Twin Flame vs. Soulmate: How To Tell The Difference in 7 Steps

Twin Flame vs Soulmate difference
Twin Flame vs Soulmate
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Is there a difference between a twin flame and a soulmate? This is how you can determine which type of relationship is best for you.

Connectedness is essential for our health and wellbeing, and is wired into every human being. In addition, we yearn for a deep, soulful connection with a soulmate or our true twin flame.

Although these terms are used interchangeably to describe someone you love or feel passionate about, there is a difference between a soulmate and twin flame relationship.

So how does one tell a twin flame from a soulmate?

Is He or She the one? This clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.

7 key differences between twin flames and soulmates

I think a soulmate is your mate that helps you find your soul.

In the first place, let’s dispel the widespread idea that twin flames are two halves of one soul. The truth is that we are all whole as we are, as many spiritual teachers and healers reassure.

As a result, here are seven key differences between twin flames and soulmates.

1. Self-mastery vs. self-transformation

When you are ready for self-mastery, a twin flame will come into your life, says Dr. Harmony, intuitive energy healer and author of Twin Flame Codebreaker. “Twin flames are here to lead you to higher levels of consciousness and personal growth.”

Your twin flame will help you realize your fullest potential in all aspects of your life. Self-mastery is the outcome.

In contrast, a soulmate pushes your comfort zone and transforms you from the inside out. A person’s journey of growth can include many aspects, including personal, professional, and spiritual aspects.

2. Similar or complementary?

As mirror souls, twin flames are very similar in terms of their core values, aspirations, and deepest wounds.

Due to their innate similarity, they often antagonize each other’s traumas and insecurities.

Soulmates, on the other hand, complement each other’s weaknesses. Their traits, views, and passions compliment each other.

Astrologer Amy Toledo compares a soul mate to a business partner who’s really good at transforming your ideas into practical strategies.

3. Intense or easy?

Both twin flame connections are powerful, but the twin flame connection is extraordinarily intense and challenging.

In contrast to your soulmate, who is more compatible with you, a twin flame reflects the deepest wounds, insecurities, imbalances, and patterns of your heart. This connection can be quite intense because of these elements.

The soulmate connection, on the other hand, often comes easily and is felt as more comforting than challenging. It is a relationship dynamic that is more gradual and smooth.

4. One or several?

A soulmate is someone with whom there is a deep, soul connection. It can be a romantic partner, a business partner, a friend, or a family member. You can therefore have multiple soulmates during your lifetime.

However, you can only meet one twin flame. How come?

As an individual, you can consider it to be the most intense spiritual path you can take to awaken to your higher purpose. Hence, this is the one and only path.

5. Psychic or emotional connection?

You feel at home around your soulmate because you share an emotional connection with them. You can easily connect emotionally when you’re together. It comes naturally and gets stronger over time.

When you are in a twin flame relationship, your connection goes beyond physical presence and emotional attunement. You are spiritually connected.

Although you aren’t physically present with them, you can still feel each other’s presence. It is possible to communicate telepathically and psychically – you can literally read each other’s minds.

Is He or She the one? This clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.

6. Insecurities and Confidence

In contrast, twin flames bring out deep wounds and insecurities, while soulmates boost your self-confidence as they support you on your journey.

This does not mean that your twin flame does not support you on your journey. It occurs later, when you overcome your challenges and accept each other fully and unconditionally.

In order to reach that stage, you will need to heal your insecurities and see yourself as the source of your suffering, rather than outsourcing your sense of worth and confidence.

7. Sexual attraction vs. friendship.

You are sexually attracted to your soulmate in a romantic union, but it’s incomparable with the immense passion you have for your twin flame.

You experience an almost otherworldly sexual attraction when you meet your twin flame. Moreover, your twin flame is the closest friend you’ve ever had and will ever have.

A twin flame is the combination of all the types of love you can feel towards another human being, and you can feel it from the moment you meet them.

Soulmate, Twin Flame, or Karmic Relationship?

Soulmates, twin flames, and karmic partnerships are all considered karmic relationships that lead to growth and healing. These relationships are meant to help you learn your major lessons.

Karmic partners, however, are more temporary than their physical counterparts. You can learn the lessons of love and relationships from them and also balance your karma.

It is for this reason that karmic relationships are challenging, much like twin flame relationships. They are, however, not meant to last.

Before meeting your twin flame, you can view it as a transitional stage to prepare yourself for self-mastery.

Which Is Better, Twin Flames or Soulmates?

In a nutshell, both are equally good. When defining them as a spiritual partnership between two people, ‘soulmate’ and ‘twin flame’ can be used interchangeably.

As a part of your spiritual growth, a deep connection, like a soulmate or twin flame can facilitate and catalyze your full potential. But you need to commit to yourself first.

Having a commitment to yourself is the foundation for giving and receiving a commitment from another, says Katherine W. Thomas, M.A., MFT and New York Times best-selling author.

The process of loving someone over and over again is not an emotion, but a long-term commitment.

In addition, she claims that if you don’t commit to yourself first, you can commit to others more. The result can be toxic relationships, be it with your twin flame or your soulmate.

However, when you treat yourself as your soulmate and twin flame, you can co-create the most beautiful love with another person, regardless of labels.

Is He or She the one? This clairvoyant can see your twin flame and sketch them for you.

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