What Makes Him Fall in Love: The 8 Essential Needs Men Have

Signals He' Falling in Love
Signals He' Falling in Love

Do you ever wonder what makes a man fall in love? 

Maybe you’ve never really understood the male mind? 

Or been asking yourself things like: 

What will make a man want to marry me? …How do I make him crazy about me? …and so forth…

Point is, now that you’ve just met an amazing guy, you’d really like to know what makes them fall for a woman…

Then you’ve come to the right place… 

Here is your ultimate guide to what it takes for a man to fall in love with a woman (and to chase her). 

Nevertheless, I need to tell you a story before we begin. 

A few years ago, my dating life was incredibly frustrating.

Despite my ability to attract men, I had no idea how to keep them. They would get bored after a few weeks and leave – and I had no idea why. 

There seemed to be no end to this.

Then I read about a little-known aspect of male psychology called ‘Hero’s Instinct’ and everything changed. 

Most men seem to experience this psychological trigger – and it may have a huge impact on how they see the women in their lives.

An individual’s ability to trigger this tick can determine whether they are regarded as a friend or as an obsession. This article I wrote explains how it helped turn my love life around. 

Yet so few people seem to be aware of it, and yet the ‘Hero’s Instinct’ is so powerful and consistent. This is crazy.  

You should read the story of how I discovered the ‘Hero’s Instinct’ if you’re wondering how to make men really care about you. 

Below you’ll find 8 further ideas on how to make a guy fall in love.

1. Acceptance and appreciation are important for men

Top of the list should be this factor. Although men won’t tell you, they need to feel appreciated and accepted for who they are. He doesn’t want to be treated like a project you are working on, or as a problem you have to solve.

They want to feel appreciated just for being themselves. When you try to change a man, his emotional barriers will become so high that it will become impossible to reach him. All you need to do is accept him as he is.

Men rarely share glimpses of their inner selves with their partners, so when they do, they feel vulnerable – so it is important to make them feel accepted and appreciated. For a man, it is pure magic if a woman makes him feel high and admired when he does this. As a result, his heart will have made such a deep connection with yours, that it can only be amplified from thereon. 

Authentic appreciation makes a man feel valued and warm inside as well. A simple thank you or a nice text from you telling him that his latest business venture is inspiring can trigger the feeling of appreciation in men. Appreciation is what men thrive off, and if they feel appreciated, they will be attracted to you. 

“Men also deserve to be spoiled, told they are handsome and appreciated for their efforts, as well as feeling secure. If he treats you like a Queen, treat him like a King.”

2. A man needs to feel like he makes you happy

This point may sound simple. All people want to make others happy, especially within a relationship – that is the common goal. However, for men, this is more of a need than a want. They need to be able to see that you are genuinely touched by the kind words they say or funny things they do. When they feel like they can turn your bad day into a good one just by a quick hug or phone call, they will love that.

It’s obvious that if someone wants to make you happy, it’s a definite sign that they are in love with you. Nevertheless, it strengthens the attachment if a woman outwardly expresses how happy she feels when a man makes her happy or praises how much he makes her happy. “By doing that, you made me a very happy woman, thank you for turning my day around by doing that”, it is almost like stroking a man’s ego, in the nicest way possible. 

However, men are not mind readers, and if you make hints about how you want them to make you happy or if you get upset when they don’t follow your wishes, they will be annoyed. Men dislike being expected to do things. So, the simple advice for women is to not set expectations for men. Expectations are always going to fall short. 

Men are very different from your girlfriends, who may be able to pick up on any emotion you feel after only a few seconds. Men like to communicate clearly. Talk to them. Tell them what makes you happy. 

They need to know they’re doing an outstanding job making you happy. In their eyes, if they bring you joy in life, then they should stick around and see where the relationship goes.

The truth is, men need to feel appreciated. To be the person you want to spend time with, they must feel good about themselves in the relationship. They want to make us happy, but they need help doing that because we are mysteries to them, as you now know.

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3. A woman who is open to love attracts men.

In spite of society’s attempts to teach us that falling in love is a game, men want to devote time to a woman who’s open to it. Man will quickly lose interest in a woman who is resistant to being loved.

If he is repeatedly shut down, he won’t be able to open up or show love. As a result, he will feel rejected and confused, ultimately leading to him removing himself from the situation and ending the relationship.

Men prefer to be with someone who values organic love, rather than someone who plays games or manipulates them. If you haven’t learned that by now, get to know fast that mind games are bad for everyone involved. People want genuine relationships.

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What Men Need to Fall in Love
What Men Need to Fall in Love

Women who know what they want in love and how they can be loved to the fullest extent of their ability are also highly attractive to men. When a man finds a woman who shares the same viewpoint as him, they can also experience the rollercoaster of falling in love together.

With no fear of the other being closed off to love, they can explore things together, learn more about each other, and discover their true selves together. Both parties are happy with where they’ll end up, so there are no complications, and there is a new sense of freedom and hope in a relationship.

“When a man falls in love, it’s often because he feels comfortable being open and vulnerable with someone. Human beings need each other to let the walls down around them in order to experience any emotion including love.”

Elizabeth Bayonne, Dating Coach

4. Men want to feel like men. In essence, they appreciate women who embrace their femininity.

No worries, ladies. No, I’m not going to tell you to live like a 1960s housewife! You can still be an independent woman while still oozing feminine charm. In truth, men desire to feel like protectors, like ‘macho men’ and like they stand up for their women. Men are biologically inclined to help, provide, and fix.

When women ask for the advice and support of men, men are endeared to them. Therefore, if you need something fixed around the house, don’t hesitate to ask him. If you have any problems in your life, don’t hesitate to ask him. These simple gestures will make him feel on top of the world, and invite him further into your life, is essential for a lasting relationship. Men thrive on being helpful and showing off their skills.

While men love an independent, badass woman who can accomplish anything they put their minds to (Read on down below), they do also need to feel like ‘the man’ sometimes. Men might not feel as masculine as they would like to if a woman does everything herself. Then my dear, even though you’re independent and able to do things for yourself, you’ll want to take a step back so that he feels like the man. 

The act of chivalry is also something that many men enjoy. 

Sometimes men like to be able to hold doors open and carry women’s bags. This doesn’t mean you couldn’t take the bag, or he thinks you’re too weak to, it just means that chivalry is still alive, and men like to be chivalrous. It just make a a man feel thrilled to be a gentleman and treat you like a lady.

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5. Men need to experience sexual chemistry.

There is no question that both men and women need this. We all want and need good sexual chemistry with our partners.

When men see that you’re confident in your sexuality and that you’re ready to enjoy sex, they will flourish. Men will feel comfortable sharing their fantasies and wants with you if they feel that you are confident with sex.

Sexual intimacy is essential to maintaining the emotional bond between two people. In other words, it’s crucial that both partners feel sexually confident in themselves, so that they can continue to explore their sexual style together.

It is unlikely that men will fall in love with someone they think lacks confidence in their sexuality. Even if you don’t engage in sexual activities together or you’re saving yourself for marriage, men will still be able to sense your sexual energy.

Therefore, the best advice for men and women would be to explore themselves, make sure they are sexually satisfied on their own, and then when both people become sexually engaged – sparks will fly.

“Sex is more than pleasure: it is the feeling of being so close to someone, feeling so comfortable, that it’s almost almost breathtaking to the point that you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment, you are a part of them.”

6. Inspiring a man is a game-changer

Ideally, men want to feel that they inspire you, and if they feel that they are helping you to live fully and follow your passions, then they will feel on top of the world. They feel joy if they can help you in any way.

Things are different, however, when a woman inspires a man – it’s a game-changer. It’s like nothing else he’s ever experienced. He will also be set ablaze if he sees his woman kill whatever she puts her mind to.

A woman’s inspiration will open his eyes. As long as she is there to support him, he will feel empowered and ready to take on all of life’s new opportunities. When a man feels that the relationship is mutually inspiring, the relationship will progress to a new level. In an ideal relationship, two people should bring out the best in each other, so if a man can feel this happening, he will keep that woman, and they will grow together in life and love. 

Couples who feel mutually inspired will always push each other and driving forwards together to be the best they can be.

This is a very attractive sight – very attractive indeed. Knowing that someone has sparked a fire in your soul to be able to work hard and inspire you to reach for your dreams, you are in total adoration for that person. 

Couple in love
Couple in love

7. Men want a woman with faith in the relationship.

He needs to know that the woman has faith after he surrenders himself and opens his heart to her. Faith is not only about him as a person, but also about the relationship as a whole. If both people believe in a relationship, it will grow from strength to strength. Faith is unexplainable, and it doesn’t have much reason behind it. 

Faith is an essential component of a successful relationship. It is important that both partners believe that their love will flourish and endure for whatever reasons.

The first thing a man does if he notices that his partner is showing any doubt in the relationship is to shut her down. He will start to question the relationship and doubt will enter his mind as well.

He will now feel as if their relationship is not a safe place for him to express himself and his emotions because it might not last because of the uncertainty of his partner. As I mentioned earlier, men need to feel that a relationship is their safe zone, a place where they can show their vulnerability.

The safe area has crumbled when doubt creeps into a man’s mind. The once blossoming relationship will wilt as worry sets in. This doubt will eventually lead to the breakdown of the relationship if not adequately discussed and resolved.

Consequently, preventing the man from falling in love.

Also, learn about the hero instinct 12-word text and its surprising impact in awakening a man’s primal desire.

8. Men seek long-term compatibility

Man must see a future in order to fall in love. If they share common interests and similar life aspirations with a woman, then they begin to imagine what could happen. Almost no one ‘lives in the moment’. We are always looking to the future, especially in relationships. 

There must be a possibility of a future for them. Otherwise, they will not be able to open up to each other. When a man does not see a future with a woman, he will not invest in the relationship.

As long as both people have similar interests, the man will feel excited because he can share his knowledge and someone who is genuinely interested in the subjects will listen. Additionally, the pair will be able to do similar activities and make memories doing things they both enjoy.

A similar outlook is also essential in terms of life aspirations. For instance, when he wants to buy a house and live at home, it might be hard for a man to imagine a long-term relationship with a woman who wants to travel full time.

It is important to note that I am not saying that compromising doesn’t work, but initially it is much easier for a man to fall in love if he can see that the woman shares the same vision as him.It is true that life aspirations change over time as well. It is much more likely for the couple to succeed in the relationship if they can organically grow together.

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A couple precious notes:

When women are themselves, men fall in love with them

This is one of the most important points. 

Although it might sound super cliché, men are attracted to real women, the whole package. 

In terms of lust, men might not look for the most authentic woman, but in terms of falling in love, they do. 

A façade does not make a man fall in love. He falls in love with the full package of a real woman. How do you define a ‘real’ woman? One who is confident in living their life with no regrets, one who understands themselves and what they want, and one who is themselves. Independent women also attract men. Knowing who you are and what you want is sexy to men. 

If a man can see a woman’s passion for life, he will feel not only respect for her but desire for her as well. The truly fantastic event of falling in love occurs when both her passion and his passion for life align.

If you want to build a lasting relationship with anyone, sexual or not, you need to understand and connect with them on a deeper level. The more a woman shows a man that she is real and vulnerable, the more he will open up and share that vulnerability with her. 

She must share the ‘bad’ as well as the good parts of herself. Men need to see that she is human.

In addition, men are more attracted to those who are able to express themselves openly. Your openness and ability to share with him will make him feel like he can share with you, and you may be able to help him with his feelings. Since women are usually the emotional leaders in a relationship, it is important for men to feel that the woman they are falling for is capable of sharing her feelings and expressing them correctly.

When a woman shows her true self, a safe space for love to blossom opens up. It shows him that it is okay to be himself since the woman is doing the same.

This builds trust and confidence in the relationship, which ultimately leads to falling in love. A woman will stand out before everyone to a man once he has experienced such a deep, core connection with her.

By tearing down the boundaries of vulnerability and self-preservation, two independent and self-aware people can come together to create trust and love.

Some things just can’t be explained.

Why things work as they do can sometimes be difficult to explain. Sometimes, love sprouts between two people who connect, and we are all human. When they fall in love, men fall head over heels (even if they try to hide their feelings). The relationship can just take off if two people meet and feel good energy between them. If two people are meant to be together, they will be.

In contrast, even when everything goes right and every box is checked, love between two people isn’t always blossoming. You might have everything lined up between you two, but your souls might not be ready to be together. Don’t let that discourage you. Some people just aren’t meant to be together, and there’s someone out there for everyone.

When the right person comes along, you will know. No matter what outside influences may affect you, falling in love with the one will be effortless and magical. It’s sometimes hard to explain. 

I believe that love has an unexplainable force that is more powerful than anything else. If you are lucky enough to have found it, it will scare you, keep you awake, but also give you peace and let you rest at the same time.

Here’s a little more about what men need to be able to fall in love. In this video you will find out the 7 needs men have to fall in love with you by the amazing Mathew Boggs (Best-Selling Author, Relationship and Dating Coach).

Needs Men Have to Fall In Love

Final words

I hope I was able to deconstruct and explain some of the factors that make men fall in love. I was inspired to write this because I think it is vital to not only speak about women’s feelings and passions but also to educate ourselves about a man’s romantic mind. Otherwise, how are we supposed to be informed and understand the processes that happen to us when we are involved with men?

As the saying goes, ‘Men are from Mars and women are from Venus’. Venus is great, but shouldn’t we also learn about Mars’ inner workings?

What do you think? Did this list help you to understand a little more about how men fall in love? If it did and you enjoyed it, please tell us in the comments and share it with anyone you think should know about it.

Please share your personal experiences with men falling in love, or other factors you think make men fall in love, with us. 

We’d love to hear from any male readers on this topic too, of course.

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