How Numbers Can Change Your Life if You Know Their Meaning. An Insider Guide to Numerology

What numbers mean
What numbers mean

Are you familiar with Numerology? Do you often see repeating numbers throughout your day? What is their meaning? are they trying to tell you something? Have you found yourself drawn to particular numbers?

Perhaps you’d like to learn more about numerology and the best number for you, or perhaps you don’t really know what numerology is…

My goal today is to cover what numerology is, what its history is, how it’s calculated, and some interesting facts about it.

What Is Numerology?

Simply put, it’s the study of numbers in your life. By using Numerology, you can learn about the world and about each individual.

The language of numbers is seen as being universal.

There are so many different types of Numerology that you may not know where to begin; however, if you are familiar with Astrology, then you will have some familiarity with Numerology since it’s similar to it in a lot of ways but uses a different method to get insights: Numbers.

Numerology refers to the idea that the universe is made up of many systems, and once they are broken down we are left with numbers as the basic elements.

In turn, these numbers can be used to gain a better understanding of the world and ourselves as individuals.

Decoding the Meaning of Numbers

The idea of numerology is that the universe is a system, and once it is broken down into its basic components, we are left with numbers.

A numerologist understands that everything in the world is based on, and can be equated to, numbers, and can break multiple aspects of a person down into meaningful numbers through various methods.

We can then use the meaning of numbers to better understand the world and ourselves as individuals by analyzing things such as your life path number, expression number, and heart’s desire number, among many others.

Numerology and its History

Numerology has a mysterious origin, like many ancient philosophies. The earliest known records of numerology are said to be from Egypt and Babylon. There is evidence that numerology was used thousands of years ago in Rome, China, Greece, and Japan.

The Greek philosopher Pythagoras is normally credited with the invention of modern numerology.

Though he did not invent Numerology, he had theories behind it, which took numbers to a whole new level. As a result of these theories, Pythagoras has been credited with modern-day numerology.

The name Numerology was actually coined by Dr. Julian Stenton. He also brought it to modern-day society’s attention.

The whereabouts of Numerology are unknown, but it is very popular in the modern world and is used by many people.

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Are You Wondering How Numerology Works?

It is actually quite complex how Numerology works, and to provide a detailed and accurate reading, it is usually a task for a master numerologist.

While you can easily calculate your life path number and things like your expression, personality, and soul urge numbers, the key is in understanding how they all work together.

In numerology, the idea is that numerology is a way of measuring the cosmos and your life based on your birth name, birth date, and other factors.

There are many depths to a numerology forecast in this respect. As a result, it can often provide surprising insight about someone.

There is a belief that there are no coincidences in the Universe, so that your name and birthday affect the journey you will take and your characteristics, just as some look towards astrology or horoscopes to interpret signs and destinies.

What A Numerology Reading Involves

There is a lot of math involved in a numerology reading. With different numbers and combinations of numbers carrying different meanings, these calculations can go into many layers of depth.

Even a simple reading based on your core numbers can be quite insightful.

Due to the infinite nature of numbers, the numerology chart of someone can continue to be read from many perspectives as an ongoing project.

Beginners will find this to be an excellent introduction, and those who want a more in-depth exploration will also find it helpful.

In addition to telling you about yourself using your name and date of birth, your free numerology chart will also help to provide direction to your life and well-being based on a combination of your life path number, birthday number, soul urge number, expression number, and personality number.

What day were you born? The Universe is trying to tell you something. Discover your Numbers and decode your true purpose in life, get your free personalized reading report now

Your Life Path Number in Numerology

This number is one of the most significant in Numerology. It determines the direction your life will take.

In the same way, it should reflect who you are or should be in terms of your personality and traits.

As well as outlining any opportunities you may have or challenges you may face, a life path number outlines any lessons you may learn along the way.

There is a different meaning for every life path number. The number is calculated by adding up the numbers in your full date of birth.

For instance, April 4th 1992, would be 4 + 4 = 8. Then the 1992 is broken down as 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 21. Then, add the two digits of 21 altogether, like 2 + 1 = 3.

It works the same way with double-digit numbers, which you should add together until you get a one-digit number.

For example: 19 turns into 1 + 9 = 10, then 1 + 0 = 1). In the end, add the 8 and 3 together for your life path number i.e. 8 + 3 = 11.

Does that sound complicated? In fact, it’s quite easy.

As soon as you determine your life plan number, you can find out what it says about you and your life. You’d be surprised at how accurate just knowing your life path number’s general traits can be. Consequently, many go on to further explore themselves with more in-depth readings.

Your Expression Number (or Destiny Number)

The expression number, also known as your destiny number, sheds some light on your abilities, desires, and goals. You may also learn about any inherent traits you possess.

A Pythagorean chart is used to convert your FULL birth name (including any middle names) into numbers.

A letter is correlated with a single-digit number on this type of chart. The total sum is then broken down into single-digit numbers. In the case of your destiny number, the master numbers apply again and are not reduced.

No matter what expression number you are left with, it will work together with other core numbers to build a picture of who you are as a person and what you’re about in the wider universe.

Your “Soul Urge” Number

Numerology often refers to your soul urge number as your heart’s desire number. You can think of this as a reflection of your inner self.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the soul urge number is that it often reveals truths about people that they only realize after the reading is done.

As an example, your heart’s desire number may indicate a craving for power. You might need a higher level of fulfillment because you are much deeper.

You may also want to feel valued or cared for. All of these qualities are often under the surface and when revealed can be very enlightening. A person may even have to change the course of their entire life to find true happiness.

The calculation works the same way as others. However, you calculate the vowel value only if you wish to reveal your innermost desires.

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Your Personality Number in Numerology

In numerology, only the consonants of your full name are used in determining your personality number.

Next, each letter is assigned a number before being added up and broken down to get to a single-digit number.

You can think of it as the side of yourself that you permit people to see. As a result, it shows others how you see yourself. Almost all of us hide our true selves and live under a persona.

In some cases, it is done deliberately. The majority of the time, we do this without even realizing it, or even being aware of it.

Due to this, it can often be enlightening to see how your personality number shows you the things that you ignore or don’t acknowledge by the way you act. Consequently, it can reveal deeper insights into your behavior under different conditions.

Numerology & Your Birth Day Number

Last but not least, your birthday number holds the key to your destiny. This number is derived entirely from the date of your birth.

This can reveal your gifts, talents, and the purpose of your life when combined with your life path number.

Your birthday number tells you where specific talents fit into your universe, based on the day and the month of your birth. This is important for finding your true purpose.

7 Fascinating Facts About Numerology

Having realized that the numbers in your life (whether you noticed them yet or not) may have some deeper meaning than you think, here are a few interesting facts about Numerology.

1: Positive & Negative Numbers

There are both positive and negative aspects to every number used in numerology.

While each number has a balance of positives and negatives, it is important to remember that each number is influenced by a multitude of factors.

Among these factors are your outlook and other numbers relating to your career, business, health, and relationship.

To give you the best understanding of yourself, a thorough numerology forecast will not only look at the positive numbers in your chart but will also look at the negative numbers in your chart. Numerology can help people improve their lives by helping them focus.

2: Master Numbers & Numerology

In numerology, 11, 22, and 33 are master numbers. They have profound meanings. According to the context, the meanings of these numbers can be both positive and negative.

It is therefore essential to interpret master numbers correctly. Most often, they should be used to guide or reveal certain events that impact somebody’s life in a way that needs to be addressed.

Numerology readings usually require a single-digit number to be derived from double-digit numbers found in birth dates (birthday numbers).

Nevertheless, a master number is not reduced when it equals the result of a calculation and it has its own meaning.

“Instinct” and “faith” can be related to master number 11. It could also represent fear or anxiety, so it’s important to read it carefully.

22 represents the Master Builder. Despite needing guidance or new perspectives, it is a powerful indicator of ambition and success.

There are numerous meanings associated with the number 33, including personality, expression, and life path. Not to mention the fact that all of these master numbers can be combined to create entirely different meanings in partnership with others, or as a triangle of enlightenment!

3: Using Numbers to Guide Your Life

Numerology goes far beyond expressing who you are as a person or giving you insight into who you are. In fact, many high-profile celebrities have attributed their careers to numerology.

This science provides information about your obstacles. In addition, it can offer you a direction based on your position in the universe, possibly contributing to this success.

Numerology can inspire people to take a completely new direction and treat numerology as a forecast for their life, as deep and powerful feelings become apparent, which many find difficult to comprehend at first.

4: Converting To Numerology

When people take the time to look more deeply into their numerology charts, they are often blown away by some of the revelations about their deepest desires and problems in life, and continue on their path to discovery and enlightenment.

The use of numerology can reveal the truth to you once you know how accurate it is.

You will also discover what inner feelings have been trying to tell you your entire life.

5: Strengths & Weaknesses Discovery

Those who have taken numerology readings often encourage others to do so as a way to discover their true strengths and weaknesses based on the accuracy of their reading and insights they reveal.

Simply by making this discovery yourself, you can gain a better understanding of what you should and should not be doing in your life. In addition, this could help you better focus on your goals.

6: Plenty of Numbers & Meanings

While there are online tools and calculators to calculate one’s individual core numbers, it is important to realize that there are so many numbers and meanings behind combinations of numbers and your personal self that one needs a certified numerologist to interpret them.

In contrast to a birthday calculator that can give you just one number and its meaning can reveal certain core values behind your character, your life path number can offer another perspective or meaning.

It is here that numerology excels over horoscopes and other spiritual-based methods used in a similar way.

7: Numbers Matter From Birth

Numerology has the peculiar feature that the readings are all based on the time you entered the universe as a human being. When you were born. No matter how you feel about your name, or when your birthday falls, all of that has meaning.

You would never have to consider who you are and what you should do in life to make yourself happy, or important in the world if you were born knowing this and your parents were numerologists.

Embrace who you are and celebrate your birthday every year! The numbers and its factors indicate the whole reason you are here. There is never a bad time to find out.

Numerology Doesn’t Need To Be Complicated…

So, do you want to tap into the 4,000-year-old science of numerological analysis?

There is no need to grab your calculator or do any complicated sums to work out your life numbers, it can all be done for you instantly, at no cost.

Be sure to get this report whilst it is still available. It will also provide clarity on your path of purpose, validate your daily intent and guide you on what to do now.

Get your Numerology report today.

What does your report say about you?

What day were you born? The Universe is trying to tell you something. Discover your Numbers and decode your true purpose in life, get your free personalized reading report now

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