Will my twin flame runner come back? Why their run may end soon

Waiting for twin flame return
will twin flame come back?
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When I say twin flames that run will come back, I need you to grasp what I mean. I’ve mentioned that before, but I’ve seen it mislead folks, so let me clarify.

A twin flame runner has a reason for running. When they run, they will come back, but it doesn’t mean you should wait for them. If you don’t take advantage of the opportunity, they’ll probably just run again.

You may have heard me mention the trap of simply waiting for your twin flame, which is exactly what I don’t want you to fall into. The more your twin flame runs, the less likely you are to achieve union in this lifetime, so we need to figure out how to make it work.

If you haven’t already, I have a guide on the twin flame runner’s feelings, and it’s critical that you understand why your twin flame is behaving this way.

Why is a twin flame on the run?

I’d recommend taking a few moments to grasp soul shock and what your runner is going through. Understanding is most likely one of the most critical aspects of being able to assist them.

As I have stated numerous times, the twin flame runner must heal and work on themselves in order to be ready for a union. Understanding the twin flame runner’s perspective entails realizing that they are not doing this to harm you.

Your twin is running away because, like you, they have experienced a great deal of grief and suffering. It could be in his current life, a previous life, or a combination of the two. To summarize, they’re running because they’re not (yet) ready.

The twin flame runners can most definitely feel everything the chaser feels. That’s why they run, if they didn’t feel anything they wouldn’t have a need to run away. 

It may appear strange that they would choose to go through greater emotional anguish, but this has always been how twin flames work – one goes into deep healing while the other takes care of themselves until the time comes for them both to come back. It’s a pattern we’ve seen time and again.

When twin flames separate, it usually implies they need to heal and make peace with their past.

It’s about realizing, and sometimes accepting, that these things happen for a purpose. Twin flames come together not simply because they fell in love at first sight, but because there is something more at work.

They’re running to get ready for what comes next.

When will the twin flame runner return?

It’s difficult to put a time limit on this because there are so many variables that might influence how long a twin flame runner phase lasts. There are no hard and fast rules here.

The runner phase might span anywhere from a few days to several years. Perhaps hours to decades. I’ve spoken to thousands of people about their path, and I’ve never observed a pattern or time restriction.

If the separation is due to trauma or death, it may take longer for your twin flame to recover and come back since they need time to process their emotions. The same is true for all types of betrayals.

It is not something that can be rushed. Even though it appears straightforward to you, there is a reason your twin is running.

This could be difficult. That’s not true. I understand how difficult this is.

I can only tell you that the road is good and that the difficulties are worthy. The agony of the runner/chaser phase will pale in comparison to what awaits you.

The key thing is that we focus on the correct things in the meanwhile, not how long they run. You only have so many chances in this life, so the sooner you get it right, the sooner you can put a stop to this stage of the journey.

Will they always return? is there a chance they’ll come back?

The answer is both yes… and no. While the intensity of your link may be obvious to you, there is a reason your twin is running. I’ve already discussed twin flame failure, and twin flames are destined for union in the long run.

You should seize every opportunity when they do come back to you because they may still fail to achieve union in this lifetime.

I can’t speak for your twin flame, obviously. I do talk to a lot of folks on this road, and I keep seeing the same trends. At certain phases of the route, runners come back repeatedly.

This is because twin flames who run are attempting to heal. They’re not going away permanently, or they would have done so by now.

This is a natural approach for them to get some distance and figure out what needs to be healed within themselves before getting back to the partnership fully.

So it makes sense for both parties if you can assist them with this.

It is your responsibility to be ready for them when they return.

Accelerating the Runners’ comeback

I’ve heard it all by this point. I’ve witnessed some genuine attempts to hasten the return of the twin flame runner by provoking them with wrath, passion, or pulling on their heartstrings.

There is no simple technique here, but there are a few crucial points to consider.

  • Be gentle with your twin flame. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you right away, try to comprehend their feelings.
  • Share your feelings about what’s going on in your life honestly and openly. Do not attempt to manipulate them. This will simply confuse them and delay down the process, especially given the 5D communication you will share.
  • Maintain an open heart, free of expectations or demands on their time. It’s natural to expect others to see what you see (and they almost certainly do on some level), but they may not be as spiritually aware as you are
  • If they’re just running and not actively looking for a route back, it’s up to you. When they come back, you must be prepared for them.

Offer assistance in healing if your twin flame runner requires it so that their heart can open again and they feel safe being vulnerable with you.

Be willing to assist others if they require it, but keep your emphasis internal and on your own journey.

What would a gifted counsellor say about your twin flame?

Issues related to love and dating can be confusing at the best of times, especially as your situation is unique to you

So, may receiving some outside advice be beneficial?

It’s safe to say there are plenty of fraudsters out there, waiting for the right moment to take advantage.

However, after a particularly difficult split, I discovered that communicating with a Psychic Source guide was quite beneficial.

My advisor was courteous, understanding, and smart.

During a hard and confusing moment, my love reading provided the guidance I was looking for (and needed).

Here’s another link to Psychic Source.

A great advisor can not only tell you more about your twin flame’s feelings, but they can also expose all of your love possibilities.

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