Why Gratitude Matters and What it Does to Your Brain (How it Works)

How gratitude works
Why Gratitude Matters
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One of the healthiest emotions you can feel is gratitude, and gratitude plays a significant role in helping your brain manifest your dreams. Since the Law of Attraction works by attracting what our brains focus on, we’d better focus on the things we are truly grateful for to avoid unpleasant surprises.

In this guide, I share all my tips on how to use the power of gratitude to rewire your brain and manifest what you truly want in life.

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.– Meister Eckhart

It is often forgotten that gratitude is a fundamental part of the Law of Attraction. Most people get so caught up in making lists and visualizing that they forget one of the most important aspects of the Law of Attraction.

Even when they do remember it, they don’t use it correctly.

The law of attraction is all about gratitude. Your vibration is raised and you are brought into harmony with the energy of the universe. Gratitude has the ability to transform all areas of your life, including finances, relationships, health and anything you can think of.

And, if gratitude’s role in attracting your dream life intrigues you, dive into how the art of manifesting truly works.

Key Nuggets

The Benefits of Being Grateful

It is only recently that gratitude is being thoroughly studied, and we continue to learn how powerful it can be. Nonetheless, gratitude is the most powerful tool when it comes to manifesting big dreams and goals.

It’s like teaching the universe what it should deliver every day. Just the things you are grateful for, so all the things that make you happy!

If you feel stuck in your life right now, or if you want to elevate your life, then learning how to practice gratitude is one of the best steps you can take.

It will not only give you more health and happiness, but it will also make manifesting what you want much easier.

In this article, we are going to talk about some of the benefits of gratitude, including how it works along with the law of Attraction, as well as how it affects your brain and how it can create real life changes.

For those considering personal guidance on the financial side, learn about the secrets of money mindset coaching.

How Gratitude Rewires Your Brain

Let’s take a moment to discuss the benefits of gratitude before moving on to manifestation. Gratitude has been shown to reduce stress, regulate emotions, and increase the likelihood of positive emotions on the brain.

As a result, the better you are feeling physically as well as emotionally, the easier it is to reach your goals and take the action that is necessary to succeed.

Stress Reduction

By focusing on something that enhances your life, gratitude reduces stress. By doing so, you are freed from the bonds of negative emotions that may be holding you back.

For example, if you are worried about money, you might be experiencing the stress of living near the edge. By focusing on something you have that you can be grateful for (good health, strong relationships, a community you’re a part of), you can adjust your perspective and feel emotions of “having” rather than “not having.”

In our minds, when our needs are met (even if they still aren’t), it signals our brain to shut down fight-or-flight mode and relax.

Gratitude refocuses our attention on a positive subject, relieving pressure on both an emotional and mental level. The brain becomes more accessible when we do this continuously, since it forms habits based on what we teach it.

Regulate Emotions

By increasing your brain prefrontal cortex’s activity, gratitude increases emotional regulation.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain are connected in this area. This part of the brain is activated in social situations and pleasant experiences.

By causing new positive neurons to fire in this brain section, it increases neural activity. And by repeating this process, it becomes capable of producing more similar activity. This becomes a habit in the brain.

As a result of the increase in positive activity in pre-frontal cortex, your emotional regulation system becomes stronger and healthier, allowing you to regulate your emotions more effectively.

Probability of Positive Emotions starts to Increase

Studies show that the brain can rewire itself over time. Essentially, neurons that fire together will bond together.

By practicing specific thoughts and behaviors, you strengthen the connections between those thoughts and actions.

Therefore, when you practice gratitude and experience these enjoyable, stress-relieving, peace-inducing emotions, your ability to do so more and more increases. Practicing gratitude daily will soon result in your brain searching for reasons to be grateful without you even having to tell it.

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How Gratitude is the Key for Manifesting

As we’ve learned more about gratitude and its physical and emotional effects, let’s discuss the power of gratitude and manifestation.

Gratitude transforms our mindset and creates a sense of abundance within us, so it’s helpful for manifesting. Just thinking about the things you are grateful for can give you a sense of security, safety, and plenty in your life.

Vibrational frequencies and energetic signatures are important when referring to manifesting. Every particle in our world is made of energy, so everything carries an energetic frequency, similar to a radio transmitter.

We can only “tune” into the frequencies at which we operate.

In other words, if you’re constantly feeling stress, lack, or shame, then you’re running on a frequency that’s in tune with those emotions and thoughts. By tuning into the frequency, you attract more of it.

By tuning into emotions like gratitude, acceptance, love, and abundance, you change your tune to match the feelings you want to experience.

Then you will attract what’s on that level when you are tuned to the right frequency.

When we feel gratitude, then we receive. Whenever you remain in the state of receiving, you are matching your frequency with what you already have.

Even if you realize you haven’t received it yet, feeling grateful keeps your vibration at the level of abundance, which is what attracts what you want.

Gratitude to Remove Abundance Blocks And Negative Thoughts

In order to manifest more abundance in your life, you need to remove some manifestation blocks. Often these beliefs stem from internal beliefs that you are not worthy of abundance or manifesting your dreams.

When you practice gratitude for things you want but have not yet received, it can put you in the emotional state of already having them. This is known as acting as if.

As you become accustomed to these emotions, your mind gradually lets go of the old thinking patterns of unworthiness and adopts your new way of thinking.

Abundance: Gratitude & Generosity

The formula gratitude + generosity = abundance is one of my favorites. Why is this so powerful?

  1. The practice of gratitude already signals your brain that you have what you want.
  2. By being generous with what you have, you reinforce your belief that you are abundant, and you have plenty to spare.

Generosity is the tangible evidence that you believe you are abundant. In order to experience abundance, you have to believe strongly enough to act generously.

Tips for Practicing Gratitude, Here’s How

Gratitude can be nurtured in many ways. The act of being grateful is an emotion, and people can create emotions in their minds and their bodies by only thinking about it.

As you think of things for which you are grateful, you are practicing gratitude. Take a moment to think about the person or people in your life who you are most thankful for. Feel the wave of gratitude wash over you.

To find more inspiration on how to practice gratitude every day, see my post on 10 powerful ways to practice gratitude every day.

One of the simplest ways to practice gratitude is to make a list of things you are grateful for every day. This manifesting technique is also known as a gratitude journal.

This can be done verbally or on paper, but writing it down will be more effective.

List three to five things you are grateful for each day. Focus solely on being thankful without expecting anything in return when writing down your thanks.

You may, for instance, be grateful one day for a healthy breakfast, a restful night’s sleep, and a supportive partner. Next, you might be grateful for the sight you have, a fond memory you cherish, or a common passion.

Whether the thing you are grateful for is big or small, it doesn’t matter. If you create the emotion, you’re on the right track.

You can also write thank you notes for people you appreciate. For example, someone who has been there for you during a difficult time. A person you admire and whose influence you have felt. Or, someone who could use a little encouragement.

Even if you do not send the note, writing down gratitude towards someone creates a sense of well-being and wholeness in your body. It is an act of selflessness. Check out my post for 5 tips to create a perfect gratitude list (journal).

Doing something selfless is another way to practice gratitude. Giving to charity, offering assistance to someone in need; buying a coffee for the person behind you in line are all options.

When you do something selfless, you are filled with a sense of togetherness and gratitude that you can make a positive impact on someone’s life.

Make Gratitude A Habit

The most important thing to remember is to be consistent. Gratitude becomes apparent as soon as you feel it. However, by regularly entering a state of gratitude, you will experience its benefits over and over again.

Being grateful has a compounding effect over time. If you practice gratitude today, it will have a positive effect for weeks and months to come.

In other words, when you practice gratitude in the coming weeks, you will reap the residual benefits and the immediate benefits of appreciation, creating a positivity snowball effect that grows stronger and stronger as you practice.

My Personal Take

Gratitude is like the unsung hero of manifesting—quietly working behind the scenes to align everything in your favor. I’ll admit, I didn’t always get it. I used to think of gratitude as something you did out of politeness, like saying “thanks” when someone holds the door.

But then I started using it intentionally. One day, I was stuck in traffic, running late, frustrated. Instead of stewing, I decided to be thankful for the chance to sit quietly, listen to my favorite podcast, and watch the sunset. That tiny shift changed my mood entirely.

Gratitude feels like planting seeds you can’t see yet—but they’re growing. Over time, I realized the more I appreciated the little things, the more I attracted the big things I wanted.

Manifesting isn’t about forcing outcomes; it’s about watering the right seeds. And gratitude? That’s the water. Try it—you’ll thank yourself later.

Gratitude Tips & Questions:

Is it possible to be grateful when you aren’t happy with the current situation? How?

This question comes up often, and I understand that it can be difficult to focus on “the good stuff” when everything is going wrong. Trust me, I know what it’s like these days. It happens to all of us.

No worries, there is a solution for you. Try baby steps! It doesn’t matter how big and great the reason is for which you are grateful, it’s simply the feeling that counts.

When you have difficulty finding reasons to be thankful, focus first on the seemingly insignificant things. If you do this for four to five times, you will surely notice the feeling of gratitude growing inside you. You will discover more and more reasons to be grateful.

Can gratitude change your life for real?

When it comes to manifesting your dreams, gratitude is one of the strongest emotions.

Even so, nothing will change until you do! Your daily actions will make a difference.

The best way to get started is by showing gratitude. Gratitude can, therefore, help change your life.

What is a gratitude journal, is it helpful? (or gratitude list)

Gratitude lists and gratitude journals are simply written expressions of gratitude. Check out this post here: 5 Tips for Your Perfect Gratitude List for more information.

Is it necessary to write down my gratitude?

No, you don’t have to express your appreciation in writing. Ultimately, it’s all in how you feel.

If you express your gratitude in writing, it may help strengthen the feeling and make it easier for you. Just try both methods and see which works for you.

My favorite thing to do in the morning is to have coffee with my loved one and to tell her what I’m grateful for.

If you have someone close to you, you should try this gratitude exercise. A good friend or your mother would be a great person to call if you want to do this over the phone.

How do gratitude exercises work?

There are various exercises you can do to cultivate gratitude more often, such as the one I mentioned above that I do with my dear ones in the morning.

You can find more gratitude exercises here: 10 Powerful Ways to Practice Gratitude Daily.

Is gratitude a source of happiness?

Gratitude is an excellent tool for manifesting, as well as for personal development. In addition to making you happier and preventing negative emotions, gratitude triggers several hormone reactions in the body.

Gratitude and a negative attitude cannot coexist in your mind at the same time. Practicing gratitude is therefore the best tool for self-care, don’t you agree?

Gratitude can bring immediate benefits as soon as you begin to practice it. When you are thankful, you put yourself in an emotional state that is beneficial for your mind, body, and spirit, as well as helping you accomplish everything you desire in life.

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