.

If your twin flame is denying their feelings for you because they are still processing their past, they will be ready when they can confront their traumatic experiences.

They may require professional assistance or support to get through this.

If you are concerned about your twin flame, contact them and let them know you are available to them if they require anything.

In the mean time, give them space and be patient. You can offer to be there for them if they ever need to talk about what they’re learning about themselves.

6) There are some lessons you have to learn before you can be together

You may initially deny your feelings for your twin flame if you and your twin flame are very different or have different life lessons to learn.

Your twin flame might be ready to start a relationship with you, but you might not be.

It may be that you must complete a certain lesson before you can commit to a relationship.

If this is the case, your twin flame may deny their feelings for you in an effort to keep you from rushing into a relationship with them without learning your lesson.

Don’t worry if this is the reason your twin flame is trying to deny their feelings for you.

There is a reason they deny their feelings, and you will figure it out soon enough!

Nothing will stand in your way of being together once you’ve both learned your lessons!

7) Twin flame is afraid of the intensity of their feelings.

Your twin flame may be terrified of the intensity of their feelings for you. They might adore you so much that they’re unsure how to deal with the feelings.

If this is the reason your twin flame is trying to deny their feelings for you, they will be ready when they are at ease with the intensity of their feelings for you.

The love of a twin flame is unlike anything they have ever known. It can be overwhelming and frightening at times.

If your twin flame is denying their feelings because they are afraid of the intensity, tell them you can handle it and are not afraid of it.

You could even reassure them by saying something like, “I am not afraid of the intensity of our relationship. I know I can handle it because I love you so much that I feel safe with the intensity.”

However, give them some time to adjust.

8) They feel like they don’t deserve you

Your twin flame may feel so unworthy of your love that they are unwilling to commit to you.

They may believe they are not good enough for you or do not deserve you.

If this is the reason your twin flame is denying their feelings, they will feel worthy of your love when they are ready to commit.

You see, your twin flame won’t be ready to commit until they heal the wound of feeling inadequate.

They will not believe they are worthy of your love because they do not believe they are good enough for you.

This is a soul wound, so it will take time and healing to heal.

If your twin flame is denying their feelings because they believe they are unworthy of you, simply tell them that you believe in them and love them unconditionally.

You must, however, give them time to figure things out. A relationship where one partner feels unworthy is typically very unhealthy.

You may also like: Getting Your Twin Flame Back: How To Reunite in 6 Steps

Pro tip:

They may see you as something to be scared of.

Because you represent something that scares them, your twin flame may deny their feelings for you.

Your twin flame may be afraid of your future together because they are unsure how it will affect their life.

Your twin flame may be ready to commit to you but fearful of the consequences. You could represent a new direction in life that they are not yet prepared to take.

In that case, there is nothing you can do but wait for them to come around.

You see, other than waiting, there is nothing in this situation that will help you right now. You’ll be fine if you give them some time.

Conclusion: The twin flame feelings denial stage

These are the eight main reasons why a twin flame will deny their feelings for you.

Now that you know what’s going on, you can move on with confidence, knowing that everything is working out for the best.

Soon, your twin flame will be ready to commit to you and will no longer deny their feelings. You simply must be patient and allow things to unfold in their own time.

The main point,

If you take nothing else away from this (and I strongly advise you to fully comprehend your journey and what is going on), understand that they are not truly rejecting you.

Twin flame separation is required, and what appears to be rejection is actually them attempting to assist both of you in your journey to union.

I hope you enjoyed and found this article useful. I had fun writing it, and I hope it helps at least one other person who is going through the same thing!

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