Discover your free, personalized birth chart with our easy-to-use tools! Simply fill out the form below to access a fully customizable natal chart. Adjust visibility of planets and asteroids, select your preferred house system, customize orbs, explore declinations, sidereal charts, and so much more…

What is a Birth Chart?
A birth chart, or natal chart, is like a cosmic map capturing the exact positions of the planets at the moment you were born. This unique chart is calculated using your birth’s location, date, and precise time, creating a one-of-a-kind snapshot of your personal astrological blueprint.
Visually, the chart appears as a 360-degree circle divided into 12 sections, each named after one of the well-known zodiac signs like Aries, Leo, and Gemini. Your planets are positioned within this wheel, showing which signs they occupy. For instance, your Sun sign is determined by the zodiac constellation the Sun was aligned with at the time of your birth.
Astrologers interpret this chart by examining the interactions between your planets and signs, each symbolizing an archetype. Through this, the birth chart offers a window into your personality, unique strengths, and potential paths for growth and self-discovery.
Fresh & Precise Astrology
Astro-Charts was designed to bring a fresh, vibrant approach to astrology online. Our birth charts feature a modern aesthetic while using accurate, up-to-date planetary data sourced from NASA’s databases. We take care of all the calculations for your birth chart, including adjustments for daylight savings and complex location-specific factors, so you get a seamless, reliable chart every time.

Fully Customizable
Take control of your birth chart’s look and features with our intuitive customization options. Adjust orb limits, choose from multiple house systems, enable sidereal calculations, add declinations, and show or hide any planet, asteroid, or aspect—all within our settings. We’re always open to suggestions for new features to make your chart even more personalized.
Discover Unique Chart Patterns
Our tool makes it simple to identify the fascinating patterns within your birth chart. We analyze over 17 distinct chart formations, including the Yod, T-square, stellium, rectangle, grand cross, grand trine, castle, Star of David, and many others, adding depth to your astrological insights.

Uncover Unique Chart Highlights
Explore quick, insightful details about your birth chart in our special features section. Here, you’ll find fascinating highlights such as the moon phase at your birth, your chart’s dominant element, your most influential planet, and much more for a deeper look into your astrological makeup.