Is it easy for you to become upset? Do you take things personally and are very sensitive to other people’s feelings? Perhaps you are an extremely sensitive person, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Not everyone is a highly sensitive person, and it can be difficult to relate to others who feel the same way you do. Being highly sensitive can simply mean that you experience things more intensely than others and are aware of how others feel.
This can be really beneficial, but it might also cause you more pain than others. I’m going to go over some indicators that you’re a highly emotional and sensitive person…
1) You have a difficult time saying no to people.
If you are a highly sensitive person, you may find it difficult to say no to others because you want to please them. You may agree to other people’s wishes even if you have your own plans.
For example, someone may ask if you can pick them up one day, and you may answer yes despite having other arrangements at the moment.
Highly sensitive persons are more prone to do this because they do not want to face criticism or offend anyone; they may be avoiding any conflict and are aware that the other person will be pleased if they can assist them.
This can be problematic if you are continuously putting your own needs aside! To discover how to overcome this, read our whole essay on ‘how to say no without feeling guilty.’
2) You feel every emotion
Some people feel their emotions much more intensely than others, and even minor events can trigger a surge of emotion. If you are highly sensitive, you may discover that you have a lot of feelings that you cannot always regulate.
This could be triggered by reading a specific book, viewing a scene in a movie, reacting to something said to you by a friend, or even hearing a music that speaks to you.
Any of these things might make you feel quite emotional, and dealing with all of your emotions can be overwhelming at times.
Being moved and emotional is not always a bad thing because it demonstrates that you are sensitive to others and can empathize with them.
Your emotional sensitivity is biological. According to research, some people are born with more powerful emotions, which means they react faster to emotional circumstances…
Says Lilyanna D’Cruz on o a popular Quora discussion
3) You Can Always Tell When Something Is Wrong
If you are highly sensitive, you are likely to be highly intuitive. You are more likely to be the type of person who can tell when anything is amiss with a buddy or person.
If a friend tells you they are alright when they actually aren’t, you will detect right immediately.
When you are highly sensitive, you experience a wide range of emotions and can usually empathize with others and recognize when someone is experiencing a particular emotion.
According to studies, 20% of the population reacts strongly to the emotional conditions of others.

4) Politeness Is Always Your Thing
If you are really sensitive, you will understand how others can respond to situations.
You’re probably always nice and aware that you need to exhibit politeness and say the proper things.
This could be due to a desire not to upset anyone.
Everyone wants to be nice, but if you are highly sensitive, you may become more aware of others’ lack of manners and be aware that it may irritate people.
As a result, you want to be courteous to others so that no one is offended and you do not offend anyone.
According to experts, highly sensitive people frequently have excellent manners and are aware of others who do not.
5) You Tend to React More Than Other People.
When it comes to your emotions, you may find that you respond far more than others in specific situations.
This does not necessarily imply that you are being ‘over the top’ or dramatic; it could just be that you experience things far more strongly than others.
Whether it is a reaction to a horrible situation/news or a positive event that has happened to you, you may discover that you react much stronger than others because you believe you are stronger.
According to experts, most people can have a reaction to anything, such as an accident, but highly sensitive people will have a more long-lasting and severe reaction.
6) You are more sensitive to time constraints than others.
Timed quizzes or speed tests made you exceedingly anxious in school, possibly to the point of not performing as well as you typically would.
When you have too many items on your to-do list and not enough time to complete them, you become quite stressed as an adult.
Time pressure is no exception for highly sensitive persons who are more sensitive to stimulation.
7) Criticism is a deadly weapon.
Words are extremely important to highly sensitive people. Positive comments can lift people up, but harsh words will send them plummeting down.
Criticism can be as sharp as a blade, and negativity is poisonous to the highly sensitive person’s finely tuned system.
Still Wondering Why You Are So Emotional? What You Should Be Aware Of
If you recognize these symptoms, you are a highly sensitive person! You’re not alone… Actually, I am a member of that group!
I have a love-hate connection with deadlines, I despise taking examinations (in my opinion, one of the most stressful events in life), and I used to despise criticism.
Simply because I used to take criticism personally! with absolutely no need to, as I eventually realized…
There is a whole community out there of individuals who understand how you feel and how difficult it can be at times.
Being a highly sensitive person in a world that isn’t designed for you might be stressful, but there’s good news: as long as you’re conscious of yourself, you can avoid traps and incorporate simple actions into your daily routine to improve your life.
Emotional Vulnerabilities
For highly sensitive people, life might feel like a minefield at times. Being aware of potential problems might assist you in psychologically preparing to deal with them when they arise. The following are some potential dangers for highly sensitive people:
- Hectic days: Running from one thing to another all day can be exhausting for the best of us, but it can also contribute to feelings of overstimulation and overwhelm.
- Interpersonal conflict: When you have a quarrel with another person, you are more likely to experience stress.
- Expectations and Comparisons: You easily pick up on the expectations and needs of others around you and can easily internalize and punish yourself for failing to meet them.
- Failure: No one enjoys failing, but it may be crippling for you. You are prone to self-doubt and compulsive rumination, and you punish yourself for even little faults.
Emotional Hacks for a Happier Life
The good news is that you may make room for yourself by being conscious of your own needs and anticipating potential hazards. Here are some simple strategies for protecting yourself from overwhelm and pitfalls:
- Avoid pitfalls: If you know a busy day will fatigue you, plan time to recover in between events. Work and events should be spread out over the day and week to avoid overloading yourself.
- Avoid stress: Avoid items that bring you undue tension, such as scary movies or that coworker who always drains your emotional energy.
- Say NO to more work, extra plans, or your own unrealistic expectations of yourself. Teach yourself how to say no and be okay with it.
- Create a calming environment: Make your home (or at least a room in it) a place where you can feel tranquil and safe. Fill it with pillows, blankets, novels, movies, or anything else that helps you relax.
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