Why Do I Need a Vision Board + How To Create One (That Works)

Setting up vision board
Setting up vision board
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Vision boards—sounds like a Pinterest craft project, right? That’s what I used to think too. Then I realized they’re not just about pretty pictures and quotes; they’re like a GPS for your dreams. A way to remind yourself daily where you’re headed, especially when life throws detours.

Here’s the thing: it’s not magic. It’s about focus. If you can see your goal—really see it—you’re more likely to stay on track and make it happen. And trust me, successful people like Steve Harvey and Oprah aren’t sticking pictures on boards just for fun. They’re doing it because it works.

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey

So, whether you think it’s woo-woo or the real deal, let me show you how to create a vision board that actually helps you hit your goals. Because if you’re going to dream big, you might as well have a map.

And, if vision boards spark your interest, explore how to start manifesting the life you’ve always wanted, here.

Key Nuggets

What exactly is a vision board?

A vision board is essentially a collection of images, phrases, statements, and affirmations connected to your goals—things you want to see and experience in the future.

A vision board, also known as a dream board or goal board, is a visual representation of your ideal future. It is a road map that will help you realize your inner desires and aspirations.

A vision board contains images, quotations, affirmations, or anything else relevant to your goal that reminds you of it and helps you feel better every time you look at it.

Keeping the vision board visible and gazing at it on a daily basis can gradually teach your subconscious mind to actualize your desires.

Furthermore, it stimulates the law of attraction and assists you in making your idea a reality.

The notion of a vision board gained popularity after entrepreneur John Assaraf recounted how he used a vision board to create his dream house in Rhonda Byrne‘s The Secret, a documentary film about the law of attraction and manifestation that impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide.

You see, when you combine images of your objectives with strong affirmations or phrases, you not only inspire and encourage yourself, but you also elevate your vibration to correspond with your goal.

Having a vision board in front of you and looking at it on a regular basis clarifies your objectives and purpose in life. It speaks to you about your objective and continually reminds you of where you’re going so that you can focus.

To summarize, a vision board is a holy space where your goals may become a reality. It is a location where you may display photographs of your aspirations in order to be inspired and motivated to make them a reality.

Now that you know what a vision board is, keep reading to learn how it works.

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How does a vision board work?

Every day, a vision board helps you recall your objective, picture the eventual outcome, and boost your energy. It leads you and reminds you to take particular action to create your goal, much like a blueprint.

You see, we first imagine the final outcome of our goals and then proceed to take various activities to reach them. The clearer the visions of the ultimate product in your mind, the easier it is to attain them.

For example, suppose someone is drinking coffee in his bed in the morning. First, she must have imagined herself drinking coffee. Then she would have gone to the kitchen to make coffee or requested someone to prepare it for her.

The key here is that we only take action to attain a goal after visualizing its eventual result in our minds. While pursuing any objective, these mental pictures serve as a blueprint.

Unfortunately, most people lack the creativity required to visualize their goals clearly.

Furthermore, individuals struggle to keep these pictures for extended periods of time, and most people eventually forget about their aims and desires.

A vision board assists you in visualizing your objective. By displaying the images that reflect your objective on your vision board, you are truly picturing it anytime you look at it. You are, in reality, generating the outcome of your aim.

It allows you to see your future clearly and teach your subconscious mind to match it with your aim.

To summarize, vision boards help you reach your objective or want by doing the following:

  • It assists you in seeing the final result of your objective.
  • It develops goal clarity.
  • It continuously reminds you of your aim and aids with your concentration.
  • It quickly lifts your vibration and makes you feel wonderful.
  • It makes you optimistic.
  • It both inspires and drives you to take action toward your objective.

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How do you create a vision board?

Physical vision boards and digital vision boards are both possible. It is entirely up to you to determine which vision boards to create.

While building a physical vision board might be time-consuming, difficult, and demanding, it is superior than the digital counterpart in my opinion. Why?

First, you may look at it whenever you want. You do not need to use your phone or any other electrical device to view your vision board. Second, you may physically touch it, which connects you to your objective.

However, digital vision boards are simple to develop and design. You may make a vision board using free web tools like Canva, or you can utilize Pinterest, OneNote, Microsoft Words, and a variety of other applications.

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In order to make a physical vision board,

  • Get a poster board of any size you want.
  • Choose inspiring photographs relating to your goal from magazines or print images you discover online.
  • Now, locate encouragement, quotations, and sayings that inspire and motivate you.
  • Once you’ve gathered all of the material, arrange it as you want

This is how you make a vision board for your objective.

Here are some key suggestions for creating a vision board:

  • Before you begin creating a vision board, choose your aim.
  • Only use images that show the ultimate outcome of your aim. If you wish to materialize a relationship, for example, you should place an image of the happy couple on your vision board.
  • Make a vision board with your own cheerful faces. To put it another way, clip the face section of your photographs and glue them over the faces of individuals on your vision board.
  • Only include items on your vision board that you feel you can attain. It is preferable to start with simple and plausible things on your vision board. You should not include Ferrari, private aircraft, boats, or villas on your vision board unless you feel they will emerge in the near future.
  • Finally, always use positive (only positive) terms on your vision boards. Don’t write that you wish to pay off a loan. Instead, indicate that you seek financial independence.

My Take

I’ll be honest: I used to think vision boards were more about arts and crafts than serious goal-setting. Then, during a rough patch in my career as an internet entrepreneur, I decided to give it a shot—part experiment, part desperate attempt to regain focus.

I grabbed some old magazines, a corkboard, and started piecing together what I really wanted: a fulfilling job, more travel, and a place I could call home.

Here’s the weird part: within a year, those random clippings started to look like my life. Coincidence? Maybe. But I think there’s something about seeing your goals daily—like a compass pointing you forward. Vision boards aren’t magic, but they’re powerful reminders that keep your subconscious working for you, even when you’re not aware of it.

Think of them as mental blueprints. When the plan’s clear, your actions follow. And before you know it, you’re living the picture.


Vision boards aren’t woo-woo. It does assist people in achieving their objectives. Many celebrities, sportsmen, and business owners utilize vision boards to stay focused on their objectives and finally achieve them.

A vision board, which is a collection of images, quotations, or affirmations, assists you in visualizing the ultimate result of your objective. It serves as a plan for making your aspirations a reality. It trains your subconscious and steers you in the right direction.

Decide what you truly desire, collect motivating photos that depict the ultimate outcome of your objective, and organize them with other encouraging stuff. You have just completed your vision board.

Keep your vision board somewhere you can view it every day. Look at it every day to be reminded of your aims and to imagine the ultimate outcome, to feel the sensation of having completed your goal.

By doing so and taking action every day, you will eventually achieve your objective as well.

Questions and Answers (FAQs)

Is it necessary to have a physical vision board?

No, a physical vision board is not required. You may also make a digital vision board.

How long does a vision board take to work?

Some folks receive quick effects. Others, on the other hand, may have to wait a time before seeing any results. It all relies on how much time, work, and energy you put into using the vision board.

Should you show your vision board to others?

You are welcome to share your vision board. However, only share it with individuals who will be supportive. You don’t want negative individuals to share their thoughts on your dream boards. You must guard your dreams against such negative and harmful individuals.

How frequently should you look at your vision board?

Examine the vision board as many times as possible. But don’t simply gaze at it. Every day, take action toward your objective, no matter how modest. Vision boards simply serve to inspire and elevate your vibration; you must take action to manifest your desires.

P.S. Discover the latest evolution of visualization and how, for “high achievers”, mind movies have recently started replacing vision boards

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