Twin flame runners: their perspective (what are they thinking?)

The twin flame runner perspective
The twin flame runner perspective
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It is important for you to understand the perspective of twin flame runners. When you are separated from your twin, it is easy to get frustrated or to blame him or her.

A twin flame journey leads to the strong, high-frequency connection of unconditional love known as union through self-love, growth, and ascension. 

It can become rather daunting or even exhausting because it is a path that requires enormous commitment, first and foremost, to work on your shadows and yourself in order to rise. That is how the runner effect occurs.

When you’re in a runner situation, you could question if they love their partner or not, and how they’re feeling. The truth is that these spiritual counterparts will always be in love.

However, depending on when a twin flame becomes a runner on the path to union, they may be running because they are anxious, overwhelmed, or rejecting their ascension.

Twin flame connections will test you to your core, allowing you to see who you truly are. When you or your twin flame exhibit a lack of self-love, it can be painfully visible and difficult to live with.

Says Andy Force, founder and editor of Sons Of Universe.

A Twin Flame Runner: What Is It?

Runners are twin flames who either evade the journey entirely or stop it somewhere along the road.

Some people don’t consider avoiders to be runners, but I do – they’re merely getting a head start on the running process.

In the dynamic, the other twin flame becomes the so-called chaser, performing the work and doing their best to move forward on the path to union.

There is often a misunderstood dynamic between runners and chasers because the journey is often filled with roller-coaster feelings and energy.

In most cases, twin flames who are separated are pursuing separate paths while the other is pursuing union paths.

When viewed in that light, the runner appears to be running away from their twin, whereas the chaser appears to be pursuing their twin. That’s not the best perspective on this scenario, though.

The Dynamic between the Runner and Chaser

During these intense and emotionally charged times, it’s easy to take it personally, but in reality, the runner isn’t running from their twin – rather, they’re running from themselves and the work they have to do, aspects triggered by the twin’s energetic presence. 

From the perspective of the twin flame runners, it’s simply too much.

I’ll underline it since it’s crucial: the runner is not running away from their twin!

Their goal is to avoid the work they know or feel they’ll have to do, and they may be doing that for a variety of reasons related to their personal, emotional, and spiritual growth.

Being the runner is a reflection of oneself, not of the nature of the interaction or of the other twin. It indicates vulnerability, a lack of confidence or faith in their own abilities, and an inability or unwillingness to advance on their own. It’s a spiritual cry for assistance.

As a result, the energy you should be sending to your runner twin flame as a twin so-called chaser is one of support, limitless patience, and unconditional love.

That is what can help them, and it is also what can aid you on your path to ascension. Any resentments, grief, or guilt are merely shadows that must be addressed and resolved.

How much does the Twin Flame Runner love the Chaser?

During the separation phase, it may be difficult for you to sense or realize how much your twin flame loves you.

There is no way they can not love you, as their soul will always be bonded to yours. Unfortunately, what you perceive as a lack of love is actually a lack of love for themselves.

In flame bonds, there is no off button and no way to end the energy connection. 

When two twin flames merge, they become part of the same higher consciousness, a higher dimension of sacred love.

Depending on the particulars of each twin flame’s karmic circumstances and specific details, that bond of high vibe love may be buried deep down in their consciousness or more apparent. 

If one twin appears to be lacking in love, the underlying truth is that they have not yet reached the degree of development that gives them conscious understanding of their spiritual truths.

What the feelings of a Twin Flame Runner?

Twin flame dynamics can often be frustrating, confusing, and highly triggering due to their complexity and intensity. 

Part of this is what sparks the self-development process that eventually leads to ascension and oneness.

The sheer complexity and volume of self-work required can sometimes ignite one of the flames to the point where they become a runner.

It can happen before or after they initiate physical contact with their counterpart, either before or after they start dating.

Regardless matter when a twin decides to become a runner, they are experiencing the same emotions.

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Feeling overburdened

This is not a holy soul tie for the faint of heart. It asks a lot of both twins, and while it also offers a lot, some twins aren’t yet ready to receive or give quite that much or at that time.

The reality of this trip are far more intense than anything we encounter in any other relationship as part of our human existence.

It’s quite easy to become overwhelmed, perhaps even more so for the runner.

It’s important to remember that they’re dealing with the same level of intensity as any other soul, plus the added stress of choosing to separate themselves from their counterparts in order to feel less overwhelmed. 

Surprisingly, feeling overwhelmed triggers behaviors that make individuals feel even more stressed.

“Your twin flame runner is running from themselves and your connection, and they will keep running until they no longer feel the need to run.”

According to relationship astrologer Anna Kovach.

She goes on to say that the runner will most likely do all in their ability to get as far away from you as possible.

I understand how disheartening and upsetting this is to hear, especially if you are the chaser in your twin flame relationship.

However, the situation is not as dramatic as it appears. Regardless of what they do, your twin flame will always be your twin flame until they experience waking.

Are you in love with a male twin flame? Here is a trusted psychic resource I recommend.

Male twin flames are typically less spiritually mature than female twin flames.


Twin flames often struggle with anxiety before and after discovering they are twin flames. Their twin’s energy is sometimes felt in their own energetic field, which triggers it.

Other times, it’s triggered by the counterpart’s absence, even if they decided to run.

When a person is aware of their twin flame’s energy but hasn’t yet realized that they are on a twin flame journey, they might feel haunted by it. Watching it in movies or TV is fun, but experiencing it personally can be terrifying. 

It takes time and development to realize what kind of energetic presence it is and that it’s all about love and support rather than terrifying stuff.

Some people become worried because they have an overpowering desire to unionize with their twin or to be as near to them as possible.

It brings up commitment phobias or emotional issues that they are coping with at that point in their human journey.

To others, the need to enter into union is so powerful that it causes worry in and of itself; hence, putting distance between themselves and their twin may appear to alleviate that strain while really increasing it.


The runner is sometimes hesitant or unable to complete the effort required along this sacred path.

It’s understandable to a point since it’s a lot to take on, and it’s not always their intentional choice from the start.

However, resistance is still another darkness that must be dealt with.

It merely serves to prolong the gloomy stage of the journey, delaying the growth and harmony of progress toward ascension and unity.

Because the soul tie is unbreakable, resistance is yet another dimension of the shadow of self-sabotage.

Just bear in mind: they are not attempting to hurt you.

Your twin flame is not spiritually mature enough to comprehend your union and enter into a relationship with you.

Their ego is still getting in the way of their spiritual development. That’s why you might think they’re intentionally injuring you.

The reaction of your mirror soul stems from his or her deepest anxieties. It’s not a reaction to anything specific you did.

They didn’t run away out of revenge, even though you may have brought up issues they couldn’t handle.

A chaser must practice unconditional love and forgiveness when dealing with a situation like this.

When faced with a circumstance like this, the chaser must forgive the runner and practice unconditional love.

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Final thoughts

From the perspective of twin flame runners, this journey may appear to be far too difficult to take on or continue with.

Many shadows appear as part of the journey, and dealing with them requires a significant amount of time, energy, and work.

Some people can do it more easily and/or quickly, while others panic and apply the brakes or try to swerve around the entire thing from the start.

The reality is that this relationship is simply there, part of your human experience whether you like it or not at various periods in time.

You can’t feel and enjoy the endless blessings and harmony of this relationship until you perform the work of self-development and growth.

While it may seem scary, swerving by it or braking to avoid it is way scarier. It is true that you have free will, and when you exercise it, it manifests as such and triggers consequences as such.

You are not obligated to actively pursue the path you were born on, but it is in your best interest to live in the harmony and happiness of the high frequencies it provides you with.

However, in order to properly comprehend it, you must have completed sufficient work to realize the truth.

What would a gifted counsellor say about your twin flame?

Issues related to love and dating can be confusing at the best of times, especially as your situation is unique to you

So, may receiving some outside advice be beneficial?

It’s safe to say there are plenty of fraudsters out there, waiting for the right moment to take advantage.

However, after a particularly difficult split, I discovered that communicating with a Psychic Source guide was quite beneficial.

My advisor was courteous, understanding, and smart.

During a hard and confusing moment, my love reading provided the guidance I was looking for (and needed).

Here’s another link to Psychic Source.

A great advisor can not only tell you more about your twin flame’s feelings, but they can also expose all of your love possibilities.

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