18 Surprising Signs a Leo Man Is Testing You (and Exactly What to Do)

Leo man
Leo man
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It’s one thing to handle a Leo man’s charm, but have you ever wondered if he’s secretly testing you? I remember a client sharing a bizarre story about her Leo boyfriend texting her from a fake number just to see how she’d respond. At first, she was livid. But when she realized it was his way of gauging her loyalty, it hit her: Leo men can be dramatic, but they’re also wildly fascinating in how they measure trust.

I’m Laura Petit, an astrologer who’s spent years decoding the unique layers of every sun sign. If you think your Leo man’s antics are more than quirky, you’re probably right. Let’s unpack his tests together.

If you’re curious about the deeper layers of what makes Leo men tick, this guide on their personality is a must-read.

Key Nuggets

How Do You Know If A Leo Man Is Testing You?

Men in Leo are renowned for a variety of traits. They always love to have a good time and have a fantastic personality. A Leo man will typically test you because they have a propensity to hunt for several different qualities in a relationship. A Leo man will put you to the test to see whether you match his criteria.

Rarely will you meet an older Leo man who won’t put you to the test. This is the exception to the norm, though. A Leo man typically evaluates each woman he dates to see if there is a likelihood that they may click. Here are a few ways that he might put you to the test so you can determine whether or not you are being tested by a Leo man.

1) He’ll dial a phony number to call you

Loyalty means everything to this man. Even if the two of you are only conversing with each other, he doesn’t want you chatting to other men. A Leo man will use this as an opportunity to test your loyalty. To check if you fall for the bait, he will text you from a different number and claim to be a guy interested. Not at all.

Going through a breakup? Learn how to master the no-contact rule with a Leo man.

2) Receiving texts from his buddies

He might start making advances toward you because he wants things to appear a little more realistic. They might add you as a friend on social media or make sexual advances at you while you’re out with the group. Simply refrain from addressing the Leo man’s pals as anything other than friends if he is trying to test you. You can be sure he is keeping an eye on you at all times.

3) Showing interest in other females

A Leo man who is testing you will want to see how you respond when he approaches other women. This man will have many acquaintances, some of whom may be his heterosexual counterparts. He wants to be certain that it won’t be an issue if the two of you end up dating.

When attempting to develop a relationship with him, it’s critical to keep this in mind. He’ll be open to the idea that you have pals, but you also need to be open to him having friends who are the other sex and trust him. If you can’t, think about dating a different guy.

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4) He must observe your level of clinginess.

A Leo man who is trying out a relationship will want to gauge how clingy you are. At the beginning of the talking stage, he will purposefully avoid spending time with you or delay texting you by a day.

This is entirely typical behavior for a Leo male. He wants to make sure that while he is with you, he will still have some freedom. These guys enjoy themselves, and they don’t want you to stop them.

5) He’ll arrive late.

A Leo guy will typically be late at least once or twice. You can be sure that it won’t happen on the first date, but it will happen eventually. This is the official attitude exam for Leo men. As soon as he notices that you are still composed, he will stop being late.

6) He wants to assess your level of control.

A Leo man will try you on for your tendency toward control in a number of ways. He’ll talk about going out with his pals or being unavailable for a while. He does this because he detests when women try to dominate him.

The Lion is the sign’s ruling animal. He demands to be regarded like the king of the forest because he is. He ought to be free to go about his business and do what he pleases without you trying to coerce him.

7) Claiming to be broke

Leo men are renowned for leading opulent lifestyles. He has to put in a lot of effort to be able to buy the things he wants. He enjoys having fun and buying expensive clothes. However, this frequently draws ladies who are just concerned with his wealth.

Is it a struggle to convince him to spend time with you?

Understanding males on a much deeper emotional level is the key to finding a solution.

With a few subtle comments you might make to him, you can actually modify the main reason why men react in this way.

Learn how to become his top priority in this free video by Relationship Psychologist James Bauer.

Because of this, Leo men frequently try to determine whether you are more interested in him or his money. Even though he can still afford to pay for supper, he can claim to be broke. Another typical tactic used by the typical Leo man to determine whether you’re a gold digger is to claim that he’s heavily indebted or that he lost all of his money in a poor investment.

You may also like: 13 Telltale Signs a Leo Man Misses You (What To Do & What To Avoid)

8) He asks you to keep an eye on the kids

You can count on a mature Leo man to evaluate your suitability as a mother in one way or another. Compared to other zodiac signs, Leos tend to be more traditional. In the event that the two of you get married, he will probably expect you to look after the kids.

He will see how you interact with your kids if you have any. He might occasionally offer his opinion to help you decide if the two of you could parent together.

A Leo man would also put you to the test early on in a relationship by presenting you to his own children. Not because he’s attempting to go quickly, either. He does this because he wants you two to have a future together.

He might include your nieces and nephews if neither of you has children. This guy wants to know how you are with kids in one way or another.

9) He constantly queries your activities.

He’s putting you to the test to determine if you two would get along in a committed relationship. Leo is a constantly active sign of the zodiac. They enjoy having a good time and are keen to explore new things. He’s trying to figure out if your two lifestyles will mesh nicely.

10) He extends an invitation to hike.

The most of the time, this guy likes to be active. It’s just who they are. A Leo man is trying to see if you can keep up with his busy lifestyle by inviting you to exercise with him. He seeks a female companion with whom he may go swimming or trekking.

It’s tempting to seem as though you enjoy being active only to win his favor. There aren’t many things about this guy that you won’t enjoy, to put it simply. Don’t attempt to fake it, though. Instead, make sure that you are sincere with the other person.

11) Introducing his family to you

Any person born under the sign of Leo, especially a Leo lady, will be devoted to those they care about. Once the two of you are in a committed relationship, he won’t abandon his family. Instead, he will prefer that you all get along.

Leo men will introduce you to their family members one at a time when they see a future with you and will then inquire about their reactions to you. They’ll also inquire about your thoughts about their family. This is because they want to ensure that everyone, especially his parents, will get along once the two of you start dating.

12) He won’t be interested in anything but your body.

There are instances when a Leo man will simply be interested in your physique. One of the zodiac signs that is more sexual is this one.

However, he will also put you to the test in other ways. He’ll act as though he’s exclusively interested in your physical attributes to gauge your response. He is curious about how easygoing you are. These guys don’t desire a girl who any guy can have as a girlfriend.

13) He makes mention of his buddies who are the other sex.

Everyone has a friend in Leo. They frequently relish having fun. They also don’t want to ruin anyone else’s good times or relationships. As a result, he will mention his buddies who are the other sex and ask you about your pals. He will understand that you won’t worry if he has female pals if he knows you love his company.

14) They’ll inquire as to your preferences.

Leo men occasionally have a propensity for games. They do not, however, desire a woman who teases them. Being played by someone else is the one thing a Leo man despises the most. Their pride is wounded. He will thus inquire in order to ascertain whether you are teasing him.

15) He inquires about your life.

He’s doing this primarily to get to know you, I can tell. A Leo man who has interests beyond sex will want to learn everything there is to know about a potential mate. To gauge a girl’s loyalty, he will ask seemingly innocuous inquiries about her life in order to gather as much information as possible and start to comprehend her feelings.

16) He’ll share his aspirations with you.

Men born under this sign occasionally have a tendency to remain quiet, especially when they are working hard. In order to explain why this is occurring and to ascertain whether you would be the kind of girlfriend he wants, he will let you know what he is working on.

This alpha dude needs a girlfriend that will be encouraging when they are dating. When people are talking about their own futures, Leo doesn’t want to hear about other people’s accomplishments. This strong personality needs to hear some nice words of support instead.

17) He might inquire about past relationships.

Your Leo man may do this for a number of different reasons, but they are all designed to test you. He will ask you particular questions to ascertain whether you enjoy mind games. He might be curious about whether you’re more likely to engage in a romantic relationship or a one-night stand. He does this to see whether you’re a good candidate for marriage and to see if you share his preferences for most types of partners.

18) He will push you past your comfort zone.

When he brings you to new locations or tries new things, a Leo man will put a lot of things to the test. He is interested in your ability to control your wrath as well as your ability to carry yourself well under pressure. A partner who can go on adventures with him is what a Leo man seeks because he enjoys trying new things.

A couple key extra signs not to ignore:

He wants to witness your passion.

He may bring up sexual matters as your relationship develops. You’ll go on adventures with him as well. No matter how passionate you claim to be, this zodiac sign wants to witness that passion in action. When you attempt anything new, they want to see the excitement in your eyes. To keep them interested, the bedroom needs to have a spark. He will probably lose interest if you don’t demonstrate any sort of passion.

He is curious about your opinion of him.

A girl who will make him smile appeals to a Leo man. Leo men enjoy hearing positive remarks about themselves, so they want to be sure that their partner agrees. Your Leo man will begin to withdraw if you don’t make an attempt to be there for him. When they are in the mood for attention, they require their partners’ undivided attention in addition to support.

Leo desires a strong woman.

He might put your faith in his initial strategy to the test. Saying that he dislikes your hair might be one way to gauge your response. Simply acknowledge that he will undoubtedly try your resolve, and move on.

Do not be hesitant to correct Leo if they are being impolite. Consider this another test rather than believing that they are a rude person. Leo needs someone who can occasionally bring them back to Earth. You will be able to pass that test if you stand up for yourself.

Check read this article to find out what he looks for in a woman.

My “Testing” Take

I’ll never forget the time a client—let’s call her “Melissa”—came to me completely frazzled. Her Leo boyfriend had been texting her from an unknown number, pretending to be someone else. At first, she thought it was a prank, but then he dropped hints that only he could know. It wasn’t until she confronted him that he admitted it: he was testing her loyalty. “I just wanted to see if you’d flirt back,” he said, casually brushing it off like it was no big deal. Melissa wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry.

That’s the thing about a Leo man testing you—they don’t do subtle. Their grandiosity extends even to how they measure trust. If you’re dealing with a Leo’s antics, it’s important to see them for what they are: a mix of insecurity and theatricality. They’re not just testing you; they’re asking, “Are you my safe place?”

For anyone navigating these waters, I can’t recommend Anna Kovach’s Leo Man Secrets guide enough. It’s my go-to for clients I can’t coach in person. Understanding a Leo’s tests is easier when you have a blueprint to their fiery hearts.


How can you tell whether a Leo man is truly interested in you?

He puts you through a number of tests, avoids bringing up your body, and inquires about both your life and your feelings are warning signals to look out for. A Leo man will introduce you to his family if he thinks you have a future.

How can you captivate a Leo man’s attention?

Make sure to give this sign plenty of room if you don’t want him to become fixated on you. Possessiveness in a mate is a major turnoff. When he hangs out with his pals, try not to be envious and make sure your positive side comes through. A happy, smiling person is adored by Leos.

When a Leo man lies, how can you tell?

Leo can appear uneasy because he worries about being discovered. He will turn away from you completely or avoid making eye contact. When questioned, he would typically try to claim your innocence or make you appear insane in an effort to avoid being detected.

What is the love language of a Leo man?

Leos have a reputation for demanding royal treatment. As a result, they take pleasure in charitable deeds and gift-giving. Make sure to show your Leo that you care by doing plenty of activities for him and getting him thoughtful gifts.

To get a Leo man’s attention, what do you text him?

He will feel special only with a simple text message. Leos adore being the center of attention, so letting him know you’re thinking of him with a quick text message will make him happy. Make sure you occasionally text him a stunning selfie. Leo appreciates beauty, which includes you.

Ready to calculate your chances with your Leo man?

Don’t hesitate to take this fast, 9-questions test and see is there a future for you two!

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